DBD confirms Bot fills
Agree on the miserable matches and DC penalties. Agree on the solution being making matches less miserable. However, forcing everyone into anon mode and removing 4%? I don't see how this would help fix anything.
And this topic was specifically about putting bots into lobbies before the match starts, which is a bright red line for me and hopefully most survivor players.
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I wouldn't put it past them, but also they did specifically say "PTB lobbies" in the post. I'm not going to assume they're *that* tone deaf. At worst this is a good opportunity for us to give the feedback "please don't push this to live."
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Haha. It's an experiment. Instead of making survivor more appealing by introducing content for survivors to test out, this is the result. Mark my words, bots will eventually be added to the live queue to "help out" with killer queue frustrations.
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If this ever come to live server will be the point when I stop playing. It is already nonsense when you have to play against 4 bots after survivors left.
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Its a good thing for testing issues on PTB. It would be a relly bad sign for the game itself if it would be in live game though.
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Read bro, It's only for PTB.
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Well its a reasonable assumption Devs have tried everything to reduce extremely long queue times for certain times and game modes like 2v8 so makes sense they going the route of just brute deflating with bots
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Im gonna have to say bull on this one I played when DC penalties didn't exist and DC rate was 3x what it is now maybe you got lucky in your experience but the overall experience for people was DC for days
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I still want those smoke bombs as a survivor item or perk
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Devs will change there tune when they realize it's the only solution for events in Live like 2v8 to fix those atrocious queue times
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I'm confident they won't but I'm gonna let it be known too: If this makes it to the live game, I'm immediately uninstalling permanently. If this makes it to a future iteration of 2v8, I'm not touching it with a 3 lightyear pole no matter how fun I find the mode itself. I do not want to play with bots, I do not want to play against them.
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Everyone is missing the main point the need for bots is lack of survivors.
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DC's may have been higher, but hook suicides were functionally zero.
I see and hear about suicides/DC'g more than I ever did then
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unless bot improve substantially, I'll be able to tell if the player is a bot or not. bots are atrociously bad.
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Bots were the main reason for the increase in DC. Instead of pointing at the sore loser for pulling the cable, the killer was blamed. With the current epidemic of arbitrary DC this will reach the live servers sooner or later, since there is no difference between starting with bots and having them two minutes into the match.
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Even if I know there is a possibility of a bot being placed in a match from the beginning, I'm done. I don't care whether or not whether bots players are specifically identified in lobbied.
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The same thought has occurred to me too. The devs have had a habit in the past of slapping bandaid solutions on things. Instead of addressing survivor concerns their solution is to just use bots. I can see it happening. Hope not though
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I don't know why people are so dramatic about this. Its literally for PTB. Who CARES. You can dc without a penalty to keep lobbies moving but bots cant be added to help with this as well?
I dont want to wait 20-30 minutes for a queue.
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I don't think anyone cares about them being added to the PTB. The discussion has moved onto whether they might start expanding the use of bots and how people feel about that possibility. Bots are a relatively new addition to the game and their expanded use warrants discussion (imo).
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I know people have some strong opinions about bots, but I have to admit I'm just kind of meh on the whole thing. And I say that because I play in soloq Hades where living teammates do stuff like run to stand under the hook, go next at five gens, tag me when I'm down, sandbag so the killer gets me and not them, become "best buds" with the killer for hatch, etc. Bots are honestly the least of my problems. Hell, sometimes I feel like I'm better off with the bots. I might actually escape more matches since a bot might actually touch a gen.
I also play anonymous on both killer and survivor, because I've long since moved past any desire to catch the salt on either side. So losing an extra opponent that I'll never know anyway doesn't feel like much of a loss to me. And I don't mean that in a mean or hateful kind of way. I would love to have more engagement and get to know other players, but there's some stuff that goes on that I'm not gonna touch with a ten foot pole.
As killer, I play all the time in custom matches against bots so it's all kind of just Wednesday to me. At least a bot won't tbag me at exit gates lol.
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Hate to sound cynical but I feel like the majority (or at least a significant portion) of the survivor playerbase are already done with the game.
That is, if the current DC/hook give up epidemic is anything to go by.
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Because filling lobbies with bots to ease queue times has been considered for the live game before. The idea has appeared in feedback surveys with regards to event queues like 2v8. So it’s not outside the realm of possibility that this is a test of the system for use in the future.
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I love your username 💜
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Why on earth should the killer ever DC? Cause they're losing? No killer worth their salt should ever consider DCing, cause 1 bad survivor mistake can flip a game around.
I look down on Survivors who quit as well, but at least Survivors do have the argument that the game can be completely lost out of no fault of their own, and there are some really obnoxious strategies killers can employ... but encourage killers to DC? Hell no... a Killer DC is always inexcusable and any killer who DCs should hang their head in shame.
There is no shame in defeat.
There is shame in giving up.
Post edited by UndeddJester on4 -
if they do this, they should make the bots use cosmetics on occasion and remove the "bot" tag from them. Unironically. Same if a player DCs and a bot replaces in a normal match. Showing it on the endgame screen is fine though.
There is a reason every other game that has bots does everything they can to not tell you they are bots, because it impacts how the players play.
But these should not come as auto fill in normal queues, especially in the sad neutered form they are in right now after people complained. Even if they were actually good, as others have said, this is a PVP game, if I want PVE I will go to customs.
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Or they could figure out how to let the other 80% of the playerbase also participate in the PTB's, instead of resorting to bots.
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Cause they didn't need to suicide cause they had an easy exit button with no punishment. Now that it has a punishment people suicide on hook to circumvent the penalty which is why attempts on hook need to go
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Great. More sandbagging bots as Survivor and more unfun chase targets with free wallhacks as Killer. Nobody likes playing with bots.
It's actually tragic this is needed and it's going to ruin 2v8 for everyone, but I genuinely do not see how else they can resolve it for everyone.
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And that accomplishes what exactly?
All of you've done is trap people inside a game they find to be so unpleasant that they'd rather leave.
Not a recipe for success.
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I think that's what they are trying to do but the best option at the moment is bots, unless if you have a better solution to offer as feedback for them by all means.
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You signed up for it when you hit the find match button Devs have a right to punish and take away privileges that are abused and ruin matches you can leave but you must except the penalty for doing so your not entitled to a dc just cause things are unfun. Don't like it? Uninstall the game
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Yeah, give survivior mains reason to participate in PTB.
Killer reworks are not good enough if a lot of people only care about surviviors ;p
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Bots on the PTB to fill the lobbies? ———— GOOD ————
Bots on the Live-Servers to fill the lobbies? ———— HORRIBLE ————
Bots on the Live-Servers to fill the 2v8-lobbies? ———— NO THANKS ———— (Id rather wait 20min doing other stuff then getting a Bot-filled lobby.)
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Gqme isn't fun due to variety of reasons.
Commonly agreed that the game is stagnant at best.
Double-down on making it less enjoyable.
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They been trying to make it fun plus whenever they try to mix things for Survivors y'all get angry and want reverts but y'all are never happy so we can just shut down the game or bring more punishments to filter some of y'all idc
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Welp there gonna have to at least for 2v8 even with the major new buffs and abilities to Survs it didn't fix queue times so this is the last resort Survs forced em too
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Who is you all?
"BHVR tried to make things better, as usual, it didn't work"
"Therefore, we need to shut down the game or ban people for not having fun"
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Truly the only options 😂
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They need to find a way to attract more survivors, not replace them. Honestly extremely disappointing. This is probably how 2v8 will return too :(
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Did I say ban? No now your making up lies but I'm not surprised with the incompetency
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Did you not say you wanted harsher DC bans?
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I'd like to clarify that this is ONLY for PTBs and Event queues and will not be affecting live matches.
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Yep, people defiantly have issues with certain gameplay. I myself am feeling VERY burned out at the moment so much that I'm actually taking a break from the game and I've realised I'm not enjoying it so decided to play something else.
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When queue times in any event get particularly long, we have the ability now to add a bot to the lobby to help ease those queue times
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I'm in agreement with this.
Even if queues in 2v8 are incredibly long, I'd rather be against and with human team-mates than not. I understand this is there to ease mega long queue times (particularly 2v8), but I feel like that just lessens the experience.
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Exactly. If they push this to live, I'm never going to queue up for any event again. I want to play with and against real players, not a bot. Compromising the entire P vP experience just to shorten queue times is a bad move imo.
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Wow, I didn't expect to have my suspicions proven correct that fast. Good luck getting anyone to queue for events without a full pre-made team. ✌️
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Agree 100%. This is a bad decision. There will be a huge net decrease in people who queue up for special events, which will just make the problem with long queue times even worse. I absolutely will not play either killer or survivor if I know there is a chance that the match will start with bot players.
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They will probably walk it back after a couple of events of testing. I have no clue why any sane survivor will play with a bot. They run around the map 90% of the game caught in a endless loop of trying to excape the Terror radius. Any split pressure to the board and bot basically never do gens