Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The 10 extra seconds on hook should be reverted

Member Posts: 52
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

as the title suggests, it should be reverted.

Why? Because it was meant to combat camping and tunneling but it really doesn’t do that much in these cases.. in fact, if anything, it encourages both sides to play in a lame way..

as of for killers, it’s almost feel like you’re being heavily punished for doing your objective and hooking survivors, therefore in most cases it feels better to just slug.. not to mention that these extra 10 seconds hurt the good killers who play fair without tunneling or slugging more than those who do.

And as for the survivor side, we can’t deny that nowadays it became a priority to finish a gen before going for the hook-rescue because you have plenty of time to save them. Which in most cases leads to survivors greeding it and getting their team to second stage and tunneled out of the game very early on.

how do you guys feel about it?

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 52

    very mature and funny. Did you even bother reading the whole thing?

  • Member Posts: 52

    how is that a good thing? Gen speed has always been problematic.. and these 10 extra seconds make it worse and more of a necessity to use gen regression perks

  • Member Posts: 448

    feel free to queue up with me and you can see how often my teammates will save someone asap and the 10 secs will rarely come into play

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2024

    the thing is, it’s not really only 10 seconds.. its 10 for two hook stages for 4 survivors. That’s 80 seconds.. 80 seconds of pressure removed from me if i want to play fair and hook everyone 3 times…

  • Member Posts: 707

    Its interesting that most survivors don't mind waiting an extra 10 seconds on hook where they literally can't do anything but they have an issue with being slugged where they can crawl around at least. More often than not the slug rarely bleeds out because the killer slugs everyone then goes round hooking them.

    Personally what works for me is hard tunnel a survivor out asap (yes at 5 gens) that gives time to wait out the hook timer when others do gens. Then go for slugging for last 3 (situational). Last 2 always gets slugged anyway to prevent hatch escape especially with noed. I justify noed with the speed at which gens pop... Gets me 3/4k very regularly. If survivors don't spend the time going for totems throughout the match they can pay the price at the end. I'm guessing that's the lame way of playing the OP mentioned but killers tend to adapt and it's often to a play style survivors are not happy with.

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    Unless the killer is camping or waiting for a tunneling opportunity, there is no real benefit to leaving a survivor on hook for prolonged periods of time and the aforementioned scenarios are precisely what the change is meant to impact.

  • Member Posts: 707

    To be fair with the size of some of the maps sometimes it's just not worth the time for the killer to try get to the other side of the map in the hope to make it there before they finish a gen. If there is a guy waiting to go for the save (often there is) they are not doing anything either so the killer would essentially be holding 2 survivors from doing gens by proxy camping. Better than traveling across a large map to a gen they might not even be at and if they are there it will pop before you get there and the hooked guy gets free and can't tunnel them out. Basically in certain circumstances, it's not just a simple case of chase a guy that's not on hook to maintain pressure, that's a good way to lessen the pressure if anything if on big maps.

  • Member Posts: 707

    So why is it so many complaints about slugging but no where near as many complaints about being stuck on the hook? It's like the hook timer is acceptable but slug timer is toxic and an outrage.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    as i said, it would not help for camping, it only promotes gen-rushing harder as survivor. it is strict buff to gen-rushing by rushing gens and leave teammates on hook. it really should be reverted and if they need nerf proxy camping, buff AC mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    It has been OK so far. Not so much for my opponents.

    Now if I notice the survivors are pushing gens and waiting to unhook at the last second, I just slug them all.

    I had a match like that tonight. For some reasons survivors seemed more eager to raise a dying one than go for an unhook.

    End result: one bleed-out, 3 hooks, 2 gens left.

    I'm considering using that old Knock-out build if it keeps happening.

  • Member Posts: 4,892

    I mean it does objectively help with camping. I've had scenarios where the extra 10 seconds meant they didn't go to the next stage.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Those 10s measly do anything to any side. Why reverting something that has basically no effect on gameplay? No killer is going to slug just of 10s more or less on the hook stage as it makes no difference. No survivor waits too long and gets them in second stage unless theyre bad at this game. For both sides nothing really changed.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Fair enough, I still think it's part of the game, the game that people choose to play. Killers role is to kill, in order to do that the survivor gets incapacitated on a hook (or ground). That's what survivors are getting into when they play the game and it seems like they don't like it when that happens. Otherwise it would be 2 hits and dead.

  • Member Posts: 6,135

    Did they say it was to combat camping and tunnelling? All I remember is they felt it was necessary after increasing gen times by 10s a couple of years ago and observing the results of that

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    I believe the official stance is that camping can be a valid tactic, whose counter is for survivors to slam gens and take advantage of the killers lack of pressure.

    Increasing hook times gives survivors more opportunity to do this in light of increased gen times. Therefore all it does is allow survivors the agency to counter camping in the most basic way possible.

    It's about as innocuous as you can get, it's not a direct anti camp mechanism like the AFC gauge or running anti camp perks like Reassurance.

  • Member Posts: 8,317

    I have to say, I still don't understand how those extra ten seconds could possibly be seen as a punishment for the killer unless they're just hanging around the hook waiting for second stage. If you're out chasing someone else already, doesn't that just give you more time to get your next down, because you know only two survivors are on generators?

    It's an innocuous change. It does help against camping, by strengthening its counterplay, but it doesn't really have much of an impact otherwise. Unless you're the solo queue teammate left to dangle for an extra ten seconds, which is kinda dull, but eh. Being on hook is part of the game, not too bad.

  • Member Posts: 448

    any change, innocuous or not, that is seen as a survivor buff is basically bad on this forum and needs to be reverted. It's a health change that impacts killers the same way that the anti-face camp change does - if you play that way then yes you'll notice it, if you don't, well then you won't…

    but we have the 'oh it's 10 secs per survivor, per hook stage, that's 80 seconds!' crowd that exclusively views everything from the lenses of 'well, in a perfect world……'

  • Member Posts: 431

    Before, survivors just gen rushed until the very last second to go for the rescue.

    Now why bother even going to rescue the person at all? 10 extra seconds to do gens, so they fly even faster.

  • Member Posts: 2,212

    From a survivor perspective: the game vacillates between 'oh my god, this is the most exciting game ever' to 'wow, this is crazy boring and dumb'. Having some boring elements is inevitable (its inevitable in any game), the question is to what degree can those elements be reduced without sacrificing the overall excitement of the game.

    To use FPSs as an example. Over the last few decades companies have tried lots of different respawn timers, anywhere from 'instant' to 'never'. Too quick and the death doesn't feel meaningful, too long and people get bored and quit. Players need some sort of penalty to make the death meaningful and give them a moment to reset, but too long and they get bored quickly.

    With DbD, getting downed and hooked for thirtyish seconds, no problem for most people. They're still thinking about the last chase, scanning the map, getting prepared to go back into the game. But once that time is past people quickly become upset. A minute feels too long for many people, and two minutes you're wondering why you aren't just playing something else (a similar example is survivors refusing to leave and how annoying that feels).

    There's lots of variables and every player is different, but that's generally what happens. Everyone has an amount of time they are cool with being out of the action, but once they are past that point the game loses its objective of being fun.

    They are kind of tied together. Because the survivors now have more time before the survivor is sacrificed, camping is less advantageous.

    They definitely mentioned camping, from the Developer update:

    For the most part this was a positive change, though it had the side effect of making camping more effective: Focusing on repairs was the best way the other Survivors could counter camping, but with repairs taking longer, the Survivors aren’t able to get as much done before the hooked Survivor is sacrificed.
    To combat this, we are increasing the duration of each hook phase to 70 seconds. 

  • Member Posts: 122

    I'm not crazy about the timer increase, but since BHVR wants to keep buffing killer powers and nerfing maps this is their thing to give survivors vs killers who wish to play around the hook more. I do wish this was reverted and things were done differently though.

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