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TOTH will guaranteed to be nerfed with the next hotfix cause of to much complainers



  • Member Posts: 372

    Hopefully it's 12% or 10% with a minor second effect. If it's just a straight reversion that would actually be quite sad, hex builds deserve to be strong with the risk they present.

  • Member Posts: 342

    I'm not trying to defend anything here. I'm expressing facts and the truth and something else

    “I'm not in favor of winning or losing. I want to have a chance to win.”

    That is so contradictory. That's when I stopped reading…. Be that as it may. The nerf is coming. But that won't stop me from playing and testing crazy builds, and if you don't believe me that I'm Survivormain, that's your problem, not mine.

    right. It's more fun to sit at a gen for 90 seconds or play copied metabuilds. Play your thing. I do mine and have fun doing it. That's all that matters to me, ok? greetings

  • Member Posts: 1,695

    People always complain on the forums, that’s nothing new. Is the buff a problem?-Yes, but not a big one.

    After the last PTB for example almost no feedback got taken into account, which is very often the case. Sure they sometimes change things in the bug fix patches later, but that can be done without a PTB as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,935
    edited December 2024

    Absolutely fair enough, and in the spirit of extending an olive branch, I'm totally with you that hex perks value could and should be better/more reliable...

    However I do believe this change with TotH is not the best way to achieve that.

    Still, peace offering for sure 🤘

  • Member Posts: 342

    Don't pretend you know everything better. Discussions usually fail not only because of differing opinions, but also because of conflicting values

  • Member Posts: 66
    edited December 2024

    Good. Why should a single totem take half the time of a literal generator? Also progress isn't saved on totems like it is for generators if you stop interacting. Meaning if, for whatever reason, a survivor stops interacting with a totem, all that progress is gone.

    If Doctor is running TOTH, they can just do their big aoe static which always prevent you from cleansing a totem, let alone blessing.

    And speaking of blessing, other users have recorded how long that takes, its like 92 or 93 seconds to bless a single totem with TOTH around, more time than it takes to perform a single generator solo with no great skill checks or addons or toolboxes or perks to speed up the process. When solo invocations are more time efficient than booning a totem, that is a massive screw up on the developer's part.

  • Member Posts: 342

    Calm down, the nerf is coming. I can't wait to see what's coming next. It'll probably be about Genregress, camping and tunneling again.

    Thank you all for your opinion. I'm out for now

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    From my experience, a lot of thing change from ptb.

    Saying that thrill is not a big problem right now is a bit of an understatement to say the least when people using the builds are slaughtering soloq right now.

    Complaining on the forums is nothing new, yes. But I know its serious when it reaches old dh levels of complaining.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Either this or it will take them 8 month like with Eruption. :V

  • Member Posts: 338

    This evening I played I think 6 games and escaped from 4 of them. Every single game was a TOTH build. It's actually been a decent session though.

    I've just gone all out on gens. Luckily other survivors seem to have also realised that slamming gens is better than wasting time trying to cleanse the totems. You don't really have to worry about Pain Res and killers are barely patrolling gens at all really.

    Been running Built To Last, Streetwise, Sprint Burst and either Deliverance or Resilience. Also Commudious Toolbox, with the yellow spool and swival sockets. As there's no Pain Res, the only thing that interrupts you is the odd scream from Face the Darkness but that doesnt delay you at all really.

    Obviously the Toolbox, BTL and Streetwise mean you have a lot of quick gen charges to use, Resilience for even more speed when injured or Deliverance to delay Devour, both have worked well in rotation. Sprint Burst to make chases longer. The build has been working really well, but have also got lucky with good teammates. Not the sort of thing I would usually run, but little choice at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    If they change this back t9 how it was and stop removing BP from perks, that would be nice. If anything, return it to how it was and increase the BP reward by a significant amount.

    I know they won't add the BP bonus back, but it's depressing this was even considered an issue.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    in my opinion, devour hope is fair perk to lose against even if it is not possible to cleanse. you might not agree that a perk that grants exposed and instant mori is fair and believe thrill is too strong but i do not share that opinion. as a result, I will not reject my position as I have defeats killers that have had devour hope active for the entire game.

  • I legit wonder what people want killers to run as perks, seems to me no matter what perk set they run it's always complained about. I mean we're complaining about HEX builds now…lol I never thought I would see the day, hex perks are trash and have been trash for a long time yet here we are complaining about builds revolving around them. These forums have legit complained about every single killer build; heal slow down, hit and run, slugging, tunneling, camping, gen defense, hex builds, chase builds, aura reading builds. Perhaps we should just remove all killer perks from the game, then we can start complaining about killer add ons.🤷‍♂️

  • You missed the entire point of my post. Idc even one bit that this perk is being nerfed, I don't play hex builds because of how random they are, I just think these forums are obnoxious and filled with nothing but people crying and moaning about the most recent game they lost.

    Nothing on these forums is positive anymore, no one even talks about buffing things, it's nothing but constant crying and moaning about how this thing that someone dislikes because they are actually just bad at the game but it's never their fault they lost it's always something else. It's just exhausting is all, nothing here is constructive anymore, everyone is a negative nancy.

  • Member Posts: 239

    Excellent, hope you enjoyed those free games.

  • My post wasn't directed at you nor was the intent to say your reasons were without validity. It was simply exhaustion from never seeing anything positive on these forums, a cherry on top of the ice cream as it were. If the perk needs to be nerfed or not wasn't what I was even talking about, truth be told I don't care either way if it's nerfed or not I just think these forums are toxic and I'm insane for sticking around thinking it would ever be anything else.

  • Member Posts: 150

    So we are just supposed to go back to hexes being garbage again? They have been constantly memed on by both killers AND survivors for so long because of how much of a joke they are and how often they get cleansed before the killer can even cross the map. The amount of times I've spawned in as survivor to see a burning totem right in front of me is astronomically high. Nobody used pre-buff Thrill because it was bad even on full hex builds. We even have people saying 12% is too much.

    I would be perfectly fine with nerfing it, but something needs to be done to make hexes not a completely laughable joke.

  • Seems this conversation never had any merit to it, that was my mistake for thinking anything else. Have a good day.

  • Member Posts: 2,367
    edited December 2024

    Someone suggested thrill give a corrupt like effect for all totems. Not sure would people be down for that though. Personally I say keep the current thrill but make it where totems progress isn't loss. You can even increase the current thrill if the progress wasn't able to be reset. Killers don't want they hex broken immediately understandable. Survivors don't want to deal with perks/addons/killer powers that pushing off totems constantly so lets compromise.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Well, of course it is not your problem if i don't believe you. DUH. That doesn't change the fact that you haven't supported your claim at all. I also gave you lots of reasons other than winning why I love to play survivor. Of course you don't know this because you stop reading after a certain point. Are you afraid of being wrong? The thing with not caring about winning but still having the chance to win might be troublesome for you to get, so I will break it down to you. Have you ever heard of the studies of juvenile rats playing from Jaak Pankseep? This study suggests that rats won't engage further in playing if one of them wins less than 30 %. More physically dominant rats know that and let the little guys win. Now, we are not rats but this behavior pattern has been observed in humans as well. Now, imagine yourself not winning at all. Sounds like fun? This is what I meant with I don't care of winning or losing. There is a threshold though to maintain any sane person interested in the game. That is why it is A GAME. This is the reason devs go for that 40 % winning rate for survivors. And this is the reason so many survivors are complaining. I don't mind losing more that 50 % of my games. But what I do mind is playing solo Q and finding a killer with this build and having almost not chance at winning. Don't make me start with the timings of cleansing and certain killers add-ons and perks to interrupt the cleansing. Like I said before I enjoy the looping, the goofy plays and the good plays. Winning at least 3 out of 10 matches against this build would be fine but solo Q is chaotic and killers are capitalizing on this. I have been winning without much effort using TOTH and Devour. Most probably because I have been getting solo Q players. But that is the thing, solo Q makes the most part of the player base on DBD.

  • but the people on this forums say that it’s survivors fault so it must be…..

  • “What annoys me is I gave 4 solid counters which surprise surprise the majority who are complaining about TOTH are choosing to ignore it as it means they need to run Jill's perk Counterforce, a single perk btw which completely dominates full Hex builds instead of one of their many 2nd chances they run and have run for years.”

    Your post reeked of bias and after I saw that youre a tru3 fan then it all mad sense. You will defend anything the killer has even if it makes the game unfair and basically unwinable for survivor. I’m guessing you probably thought the gen kick meta was fine too.

    Also telling us to run this perk doesn’t help because the other unfun strats are still in the game and we can’t run every single perk to cover for it

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    If you go by killer complaints it’s either Distortion or Windows of Opportunity. They’re no where near as strong as TotH but both of those perks have drawn a similar level of ire from the opposing side.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Ah yes, of course. Always the survivor's fault in this survivor-sided game.

  • Member Posts: 107

    It would be okay if the counters for totems were better. Counterforce, better than new, leader, and resilience are the only perks that increase cleanse speed.

    Personally I would need it to 10% or 12%. Make totems tKe 15 seconds instead of 14. Buff Small game to cleanse 10% faster. Counterforce up to 25 or 30%, Better than New just needs buffed in general. Boons could have increased range from 24 to 28 meters. Leader could have a longer duration when out of range. Detective hunch could be map wide or trigger for everyone. Clairvoyance could show the Aura of totems.

    I do like the fact the Hexes might be part of the meta again and some besides thrill need buffed like Retribution and Two can play.

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