We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

We kinda need a anti-stall mechanic for survivors



  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    It does not work to remove these playstyles because its not "encouragement" if you nerf the things people need to keep up, its punishment. Encouragement would probably actually help to lower tunneling. And yes sure it was around still. But it has spiked and became more and more, as other playstyles have been gutted aswell. Wether they be fun or not is a diffrent story.

    And no, you dont get to cherry pick what kind of arguments i can bring, and its not even about 3-gen. Its about a mechanic for an annoying scenario that killers have to face. And i brought the survivor mechanics as example for the clear bias that is going on with the developers but also people in the community, like you.

    Also its very disinginous to claim facecamping doesnt matter while proxy camping is still possible, these are 2 very diffrent things and by no means should a hook be just a free safe at all times. This is why i know im speaking to a survivor main, even something as simple as a mechanic against stalling games is too mutch to ask.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703

    This topic has, of course, progressed exactly as one would expect it to on the forums.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,531

    Yeah I thought it'd start as a simple "should this mechanic exist" and seems like people think generally it should. The question is in what form would be the most fair lol. I think like home sweet home did could work with a faster objective but frequent aura reveal or Killer instinct. Both sides should have a chance at the 2v1. Not this hiding and hunting for up to a hour.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    i'm not saying tunneling is okay but, by definition, a comeback mechanic only activates specifically in a losing scenario to help the losing party and tunneling isn't that i'm afraid.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703


    Glad my habit of just posting my observations without bias or being diminutive to others is paying off!

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,531
    edited August 15

    I mean what do you think about the topic? I mighta missed yours but all I saw was a reply I think lol. The funny irony of this whole thing is (maybe from the drama on twitter) Lilith had people do this exact thing 3 different games today. Now he obviously found them eventually and slugged them to death. It was funny to watch. Apparently he has recommended a remedy to this whole mess ages ago. His version was after 3 minutes of no chases happening everyone's aura is revealed on both sides.

  • HamsterEnjoyer
    HamsterEnjoyer Member Posts: 710

    If they escape yes they win and if the server closes that also counts as a 'win' because its not a loss.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833
    edited August 16

    We do want a solution, just not one that favors either side heavily. If a solution favors killer, then you end up with problems where killer gets a guaranteed 4k while survivors have to get a 4E in order to win.

    You want to talk about hook grabs? Okay let's talk about hook grabs. Let's talk about the stupid hook standoffs that would happen because the killer refused to just take a trade. Let's talk about how DS, which was rightfully nerfed, used to allow you to get grabbed, stab the killer, get the rescue, and then have the rescuee body block you with BT.

    As I've already pointed out, the solution to this stalling problem needs to be one that doesn't favor either side. It's a give and take situation. Both sides get something, but they both have to give up something in return. Killers want an anti-stall mechanic, well survivors want to feel like it's still possible to escape if there's two of them left and more than one gen still required to activate the exit gates. Nobody's going to agree to just be a sacrificial lamb.

    The entire reason survivors stall when there's only two of them left and more than one gen remaining is that neither survivor wants to just give up, but doing gens feels a little pointless given the likelihood of being found since it takes 90 seconds to do a gen solo.

    Post edited by Kaitsja on
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,531
  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    Pallet depletion, the ability to camp hooks because the anti camp mechanic is a joke and literally any killer can guarantee a trade at minimum, less areas to patrol as gens are completed so less places survivors could be, gen regression from kicking gens, even if you only killed one survivor the game gets exponentially easier for killers and the only gen that matters is the last one, I'd say NOED but that's a perk not a basekit feature.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    Nobody was complaining about the 'face' part of camping, though.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    None of that helps when killers are "losing", if anything those mechanics are "win more" mechanics because the more time killers can get BEFORE they start losing, the easier it will be

    Out of al those things less gens are only thing that can be called catch up, even then if survivors decided to not 3 gen themselves killers are pretty much doomed, you really don't know how the game works

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    That's just you did not tried to read the opinion of someone else, then

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    the ability to do gens, heal and unhook should i say as a response to this? survivors don't have infinite resources just like killers don't have infinite gens survivors have to do.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    No, legitimately, no one's complaint was 'the killer is standing too close'. It was always unhook denial.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,531
  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited August 16

    What would you call this ?

    You mean the anti face camp mechanic that is completely circumvented by proxy camping at 11m? 

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,693

    If you read carefully, my entire argument was that the mechanic is circumvented completely by standing not that far from the hook.

    Specifically, the person I was responding to was wanting "an equivalent anti gen" mechanic for survivors. Which is why I offered that any solution should be disabled if the survivor crouched for one second. Because it's a sarcastic way of saying that a trivial, base kit way of getting around the mechanic makes it nearly meaningless.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited August 16

    That's exactly what I'm arguing, your perception of their intent is off.

    It was never meant to be an anti-camp mechanic, but specifically an anti-face-camp mechanic. And it is working as intended since the killer can't just stand in their face and camp now.

    So nothing is circumvented.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    what did killers get in return for removed hook grabs? what did killers get in return for the anti facecamp?

    no, it doesnt always have to please both sides. But sure keep these double standards, when killers get something there needs to also be something for survivors but when survivors get these mechanics it doesnt matter if killers get compensated.

    "We dont want a solution" is exactly the core issiue i have with all of you.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    But my point is that nobody asked for the 'face' part of camping to be removed. People want camping out, not 'the killer is not respecting social distancing'.

    So this whole 'anti-face-camp' mechanism has been a complete waste of effort, since it solved a problem no one had. It's just empty fluff.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited August 16

    So this whole 'anti-face-camp' mechanism has been a complete waste of effort, since it solved a problem no one had. It's just empty fluff.

    I agree on this part, but the person i quoted, was talking about "the mechanic being circumvented" and i told them that it was working exactly as the BHVR wanted it to work.

    Also, hook graps were removed

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,064

    It's true that is that not always have to please both sides, The problem is the scale of the basekit mechanic you are trying to get against the one you are comparing (anti facecamp)

    What changed since the anti facecamp was released?

    Barely anything, the killers that facecamped before now are camping 7-8mts away, so the results are the same.

    What would change if the aura reading/crows/hatch-removed mechanic is released in the 2survs/+1gen scenario?

    Every killer gets a 4k.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    you dont realize that in these stalling games most killers get a 4k anyway too. It just takes mutch longer. And i havent said a single thing about hatch.

    Also, acting as if Anti-facecamp doesnt do nothing is just straight out disinginious. If the facecamp meter doesnt fill itself up its on the survivors fault. And guess what, if you dont use basekit BT to your advantage to get away, its the survivors fault too. Killers shouldnt be punished for the survivors fault and i think its overdue killers get something basekit aswell for how mutch survivor has gotten in the recent years.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,064

    Yes, most stalling end with a 4k, but what you are trying to change is a 'you get a slight chance to escape' to a 'you will always lose' scenario. I dont think killers need a basekit mechanic to eliminate any chance of escaping the survivors have.

    Anti facecamping indeed affected some players, but the great majority of the playerbase wanted something that could prevent actual camping, or proxy camping and got nothing.

    Let me give you an example

    Imagine if BHVR decided they would release the afk crows/aura reading you ask for the Stalling situation but the mechanic would Only work if the survivors were hiding behind rocks and called it Anti-Rock mechanic. You would probably think But 'What about those survivors that are hiding behind trees, lockers or buildings that are far more that the ones that hide behind rocks?'

    And when you point out the flaw of this you get RandomGuy21 telling you 'This is not the Anti-stall mechanic, It is the Anti-Rock mechanic, It was never meant to work in all situations, it is working as intended'.

    This is basically what happened with the anti-face camping.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    well, hooks are not meant to be a safe game all the time, that is true. Thats why they did anti FACEcamp instead of anti proxy camp.

    Do you want the killer to just never get any sacrifices because hooks are made a non-issiue for survivors? Being on the hook getting camped with no interaction was an issiue, which is now solved. As soon as you are off the hook and can run again, its your task to reach safety. Thats on you. Also on the unhooker to try to body block if the killer wants you that badly. And the others are supposed to rush gens which you can also do when the killer proxy camps.

    Tools are there enough, people just dont use them and demand even more handholding.

    And no you dont get a "slight chance of escape" when the killer sluggs for the 4k. You'd think you want games to be over faster rather than slower in those scenarios. Same goes for survivors refusing to touch gens if there is only 2 left. The killer WILL get them. Question is will it be sooner or later?

    Ant thats where we need a mechanic, killer has alredy won, it just needs to be over faster. Especcialy to discourage hiding for 20 minutes straight and not touching gens.

  • Sarrif
    Sarrif Member Posts: 192

    So… in other words just don't feel like having an actual conversation because there are mechanics in place that help killers catch back up?

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,064

    Look, i am not going to start a debate whether camping and hooks are strong or weak.

    I am just pointing out that the antifacecamp, that you are constantly using to try to get one on one with your idea of Crows and aura reading, is a laughably weak mechanic that is circunvented extremely easy and barely changed the game.

    Remember always If you are going to defend the 'The killer has already won if it got 2k before all gens are done so it deserves the 4k everytime' stance, that BHVR expects a Kill Rate of 60% on average. Meaning that for that idea to be truth they will need to nerf every single killer until getting a 2k will only happen 60% of matches.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    If you want to win an argument you would do well to not put words in peoples mouths… I did not say:

    "The killer has already won if it got 2k before all gens are done so it deserves the 4k everytime"

    I say, in a stalling scneario, the killer always wins. Your argument that any aura reading or crows would change anything other than time spent is simply wrong.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,064

    The stalling scenario is literally the '2k, +1 gen' scenario where the two survs left hide because they cant realistically repair the remaining gens without dying so they hide to wait for hatch.

    Is there another stalling scenario that you are arguing for?

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    no. But if they hide for hatch and it takes 20 to 30 minutes for the killer to get both or if they hide for hatch and it doesnt take as long for the killer to get both…

    Does it really matter? Is it about ending games faster or wasting as mutch time for everyone as possible? There is no change in sucsess for either side if there was an anti-stalling mechanic. It just makes infiriuateing situations take less time.

  • Jim_Tonic
    Jim_Tonic Member Posts: 555

    hook grabs removed was not "insignificant" hag lost a whole playstyle because of that.

    And no, AGAIN i have to repeat myself. I dont like that whenever survivors get something, its fine if killers have nothing in return. Im not argueing wether or not some mechanics are fine or not, im saying hook grabs and such have no compensation brought with their removal.

    But when something as simple as an anti stalling mechanic is requested, however that may look, we IMMEDIATLY go wild and say survivors need compensation.. That is bias.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    Hook grabs being removed was an insignificant change.

    i didn't follow any out of topic discussions after some point but, did you play during those times? removal of unhook grabs were a 10 times better anti face camp solution than self unhook bar we have now. you couldn't go for unhook as one person last second against a camper, you needed 2 people off gens (impossible levels of coordination for soloq) or you risk allowing killer camp a hook and a slug. game is basically over then.

  • Neaxolotl
    Neaxolotl Member Posts: 1,477

    You might not know this, but prior the AFC/grab changes I could literally stand right in the hooks and grab any savers and drop right below the hook, pretty much makes it a guaranteed 4k with ridiculously low effort

    Not even One hit killers are needed because it works 100% of time against any solo players, it was extremely strong "strategy" that consists of as little interactivity as possible

    Calling "hook grabs being removed was insignificant" really tells the amount of knowledge you have in the game, you really better learn a little more

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 619

    After 19,685 matches over the course of six years I have to agree.

    • If a chase hasn't started for 4 minutes, then the effect of whispers is granted until a chase starts.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833
    edited August 18

    Yes, I did. Contextually, I meant it was an insignificant change balance-wise. I mean, let's be real here. Killers lost the ability to grab survivors attempting an unhook, what could we have possibly given killers to compensate for this that wouldn't just make it pointless? The argument being made is that killers should've received compensation for it, when it didn't actually change their chances of winning or losing.

    @Neaxolotl Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal. That also has nothing to do with balance.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it was a balance change but more so a game health change just like the addition of basekit bt. i do agree balance (or not) changes don't need compensation every time but i heavily disagree it was an insignificant change that didn't weaken killer.

  • Cadpig
    Cadpig Member Posts: 47
    edited August 18

    The stalling is a symptom, not the disease. Fixing the stalling wouldn't fix the problem.

    Survivors aren't stalling in this situation because they want to stall, it's because they want to win just like the Killer does but their chance of success just plummeted. The best option they have at that point is to outlast the other Survivor. It just so happens that if everyone is trying to outlast each other, no one's going to get found. Whoever caves and starts trying to do generators again first is likely to be the one who gets found first (and without even finishing the generator), so no one wants to do it.

    Any Killer who can get the Survivors down to 2 when there are more than 2 generators left, is a Killer the Survivors are too terrified of to continue such a risky objective. I know if I was them I'd rather "Surrender at 2" than keep trying generators at that point.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 302

    As you say you would surrender at 2...best way to do that is do the gens and get caught which essentially gives the other survivor the pitty escape. The option to end it is there. If there are 2 survivors left and there are 2 gens left and neither survivor is willing to do the gens then that's an acknowledgement they lost the match but also want to win regardless. they only hang in for the hatch which results in slugging the last 2 to give the killer a chance to find it and close it before a survivor does. You are right, the stalling is the symptom, the disease is the hatch. They want to win, they know they can't win so instead of conceding the match they stall. Get rid of the hatch or give survivors a set time to get gens done. If they fail to do them it's a loss, move on to next match. Eliminates stalling, eliminates the need to slug and survivors can finally accept the match for what it is at that point....a loss.

  • Cadpig
    Cadpig Member Posts: 47
    edited August 18

    There's a huge difference between humbly bowing out insurrender and walking into a meat grinder to be brutalized.

    The Hatch is there because there's no other way for a Survivor to win at that point. If you believe that the Survivor shouldn't have a chance at winning at that point, then the better solution is to just have the match automatically end at that point. Forcing a match to continue when the Survivors have no chance of winning is just stalling so the Killer can rub it in.

  • smokinggosling
    smokinggosling Member Posts: 61

    ive been in this situation so many times, i always just stay on gens until the killer finds me, hoping they will hook me and the other survivor has a chance to get hatch...and 90% of the time, the killer leaves me slugged to find the other survivor, and we both die anyway.

    not blaming the killer at all of course, its fine to want the 4k... just pointing out that doing this doesn't really give the other survivor the pity escape most of the time.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    You disagree that it didn't weaken killer? You can still force a trade, and you can still intercept before they reach the hook. I can't count the amount of times I watched someone die because of the stupid hook grab mindgame. So, other than the mindgame, and hurting one playstyle for Hag, what did it do that made killer weaker?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    you couldn't solo save against a camper, even if it would be a trade. i'm surprised as a survivor player (i'm assuming) having played back then you don't understand the importance of the change.

  • VantablackPharaoh91
    VantablackPharaoh91 Member Posts: 580

    The problem with that statement (which I assume you applied to 2v1 hiding at the end) is that it also can be applied to old 3genning as say… Launch Skurchent.

    "Well you don't need to 3gen just because Skurchent is good at it, but some people would rather win and you can't blame or get mad at them for wanting to."

    If it sounds a bit dismissive when said about Killers, it is when said about Survivors too.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833
    edited August 18

    I understand the importance of the change, but I don't see it as a change that made killer weaker. Sure, you couldn't solo save against a camper, but you just took their place anyway even in the event you won the mindgame. So, really, it didn't make killer weaker. This is why I say it was insignificant, from a balance perspective.

    It was certainly significant for the health of the game, but had very little effect on the overall balance of the game. Certainly not even close to having enough of an effect to warrant a hypothetical basekit buff to killers for its removal.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,715

    That's not quite true. Because the complaints were mostly about face camping. An argument could be made that many of the people that complained about face camping confused it with regular camping but that was the part that was most complained about.

    BHVR have no intention to remove camping completely and I think that's probably for the better. Any system that would punish the very concept of camping would be exploitable and feel absolutely horrible. It would be like a worse version of a base kit Deadlock, which already isn't exactly fun to play against. But at least it comes as a perk and not a base kit feature.

    They could probably tweak the AFC a bit more but removing camping in general would end in disaster.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,303

    Any system that would punish the very concept of camping would be exploitable and feel absolutely horrible

    I disagree with this, especially considering practically nothing has been tried to accomplish it. There was one attempt in year one of DBD's lifespan, it was a haphazard attempt, and now everyone just throws their hands in the air with an 'oh well, we tried' and that's that. Nothing since. I just think that's quitter talk.