Player Safety Issue That Needs Addressed

SurvivorMentality Member Posts: 9
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Yesterday in a match my character, a female, was in a dying state and instead of picking her up and hooking, the killer instead attempted to simulate sex on her. And did not stop despite male character teammates coming in to try and get in the way. I botted, and the killer then proceeded to do the same to the other female character in my SWF.

This isn't the first time it's happened when I play female characters. I'm a Twitch DBD streamer, so fortunately I was live at the time and could reference timestamps in my stream when I reported, and similar past incidents have had action taken on them.

But this shouldn't even be happening. It isn't funny. It is gross. It is violating. It is taking advantage of another's helpless state, and it isn't even in the list of ban-able offenses for the game.

I would love to see Behavior take some kind of action here. Personally, I'd love some kind of timer where if the killer stands over a prone survivor for a certain period of time, that survivor is teleported to a random spot on the map and only in an injured state instead of a dying one (would also help instances where killer is just following a survivor around, watching them bleed out). But, at the absolute least, collision should be adjusted so that a killer cannot stand on top of a prone survivor. They can grab/mori as usual being next to the survivor, there is no need to occupy the same space.

Post edited by EQWashu on


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