Killer behaviour is appalling during events



  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    The thing is nobody can prove that is how the system IS working. Yes a kill is a gain, but the game is showing us that bleed outs are not kills. And the devs have started in their official communications that legitimate kills change the match result rating.

    Without actual visible proof that bleed outs raise MMR there isn't anyway to logically come to the conclusion that they do.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152
    edited January 20

    The emblem based system considers a bleed out as a kill. The reason why it gives zero points for a bleed out is because it wants to discourage killers from doing this.

    However, the MMR system doesn’t care about encouraging or discouraging certain behaviors. It therefore doesn’t have a reason to give zero points to a bleed out.

    TD;LR: MMR doesn’t care about the Entity’s happiness.

    Post edited by Coffeecrashing on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited January 20

    What do you want me to do? Walk you through how to do a packet capture+SSL strip? That would break all sorts of rules and catch you a permaban at some point. Feel free to look up the initial dev stream when SBMM launched.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 222
    edited January 20

    Literally the entity. The god of the game is telling you. If the game was “kill by any means,” the entity wouldn’t be displeased in you for playing like a jerk (entity displeased ending). This is a GAME. It’s meant to be FUN. YOU as a person (I hope…) are not a murderer, so don’t put yourself into the mindset of one in a GAME. Have FUN, encourage others to have fun. That’s how you make the game grow and continue to be challenged as it flourishes. Not killing the game like the community, survivors and killers, as a whole have been doing for years.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    I'm not asking you to do anything because you aren't the person to ask. You have no way to provide a validated answer. Also, that SBMM dev stream never specifically addresses bleed outs. The devs have never specifically addresses bleed outs.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152

    It also doesn’t matter if bleed outs are worth points.

    Most people consider 4 bleed outs as a win for the killer, and that is more important than an invisible MMR score that they never get to see.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    Most people aren't bleeding out survivors. The ones doing are not participating in normal gameplay, and from what you just said are playing by their own made up win conditions. See why this is a problem? All the other players join expecting a game where each side plays to win. But a bleed out killer is playing to their own standard of stalemating the match and believing they won.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152

    Players are making up win conditions because BHVR refuses to give us an overall win condition.

    We literally don’t have an official overall win condition, even though we’ve asked for this many times.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    The win conditions are on the post match screens. You have the killer grade screen, the scoreboard, the emblem BS. If someone is playing for kills, the killer grade screen is the place where those results are shown.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152
    edited January 20

    If people repeatedly ask BHVR to tell us the official overall win condition, and they repeatedly refuse to tell us the official overall win condition, then there isn’t any official overall win condition.

    What we do have, is the most popular unofficial win condition for killers, which is a 3k or 4k, and it doesn’t matter if the survivors were sacrificed or if they bleed out on the ground.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    Popular doesn't mean correct.

    Why is it a strange stance to want to know what is actually happening? And what have I made up? The game currently isn't scoring bleed outs as kills, this can be seen by anyone in any match they play and is a fact. Show me where it was confirmed that bleed outs increase killer MMR and I'll STFU about it. Send me a message if you aren't allowed to cite a source on the forums. I will even follow up with a comment that says "Hey look everyone, I WAS WRONG" if you do.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152

    The emblem-based scoring screen, that is based on the emblem system, that wanted to discouraging killers from slugging, is not giving bleed outs the same score as sacrifices.

    And you keep getting the words incorrect. The emblem-based system doesn't score BLEED-OUTS the same as SACRIFICES. Bleed-outs always counted as kills, because the survivor literally dies from bleeding out.

    MMR is based on escapes and KILLS. MMR is not based on escapes and SACRIFICES.

  • apathyinc
    apathyinc Member Posts: 503

    Bleed outs never counted as kills under the older systems either, you would lose pips. Moris also didn't used to count, but that was changed and now they do. You have no proof that the MMR system is doing what you say it is, and nothing to back up the claim. I don't have proof of what I'm saying either (that's why I've asked the devs for it), but there is a whole lot of evidence that points towards what I'm saying being correct.

  • R3b3l54TTV
    R3b3l54TTV Member Posts: 30
    edited January 21

    Question, was this a TTV with some long name that looked like Tormented something? We dealt with him as well. Tunneled each player and had the nerve to call dwight rude for blinding him on his stream. Dude has pages on steam about his antics

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 321

    I understand your frustration and I also hate when this happens to me. But respectfully friend… you have Breakout, Tenacity, and Dance With Me in your builds here. And Killers have frustrations and for lack of a better word, "trauma" from bad past rounds where perks like these gave them an unfun match and a rough time. Breakout because it often is run by sabo squads who make it hard to hook with it. Tenacity for the same reason and also because people crawl to comp corners to waste time with it. Dance With Me because, for as weak as it is, some people struggle really hard in chase and find the perk annoying, or may think it's being run with Head On because it's common to go Dance With Me into a locker for Head On to get cheeky stuns, and some people hate that.

    Just like you don't know what a Killer may or may not do in a round, the Killer doesn't understand where four random Survs are coming from, yourself included, so what will they think if they see perks like this in a round? They might call back to a time someone with those perks used them to be annoying, used them in a sabo bully squad, they may even be old enough to remember when some perks were so powerful they enabled ACTUAL for real ye olde bully squads. And that pain sticks with you no matter how many times you say you're over it. That sort of loss feels unfair, you feel outperked not out skilled, and when you're newer it's discouraging. But as you get better at the game, that doesn't mean you don't still feel annoyed by these perks.

    It may seem silly to you, but it's true. I personally have hangups with blinding mechanics and really hated Blast Mine when it first came out. The first time I encountered it the whole team had it, and I was in the round just vibing as Wraith. I didn't have fun that round, I didn't win, and it sucked because every five seconds any time I simply tried to do what the game told me to, I got blinded and Lightburned out of my power. That isn't fun, that wasn't fun, I felt mocked at the time. Of course now, I know how to handle that perk. But I still don't like the perk, because I had past bad experiences with it that just really stuck with me. That may sound really silly to you, but think about how many times you have had a perk a Killer has used that isn't all that consequential that YOU just irrationally don't like. For example… Franklin's Demise, which really doesn't do all that much in the round except lose your item. Or Lightborne when you're trying to go for flashlight blinds. Or maybe the Killer happens to have an annoying mechanic like Skull Merchant used to, so now because a baby p0 Skurchent found out by total accident she could lock down generators and used it to win without really understanding why that's frustrating, you hate all Skurchents now. It could be the same here.

    See, the Killer may not know you're SWF. The Killers MAY be slugging you because you look as though you have perks that line up with SWFs who are coordinated to run in for timed saves, because you keep causing them to drop other Survivors with Breakout, because you crawl off before they can hook you with Tenacity and look like you might be going to bleed out in a comp corner to make it harder to hook you, or because they may falsely think that you have ANOTHER sabo, wiggle, etc. perk in your loadout.

    Killers don't know what you have before they see you. They can't see your perks before a round. They can't know why you run these perks. All they have is experiences where Survivors created unfun situations for them when those perks were run before, so now they just slug when they see these perks because they don't want to risk a stun, time wasted on a needless chase that you vanished from, or having to lug a Survivor from the corner they crawled into just to be petty and waste time. They don't know if you intend to annoy them with these perks, troll them with these perks, or just play the game with these perks because you like these perks. Think about how many judgement calls made in the moment that even you probably put on Killers who say… bring perks like Pain Res. But maybe they like Pain Res, or their Killer is slow and genuinely needs Pain Res for the pressure, or maybe Pain Res does have a good reason to be there because they like scourge hook builds, and yet… how many of us would be the first to call that Killer "sweaty" or "a meta slave" if they used it? What about if they're a Nurse and they just found out the synergy with her power, any different?

    And those frustrations, I know you know this, don't stop because you randomly got the perks. Especially because Chaos Shuffle is a time when LOTS of Killer Players like to randomize who they play, try new Killers, learn Killers without caring about wins, and generally don't care as much about wins as you might think because they know odds are people don't have generator perks and they don't need to try as hard.

    I'm not saying any of this makes it right. I'm not saying you deserve to be treated this way. He was definitely in the wrong, and certainly sweaty for no reason. But at some point, if you see a pattern where multiple different Killers ESPECIALLY M1s like Pinhead are doing this frequently EVERY ROUND even in normal games, I would strongly start to question if it's due to the perks or your playstyle.

    I am so sorry the game gave you perks that made you look like you're here to cause problems. I know you're not, we all know you're not, I think that Pinhead knew you weren't - but remember, everyone's being sweaty this event. I actually just had a discussion with a random the other day because her and her TTV friend brought overpowered items and forced us all on Eyrie… in Chaos Shuffle. Yeah. A Survivor sided map, bringing in overly strong items the Killer had no real defence against because they KNEW they could push gens with no issue because there's probably no gen perks happening, instead of embracing the mode for the chaos it's intended to be and being more random and less sweaty. They had to win on stream for their followers that hard. Sadly, we got a pretty good Wesker, who frankly was as unhappy to see all this as I was, because I knew from the start their setup would make him nervous enough to being sweating.

    It really is both sides. Don't kid yourself.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 321

    It really is no surprise when you don't remove the ability to combo super powerful addons or items from either side to min-max even with random perks, and you allow map offerings in the game, while meanwhile every other decision BHVR has made tells Survivors to push gens as fast as possible and Killers to tunnel slug camp all day every day if they want to win (because all their perks are nerfed or kinda pointless when Survivors have nothing to do but push gens all round).

    It gets so boring for me pushing gens so fast all the time, I don't even bring commodious boxes or gen perks anymore. I'd rather lose and enjoy the chase than be done in 8 minutes and feel nothing despite winning. And it's also the same reason I don't bring a ton of heavy gen control as Killer anymore, I think the strongest thing I use these days is Grim Embrace and only on M1s. Certainly not more than two gen perks total, there's no point to everyone being dead in five seconds.

    My point being, that winning in this game gets suuuuuuper boring once you've figured out the strategy of how to do it all the time. Either side.

  • WolfePhD
    WolfePhD Member Posts: 245

    I am not sure how to solve the problem, but I hope a solution is found. I have started to pull myself away from the game. When I watch a content creator like Hens get bad match after bad match, it feels better to know the controller isn't in my hands. This problem in the community has bled into Twitch. Who can remember the last time they watched their streamer and didn't have an early game DC/ground humping/tunneling at 5 gens happen at least once in the stream? It's one thing to be burned out on a game and not want to play it, but I feel it's another to not want to really watch it either. I've been sticking to YT highlight episodes only.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 962

    Obviously because I’m a biased killer main, right? Is that what you’re implying?

    Your “us vs them” garbage is getting old.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 181

    Each trial is four 1v1

    Which is nonsensical at a level I cannot even start to comprehend.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280

    Sorry you dealt with that. No idea who the Pinhead was. They were using anonymous mode.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 181

    Come on, that's hilarious.

    Look at him, he's adorable.

    I recently had a game where I looped a bubba on gashaven only for a body blocking meg do ruin a really goofy 10 minute chase.

    I went into spectator mode and prayed for bubba to kill em all. He killed them all and even moried that exact meg. Best game in months.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152

    The hooked survivor is still at 1st hook stage, and the 2 slugged survivors haven't been hooked yet. It is therefore a bad idea for the killer to pick any of the slugged survivors off the ground, until the hooked survivor reaches 2nd stage.

    The problem is self-unhooking, because if a survivor self-unhooks, they might try to help their teammates, which would extend the game. It is therefore quicker to hook 1 survivor at a time, and wait for them to reach 2nd stage.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 181

    idk, there's just something about a facecamping bubba that makes me smile. I don't see them too often anymore, sadly.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 181

    Can I group with you? I want more facecamping bubbas in my games.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,121
    edited January 22

    This is how you know SBMM isn't fully functioning during events lol I havent seen one of these Bubbas in a loooong time

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 181

    I play as one every now and then. Just to keep the tradition alive.

  • Nomade
    Nomade Member Posts: 132
    edited January 22

    1: There absolutely are valid reasons for the killer to slug from the very start of the match. Its called pressure. Many killer players warned well in advanced that if BHVR continued nerfing gen regression and giving survivors more and more powerful second chance and anti pressure perks that this WOULD definitively be the result. So this leaves myself and every other person thinking rationally about the situation to come to the conclusion that the current game balance state is either the result of negligence due to BhVR ignoring these warnings or is in fact very intentional. It must be one of these two things. Now, because the changes that got us here happened over the course of quite a long span of time I tend to believe that this is an active and intentional design choice the developers are making. I would speculate this could be in response to tunneling being so hated. It was simply not possible to destroy tunneling with the way the game was balanced without the game becoming very one sided. A huge shift in the meta was needed to make tunneling largely diminish.

    1.5 Killer players are not responsible for the game balance. The devs are. It is horrifically unfair to blame killer players for issues they have no control over. I would also add here on the edit (hopefully the forum doesn't flag my edit as spam like it did a couple of days ago.) that Killer players are not obligated to play in any particular way, use or not use any perks or not go for the 4k. This applies to survivor as well. I would like to suggest that everyone here stop with this "rules for thee but not for me" attitude. It is very annoying.

    2. Hooking survivors causes many of the strongest perks in the entire game to activate and thus it is disadvantageous for killers to generally hook the survivor right now.

    3. It is highly unfortunate for both sides that the killer can not simply mori all the survivors if they are slugged out and end the game. It is a waste of everyone's time and I say suggest in the strongest possible terms that BhVR if you are reading this thread fix this problem. Because of how high the unhook chance is there is a rather high probability that someone self unhooks in this scenario and then this will again activate some of the most oppressive and difficult to play against perks in the entire game. The killer is basically being forced to keep everyone slugged because hooking has a rather high probability of throwing the match.

    4. Because of how weak gen regression perks are right now, walking survivors to a hook now is too slow. Combined with how strong flashlight saves and pallet stuns are, and a huge amount of second chance and anti pressure perks, slugging is the most consistent way for the killer to slow the game down and get map pressure.

    5 Slugging is not entirely bad. What is bad is how long it takes for survivors to bleed out. If this were adjusted to not take as long, there would be far less friction. There are a number of very positive things that have happened as a result of slugging being the meta. First among them being that there is more interaction within the matches. What I mean by that is that there are more chases, and those chases can last longer. Being chased is something many survivors tend to find the most fun part of a trial. Next, you arent dead after 3 downs because you arent being hooked. This means that if your teammates are fast you can be picked up more times, get more chances and thus more interaction.

    Finally, I will say that myself and many other people of both sides are of the opinion that if the issues with bleedout timers and not being able to mori survivors if everyone is slugged is fixed that it will lead to a game that is more enjoyable to play for both sides than the previous meta we had around hooking. There are far too many issues with playing for hooks to possibly go back at the moment and it would take a number of changes including changes to at least a couple of dozen perks to pull off without turning the game into a one sided pub stomp.

    Post edited by Nomade on
  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152

    It doesn't matter if the survivor is a bot. It's still a bad game decision for the killer to pick up any of the other survivors, while the hooked survivor is in 1st hook stage.

    A killer still has a valid reason to leave the other survivors slugged.

  • Nomade
    Nomade Member Posts: 132

    You are assuming. Do not assume. That is also beside the point. I just got done saying it so I will repeat it. Please read this carfully.

    Killers are not obligated to do anything the way you want them to do it during a match. they can slug who they want and hook who they want for whatever reason they damn well feel like it. There is no rulebook.

  • Nomade
    Nomade Member Posts: 132

    But that IS the point im making. You do not get to decide what is and is not apaling. The killers are not doing anything wrong. They are playing the game. Just because they are not playing in a way you like does not make them a bad person or their behavior appalling.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,152

    Trying to win in a PvP game isn’t appalling. The killer had a valid reason to slug those survivors.

  • Interrupt_Vector
    Interrupt_Vector Member Posts: 181

    there are people on the other end of the game

    While I see why you would want to lead with that as a strong point, it is simultaneously the weak point of your argument.

    Out of those 5 people in any given random public match you'll very likely get differing opinions on whatever strategy or perk.

    When I play killer I treat every survivor roughly the way I would treat myself when I was the survivor in that position. It's very rare in my lobbies to have 3 people on the ground at once without them literally doing it to themselves (Running right in front of me for absolutely no reason or step in my trappers traps).

    In this case I consider that a learning experience and if you are unwilling to learn how to play the game then you will inevitably suffer from your own ignorance.

    What I do have to say though is that I play the game with the objective of having fun. If I get a survivor in my lobby that manages to run me for 5 gens then I will absolutely chase you for 5 gens. Take those gens please, I want that chase because that is the most fun part about this game to me. The gens, just like the hooks are nothing but a means to end the match, a handle for each side to pull to progress things towards an end. I want what is happening in between that. As a survivor I often found myself dying to the endgame collapse because the chase with the killer was just that fun.

    Maybe he can think that I'm toxic. I'm sorry for having fun, I guess.

    The most impressive thing that you can encounter in this game is a great survivor player, that guy who who just can't catch. That's my opinion.

    What I have yet to find out is how slugging is any different from hanging from a hook? Somebody still has to come and save you. There's still the same amount of players on the map. All that is happening is that Perk procs are denied, as if that never happens outside of this issue. The slug can even move around, something you can't do on a hook. What you CAN'T do is end your participation in the match prematurely by quitting on hook. I wonder if this debate would die down if we gave the survivors the possibility to bleed out quicker.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 703

    I've memed as a basement Bubba a few times. I'll get the survivors all in the basement, someone touches the basement chest, then Bubba has a tantrum.

    I'm never able to get into character and just down everyone and put them all on hooks once they're all in Bubba's house though, so then we just farm :/

  • Nomade
    Nomade Member Posts: 132

    Thats because the opinion that slugging is the problem is not correct. Slugging is fundamentally very similar to being hooked. Nearly identical really. Slugged survivors dont die in 3 downs and can move around. They still need someone to pick them up though just like a survivor needs someone to unhook them. So if the 2 things are so similar then what is it exactly about slugging that people dont like? Lets identify that problem and try to get that fixed instead of calling the entire mechanic bad. That is the opinion I have, and is exactly why I pushed some ideas for fixes to what I feel is the real underlying problem.

    I am unhappy because I feel that the other person was engaging in bad faith which is why I am responding to you. Our opinions on the matter are not ones we are likely to be in complete agreement on and that's fine. Whats important is that you are not trying to push for something specifically because it will lead to an extremely favorable game state for the side you play, and instead are being honest, which is something I do appreciate. I can see right through a lot of BS and dont really enjoy wasting my time trying to explain things or argue with someone who has no interest in really being honest about what is being discussed. If people want to have a discussion and try to find real solutions to things that actually are sore spots or flat out problems then I will engage with those people in earnest.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,975

    8 Pages of this garbage.

    Everyone on both sides, hows this: We all want to play the game to have fun. (If you don't want to have fun, then I'm at a loss.)

    Why is it this difficult to do so? Seriously, we're on a forum arguing over a game. A game shouldn't be difficult to enjoy. Add humans and suddenly its quite difficult. I just don't understand why everyone is at each other.

    Was this all in one day?