We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Wesker is far from A tier after the two nerfs to infection.

Thisgamesucks2024 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

This killer is nowhere near spirit, dracula, chucky, oni, huntress.

his power is fodder at certain loops.

calling him A tier after the nerfs is insane.

how did this mf get nerfed with 0 compensation buffs or how did this killer get nerfed before anyone above him???



  • Thisgamesucks2024
    Thisgamesucks2024 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    that's just not going to happen though is it, nor is otr or any other strong survivor perk going to be nerfed.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 156

    This seems like poor bait. Nothing to argue with, just claiming something is a way it isnt.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318
    edited September 29

    it was a reason uroboros are no threat to survivors anymore, so there is 0 point to cleanse against it cause you can still looping with 4% speed penalty just fine

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,929

    I'd say hes gatekeeper of A tier, either highest of B or lowest of A.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,458

    Much like freddy after his rework or somehow we will see a change in actitude toward this argument?

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 790

    What did chucky do to you, his scamper is already useless in many cases. They could turn up his cooldown a little but I think more than 2-4 seconds would be overkill for what he's capable of, especially because he's 4,4 xD

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,793

    Yes, similar to post-rework Freddy. But there is a difference between the two:

    Nerfing Wesker fixes the issue of him being a killer with way too much in his kit, nerfing Freddy doesn't fix the issue of him being boring and missing his unique identity, something that I've always pointed out.

    Wesker needed nerfs. Freddy needs a rework. But both of their problematic iterations needed to go:

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 27

    Ain't no way Huntress is better than Wesker, good survivors wreck her hard.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    her 1vs1 is vastly superior to wesker. Wesker's infection means nothing when you can go to the start of the game to a chest and hold a infection spray for entire match. you won't get infected and the slowdown his spray has is minimal when it is done at the start of the match.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    eh bloodlust kinda deletes that problem for huntress. admittedly she is prone to pre-running.

    She has no strong 1v1 as her anti-loop is outdated

    I don't agree. good survivors wreck wesker a lot harder then Huntress. Huntress usually has this problem. She wrecks every survivor in the chase but loses to gen speed. if i lose as huntress, it is because i didn't snowball effectively enough due to survivor not giving many opportunities to do so or I snowballed too late and the lost. I suppose that is the entire skill-cielling of huntress. Knowing how to create an early lead on top of her mechanical skill-ceiling of landing 60-80%+ hatchets.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    4% is nothing you see no difference with normal speed. Basically survivors can ignore uroboros all game and looping killer with almost unnoticable hindered effect and instadown that almost never work.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89

    Aside from the hinder nerf being unnecessary, or almost downright ineffectual since 4% hinder is still hell to work with for survivors, I think it's just the map clutter additions that have really neutered him unless you're crohmbs tier, and I'm certainly not that.

    Personally I feel I can't play him without Unicorn Medallion anymore. It just feels better in an age of a million small rocks. The longer first dash allows you to do so much without really sacrificing much.

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 333
    edited September 30

    He is low A. Always was, really. Unless you were hardcore tunneling with the adequate iri+green addon combo, then he was mid A.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 318

    if you talk about mft it was a problem with hope that gives you 10% speed

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,117
    edited September 30

    I take the opposite stance, haste and hindered are the most important effects in the game for either side.

    DBD is often a game of inches, where every missed hit/outplay at a tile can cost upwards of an extra 10s of chase for either side, especially for regular m1 gameplay. The detail people who argue in favour of MFT forgets is that survivors don't run in a straight line, they can turn around obstacles faster than killers due to their smaller hitbox, and any change to speed massively amplifies this effect. Haste means more corners to edge out distance on the killer, hinder means fewer corners to edge out distance on the killer. This mechanic is what made DBD what it is, and is a gameplay aspect you really shouldn't mess with.

    Whatever crap we give the maps, they are at their core designed for survivors to be 4.0 and killers to be 4.6. If you mess with these numbers, you up-end everything that has ever been done to balance maps over the years, (good or bad, but would assume/hope there is more good than bad). The duration of a hinder/haste effect is a massive balance factor, and an unlimited haste/hinder is very dangerous for this reason.

    4% is not nothing, its effectively a 26.67% loss relatively for the survivor, which is 25% less corners they can reach. I'm not of the opinion this nerf is a problem for Wesker since the effect is permanent until cleansed, and any good Wesker should be able to capitalise on that. However since it's such a limited effect (most people cleanse it and the game is over before it even becomes a factor), undoing this nerf wouldn't have much effect either.

    3% whenever injured is not nothing and is effectively 20% more corners the survivor can reach. There are killers who struggle far more than others against this change. If you're moving at +200% speed, then yeah, you ain't gonna care if a survivor is 3% faster... but any killer that moves slower than 4.6 or has slower movement/tine investment associated with their power become casualties of the 3%. Doctor became powerless on certain loops because he literally moved slower than the survivor, Huntress got embarrassed by a medium sized rock, Pig, Trapper and Sadako just get worse at every tile and people just didn't bother healing vs. Ghost Face, Legion or Myers so they basically don't have a power. The killers who are the casualties of this perk are the wrong ones, it makes the top tiers better and the lower tiers worse, which is true of a lot of perks, but MFT highlights it better than any other perk.

    Skull Merchant got nuked out if existence because she more or less had a permanent 3% haste effect. It's a big deal, and shouldn't be treated as trivial. Speed effects should be applied VERY carefully in DBD.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    Well stated. Haste and hinder are strong, mess with the formula/design, and dare I say, create more problems and 'feels bad' moments than most other things.

    I've long said I wish haste and gen speed/regression were erased from the game. There would be so little to complain about since balancing would be a ton easier. I'd love to know others thoughts on this, but since its not likely to actually happen, its a moot thought.

    But well written. I cant argue with this lol.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 27

    If she has to bloodlust then that already proves Wesker is stronger lol. Pretty much all the high MMR streamers and comp players rate Wesker above Huntress cause they know too well what good loopers do to a Huntress.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 270
    edited September 30

    Because it was super good against low tiers and borderline useless against top tiers.

    Example: unerfed blight and unerfed nurse and unerfed spirit where unafected, while M1 killers got trashed

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 270

    They could also use their insane mobility whith old UW and brainlessly win chases whith stealth removed

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,501

    It's funny when people talk about tier lists like it means anything to the devs. Tier lists are player opinion. The devs are only interested in balance. As someone else said, there are 5 people in a match, not just you.

  • coolgue1
    coolgue1 Member Posts: 126

    TThey Have already stated the the 8 % hinder alone was a death sentance wich it was

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627

    Infection progress sets to 1 on hook, and if I remember correctly it doest progress until a conspicuous action. The full infection hinder reduced from 8% to 5.

    In the my opinion the first two nerfs are fine enough since tunneling was stupidly good for wesker, but the hinder nerf was unwarranted.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 627

    The speed difference itself is only a problem depending on its availability. The 4% hinder is nothing because its limited to max infection. Pre nerf wesker could full infect at his discretion with some addons, thus allowing him to get an 8% hinder on his tunnel target and pretty much win by default.

    Post nerf wesker requires major misplay from survivors, uroboros vial, or extreme overcomitting to get a full infection, nonetheless in chase. Since the infection resets to 0 on hook it takes a full 90s to become fully infected for a 4% hinder. It's not that 4% isnt strong, it's that it has so many specific conditions to trigger that, even if they occur, will likely be out of chase and about to cleanse.

    Plus this is wesker, a killer who wont mind a slight speed difference at stronger tiles anways. The hinder will really only help him at shorter filler loops where he cant use his power to realistically hit people. And while yes, its quite the advantage to strengthen his weak points, its not enough to fit the threat full infection should pose. The issue before was that infection was less of a threat and more of an inevitability, if wesker wanted you out he could full infect tunnel you with no counterplay. But now we've swung a bit too far in the other direction. Infection is no longer under weskers control but isnt a massive threat either, mostly due to the conspicuous action and hook reset nerfs that make getting max infection almost throw behavior.

    Compare this to MFT, which activated from being injured. Simply 1% less for being available for at minimum half your chases with no counterplay or timer or anything. It also disproportionately affected killers of varying strength across tiers. Unlike how the 4% hinder isnt a major buff on loops wesker is already good on, the 3% was up against every killer in the roster. It made playing 2/3s of killers a pain while higher tiers, especially blight, enjoyed exhaustion free matches (until people found the dead hard synergy).

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 634

    Basekit Gloves and Unicorn Medallion.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323
  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 946

    A tier or not, if you're struggling to perform as Wesker that's mostly on you. He's one of the easier killers for good players to win the vast majority/all of their matches with. Killer tiers are a fun exercise, but they are irrelevant for the live game balance and only compare killers relative to one another, they don't say anything about how well you can do with the respective killers against survivors. And with the reality of the matches that one actually gets in this game, even F-tier killers like Ghostface (on outdoor) and Legion can win most of any match in the hands of a good player. Complaining about a killer potentially not being "A tier" anymore, well, if you get good enough you won't have much reason to care, and even if you're merely average you should still be performing pretty well, killing around 60% of the survivors you encounter. In the unlikely scenario that you're playing tournaments where tiers actually matter for the balancing, well, both teams play both sides, so you both equally suffer and benefit from something being weaker or stronger, balance is established inherently by the format.

    The only thing infection resetting to 1% on hooks changes is that Wesker cannot tunnel as effectively anymore now. Good riddance. And the 4 instead of 8% Hindered isn't very meaningful because not only is it still a notable constant slowdown, but Wesker with his chase ability has a terribly easy time catching someone that's slowed down by any amount. His chase strength is such that it regularly shouldn't even happen that you are chasing someone that's fully infected, because you down them before that point.

    What I will say is that there are some bullshit collisions on the maps that sometimes just swallow your bounds right up, which is pretty awful. I think Wesker bounds should have a certain amount of "slideyness", not to the extent that he can actually "hug tech" straight into walls, but at least such that texture collisions at certain angles don't just stop him dead in his tracks. Feels awful and robs you of perfectly deserved hits.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    well of course, i am not going by popular opinion. this is my opinion. wesker can't use his power on jagged rock wall loops either. he often needs straight type loop where he can slide over to perform his hug tech. He doesn't end up bloodlusting the loop but he is at best 115% m/s on said loop which isn't very much better. rock loops is often 1 or 2 loops at best that waste 10 extra seconds. You can save ton of time on other loops that wesker isn't efficient on but huntress is.

    i am sure this is subjective opinion for whose is stronger.

  • especially since the killer at base is already faster than survivors.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89
    edited September 30

    Gloves sure, Unicorn Medallion nah. The original dash has its uses and a lot of users.

    …but hear me out, and no one boo me for this because of Vecna/Dracula/Knight fatigue…

    What if instead of having add-ons that change how bounds work, what if we could cycle between the 3 different types of bounds (normal, RPD Shoulder Walkie, and Unicorn Medallion) with the press of a button? Would that be too confusing on the survivor side without further audio/visual cues? And what audio/visual cues could be implemented if so?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    i think they should just remove negative of each add-on and just make Unicorn increase range of first dash by 20% and Shoulder Walkie by 20%. if you use both add-on, you gain 20% range on both dashes.

    they put this negative because old Nurse range add-on's but i don't think he needs them. Wesker add-on list is pretty bad so buffing his add-on would also be nice.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89

    I think just straight up giving him more overall dash distance is a dangerous idea.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466
    edited September 30

    why? it would give wesker more map mobility to pressure the map. Increase his add-on variety then just running urobus vial and egg every game.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89

    I think it'll just be Unicorn Medallion and Egg/Gloves every game if it's changed that way.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466

    ehh, i think glove is overrated. His iri vial add-on is better because it gives him strong early game, fast recovery early game and potencial allows him to spread infection early on setting survivor on backfoot, they might even run out of vaccines in mid-late game. i wasn't aiming to do this but it has happened in some games that i would remove all 12 vaccines. iri vial is better imo.

  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 89

    I mean for sure iri vial is better but it requires a little more longterm bloodpoint investment to use every game. I'm more saying the generic low-rarity combo would be those few mentioned add-ons. The other passive ones aren't very noticeable and while something like Jewel Beetle is fun, it can backfire or otherwise get little value depending on the map. UM + whatever with no penalty on UM sounds a little too good. Although honestly the penalty can be an upside if you miss the followup dash, which is another reason I don't think it needs changed.

    I just think being able to cycle through dash types would be neat.