The State of Chucky is Dire

- The Biggest problem chucky currently has is the 14 second cooldown, the cooldown currently hard limits chucky's maximum effectiveness. Even the best case scenario of a 28 second chase time is relatively not impressive, ideal or enough against some teams. Similar chase killers have much shorter cooldowns and far stronger cooldown add-ons.
- Slice and dice is just not as flexible as it used to be. After some practise i am still able to get similar hits at loops i was before, however, the slower speed means you cant slice and dice as early as you used to be able to, resulting in longer chase times in addition to the already longer chase times from the cooldown.
- This change to slice and dice has made the duration of Hidey Ho feel too short. Since you need to get closer to the survivor before launching your attack.
- Chucky is very vulnerable to pre-running and exhaustion perks. Chucky has always never had good map mobility, but it's even worse now because slice and dice is slower. He is also very vulnerable to the use of Lithe, Overcome and Dead Hard since slice and dice makes it easy to time the activation.
- He also has a pretty limited pool of perk and add-on choices. Being 4.4m/s and M2 and having no map mobility i find limits his perk choice quite a lot. He also only has a handful of add-ons that are even worth considering, and even then they are only minor boosts to his power.
- Scamper is still not practical to use. Even with the reduction of time it takes to scamper, it's use case and counterplay of moving to a "blind spot" remains the same. It is not a reliable chase tool and certainly does not compensate at all for the other nerfs.
Overall Chucky is in a state where he does not stack up to similar options. According to community collected stats his pick rate and kill rate have also dropped dramatically, being the worst they've been. This makes sense, because even launch chucky was better than current chucky, as he had a faster slice and dice and scamper that allowed him to counter god pallets.
As a short term solution i suggest decreasing the cooldown to 10 seconds from 14 seconds, as well as increasing the duration of hidey ho mode from 14 seconds to 16 seconds.
As a long term solution i believe Chucky needs an Update, that re-introduces manual scamper as well as an add-on pass. As well as some tweaks to Slice and Dice.
I main Chucky since release and unfortunately it's gotten to the point where he no longer feels as worthwhile to play, which is saddening.
February Update : My opinions on chucky remain mostly the same, another point i would make is that his stealth feels hardly usable anymore because of the cooldown, it's better to only use it when you actually see a survivor. That feels pretty bad.
Also his stats on nightlight are continuing to decrease. Not even skull merchant saw this trend, she dropped a bit but somehow her kill rate has risen to being average again, but chucky hasn't.
It's really a shame that we have a killer like this in 2025 and i am very much hoping they have changes planned for him. It's just unreasonable how weak he is compared to other killers.
cooldown is too high for me. he's dead character to play until he gets sizable number increases. the current only way to make him feel ok to play is iri amulet+Jump rope and even than, he's not fun enough to play.
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They should simply give him his speed back and that's it. The problem was that he got 2 cooldown nerfs and one speed nerf at once, the cooldown ones are already enough - I don't know why they even nerfed his speed so drastically without even testing it.
Ps: the dash duration should of course also be reverted with the speed xD
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As I already said, he was in a perfect state this week before this nerf. 12 second and nerfed Rat Poison were literally all he was needed to be in a perfect state. It's 4,4 killer without any form of map pressure, mobility, build-in slowdown, build-in info, nothing, literally nothing except good chase. Just revert it completely, no need to reinvent the wheel.
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It's wild they nerfed him so much in a bugfix patch without any testing.
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I would try:
- 9m/s slice and dice speed (halfway between old and new speed)
- 12 second cooldown (this was fine in 8.4.0, 10 was too low, 14 is too long)
- Nerf cooldown addons (reducing the cooldown by ~1 full second or more shouldn't be a thing on this killer at all)
- Reduce slice and dice duration to 1.5 seconds (in accordance with new speed)
- These addons also need changes: Tiny Scalpel, Doll Eyes, Pile of Nails, Mirror Shards, Hard Hat (and maybe a couple others)
Also in general: Making a change to a killer that is as drastic as Chucky's speed nerf was, regardless of whether it was good or bad, and regardless of whether it makes a killer stronger or weaker, was far too impactful to just drop in a bugfix patch. Unless it's a brand new killer who obviously needs a major change, or the change is a direct response to something else (ie. buffing or nerfing a perk in a bugfix that was overbuffed or overnerfed in the previous release, there's nothing wrong with this), something like this should almost always be tested in a PTB first, not just implemented on bugfix day with no warning. In this case, it was a minor nerf implemented from a PTB (which was fine, 2 second CD increase and Rat Poison nerf were 100% deserved) followed by a major change in the follow up patch that no one in the community saw coming or had an opportunity to test/give feedback on ahead of time, and that feels terrible.
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Also fun thing: I play a lot of Pig with dash addons now, and she is 10 times better in absolutely every aspect: with dash addons her dash is AT LEAST at the same strength as current Chucky, I would say even slightly stronger; she is 4,6; her stealth is more flexible; she even has good slowdown.
And imagine how bad currently Chucky is, if Pig is just very average killer.
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Interesting. Personally i've started to play more Clown. He kinda has the same concept of forcing hits at loops with speed differences and doesn't have the downside of cooldowns or being 4.4m/s
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you can boil down every dbd killer character to burst speed differentials.
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We need more Piggly Wiggly players welcome aboard! 🐽🐷
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I don't think that their powers are comparable, but I understand what you are talking about. There is no sense in current Chucky in compare with every killer.
I swear, if Last Will addon didn't have this stupid downside, I would play Piggy way more often. Buffed dash is so fun with addons, but I don't want to bring 2 addons just to make it good. I also really love her macro gameplay, so maybe one day I will become Piggly Wiggly enjoyer C:
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Something to point out is, comparing Chucky from 8.3.2 to 8.4.1…
- 40% longer cooldown
- 20% slower dash speed
- 50% weaker Rat poison
- Scamper time reduced from 1.3 seconds to 1 second.0 -
Rat Poison deserved it but none of the other nerfs were at all warranted.
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He's still strong what are you on about? Just played a game with him yesterday and without gen perks I 4k'd no problem. I can still use his slice and dice and with his tiny body I can get a lot of downs thanks to the ability to mindgame.
He suffers on big maps like ormond but aside from that he's still b tier in my opinion2 -
They should bring back a slower manual scamper, which takes 1.7-1.9 seconds and leave the slice and dice scamper as is. That way manual scamper is a lot slower than it was, which gives survivors more than enough time. That’s the main thing I want since it got removed, because he feels so spammy without scamper. There was 0 decision making after the removal, just slice and dice, hit, wait, slice and dice, repeat.
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No he isn't strong. He's a 4.4m/s killer with a short range chase power on a lengthy cooldown. He is currently outclassed by so many killers.
Experienced survivors will just hold W against chucky if he tries to mindgame, as well as camp pallets, there's nothing you can really do about this.1 -
I do think scamper should come back in some form because it does make him more unique and interesting.
At this point they've just taken away everything. I think he needs a rework1 -
A rework is unnecessary in chucky’s case, he’s so easy to fix, but yes he’s a mess now.