Knight and using multiple guards

It's a pretty clear and simple suggestion for Knight. He can swap between each guard but can only use one at a single time. Summoning another desummons the exiting guard.
I want to propose letting Knight summon multiple but not for free of course. To use multiple guards would increase the cool down of both guards. If you summon one guard and then summon another during the first guards duration, both will have their ending cooldown doubled. If it a third, then still double as triple sounds too brutal.
There is one glaring issue with this idea and that is Knight being punished for needing to use another guard while the other will not get value. This is especially true with the Jailer who has a longer patrol time. The Knight should be able to desummon an existing guard from a distance in order to make the double cool down penalty optional and not situationly forced. Either by looking in that guards direction and hitting the prompted button or still being on their icon and hitting the power button again.
Is this too big a buff? Or is the idea unrealistically not possible? Will it make no difference?
He is already broken against solo survivors, and strong slugger. He needs a bit nerfs not a buffs
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I think he is in a good place rn, honestly.
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bro just run to the window or loop for 10-15 seconds knight is more likely to be a little annoying than strong but this is only because the guards do not pose a real threat and therefore he really needs buffs guards, at least do something against the non-potato survivors
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buffing even more the killer that all the survivors hate would be a big mistake
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2 guards on 1 survivor in the chase is too strong. Just lower cooldown of his ability. like 10/15/20 seconds for jailer/carnifex/assassin.
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But then just make it so a survivor can't be chased by more than one guard.
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Knight is just an NPC, he will just spam every guard and let the AI do everything for him. Just a braindead gameplay.
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it is still too good at holding 3 gens. it is like nemesis zombies on steriods. you can't pallet stun guards or flashlight blind them. only outrun them and a knight would always use mounted banner since 15 second flag timer means that it takes very long time to remove the guard. survivors would be pseudo incapacitated for like +20 seconds continuously with refreshing cooldown's between the guards.
i don't know but i get feeling that it would be obnoxious turtle buff where guards cannot down anyone but stall out games.