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General Discussions

Why did the devs make the hooks respawn after someone dies on it?

Personally I think it's a little unfair hooks can be reused because they already have multiple hooks around the maps with the length between them already shortened.. if killers can't get you to another hook that isn't broken they shouldn't punish the survivors for a killers crappy gameplay. It's already bad enough survivor hook offerings don't work unless multiple people play them and even then they barely work. All I'm saying is make the game fair for everyone because you literally need survivors to be satisfied as well and I'm not talking about lame streamers (because their opinions don't just matter) ask the community how they feel about this change

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  • Member Posts: 160

    ^This! Since when have u guys cared about slugging? Any why did the concern only manifest in making hooks respawn?

  • Member Posts: 2,066

    This is highly relevant since the 2v8 mode is still live, but:

    They can literally make hooks spawn on top of a downed survivor and there will still be killers who choose to leave people slugged for no reason.

    If the devs really want to target slugging, then slugging for the 4k is the only first step that matters.

    This is only a killer qol change, let's call it that.

  • Member Posts: 979

    Wonder what the point of this was considering the Finisher Mori is coming and will eliminate the last hook problem.

  • Member Posts: 4

    All of you realize slugging doesn't bother me if you slug me that means I know you're salty 🤷🏾‍♂️ it's not the survivors fault the killer couldn't catch them..

  • Member Posts: 4

    I don't care either way I just want to have fun.. and seeing a supposed to be already broken hook come back is disappointing especially if you're trying to run the killer for gen progress

  • Member Posts: 4

    I don't really see the issue I rarely got slugged to begin with.. so whoever complained about them getting slugged they're entitled survivors. Even when I play killer I have no issue with getting hooks so the change was unnecessary and I'm sticking to that baby killers and survivors just need to stop complaining and actually get better at the game

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I mean the issue is I've recorded games where I crawled under hook and the Killer still would refuse to hook*, as they stalked my slugged body as I slowly reached under the hook. The problem is one of two issues. A: Make clearly intentional bleedouts a bannable offense, or B: Make Survivors be able to speed up bleedout death or remove DC penalty once some time is reached like 3-AFK crows on a slug.

    *Sometimes refusing to hook at all, sometimes waiting for 3m59s to be extra spiteful in a match where we had an AFK from the start known to the Killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    As we've said, those that would now can cause there's not going to be dead zones. This isn't going to stop ******s from doing what they do.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Believe me… survivors aren’t complaining about being slugged due to hook deadzones. If that’s your understanding of why survivors complain about slugging, it’s really tone deaf.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    If you never met a toxic survivor or never played as toxic survivor that's cool, doesn't mean there was absolutely a toxic survivors who just wishes to waste time of killers

    This is only affecting them, literally a no-bad change

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Sure, it happens. But that isn’t the primary umbrage survivors took with slugging and we all know it. It’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 566

    Really, killers rarely will pick up a survivor in a hook deadzone, meaning two people will just lose their time with this.

    In the end it was a good change for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 446

    This was a really unncessary doing. You just covered up for their own failure to manage hooks. Removing another micro-gameplay for killer to make their gameplay even more skill-less.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    It isn’t though, because complaints from survivors who are slugged in dead zones they have deliberately run into so rare they’re not at all relevant to discussions on slugging. When survivors complain about slugging, they aren’t usually/typically/commonly complaining about how they ran into a known dead zone, were slugged because no hook was available, and bled out.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2024

    I don’t believe this change had anything to do with survivors complaining about being slugged in hook dead zones. If the devs really meant to address slugging, they wouldn’t do it for the least common iteration of it.

    It didn’t bother me personally when survivors ran into dead zones and were slugged. I guess other people felt differently about it playing killer.

  • Member Posts: 446

    People always did this micro-management by default. People who didnt do this were those who complained, even though its their own fault for not doing this in any way.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2024

    All hooks move periodically throughout the match, or the hooks take on the role they’ve gained in the 2v8 mode where killers send a survivor to the hook rather than having to physically carry them there. That way killers can’t depend on the same scourge hook and survivors cannot abuse dead zones. Everyone benefits.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I have slugged many survivors due to hook issues, that played really hard and sweaty and who gave me no reason to show mercy on them and giving them hatch. In other cases I would have just try to haul them over to the hook or even give hatch, but some survivors really give you no reason to be nice in return.

    In those cases, I usually tryed to goad them towards a hook, slashed the air under a hook or in the hooks direction. A normal MO was to move extra slowly over there and then wriggle on the floor and start crawling away into a corner. This survivors would literally die and waste 4min, then to not griefe and just get themselves hooked.

    On a side note, 3 years back there was a change to the wriggle progression. Originally (at that time when I started playing) the wriggle progress would slowly decay while a survivor was slugged, but then it was changed that the progressbar would stay where it was until the survivor wriggled out. This mechanic is the other reason why a killer often can't hook a survivor. I don't know if there was a specific incident or behavior behind the change, but I always hated this, as if left killers in a lose/lose situation if they couldn't reach a hook. Maybe someone who played at that time could explain this to me? Thanks ^_-

  • Member Posts: 135

    That's part of a good killer player's skill set; being careful of not creating dead zones. It's like survivor players being careful to not create a 3 gen.

    Don't matter anyway.

  • Member Posts: 135

    The devs need to create an easily accessible game for new killer players/ revenue streams.

  • Member Posts: 148

    This is dumb. Survivors make up the most of the playerbase and spend the most money on the game.

  • Member Posts: 11

    its to prevent slugging and survivors holding the game hostage, but dont worry your head killer will get another nerf soon

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Unrelated to anything said there, not like giving QoL to killers do anything against survivors

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Some maps have deadzones where only one hook spawns, so once one Survivor dies on that hook, it's a permanent deadzone.

    Instead of fixing hook spawns on said maps, devs decided to just make used up hooks respawn.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Because "fixing hook spawns" results in exact same complaint of "you can't wiggle out"

    If the end result is exactly same, there is no reason not to choose easier fix

  • Member Posts: 131
    edited August 2024

    So the update made it so it it impossiable to wiggle off now because dead zone are non existent anymore the only way to wiggle free is by a teamates help verry fat Killer buff and their so many hook on the map u can legit be on the corner of the map slug everyone and they still make it to ever hook I mean sur let hook come back but come on legit 3 minutes it not enoight time 5 minutes at minium at this point of dbd the only thi g that not auto play for killer is finding someone that it and even that it not true because all of the aura riding perks killer it legit auto play now a day and most map have been reworked into oblivion with 5 pallets and 2 windows with 5 gens to day

  • Member Posts: 35

    And what if the killer can't make another hook, a survivor dead on hook runs to the corner and dies and the killer has 1 hook nearby, now that hook is gone forever, that isn't the killer's fault, it's not like they are intentionally hook dead zoning themselves, dying corner of a map is a good strategy, but it shouldn't mean the killer now has to bleed that survivor out, that's boring for both sides, unless you enjoy sitting in a corner afk for 4 minutes. Also, wiggle outs are not meant to be free, a survivor should only wiggle out if the killer really messes up, or therte is some sort of intervention from the other survivors. Sabo, body blocking etc.

  • Member Posts: 35

    And that is the way it is meant to be, survivors aren't supposed to just wiggle off for free, and having to bleed out a survivor for 4 minutes is unhealthy for the game, it does nothing other then waste that survivors time and the killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    To make Flip Flop and Boil Over even more useless

  • Member Posts: 15

    I don't mind hook respawns either it be killer or survivor as dead zones ruin gameflow. Intentional 4k slugging can never be resolved without reworking mechanics like being able to resurrect without the perk if you are not within 32 feet of the killer or crawl to a hook to pull yourself up or for each slugged player the killer loses 0.4 speed but i can't ever see it happening.

  • Member Posts: 135

    lol. I nerf killer by getting better at survivor everyday. 💪

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