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DBD keeps crashing, "known issues with graphics driver"

JudgementBlitz Member Posts: 3
edited August 7 in Ask the Community

TL:DR; My graphics card doesn't support the drivers the game is asking for, crashing insues.
Long version: I recently came back to DBD after a 2 year break from the game and I've been having this issue where, at complete random, when playing killer the game will freeze for a second - tp me a few steps forward - and then crash completely. Sometimes it happens during the first match, sometimes it happens in the eleventh - sometimes it happens at the start of the match, sometimes it happens right on the gates.
Now I know * why * this is happening, since the game so kindly reminds me that my computer's drivers are outdated (shown below)

So the answer should be obvious right? "Just update your drivers 4Head". Weeeell, not quite. It seems that my graphics card is some ancient ######### artifact from the Mayan era and it won't support the version of the drivers that the game requests. Lucky me!

So what I wanted to know essentially is whether there's a workaround to this issue (tried typing "-dx11" on launch settings just in case, didn't change anything) oooor if I'll just have to bite the bullet and finally get a a new graphic card (newer than this prehistoric pos anyway).

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