Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Killer behaviour is appalling during events



  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 522

    It's such a sad state that we have to thank people for being kind just for talking about a vidoegame haha but I do appreciate it (and I do understand it's unfortunately kind of rare on here to have polite conversations especially when people disagree) I see your perspective, and even though I don't necessarily agree as I belive gen-rushing, much like tunneling, has very strict 'requirements' I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.

    I won't discuss it further on this post, (only because it's not necessarily in line with the topic and I dont want to clog it up more than I already have haha) but perhaps on a different post on this specific topic or message or something we can talk more on it. Always looking for more perspectives to better understand other people. Have a good one, gliyn! :)

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 368

    Not a kiler-only problem. Both sides seem to be upping the ante when it comes to sweating now that they dont have their meta builds. It's been horrendous, really.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 504

    Right, you are just asking with a little emotional blackmail on the side. Nevermind that gamers who actually do that are unlikely to read this in the first place as they are too busy making another lobby miserable. Fact is that is within the laid out rules of the game. I'm not a fan of this either and if I had the choice I would skip those lobbies, too, but this is what the current state of the game allows.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 154

    I find your post very interesting and you're clearly a person with an investigative and analytical attitude. I like that.

    I asked myself the same question, also analyzed the general consensus and found that there is none. It's a lack of cohesive definition on a macro level since on the micro level the individual definitions do not align.

    This is not exclusive to this specific term, but to the perception of Dead by Daylight in general, which is in my opinion a prime factor contributing to the current "disorderly" state of the community.

    But to answer your question:

    To me personally "Genrushing" is neither negative nor positive as it is a strategy that can be employed in order to achieve a goal. On a macro level the entire team of survivors knowingly has to participate in this strategy in order for there Genrush strategy to reach its maximum potential. On a Microlevel this means that Perks and Items which focus on maximizing this strategies potential must be chosen. It is also necessary to utilize these perks and items in a meaningful way to the best of ones ability to rush gens. In other words if I have the perks and hide in a corner, am I a genrusher?

    Given that all survivors knowingly chose to utilize this strategy to whatever success, we can say that the gamestate is thus such, that the gens are getting rushed. From a killers perspective this is an apparent fact of the gamestate. Whether or not the survivors are successful depends on an incredibly complex set of circumstances.

    Given the unpredictable nature of SoloQ, true genrushing in its maximum potential is probably exceptionally rare.

    Here we could easily philosophize the nature of time, the experience of time and what "rushing" really means. And here, naturally you will again come to the conclusion that there is no clear definition.

    The inherent difficulty in defining Genrushing lies in the overall loose definition of what Dead by Daylight is, as well as a myriad of ideas of what Dead by Daylight ought to be.

    Personally, I play both sides equally, and I do believe that I have a strong grasp on the games fundamentals. The soloQ experience is very varied with games lasting from mere minutes to 25 minutes+. Mind you the the majority of my playtime both on Survivor and Killer is spent playing without any perks, addons and items.

    From experience, the extreme cases of genrushing requires a coordinated swf and is in itself an impressive feat of teamwork that is nonetheless object to the knowledge and skill of the killer they are facing. If I can identify a genrush early and am successful in reading the other teams play style I am now faced with an incredible task of identifying or even creating weakspots.

    If the execution of the survivor team is flawless, if I do not manage to capitalize on any mistakes or create weakspots, the defeat can feel overwhelming. I just got genrushed. What an experience, how can I counter it?

    I feel a big part of this is the Map Design that can either favor killers or survivors in terms of available resources. On a resource heavy map, given those same survivors from above, the experience of my time rushing by will be a lot more intense than on maps that offer less in terms of defense for survivors.

  • alpha5
    alpha5 Member Posts: 504

    There is a difference between wanting something and the degree of whining you did.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 154

    If you allow me to give you one advice.

    Try playing custom lobbies instead of SoloQ. Find some people that you can play with and arrange a couple of games.

    It might seem out of place but I would like to tell you a story of what happened to me today so that you might be able to make yourself a picture of what DBD can do for you, and what you can do for DBD.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 154
    edited January 19

    You raise some good points here that I will definitely into consideration, I also agree with you on several parts here.

    I've seen 'em all, from the absolute toxic games where the endgame lobby devolves into name calling, confirming that actions previously during the match were both inflicted with ill intend and perceived in bad faith.

    The survivor is in the following predicament→ "I am in a bad mood therefore the killer is tunneling"

    The killer →"This cocky survivor is probably running META builds, I saw him TBag me when he got that pallet stun and now they unhook in my face"

    On the other hand I have had games that were absolutely wonderful where everyone had fun, we talked in the engame chat, signed our steam profiles, maybe even added friends and played custom matches. Absolutely amazing moments where I made friends with people far beyond Dead by Daylight. Because I allow them to happen. I allow the other guy to be good. To outplay me. I invite you to. Teach me how to beat you.

    A good fraction of players are very emotionally invested when it comes to Perks, Strategies and general ingame behavior (tbagging, excessive flashlight to the face at every pallet, hitting survivors on hook, nodding). Note that I did not mention slugging and tunneling because with this we are about to open a can of worms that not a lot of people here can stomach, I fear.

    Maybe I'm wrong. I hope I am.

    I focus a lot on fundamentals in this game. No perks, no addons, no Items, nothing. I literally play a P0 Quentin who has yet to read that bloodweb info you get when you open the menu for the very first time. I play a perkless huntress without addons.

    I tell you that I don't even look at what perks people have in the endgame panel. I do not care, I legit have no clue what 45% of killer perks are called or what they do. I know the META stuff because that is the only stuff that can significantly impact how the fundamentals of the game work.

    I appreciate a really good survivor who got his fundamentals down because those are the ones who are really dangerous and the ones from which you can learn the most about this game. They do not rely on that Lithe, that Lithe is that last bit of juice that he squeezes out of a chase that required far more than relying on perks.

    When I see a survivor with weak fundamentals, the perks might help him a bit here and there, but his death is literally inevitable if no intervention happens. He has no chance outside of the very little RNG that the Map offers coupled with a lucky perk proc or a last ditch effort lucky execution of the "Finesse" perk.

    Now, why am I saying all this. Who on earth will read this wall of text? I don't know, I hope the right person does, at least.

    EDIT: I want to add to this that I not only appreciate the really good survivors, I also appreciate the lesser skilled survivors. More when I play Killer, admittedly, but in general. You can't win them all, but you can choose to give it your best shot, or give up… or throw a tantrum… it's really up to you how you will take it. I've had plenty of silly, non serious matches that were also fun.

    Just to add to the point that my experience of the match variety is quite extensive. I can see that my point of view very likely requires a person to invest a good chunk of hours into the game with the clear intend to have fun as well as genuinely improve as a player. The average person probably just wants to finally hit that guy before he reaches that damn shack window, or feel spooky vibes while hiding behind a bush as meg while the killer barely misses you.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304
    edited January 19

    I strongly disagree with every single thing you're saying, to me the intent is absolutely the same whether a Killer does it to Survivor or a Survivor does it to another Survivor, but I defend your right to say it. My sole point though is that if you're a Survivor, your own teammates grief you sometimes worse than Killers ever can. And I'm sorry, but being griefed by your own teammate feels worse than slugging, camping, or tunnelling ever does IMHO. It just does. I don't know how, I dunno if it's my mental state when I play Survivor, but I genuinely trust the Killer to be more sporting than most Survivors I meet in random rounds these days and that really is very sad. I guess I must be the only person who has ever experienced that, or has the real mental capacity to think that way. That, or I guess I'm just stupid enough to believe better of people trying to win at Killer than half the things Survivors have put me through as Survivor to ruin my games, solely because of the way I tend to play.

    Because the truth is in all my years playing equal Killer to Survivor in DBD, Survivors have always been infinitely scummier and crueller to me than Killers have… and this is when I am playing Survivor. The amount of griefing other Survivors have done to me is absolutely insane, all because I didn't do what they wanted me to or didn't play the way I thought I should or they just did not like me or whatever. And every Killer Main I have spoken with in this community has genuinely been a lot nicer to me over all the years I have played than almost any Survivor Main I have talked to, basically ever. I have never had a Killer Main tell me to get cancer and die because I played Nea. I HAVE had Survivors tell me to get cancer and die for playing a meme build with my friends.

    That has been my 100% true legitimate experience since day one of this game, so sorry - but to me, Survivors will always, always be much bigger griefers than Killers ever can be in this game, and infinitely nastier. They have never liked or accepted me, even as a Survivor.

    I play in NA East. You may make of that what you will, perhaps Killers in the EU grief more than EU Survivors, but I sure haven't seen it where and when I play. I legitimately can count on both hands in the single digits how many times I have been slugged out recently this year versus how many times I was told to self-end by Survivors or had my rounds ruined by tantruming Survivors mad they didn't get to loop the Killer for 5 gens like all the big Youtube stars can. Maybe that just doesn't happen in NA, maybe my MMR is low enough Killers don't feel the need to do this, I dunno… but I just do not see it. It really, I swear to you, IS that rare for me.

    Which begs the question, are the rest of the world's Killers genuinely okay?

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    I agree. There's so much oneupsmanship even on these forums, everyone always seems to want to whine about how their side has the bigger problems.

    Maybe all of these tactics are simply problematic and shouldn't be part of the game at all. Cap generator speeds, regression and progression. Have antislug, we already have enough anti tunnel and anti camp that serve the purpose of eliminating the most toxc kinds of it. And stop moving goalposts every time a solution is reached, both sides, because literally not every single annoying thing can be patched out of everything or you really would not have any amount of a game left.

    At some point, you just have to accept all of this IS the game. Sadly, these tactics ARE the game. The worst of it being mitigated will still not remove the fact that these ARE parts of the game and at this point, intended by BHVR as counterplay.

    And that sucks. :(

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    Ohhhh OK I'm sorry for misreading my friend! :)

    I don't always read tone well online sometimes, I wasn't sure if it was sarcasm or not. But yes, DBD is a bit more than tag. My point being that at some point both sides need to stop relying on perks and focus on just playing the fundamentals, which is very problematic if the fundamentals at this point include unfun strategies like pushing gens before anything else and slugging people. Like I would prefer to chase but sometimes that is not feasible, and sometimes I have to leave someone down. I would prefer to not push gens really hard and leave, but sometimes the Killer pushes so hard I feel I have no choice.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 632

    lol I have to admit that I kinda felt bad the small number of times I've brought gen-rush builds. Commodius + both charge add-ons, Built To Last and some gen-rush perks... I always felt a little weird in endgame chat when people could see the build :/

    Oddly, I don't mind seeing that as killer. I'm sure some of my tougher games are the result of a talented team running those things, but it doesn't feel so bad from the killer side. I literally feel worse as the player doing it than when I'm on the receiving end.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 421

    Ive noticed its getting so bad that the survivor que times are much longer than killers lol. Round 1:wallhacking tunnel nurse. Round 2: wallhacking tunnel freddy. Round 3: Teamslugging wesker. Round 4: proxy camping/tripple tunneling clown. Why bother trying for round 5 lol

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 144

    This is a problem on both sides. I've played Survivor against hardcore, tunnel-from-hook Killers who tried to slug for the 4K. I've also played Killer against Survivors who bring the strongest map offerings and then teabag at the gates because I was trying to lean into the weird useless perks I get and not be super sweaty. Alternatively, I played against some Survivors who more or less gave up because I got a hook at 5 gens and then said they were reporting me for 'holding the game hostage' when I was chasing the ones who were still trying to play the game instead of the ones who stood under the hook gesturing at me. This is all during the FIRST THREE DAYS of the event.

  • PleaseRewind
    PleaseRewind Member Posts: 76

    I was one of the people who asked what was happing during the match. I wasn't doing it in a way to try and find a justification. I was just impressed you all got the gens done while a killer was playing like that.

    While I agree that is almost no reason to slug all 4 players sometime a screenshot doesn't tell a whole story. I just had a game on Toba Landing and this survivor that had boil over kept running to the top of the spaceship. I tired to hook but the would wiggle free and run back up. After the fifth time of trying to reach a hook I downed the and let. That person could post a picture claiming "Another slugging killer!" I don't know maybe people still think what I did was uncalled for. I don't think so.

    But I see the point too that when he see crappy behavior the instantly claim "Oh, you must have did something to deserve it" that's BS.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,065

    It’s 100% what is being said. It’s saying that killers should purposely make bad game decisions, for the sake of survivor fun….. but solo q survivors can pretty much do whatever they want, because nothing they can do is “as bad” as what killers can do.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    OCE mainly but I am not playing, watching streamer friends playing from 7pm - 3am approx

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304


    This feels so bad to me, I don't like to run Commodious or any generator perks at ALL anymore. I just genuinely feel bad knowing that I am stressing another person out so much it makes them want to sweat. To me it's like when I bring more than one or two gen perks on Killer - needless, sweaty, unnecessary, and overly frustrating. And the more you deal with it as Killer (especially the weaker parts of the roster) the more frustrating it gets until apathy kicks in and you just go, "OK so what is the point if you'd rather have the round over in five seconds? Don't you want to play chase with me? No? OK… :( Here's your win, I'll just open the gate." It feels bad to be the power role and get your ass kicked just because people outperked you, not because you sucked at the game. It also feels bad as Survivor, too. But it REALLY feels bad as Killer because Killer is intended to be a power fantasy.

    We really, REALLY do not always need all of this firepower. We really don't. Why do we all have this need to win so hard when we can just try to vibe? 9/10 times I can still get a Killer to just… vibe. Yes, it's less common than it was, but it still happens. At least… I still like to vibe as Killer if people are willing to calm down.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 304

    IDK if this is the same for you as in NA, but around 7 PM to 3 AM is when it starts getting sweaty and weird for us, too. That's when more SWFs and very confident Killers come out, so I'm not surprised games are rougher for your friends at that time. I've also heard OCE is more competitive than NA, so that may also be part of it.

  • Nocturnum
    Nocturnum Member Posts: 27
  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 300

    Queue times mean the opposite of what it seems you think. The side with longer queue times is the side with more players waiting for members of the other side to play. In other words, longer survivor queues means there's not enough killers for the survivors, not the opposite.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,065

    We were absolutely not discussing that. You literally said "It doesn’t matter why you’re doing it. Whether you’re doing it to grief or doing it because you feel it necessary, the match is still ruined for everyone else".

    The discussion is whether or not a killer slugging 4 survivors, when it's 100% being done for the sake of winning the game, is acceptable or not.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,065

    There absolutely are reasons to bleed survivors out on the ground…

    When all 4 survivors are slugged, they will very often still try to wiggle if they are picked up. And hook respawning doesn't change the fact that there often are situations where all 4 survivors aren't in range of 4 separate hooks, especially if they were slugged because they all stayed in the same area.

    If multiple survivors haven't been hooked yet, then placing any of them on a hook can actually make the game LONGER, because they might self-unhook and then try to pick up their teammates.

    This is why I keep arguing that if a survivor has been slugged for 60 seconds, they should automatically get teleported to a 2v8 cage. It stops prolonged slugging, and ends the game quicker because the game would automatically end when all the remaining survivors are in cages.

  • PleaseRewind
    PleaseRewind Member Posts: 76
    edited January 19

    Yes, sorry. My mistake. I realized when I was typing and thought I changed it. Guess not.