new perk idea

could we get a perk that reveals survivor aura for 3/4/5 seconds after a basic attack?
would that be too strong?
probably would be a hex would be op on certain killers
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What would be the point, in your mind?
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Honestly seems a bit weak for a killer perk, injured survivors aren't hard to track and if you lose them in 5 seconds that's… well there's no shortage of aura reveal perks for killers. Unless this is a survivor perk in which case that's incredibly bad.
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Seems a bit pointless. Aside from scratch marks you have blood pools and injury noises. Survivors are easiest to track when in chase and injured and you want it even easier?
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"Certain killers" strikes again
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To be fair, OP said "Basic Attack", so it would not be useable on Nurse.
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Oh right, good catch. I still wouldn't mind if they made Nurse aura blind while charging her power, but that would pretty much only hamper build variety for her and high level Nurses wouldn't care.
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If this perk not only worked on m1 and m2 killers like Nurse, and Huntress could easily get follow-up hits quickly, to be fair they do that already without the aura. It could be an interesting addition but we need to ensure it isn't too good but not worthless.
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I mean, this is kinda already possible with the right perks.
Those perks being Game Afoot and Nemesis(not the killer) (and also Lethal Pursuer if you want a longer aura duration)
Although not the exact same, it's pretty close and probably the closest we'll get for a while.
Anyway, for my thoughts on this perk idea. Yeah I think it's good, if it stays tied to basic attacks it should be good but not overpowered.