Darth Vader would work just fine in DBD lore and game play wise.. Change my mind.

With characters like Trickster in DBD, I don't see why so many would be against Darth Vader. I'm not really for or against his inclusion, but I'll never be a gatekeeper against such an iconic character with a massive legacy that has done plenty of horrific things to warrant an inclusion in a game like DBD. If a character that is so ruthless they kill children isn't good enough to be considered horrifying enough to add in then maybe I just don't get the communities mindset.
I'm a person that looks at Killers like Trickster and Skull Merchant and cringes, but would see Darth Vader as fine as his legacy speaks for itself.. Does anyone actually think Darth Vader fits LESS than Lara Croft or Nic Cage..? As I said I'm not for or against his inclusion, but I won't be a gatekeeper as many seem to enjoy. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Sure Darth Vader is an amazing character, but the biggest problem is that Vader and the whole Star Wars franchise isn't horror. So it doesn't make any sense and he's not a fit into the theme that DBD holds.
I've heard there is a star wars novel that is horror with the story going over a zombie plague like out break on a space ship. Vader had no part of that story and barely anyone knows of that novel so I highly doubt that would be enough to make a chapter for.
Also since Vader is so powerful what's to stop him from just instant killing the survivors or destroying the realms. He's likely strong enough to even destroy the Entity. The strongest killers currently in DBD either have limiters on them restricting their power or they wanted to be part of the trails. Vader certainly won't accept it.
And one more thing! Can't compare killers and survivors of who fits and who doesn't. Killers are suppose to be the faces of horror not the survivors.
Post edited by BlackRabies on1 -
lmao Disney would NEVER let that happen unless bhvr forked over enough cash to bankrupt themselves 10x over so this is definitely not happened. XD lmao
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Just like Vecna has the Entities mark on the back of his neck, so too would Vader. Simple. I mean he was less powerful in games like Soul Calibur and Fortnite. Don't think it matters that much.
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Also any assumption that Disney wouldn't let them use Vader is ridiculous. Star Wars is no more important than the Alien franchise and DBD already has that.
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Force choke instant kill every survivor on spawn
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It doesn't even matter anymore at this point, as it's only a matter of time before BHVR starts bringing non-horror collab slop content into DBD similar to what other games such as COD, R6:S & Fortnite have done with their collabs. As evident by how BHVR have been deviating more and more from keeping their collabs as horror as possible over the years.
As far as Vader goes, Star Wars is arguably horror-adjacent at most from times and there are so many other characters from the franchise that are infinitely more fitting in a horror game than what Vader is, but of course knowing bhvr, they'd rather prioritize recognizibility over compatibility in order to maximize sales.
Regardless of what you or anyone else thinks about Trickster and Skull Merchant, they at least are both part of a horror subgenre each, which are the main focus for both of their characters, where as horror-adjacent content only have some horror elements to them that are not the main focus or non-horror content having none at all.
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I know of his appearance in Soul Calibur, but no nothing of the lore why he's there and I don't count fortnight for anything since its the biggest mess of characters of almost everything can think of even if they clearly don't belong there.
Vecna choose to enter the Entity realm to study it for his own gains, but had to agree on the Entity mark that restricts his power. Vader? There's no way the Entity will be able to lie, trick or force him if he doesn't want to. Only if there's a reason Vader wants to be part of the trials.
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I don't know why you'd point to Trickster as evidence here, he's always been an excellent fit tonally, he's one of the killers I think BHVR did the best job with when it comes to justifying his presence in the game.
A better example would be Vecna, someone who is not from a horror franchise who was adapted to fit the game anyway. He's good evidence that BHVR can do this, though I don't know how far they can take that the further away you get from horror.
As for Vader specifically… I think DBD has a strained relationship to sci fi stuff like that. Alien and the Singularity are in the game, but it's clear they're approaching sci fi from a very different angle to something like Star Wars. I'm not sure if it'd fit, personally.
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Vader could be tempted into the fog if the Entity took Obi-wan as a Survivor.
Personally though, I think Darth Sideous would be a much better choice for a DBD Killer. He's irredeemably evil and he loves it (plus, there's a chance maybe Ian McDairmid would do some voice lines). And we already have a regular evil wizard, so why not an evil space wizard, too?
In any case, I think BHVR could make a Star Wars chapter work for the game. I'd much rather see that than the upcoming FNAF chapter (which is only about as horror as a Goosebumps book anyway).
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As someone else mentioned, Darth Vader isn't really in the horror genre.
More than that though, he's kind of a complex character that wouldn't fit well as a killer. Anakin's fall was tragic, but in the end of the Skywalker Saga, his love for his wife and son helped him fulfill the prophecy and turn back from what he had become. That feels a little off for killer material.
Don't get me wrong, the concept of Darth Vader is horrifying, but his character is built in a way that has a lot more love and redemption than we see in our typical killers.
Also, I feel Darth Vader has a power level vastly beyond any other killer in the roster, and he might just overhrow the entity. It feels almost like adding Neo from The Matrix as a survivor; he'd just fly around and fight the killer.
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yeah vader can totally kill the entity…
what are you talking about
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I don't know a single person IRL that looked at Trickster and took it seriously, so that chapter went down in history for me as the biggest let down of DBD until Skull Merchant anyway.. Legion is more exciting tbh.
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More probable to BHVR add WWE and The Undertaker as a killer, than Disney with their SW license
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The bright and colorful lights are only what is shown on the outside, but in reality there is so much more.
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Really? I thought All-Kill was one of the strongest concepts DBD's brought to the table in a long time, he's very well written imo.
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didn't Disney wish for this and BHVR said no?
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Same, i personally consider All-Kill to be a contender for being one of the top 5 best chapters overall.
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Pretty certain Original Trilogy content was denied by BHVR specifically on the grounds they didn't think it fits the game, and I'm inclined to agree with that assessment. Using Lich Kings like Vecna is one thing for a killer, I honestly don't think most people see Vader as anything near a horror villain, or even horror adjacent. He's certainly a beloved and intimidating killer, and I guess with Wesker and the like being added some would say the game has lost its identity, but I honestly have faith the devs will choose the collabs they want to include rather than prioritizing funds over theming.
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Star Wars is not horror or horror-inspired.
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That chapter is when I started playing the game alone… :/ Everybody left me playing DBD alone after Trickster was revealed.. It just came off as a stupid concept for many people I think. I'll agree the map had the most potential. Even I wanted an All-Kill map.
Post edited by biggybiggybiggens on1 -
Neither is Tomb Raider..eh? Lara Croft is here. Adding Lara Croft is similar to adding Indiana Jones.
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I'd rather they didn't include non-horror properties but honestly that ship has already sailed with Lara Croft, DnD, Naughty Bear, AOT, etc. so honestly idek anymore. I guess idc.
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I find it strange that a lot of people claim that Darth Vader would be too powerful for the Entity's Realm when we have characters like Pinhead or Sadako. Plus Alucard can turn into a wolf and bat and has magic just like his dad, but his survivor form can't do any of that. Darth Vader will have a balanced killer power if he's added to the roster that is reminiscent of his power in canon as every other killer has done (if he's added).
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stars wars and lord of the rings are arguably most popular trilogies but i am not so certain that BVHR would be able to add either of them. my impression is that it might be related to the cost of the license. it costs big $$$ to put something as famous as those two series into the game.
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Force Lightning all generator progress to 0% 😅
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I think its because its quite literally a foriegn concept. I don't know how much you do know about the chapter, but an argument can be made that it was aimed more towards Korean audiences than western ones. The concept of the Trickster, at the time, was extremely rare or perhaps even non-existent in Korean culture. The idea that a beloved pop singer could go psycho wasn't really a thing so when the All-Kill chapter came out, it was quite shocking but also enjoyed by Korean fans. A lot of people didn't like the All-Kill chapter because they simply held vastly different cultural views which people in turn saw Trickster as either lame or cringe. A
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The only only only way Vader could work is if this incarnation of him is the most horrific version of him. Maybe a zombie version. To explain why this version of Vader is in the fog it could be that he was cut off from the force or something, which would explain his lack of force powers/getting stunned by a pallet in the trials.
Personally I think I agree most with @smurf. Overall I can’t recommend his inclusion. I don't doubt Bhvr could make him work but he has too much redemption qualities to him for him to be in the Fog.
Also, Trickster is scary.
Lol, arrive to discuss Vader, leave defending Trickster 😂😂😂
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Darth Vader…?
Can we just finally have Predator (Yautja) and Arnold Schwarzenegger?
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Only if Jeff gets Chewbacca as legendary skin….
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I think that we should minimize chapters straying away from horror.
I'd much rather see another original chapter than an popular but non-horror license.
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I don't care at this point if the IP isn't dedicated to horror. We have enough stupid and distracting cosmetics that I'm willing to head canon explain any cool character in this game.
Star Wars does have scary elements that aren't necessarily horror but unsettling.
Most of the original killers are not scary or seem like they fit in a horror setting such as Legion, Trickster, Knnight and especially Skull Merchant. Some licensed characters while awesome to have aren't necessarily dedicated to horror but more fantasy such as Vecna or even some licensed cosmetics for killers. But something a lot of us tend to forget is horror and what's scary is very subjective.
I don't care one way or another but I'd be all for Darth Vadar specifically. That being said I hate Star Wars so again - don't care but Darth Vadar is a cool character I can see working. Don't even want to argue about power levels because every other licensed character isn't at their power level so it shouldn't even be a conversation at this point.
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I agree 100%. I don't think it matters anymore how horror based the license is. If it will bring people in while at least having a dark tone it will fit right in.
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That doesn’t matter anymore, we already have so much non horror stuff. He would fit perfectly into the game and be a lot scarier than other killers we have. As child I actually found him scary.
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I am probably the biggest Star Wars fan around. It matters to me and to others. Vader is a tragic character that isn't inspired by or rooted in horror. DBD and Star Wars do not mix. DBD has already been diluted, but at the very least, all of the characters are horror-inspired or have some elements of horror mixed in.
If you actually wanted to bring in Star Wars (which I doubt you could nor do I think you should), you'd look at trying for starweirds.
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At the end of the day BHVR goes to Disney and asks for something else they own like Predator for instance. Disney says if you want anything else from us you have to do a Star Wars Chapter at some point okay? BHVR then says what the hell and agrees. Sounds pretty simple.
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Why would Disney hand over one of their biggest IP's as a bargaining chip? That's just insane.
Disney is extremely possessive of Star Wars and charges a hell of a lot of money for the license. Even though Battlefront II was a success (despite it's ######### launch), they didn't make CLOSE to enough money to justify another game.
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We would all do well to remember that anything is possible. Let us never forget that or we'll be staring down the barrel of another "that license won't happen because of blah and blah situation" til it actually does happen.
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I doubt Disney would allow anyone to potentially screw up a Star Wars collab, too.
They keep that privilege to themselves.
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Thus far.
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I'm not gonna lie... as much as I try to resolve Vader being in DBD... I just can't.
It feels wrong, and I'm trying to get my emotions out of the way and be logical, but every fibre of my brain interrupts by screaming "no!" and can't produce a rational thought.
The best I can muster is Star Wars is just completely devoid of horror in the main films... when put in a line of NoES, TCM, Child's Play, Halloween, Alien and Scream it feels off…
It doesn't help that Star Wars as an IP has been utterly crapped up the wall to the point I just get triggered whenever I see it... it's like a aneurysm enducing poison cloud that follows me everywhere I go and can strike at any time...
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I love this idea, Darth Vader would absolutely fit. Not only is Vader the right hand guy of Sidious, who corrupted him fully, and made him of the dark side of the force, he is also the murderer of the jedi younglings. While Sidious is the worst of the two, Vader serves the role better as a Killer. Here is what I would LOVE to see for a Dark Side of the Force Chapter.
- I want him to be able to use the Force to pick up a dropped pallet and launch it at Survivors.
- I want a legendary skin of Vader as Anikin before the battle on the volcano planet.
- I want him to have a quote about hating Sand, when hes taken to a map with Sand on it.
- Vader is most known to use, telekinesis, force choke as well as using the force to sense and amplify his abilities.
- Obiwan as a Survivor, probably legendary skin.
Honestly sounds like a win win situation to me.
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I'd argue having Vader in something like DBD gives BHVR an opportunity to show how scary it could be. I think we can all agree it be nothing like how cringe The Acolyte show was… Anything higher than that I'm down for.
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It shouldn't be possible.
It's like putting Goku Black as a Killer. Doesn't work at all.
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Vecna is the Zeno of the DND universe. Zeno erased Goku Black yet here he is..DND Zeno. It works. It's how you look at it that makes the difference. Freddy Krueger is a prime example of power level does not matter in DBD.
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Change the sand quote to "I don't like pallets. They're irritating and are everywhere."
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Pretty sure this is Vecna as a Lich and not a god.
You are the one looking at it wrong. DBD isn't Fortnite, we aren't going to get Godzilla or Among Us as collabs. There shouldn't be any Lady Gaga or Balenciaga crossovers.
It's supposed to be a love letter to horror properties. For all of their faults, BHVR has managed to stay true to that so far with their characters.
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Best comment. 😂 Nobody screws up Star Wars more than Disney or EA.
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Splitting hairs as usual. Vecna is the most powerful character in DND however you want to slice it. Accept the idea early and avoid being upset later similar to another franchise that I won't name. I'm sure you know the one I mean though. Star Wars has plenty of horror related stuff in it so I'm not sure what you mean.
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I’m also a huge Star Wars fan from the clone wars and the original trilogy.
That Star Wars and other stuff isn’t exactly horror, is no longer an argument against it. Dbd already got so much stuff, that isn’t horror.
But I agree Vader would probably not fit into the game. You slice somebody with a lightsaber. Oh they are still alive. - Well this doesn’t matter for Disney anymore, so this isn’t exactly an argument against it (at least for them). And a looping Vader would be kinda weird.
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Anti-loop force power. :D