Snug shouldn't hit you while vaulting a window

That's just a free hit for Houndmaster
I'm just glad this killer in not in event, it was enjoyable to play against her only before update
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Don't you think the Killer deserves that hit, I mean unless you make it too easy for the Killer, its pretty hard to setup right.
Does Huntress deserve the Hit when she hits you through a window?
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I've played against a Houndmaster a couple of times today where they make it impossible to unhook without it being a trade. Just a real bore to play against now.
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Unfortunatly she can hit from miles with dog now, it's all thanks to new Snugs vault speed, I do agree with OP that vault hits should be reworked, it's way too easy to hit with her now, literally brainoff m2 sim killer
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So true just like a Doc preventing you from save by m2 spam
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What if you then just didnt vault at long range?
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Then the killer loses his uniqueness, let the dog vault, I'm not against it, but he shouldn't immediately grab the survivor, there should be a redirect so that the killer predicts the direction of the survivor (skilled play), but there is no skill if he grabs immediately after 0.5s, in some loops a vault is required to be dragged to another place, for example, the main building of Haddonfield
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No I mean, the Survivor, if you dont vault, then Snug cant eat your ankles.
I see Houndmaster like Huntress, so I don't do an obvious vault near her that will get me axed in the back.
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In general, I see it's useless to argue with you, you immediately go into a defensive position, after all, the OP is right for me she needs a nerf
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>I ask a freaking question.
>"it's useless to argue with you"I mean if you think I made a good argument, you can just say it, no need to flee after the first question.
There is already like 4 other killers who are equally as lethal at vaults, like why are we removing Houndmaster's???
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Most of those killers care about angles/LoS/distance. Pyramid Head cares about his awkward turning. Houndmaster says nah, my dog has curves and gets the hit from ridiculous range with practically 0 aim or thought required. And she has a whole 'nother power in her kit that's pretty damn useful now (if not finnicky still).
I don't see getting hits at vault animations as an issue, as the alternative is either a forced grab after/before the animation finishes or making the power useless at vaults entirely, neither of which is a great idea. But the vault speed of the dog definitely needs to be reduced/reverted. If you miss the animation lock hit you shouldn't just get the grab for free instantly, you should have to try a redirect play.
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If anything, forcing animation lock hits with the power can sometimes be a good thing for the survivor considering it can deny M1 perk usage, which is pretty popular on Portia.
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Yeah, I think bHVR was too quick on the buff button when I am still convinced she has still some mechanical issues.
I made a post about it:I think if they fixed these issues and then waited to see how she performed and then buff, I think it would be better.
But I have no idea what they know and or could see that I cant.1 -
Dodge the dog.
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It's a free hit for ANY ranged killer. So what's the issue?
You can try to fake it.
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Seeing this post made me realise I haven't even gone against the hound master once since release.
How regular everyone else seeing them?1 -
I agree 💯
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Literally. Dodge the dog. Fake the window. As a survivor it’s the same for unknown, huntress, plague, trickster etc?
I am not sure why people are saying it’s “Free”
She still has to aim and line it up. If the dog doesn’t bug out which is still likely to happen
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Killers are allowed to have strong antiloop.
Killers are allowed to have haste.
Killers are allowed to have things.
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That would make totaly sense if the dog would just ignore you as soon as you jump over a window xD
Houndmaster is nothing special, every power can hit you while vaulting. Rangekillers have the advantage that they are able to hit you from far away while vaulting, so you can't just vault mindlessly, nothing special and nothing fancy. While we are at it, houndmaster is actually more forgiving than other powers because you can just vault through the dog while he vaults without getting hit, so I don't know why you say that explizit for houndmaster of all killers xD