Can't take the tunnelers.



  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Swf is definitely a problem, a well coordinated team that knows what perks each are bringing, knows how to compliment eachothers build and communicate makes it very difficult for any killer to go against. Unfortunately the game seems balanced around swf so soloq get the brunt of it with going against killers capable of tactics usually used on a seal squad of 4 swf. Can't buff survivors as those survivors when then steamroll killers in swf. Cant nerf killers because again swf would steamroll killers. The only thing I can think that might work is having 2 separate modes. Solo and swf. Swf mode killers get buffed to deal with it. Soloq killers get nerfed. Or something to that effect. But until that happens I'm afraid killers should prepare for swf and play accordingly.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    The thing is, that everyone is basically living in their own reality of the game: you, who feels that the game is way too killer sided and getting tunneled is uncounterable is just as true, as my experience, where survivors play it all nearly perfectly and the moment I even commit a single mistake in a chase, the game is basically over and I could roll on my back and admit defeat.

    BHVR is trying to balance all experience levels and different commitment ranges with one set of rules, and this is a flawed approach, in my opinion. We have tried all kind of different balancing acts over the years, and every change in one way has caused a plethora of uproars in one part of the community or another, who felt it was a sorely unfair change.

    BHVR should make MMR transparent and visible for all and then slap different modifiers to different MMR ranges, so that everyone knows whats in them for it. This way we could maybe get all this balancing issues done without half of the community feeling it anwarrented.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 129

    Tunneling, or running back to hook, definitely have a strategic advantage in DBD. Though I would argue the best time for it is in endgame or near it, when you need the extra map pressure or to get everyone to death hook or one out. Sitting in front of some poor soul who had the grave misfortune of getting hooked first at five gens runs the risk that other survivors will just be doing those gens while you watch them hang there. Because, in the end, that's really the only way to punish a hook sitter. Taking away their map pressure by doing gens.

    A true back to hook Harry will severely punish you for doing an unhook, more than likely they will just down you and continue to run after "their prize."

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I'm not saying that side also isn't true, I think killers should have anti momentum also to make their new player/casual experience better too

  • mahiroa
    mahiroa Member Posts: 27

    Face camping and generator sieges are well-prepared for in-game systems. Why not try to counter tunneling with player skills and perks?

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 378

    My killer matches are highly bullied ones or survivors doing dumb things there is no in between. With the amount of terrible bully matches I get I can highly understand the way most killers play. If you're constantly going up against squads or just a hole survivors you're going to play for blood. It's player toxicity and it's on both sides.

    My survivor matches I'm tunneled but I do get the ones that don't chase. I semi decent at looping but my teammates are doing NOTHING. Match loss is a mixture of survivors and killers.

  • “Maybe y'all just need to get good against slugging and tunneling.”


  • Sebastian1152
    Sebastian1152 Member Posts: 14

    If you're worried about a teammate or yourself being tunneled or slugged, start using Off the Record, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, Babysitter, Camaraderie, Reassurance, Kindred, Bloodrush + sprintburst, Shoulder the Burden, etc for hooks. Start bringing unbreakable, Boon - Exponential, Soul Guard, Tenacity, Flip-Flop, We're Going to Live Forever, Power Struggle, For the People, etc for slugging.

    Tunneling and slugging are valid strats, even if they are toxic. Better to adapt and play around preventing it happening, or benefiting from it as long as possible.

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2024

    Why is it ok for survivors to do their objective but when killers do theirs suddenly the "community" makes up a bunch of rules and fun suddenly becomes a factor? Suddenly playing the objective becomes "toxic".

    What do you call this phenomenon? Other than massive hypocrisy, that is.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 501

    Can you post some of the games in full then we can give feedback on stuff you can improve on

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    Deal with it. All not tunneling gets you is a fat 3 gens done with all the handholding and second chances survivors run every game. Perhaps we need to practice a bit of positive reinforcement and give killers a reason NOT to tunnel. Punishing ain't it. Nor is whining about it.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709
  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    Tunneling isn't toxic. It's a legitimate and valid playstyle. It's no different that committing to a generator in the killers face.

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51

    Were you obtuse on purpose? The question is why is everything ok and nothing matters when it comes to survivors doing their objective, but when it comes to killers doing theirs, suddenly a bunch of factors show up.

    Hopefully you understood the point now, though I suspect you understood it the first time and just pretended not to.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709

    I don't think people are focused only on killers when talking about fun. The question was meant to illicit a response about why fun was or wasn't being focused on from the survivor side vs the killer side.

    There are just fewer things survivors can do to most killers that will ruin the killer's match. I used to think differently since I'd come across bully squads and get annoyed by them, but usually now if I get a bully squad it just means I get a 4k since they're often predictable and not focusing on gens enough.

    All that survivors really have left that can make my game worse is to try to get under my skin by teabagging, which also doesn't really work anymore. In contrast, the killer can easily ruin the game for a survivor by tunneling and proxy camping, literally forcing them to be unable to do anything but get chased and eliminated. As a result, I think people do think about fun for both sides, but the killer is generally the only person able to severely deny the fun of other players. That's why I made the question that way; I thought there was a bit of nuance in the reasoning behind what people are saying about killer vs survivor actions.

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51

    Please, stop being disingenuous repeatedly. Survivors do a lot more policing on killers doing their objective than the other way around. You know this, I don't understand why do you act as if you didn't. You see a killer here and there complaining about gen rushing every once in a while, but compare that to how often you see someone complaining about tunelling or slugging or whathave you. Case in point, what thread are we at right now? Survivors can do a lot to "ruin" a killer's game. Bully squads would never have existed otherwise.

    The nuance here is this: Hypocrisy. Survivors are fine doing their objective, killers be damned. But if killers do theirs, suddenly the argument of "think of the other side's fun!" shows up. If you don't think this constitutes hypocrisy, I would suggest a dictionary.

  • It's not like adding 10 more seconds per hook state was crazy. I had actually suggested something like that in a whole post full of changes dbd needed. All that bit of extra time does is hurt the camping/proxy camping strategy a bit more. I think it's well deserved.

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51

    It's not just that. The game is accumulating reason on top of reason for killers to stop hooking. I stopped playing survivor because of it. Any single reason alone might not be enough, but when you add everything up, hooking is just a bad idea for killers. When you just keep mindlessly nerfing and hurting hooks over and over and over and over then people tend to turn to other things like slugging.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709


    Since you didn't quote me in your response, I won't quote you here so you won't get a ping. But I'm really not being disingenuous. I very much believe that survivors can't do much to ruin a game when I'm the killer. The worst they can do to me is escape, so they're almost completely unable to prevent me from playing the game as I expect to. They do gens, I chase them and put them on hooks. The outcome depends on how long it takes me to find and hook survivors vs how long it takes them to do gens.

    Bully squads are usually easy games. If they're doing non-stop attempts at flashy saves, flashbangs, get head-ons repeatedly, I'll just start slugging and stop caring if they get tunneled. If they want me to be unable to play the game, they can get the same treatment they give. But bully squads tend to be rather awful at escaping since they spend their time trying to harass the killer instead of doing gens. It's usually a slugfest. So generally, I don't think bully squads are a real threat to my ability to play the game. If I recall correctly, a bully squad got two out on me a while ago, and I was kind of impressed.

    In contrast, I think survivors have a reason to complain about killer behaviors. If a killer wants a particular survivor out of the game, that survivor will have almost no chance of getting out without the help of most of their team. Tunneling ruins the match for the targeted survivor, and I'm really surprised there aren't harder restrictions on that behavior. I think it makes sense that we see these complaints :)

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2024

    It makes sense because people are hypocrites. I already said this 3 times. Survivors are fine doing their objective, regardless of what the killer may think. They are not fine with the same thing from the other side. At this point I think there might be some language issue here if you cannot comprehend the hypocrisy. It is pretty damn clear. Or maybe you do… you're not very genuine so I guess it's possible you do but you just ignore and/or pretend you don't see it. Otherwise it makes no sense to actually move your fingers on your keyboard to… defend hypocrisy. What sort of person does that?

    Also, if bully squads are "awful at escaping" that says something about the level you play at more than it says something about bully squads as a general thing. Regardless, the quality of the player doesn't matter. We are having a discussion exclusively about mentality.

    Also what's with the extremely petty reply thing? I didn't click reply that one particular time cuz yours was the latest post in the thread and I was in a hurry. Some people really take the small nothings and turn into some petty hit back lol. I didn't think it would be a big deal but apparently it was. Some people…

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2024

    Well, it's clear we disagree about this :)

    I was trying to be polite when I didn't quote you in that last response. Someone else got annoyed at me once when I kept replying to their comments that quoted me, so I tried to consider whether that was what you wanted :D

    In any case, I promise I'm quite genuine in spite of what my people are known for. (That last sentence was is of course meant to be a bit playful :)

  • upsideinsanity
    upsideinsanity Member Posts: 102

    "Killers control the pace of the game"

    That is why. This game is, be definition, killer sided. Killers control the game and are expected to get a 60% kill rate.

    How are survivors supposed to run anti tunnel perks plus perks to counter whatever the current meta is or may be? We have to prepare for tunneling and slugging while also dealing with pop/pain res/grim, or now a full hex build. You going to drop a suggestion that survivors get 8 perk slots? No, I didn't think so.

    Killers get the play style of tunneling and slugging as well as their perks. Survivors do not get that option, we get perks. The end.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    Survivors get loops and pallets not just perks. If survivors looped better they wouldnt be caught to be tunneled or slugged. They also have a team... It just so happens teams are awful in soloq. But if the team worked together like swf players do and set perks that compliment eachother (4x4 perks is 16 different perks a killer needs to deal with) then survivors can put up a good fight against a killer.

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2024

    Disagreeing about it means that you think survivors should do their objectives without any checks while killers should have to follow several arbitrary rules when completing theirs.

    That is, by definition (if you are going to be upset by what I'm about to say, please be upset at the English language, not at me) entitlement. I have heard the sentence "entitled survivors" before but I have to say, I don't actually see it for myself very often. But here it is.

    And as for my personal opinion, it is this: Survivors should do their objectives. Killers should do theirs. No crying about anything that is done for the purpose of fulfilling the objective, unless it's some cheat/hack in which case hopefully the person gets hardware IP banned and never comes back. And if the survivors are better they'll win. If the killer is better he'll win. Match over. Go next.

    And the reason I specified "things that are done for the purpose of fulfilling the objective" is because there are things people do that have no actual purpose and are just to be a jerk. Like letting the last survivor bleed out instead of hooking/mori'ing for no reason. Waiting for the killer to see you teabagging at the gate on the way out. So on. These things fulfill no purpose, they are just people being toxic.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    In order to stop tunneling we have realize why Killers do it (from a gameplay perspective and not the mindset perspective)

    For one thing they might believe that the Gens are being done faster then usual... so they decide to focus on one Survivor

    Maybe they get 1 or 2 chases done (Survivor is hooked) then realize that 3-5 Gens are done so why waste time in chasing another Survivor

    Maybe they have a harder time finding Survivors in the first place…

    Yes Tunneling is a thing in the game but spending time finding and hooking all 4 Survivors once before even thinking of getting one Survivor into 2nd stage seems to be a lost art... but I digress

  • UknownShredder
    UknownShredder Member Posts: 100

    Ill tell you guys. Survivors are making our playstyle toxic. You ask us why we slug you and let you bleed out while we look at you ? Because you open exit gate and expect me to run across the entire map to waste time. If a survivor is trying to bully me with a flashlight she/he is going down and out from the game in about 2minute tunneling. You sit there when you manage to survive teabagging at the gate talking crap in the post match.. okay, lets see how fun it is next time when i decimate the entire team and then carry you to some bright light where i can slowly watch you die.

    If survivors had an ounce of respect when they are sucessful perhaps then. We wouldnt do this.

    As a side note. If you managed to be tunneled its a skill issue. You are probably the weak link and by getting you out the pace of everything slows down and sometimes more often than not you are running right into my knife so what should i do? Sometimes Survivors ask me when i camp the last hook when its 1 on hook 1 on death hook. Im like, Should i run to the other side of the map and let you unhook and go pick up your belonings you lost from my perk and then let you sit and start a gen before i engage again?

    What do you expect ? A killers mission is to kill so that is what we do.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2024

    I didn't say any player shouldn't do their objective or follow 'arbitrary rules' :)

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709

    I suspect this hostility you see from survivors may be something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I almost never see a survivor teabag at the gate anymore as killer, and I know the only way I'll do it myself is if the killer has been playing in a way that prevents another player from enjoying the match (e.g. tunneling, camping, slugging just to bleed out, slug for 4k, doing that W+D thing).

    If you were to tunnel and camp less, you might see less bm directed back at you by the survivors in your matches.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709

    Please do not say that I or others have thick skulls and can't understand things or accuse me of being a survivor main.

  • PuddleOfBludd
    PuddleOfBludd Member Posts: 160

    I wasn’t accusing you of being a survivor main. And my post was more in general as almost everyone of these threads that complain about tunneling all of the survivor mains come and say it’s not because of gen regression … so that is in fact, the survivors having thick skulls. But yeah, I was being in general not directly you

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    They're not remotely the same objectives. Unless you often find yourself queuing up as a generator and getting eliminated within the first few minutes.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    If survivors looped better they wouldnt be caught to be tunneled or slugged.

    For that, they need:

    1- A killer that does not get a hit on every tile

    2- A good amount of resources

    The current DBD doesn't provide that. With the way things are, and depending on the killer, you cannot expect chases to last for a very long amount of time.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    It's not that difficult to buy enough time for teammates to do gens. Survivors have lots of vault locations, pallets and loops especially on large outdoor maps like autohaven. Many killers have anti loop mechanics like executioner, but his attack can easily be avoided by simply moving to the side if the survivor pays attention to where he's aiming. Chases are not supposed to last a very long time because gens fly so fast if chases lasted that long then all gens would be done by the time killer gets 2 downs. So the aim is last long enough for gens to be completed.

  • UknownShredder
    UknownShredder Member Posts: 100

    I mean honestly now. Sometimes you run into some really elite Survivor team and they can toy with you, You are lucky to get a hit in with a lot of killers and gens are popping and you can only dream about tunneling one of them because they will bring you to the most horrific loops in which where you spend time you going to lose the game since other sitting on gens.

    So this is a skill issue. The reason you get tunneled is because…

    A you are bad at looping
    B You are running into the killers face
    C Your teammates does not protect you if A and B is abcent.

    Further id like to add that i also dont really want to tunnel you out and i usually dont. When i relax and play casually because i want to get some nice kills in on ghostface and i do not 4k the entire team but perhaps let them win although i could have killed them 4-0 in the first 5min. You get to the lobby and you get these rude players that you would have murked if you even tried 50% sitting there talking crap about you and your gameplay when you are doing quests and so on.

    When you get those kind of lobbies it does not exactly promote the idea to play nice the next game. Because the next game when everyone is hanging on a hook while i waiting for the beleeding bastard to get mourid the silence is deafening in the chat.

    Conclusion. If you waiting at other side of exit game and waste 2 min i will slug ya all in the next game and wait for 5min.
    If you talk crap in the lobby other than a thank you for comprehending my mercy i will slug you in the next game and wait for 5min.
    If you run a 4man discord bully squad i will kill you and also punish the next team i meet by slugging them for 5min.

    You see, the power is in the hands of the killer so be nice.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I think it depends on who are you playing against and where you are.

    Pretty much all of Coldwind Farm and Haddonfield are death sentences, even against the weaker side of the killer roster.

    Greenville Square has a lot of pallets, but most of them are weak and unsafe. Against a killer that is extremely oppressive in chase, such as Xeno or Artist, they aren't going to do much.

    I feel like maps used to be more consistent and overall had better layouts. And we don't need to go extremely far back with maps that strongly favored the survivor side. We can think of the original map adjustments from patch 3.7.0

    Those layouts were balanced, and they were way better than the maps we have today.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709

    I'm not sure we should be taking out hostility on people who had nothing to do with invoking it.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 843
    edited December 2024

    But they cry nerf ds when it was 5 seconds and theres been a few nerf otr topics even, when they are used . Just an endless merry go around with killers.

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2024

    You disagree that survivors wanting to do their objective but being upset when killers do theirs constitutes hypocrisy, which means you think it is justified. Thinking a mentality that is clearly unbalanced and biased like that is justified constitutes entitlement. You seem very confused, sort of folding under your own opinions. I would suggest making up your mind.

    Perhaps you could focus on what you are trying to say more, and less on the passive aggressive emojis? Writing an empty post that provides 0 argumentation whatsoever and just comes out as snarky really doesn't do you any favors. If you have an actual argument, by all means, do use it. Otherwise the empty snarkiness gets you nowhere. As an example, I am explaining, by their definitions, exactly why and how I think something qualifies as hypocrisy or entitlement. I'm not just dropping empty statements without any explanation or justification and then a smiley face. That would be silly. The fact you are not managing to do the same is worrying, at the very least.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    You have perks for this, why not use them if you encounter this a lot?

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709

    Look, I've been incredibly polite with you. If you want to go around accusing people of being upset, entitled, unable to articulate their thoughts, confused, folding under their own opinions, and more, please do it to someone who's not being nice to you. I've written my statements with smiley faces and use friendly language in nearly all of our interactions. I have absolutely not been passive aggressive, but I'm certainly getting tired of the accusations I'm receiving. In any case, I won't be accusing you of any of the sort of things you've accused me of.

    With that out of the way, here are my thoughts on what constitutes bad manners in this game:

    From survivors, bm is mainly in the form of teabagging and participating in bully squads by targeting the killer more than they target generators.

    From killers, bm is mainly in the form of tunneling, camping, aggressive slugging, and that W+D thing whose name I don't write for fear of running afoul of some filter or rule.

    Generally, bm in the game on both sides can be placed into two categories: (1) taunting (which includes teabagging and that W+D thing) and (2) anything that dramatically prevents a player from being able to participate in the match.

    The things that fit into (2) are bully squad behaviors (excessive stuns, blinds, or other actions done solely to annoy the killer instead of trying to do gens), and a small set of killer behaviors that can force a single survivor player to be unable to participate in the match in the expected way for anywhere from several minutes to the entire match. As mentioned above, those killer behaviors are primarily tunneling, camping, and needless aggressive slugging. Here are a small set of explanations regarding why those are able to prevent a player from participating in a match in a meaningful way:

    Tunneling: The killer is always able to tunnel a survivor out of they want to. There is almost nothing a survivor can do to last an entire match against a killer who's set on taking that one person out. If a killer wants just one kill, they can down a survivor, hook them near some gens they can guard and proxy camp while patrolling those gens. Early in my time playing the game, I got annoyed when people would flashlight blind me at every pallet and tunneled some of them out. I remember that one of them escaped... ever. And that player did not get to participate in the match except to be chased and only got out with the help of their entire team. I can only imagine how hard it would be for someone to escape at my current skill level. It is trivial for a killer to tunnel a survivor and make them unable to play the game. A tunneled survivor would be right to wonder why they even started up their match.

    Camping: This is actually less of a problem except when paired with tunneling. But a lot of killers will engage in proxy camping because it makes it trivial to prevent one survivor from being healed and gives the killer the opportunity to chase the unhooked survivor or the rescuer. The problematic part of this is that it's a trivial strategy that solo queue survivors have little means of countering if they're not very experienced. I'd argue that camping could be considered by experienced survivors to be not much of a problem since the counter is to get multiple gens done while the killer doesn't do much about it. But this approach to the game is easily coupled with tunneling to make a survivor completely unable to participate in the game except to be chased. And once a 1v3 is obtained by tunneling and camping, the survivors are likely to lose if there are more than one or two gens left. It is a cheap move that easily tilts the match in favor of the killer, but which requires the entire survivor team to know what they're doing to counter.

    Needlessly Aggressive Slugging: It is possible for a killer to put survivors on the ground and force them to bleed out for several minutes, unable to participate in the game while doing so. Honestly, four person slugs should almost never happen because survivors shouldn't let it happen, but killers are increasingly able to do it. But the thing I think is really a problem is slugging for 4k. Slugging for 4k causes two people to wait for up to several minutes in a nearly impossible situation. The last survivor has essentially no hope of escape as soon as the third survivor is slugged. Forcing such a situation in a game is already unsportsmanlike. But beyond that, the third survivor has to wait on the ground for up to several minutes. And if the fourth survivor heals the third one, the killer can easily slug one of them again. It's practically a guaranteed fourth kill, even though the last survivor may have outplayed the killer the entire match, with the killer just ignoring them until the end. All this can go on for several minutes, wasting everyone's time when hatch was literally implemented to prevent this scenario.

    Tunneling, camping, and aggressive slugging that leads to bleedouts are strategies that require very little skill and often make people wonder why they decided to play the game since they often make it nearly impossible to participate except to be chased and eliminated. Likewise, bully squads and teabagging are things that make the game and community worse, and should be discouraged.

    We are playing this game with other people, so it is necessary to consider the experience of those other people when we play. That means that survivors shouldn't be teabagging or bullying, and killers shouldn't be tunneling, camping, or slugging for 4k. I'm not saying that anyone is forced to act well toward other people, only that they should.

    I'll likely not write such a long post again, but I wanted to give you the courtesy of answering your question.

    ****** I apologize to anyone who had to scroll past all this.*****

  • frozzenk
    frozzenk Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2024

    You are not even realizing that from the get go your entire argument is based on the assumption that the killer doing their objective is "bm". Tunneling, camping, aggressive slugging. As you called it. These are all tools that can be implemented in order to fulfill the killer's objective. Which is to kill. If the name didn't make it obvious. Some exceptions apply, such as the one I already mentioned about letting people bleed out for no reason in the post I explained my personal opinion on the subject. Opinion that which you just ignored, by the way.

    Meanwhile, at no point in the survivor list of "bm" activities did you list legit things that are part of completing theirs. I suppose an argument could be made for teabagging in order to mentally destabilize the killer, but that's less of a game thing and more about just trying to be so toxic you get in the person's head. Wouldn't explain teabagging at exit gates either.

    So we're back at the "the killer fulfilling his game objective is problematic, but the survivor fulfilling theirs is not" stage. What is it that you call this situation? When someone does something, but has an issue with someone else doing the same thing on the opposite team? Oh, yes. There is a word for that! What would that word be, I wonder?

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 709

    The killer can pursue their goal by making it nearly impossible for survivors to participate in the game via tunneling, camping, and slugging for 4k. Do not forget the part where the targeted survivor is only able to be chased and eliminated for their entire match.

    What you're saying is that because the killer can do those things, they should. That is like saying that if I'm able to get more money by causing someone else to not have enough money, I should do that.

    We're all playing this game for enjoyment, so we shouldn't make it impossible for others to enjoy the game. That is it. If you want to ruin someone else's experience, feel free. It's allowed for now. But don't be surprised when the people whose experiences you ruin are angry with you.

    Also, please remember that survivors do not have that same power. They do not have any ability to pursue their goal in a way that keeps the killer from participating in the match in the expected way. Remember that when you write your inevitable response.

  • CrossTheSholf
    CrossTheSholf Member Posts: 331
  • iceeinchrg
    iceeinchrg Member Posts: 24

    Do I tunnel? Sometimes. Stop unhooking the survivor before I even leave the area. Take 20-30 seconds and go do a generator, not unhook them when I’m one tile over kicking a generator or breaking a pallet. And don’t just stand there healing in the open afterwards.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I think at this point it's just part of the game, is actual gameplay, and the Devs will never address it.