
The nerf to distortion is rather wild in my opinion. If you were going to nerf it this much you should have just gotten rid of the the ability to hide aura away completely and just made it so distortion tells you whenever the killers see's your aura. You say that distortion counters to many perks and add ons; but its the only counter to so many perks and add ons. You might as well just tell survivors to use object of obsession every game because the amount of aura perks in this game is already ridiculous. If someone wanted to not be seen the whole game they'll just hide in a locker and wait for everyone else to die. If a killer used both zanshin tactics and predator, you'd literally never have a stack of distortion.


  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 46

    Yep its was bad change in my opinion.

    I would have changed it to give you three tokens at the start and then you get them back when you get unhooked from the hook. This would give you top nine tokens to use during the match. Only other way to get a token back would be unhooking other survivors safely but can't have more than the max three tokens. This would make the perk work better and force the hider to go unhook if they want more tokens. This would be better than some charge in chase but at least they changed it to two tokens instead of the single use it was in PTB.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 398

    the entire point is to stop rewarding players who use exclusively use it to hide and sell their 3 non-distortion teammates to the killer; hence why you only get tokens if you participate in chases too and not just gen simulator…

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 16

    It's incredibly easy to just predict where a distortion user is off of the information you get from seeing other survivors. Distortion's now basically just a dead perk slot because even before it made you weaker in chase's and with the amount of aura perks currently it'll basically just have no value. But regardless, it's still the only aura counter, so the people that want to stealth will still use it making themselves an even bigger burden on the team.

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 46
    edited October 9

    My suggestion would stop it but this chase thing will just kill the perk. Three tokens go fast if the killer has aura perks and you could not hide forever on my version as that was the main gripe any against is was complaining about. The people who play like people think every Distortion user played are not going to change their playing style. They will use other perks and other game mechanics and still keep hiding. Destroying a perk is not going to effect their playing style. Its treating a symptom not the cause.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205
    1. Off the Record also hides your aura
    2. Lockers exist
    3. You can hide behind gens
    4. Object has been a valid alternative to Distortion for a long time, but most people chose to be hidden and be a bush, because it was easier than learning how to loop properly

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 16

    Off the record's a great perk, but far from an aura counter perk. A great perk but the usage of its aura hiding ability is minimal at best and nobody looks at that perk for its ability to hide aura. Once off the record hits blood trails are massively noticeable and you're already marked by the killer. Hiding aura at that point isn't super necessary but a welcomed bonus. Its purpose is to prevent getting overly focused on killers and increase your chasing potential.

    If you actually read my post I specifically mentioned object of obsession, but if you think that's a counter you're also kidding yourself. That perk benefits the killer more then you most of the time and the intention of desired playstyle behind it is completely opposite to distortion. No person who wants to stealth would ever even consider using it, but sure lets buff killers with our own perks. Objects the kind of perk I use when I want the killer to notice me and just have fun getting chased; not to win.

    Everything besides number 3 I already mentioned, and even said that lockers are just gonna be used even more often. So that's what you want now? Instead of all your distortion rats hiding in a corner they'll just be in a locker being an even bigger burden on the team.

    You are not just gonna alter the way people want to play just because you dont like it, you'll only turn those same people you hate so much into bigger burdens and turn the game into an instant 3v1.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    I wouldn't even bother trying friend I already made my post and all the salty killer mains is just gonna gang up on you with angry mob torches. Good luck still xd. We can just only make 1mil post like they did for distortion posts and hope maybe aura reading be gutted back.

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 46
    edited October 9

    You clearly have not ever used the perk. I have used it several times and those three tokens most of the time are gone in about two hooks or less. Them getting into chase is not contributing to the team at all really. Them saving people from hooks would contribute and cause them to end up chased anyway as killers usually come back to the hook. This way they did something useful even before they got chased. In my opinion way better outcome than them getting into stupid chase that they most likely will anyway lose and people will still complain how they can't even loop.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 16

    You mean bad killer mains. To a good killer, distortion even pre nerf is more often a nerf to survivors. Its just fun for them and supports their playstyle. Not everyone wants to be a chase god, and now the survivors that actually cant handle chases, but are still good at completing objectives are just gonna feed the killer and get themselves hooked for nothing.

  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 46
  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    Distortion isn't a problem for me either because I don't run aura perks. Know why? Because of distortion. If I run lethal and BBQ I'm never seeing 1-4 survivors auras all match because the tokens never run out. Two dead perk slots I could just have reliable game stall in. This can only help perk diversity.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    That's impossible vs most killers. There's only a handful of things that can deplete all 3 tokens in short order

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 16

    aww. So because you have two very low proc'ing aura perks, distortion completely ruined it for ya then. I can admit that certain perks could probably be able to consume more then 1 token, or consume more time per token. But distortion among all 4 players in incredibly rare and even then. It'd be more of a nerf to survivors. At most you'd see 2 people with distortion and even then you'd be fine. Getting free info on 2 ppl alone narrows down survivor options greatly. Yet with bbq, even without distortion survivors can catch on pretty quickly that you have it and avoid it in the future. Its a pretty easily countered with or without distortion. Lethal would give you value nearly ever game since there's no way you are having an issue running into 4 man distortion groups.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,075

    What on earth is free about that info? I maintained enough pressure to keep survivors injured, I downed and hooked someone else. I gave up two perk slots. That's about as not-free as you can get.

    Again it's still super situational. I get info on 2/4 survivors..... assuming they are injured. Without distortion the perk gets much stronger because all I have to do is keep them injured and hook someone as opposed to keeping them injured, hooking them and hoping nobody has distortion. It adds a whole other layer that makes a bad perk even worse.

    Admittedly I'm really infatuated with this one perk because I love making survivors oblivious but the same logic works for any single target aura reveal.

  • rockstar
    rockstar Member Posts: 8

    I was the player for whom Distortion was main perk and now I am just stopping playing. And I suppose some players will leave, as there is no other options for stealth style left.

    1. I am not a pro console controller player and I do not want to learn “crab” style or whatever. I just want to have fun. So it is just impossible for me to loop, but game provided another option - to hide. Now it doesn’t.

    2. The cat was another great option for my style but it was nerfed also a lot time ago and I still can not hide from scream or michael. Have you seen anyone playing with this perk? Me not. So would happen to distortion.

    3. Hiding in locker doesn't help, as you can not hide all the time and you never know when the aura reading will be triggered. Killers are not idiots, if they saw my aura once, they will find me in the locker. This only helped when I was the only one left and killer was carrying the last surv to hang him 3d time.

    4. Compare the number of killer reading aura perks, built-in abilities (mastermind see your aura when use spray) and it is clear that the game is no longer about stealth. Distortion was the last one to counter all of them. Next step will be to remove lockers or just highlight survs all the time. Kidding. Or not?

    5. Statistically I had fun in 1 or 2 games out of 10. Most of the bad games happened because of the random party when survs just can not communicate and help each other. Disabling stealth mode will just make such games faster as last surv with distortion will no longer be a problem. And it was such a pleasure to open the exit gate. Sad.

    So the game becomes more about running/chasing/looping and cooperating as a team. Thats OK for most, but I have no PC with MK and no friends to play voice chat with so I have to say gl bb.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83

    Bingo and I wonder how to counter nth oh I know amma run from north all the way from my gen to go in a locker then go all the way back(being sarcastic) or floods oh am shown for unhooking someone and my other 2 teammates also is shown for doing my job rip too if said teammate being chased was about lose killer gets shown and gets down so I and everyone is punished for simply doing their job to unhook.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 83
    edited October 9

    Well said and valid points and watch them cry people keep dcing or giving up or they keep getting nothing but 4 man swfs.@rockstar. Idk why but seem when you quote someone and try another person after it don't work or must hit a few times ugh.

  • francesinhalover
    francesinhalover Member Posts: 39

    yall seem to forget new distortion actually works vs scratched mirror myers.

    Old distortion you lost the 3 tokens it's over.

    It's a slight improvement tho.

  • francesinhalover
    francesinhalover Member Posts: 39

    760hrs so far and i loop the same i did with 200h. explain to me how not having distortion changes anything?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    Object also does this. Reliably. It doesn't hide you but it warns you as soon as he stalks near you even if he's not looking at you.

    Some people just cry now because their favourite crutch is broken instead of learning new ways to deal with it.

    I have over 7k hrs and have been playing for 6 years. This is not the first time people had to adapt due to a perk being nerfed. DS, Spine Chill, Self Care, Iron Will, DH are just a few examples.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    I am not using OTR to mainly block auras, but as an anti-tunnel-perk as intended. It's aura hinding effect is a nice bonus for me as I love to play with Object and have been for 3 years. Because the killer expects you to be revealed through Object, you actually get a breather which you can use to heal/get healed or relocate.

    True Object is not a simple perk and it can betray you if you don't want it to (sometimes I think NOT being the obsession is more beneficial), but for me it is immensely powerful to counter aura addons and perks through mind games or the lack of.

    The real problem with stealth is that sadly many people only stealth "because they are not good in chase" or because they are just rats. Instead of learning, they just stay in their comfort zone. Distortion was a passive contribute to other people getting tunneled. That was the problem. The game has enough stealth options. And most people should know that this game is not about hiding anymore like it was when I started to play. It's a lot more fast paced. No more bushes who could keep you hostage forever.

    I have a friend who plays more "careful" and more of a support role. She is OK in chase even if she doesn't think that way. She is not happy about the change either but she understands that some people took it too far and that something had to be done.

  • Khastrx
    Khastrx Member Posts: 135

    The Distortion change would have been more tolerable if killer aura perks weren't being buffed/reworked literally every patch. It might need a slight buff, the problem is some of the strongest killers can take you down pretty quickly so it's hard to get it back tokens on occasion.