Wake Up NERF?!

This perk is not allowed to be useful lol
Even with 100% of speed it wouldn't be picked up, because it's situational in most matches
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an almighty 2 SECOND faster exit gate opening with 50% wake up was definitely gonna be meta defining and needed a nerf asap! Glad we caught it before it hit live! Seriously tho it makes no sense why they would nerf an already low pick rate perk. Especially after this change the pick rate will drop even more. If they were worried about sole survivor and wake up then they should’ve REWORKED SOLE SURVIVOR because not only is it a bad perk but an unhealthy one too.
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So they buffed the hell out of Freddy and his perks and nerfed the Quentin perk to counter it. Why am I not surprised. 🙄
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what "Buff"? Dream Pallets are still visible to survivors, so they arent worth using at all. Dream Snares are a bit stronger, but more cooldown. Teleport can be cancelled (good), but you pay a high price for it - (Distance)
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This is just... so ridiculous. I have no other words for how ridiculous this is. No one asked for this "beacon of hope" bs for a perk that is literally already so situational. We are in a go-next meta and the devs wanna punish those who actually want to/are prepared to see the game right through to the end. Screw those folks I guess?
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If the problem was that they didn't want it to be good as a self-centered perk in 1v1s with the hatch closed then a better change would have been simply making it only work when the generators actually get finished but keep the bonus at 50% always. Even then I'm not sure if that's necessary, but it'd be far better than this.
With this change it's just a completely unnecessary nerf in 3v1s and in 2v1s it's no longer buffed at all which is really disappointing.
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They've probably did this to avoid some survivors letting people die on hooks to try to get an escape by combining Sole Survivor + Wake Up, going for gates after the killer closes the hatch. But i don't agree with the changes too.
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How do we know this is real? I'm not seeing anything on their website …
The last Live Patch notes is 8.4.2 from December.
The last PTB Patch notes is 8.5.0 from early January.
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Are you really gonna sit here and act like this entire Freddy rework didn’t give him some major buffs? Okay dude 🤣Have a good one
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Go to Information Center at the top → Game Info and it's in the newest dev update from 25 minutes ago.
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I understand the whole designing perks so people aren't encouraged to be selfish with them - I understand the thinking behind that, but this just seems like a worse version of what it used to be, which seems a step backwards.
If this is where BHVR want to take Wake Up, why not give it a secondary effect that gives it value throughout the match too to make it worth running? A perk only being active in end-game should be sufficiently powerful enough to be worth the value of equipping it, and Wake Up has never felt like it has justified that, so why not give it something else throughout the match to help with that?
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I don't know how anyone can read these updates and say the devs favor survivors. The mental gymnastics you'd have to do to make this seem true are insane.
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I played him in my 5K-hours a lot and I know what is strong or weak on him.
- Alarm-Clocks are MASSIVE, Snares are better, Pallets are even weaker, the Teleport is better, the Fake-Teleports are weaker.
Overall he hasnt won a lot.2 -
alr guys, i think everyone should learn that perks and game mechanics are not only being nerfed/reworked when they are too strong, but when they are simply...unhealthy too. Wake Up is a perk like Sole Survivor it encourages selfish playstyle more than it rewards altruistic play, because when your teammates are all alive, you'll do well without it.
Crying about Wake Up nerf is basically equivalent to random killer player complaining about Knock Out nerf if it took place.
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I never saw one survivor complain about his teammates wake up.
No idea how BHVR thinks this was an issue they need to "fix".18 -
Those people are still going to do that regardless. In a 1v2 where a survivor's on hook, rescuing that survivor is dead on suicide, potentially for both of you. "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play"
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Holy unnecessary nerf, Batman!
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ok let's see how many posts with "omg we have to do something with players giving up" you'll write.
How survivor players should feel when they are treated in worse way than killers?
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I just can't comprehend this. I saw literally, and I mean it is a fast, 0 complaints about wake up. The only time exit gate speed matters outside of extremely niche situations is when you are the last alive, or its you and one other. I'd argue it should speed up as more people die, but then we just reinvented Sole Survivor.
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So it seems like devs didn't approve of sole survivor/wake up combo lol. I think there were ways of fixing this without straight up dumpstering the perk like do this but then increase the speed for each survivor in your radius. As is nobody is gonna use this perk now.
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They usually always do care about survivors. But this is so far out of left field, it's mind-blowing. No killer player nor solo survivor was asking for this.
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Oh, I see. I've been going to the wrong place. I've been using Information Center > Patch Notes and then clicking on the menu to look between Live and PTB patch notes. I wonder why they keep things separated in two areas.
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I don't think I've ever run Wake Up before, not even in its current form. Mostly because I think taking end game Survivor perks into Solo Q is optimistic at best and borderline throwing at worst.
So yeah, absolutely wild choice to nerf this already underused perk. Unless it's meant to be a nerf to swfs (I imagine it has a higher pick rate among swfs)?
Edit: Didn't read the description properly. This is actually a buff to swf. Just what the game needs.
Post edited by tjt85 on5 -
BHVR still increscing the distance between SWF and SoloQ. Congratulation BHVR, more and more power to SWF and push to the ground SoloQ. Nice work.
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If anything, it's Sole Survivor that should be changed. Wake Up at 50% was completely fine and should not have been nerfed
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Well of course the speed is relevant with everyone alive. Less time on exit switch, more time to reset/body block.
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I don't like this argument, no matter what side is saying it. How can something be "unhealthy" if it's not OP? And it's clearly not OP or unhealthy because nobody ran this perk. If we at least saw posts like, "Everyone is running last man standing builds in solo queue! Single-player game!" then there'd be something to it. But again, you hardly see the perk. That unhealthy meta didn't even form.
Killers would be justifiably mad about a Knockout nerf because it's the go-to perk for slugging, which is a borderline needed strategy against good survivors. Bad comparison.
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No, not at all. He's barely stronger, and his pallets are actually weaker, literally turning a bug into a feature (getting stunned by his own dream pallets). "Major buffs" would be like turning current Chucky back into peak Chucky.
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They really know how to treat the Survivor role like crap these days.
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I can only assume, but I guess they wanted it to be different from Sole Survivor which basically only works when you are alone (when it comes to the Exit Gates), while Wake Up now only benefits you when many Survivors are around.
But while I get behind this, I think that the result is wrong. You dont need Wake Up in play when many Survivors are alive, since someone will be able to occupy the Killer AND most likely you will 99 the Gates anyway (even tho, you can do it faster now). But Wake Up came in clutch when you were the last Survivor and the Killer has closed the Hatch or something like that.
I also have never seen people abandoning their team with Wake Up. Usually they use Sole Survivor for this, since the intend is to be alone and either escape via Hatch or Gates.
If they want to go through with the approach of "more Survivors alive, faster opening speed" they should increase the value per Survivor. Would still not make the Perk good at all, but would at least not make it worse.
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And honestly, the only time all of my solo q team mates are still alive in endgame is when the killer is either having a rough time or purposely going easy on us. In both instances, Wake Up value is not particularly useful or warranted. In fact, it's probably a bit of salt in the wound for the killers who are having a rough time and patrolling the exit gates for a bit of luck.
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Absolute terrible perk
They should have left what the perk was before
It's so funny how they nerfed Wake Up! because they dont want selfish usage but Sole Survivor is still as it is
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Behavior is good at making everyone laugh. 😂
This change is great.
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Hmmm... OK so the point about giving it a unique identity (obviously vs. Sole Survivor) is fair enough... I don't disagree with that goal, and the original reworked version did have an issue where it was just more consistently useful Sole Survivor…
If there are 2 survivors alive it matches it's old version, but is weaker if alone, and stronger if 3 or 4 survivors alive. I suppose it does work while someone is on hook and alike in prep for hook saves.. but it's struggling to find value here... if you have a scenario you can get value from it, you likely have plenty of time to work on gate without it. It's needs an adsitonal effect for sure.
One effect that might be worth adding is you see the exit gate panels at all times throughout the trial.
This would at least make it easier to plan which gens you want to break/leave in preparation for gate, and you can of course pre-run to gates before they are powered, so when gens pop you can ensure you get there first for your faster opening speed.
It'll still be a bit niche, but at least it'd have a useful identity.
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I have no idea why they made Wake Up of all perks worse as now its a curbstomp perk that only does something if the killer manages to not get a single kill the entire game and even then doesn’t make it better than a consistent 50% gate open so I have genuinely no idea why this change went through
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People can already do that with Left Behind + key
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If the killer has all stacks of Remember Me, and you are the last survivor in the game with the hatch closed, then the game should just automatically sacrifice you. Wake Up was the only counter to this situation, now not anymore
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Wake Up was suspiciously reworked to have very limited synergy with Sole Survivor. Where did I see this before?
It's very clear to me that someone at BHVR saw this video and didn't like seeing the exit gate opening in 10 seconds.
I wonder if threads like these would be prevented if BHVR literally wrote in the patch notes "We saw the video you made. We didn't like what we saw. We are intentionally not letting you do that." Their decision makes sense to me.
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Hey there folks! There's been a lot of great back and forth in this thread, so I wanted to jump in with some more context behind this change.
During the PTB, we heard concerns that the buff to Wake Up!, while no doubt appreciated by altruistic players, also risked empowering more selfish players to abandon their teammates and capitalize on easier escapes during the End Game Collapse. With this in mind, we opted to temper how much this perk impacts just the equipped player to disincentivize the potential for this selfish playstyle, while placing a focus on providing value to altruistic teams.
The action speed increase scales up based on the number of Survivors still alive, so while its solo value may cap at 12.5%, the player can still get up to 50% action speed increase with a full team of Survivors alive at the end of the game.
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The issue with this is that you largely cannot control other players, you can only hope they're good enough to stay alive. You've made a perk thats now tied to my teammates not being idiots, with little control over it. If you wanted to make it encourage altruism, tie it to amount of heals or safe unhooks the perk's user has achieved that game. This hands control back to the player running the perk, incentivizes helping teammates, and still assists the player in the case they've done all they can but their team died anyway.
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Getting some value out of Wake up in the endgame in a losing game isn't selfish, and one of the few things the perk was good at was nerfed because of a small minority of players who play in a way which is borderline griefing.
Rework Sole Survivor and unnerf Wake up. Sole survivor is the issue here, it always was.
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Behaviour doesn't care about what the public wants, FIRE UP is still garbage, Wake Up has become the worst Survivor Perk, Vigil is broken
Behavior you could stop making mistakes in this Freddy Update…
Fire Up: Need to start with 1 token at the beginning
Wake up: Leave her as she was before, please...
Vigilia: Leave her as she was before this PTB0 -
Between this and the change to Distortion it's like saying a Survivor can't have a certain playstyle...one seen as selfish towards the good of the team. Which is likely a vast majority of SoloQ players. Meanwhile other playstyles complained about I don't have to mention remain to stay.
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Actually fire up's… kinda nice now, assuming theres no shadow change to it from PTB. Put it with brutal strength and pallets basically don't slow you down unless it stuns.
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I hope clairvoyance and left behind end up with the same treatment, I'm tired of having a survivor that doesn't do anything but wait for the team to die.
I don't think it was a bad idea to nerf it like this but they went a bit overboard and nerfed 3v1s and 2v1s as well, which removes a great part of it's utility
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They could've easily made Wake up a 'non-selfish' perk. All they had to do was add one line of text that said
"If you are the last survivor remaining in the trial, this perk deactivates"
Adding this stacking/reverse stacking thing just makes the perk punishing for no reason. All 4 survivors making it to endgame is pretty rare, most 'balanced' games have it as a 3 v 1 when the last gen is done meaning you're stuck with 37.5% faster gates which isn't bad obviously
But it's still a nerf from the flat 50% you would've had, for no reason.
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With all due respect, the PTB exists for players to go out of their way to test the limits of certain changes with little regard for the outcome of the game (since nothing saves and carries on to live). In other words, people's actions in PTB are not necessarily a reflection of how things will play out in your average live games. A grace period would be appreciated by average players instead of this seemingly increasing trend of perk buffs not making it out of PTB because of something that may or may not even happen.
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Fire Up has the same problem as DeadLock, they are super easy perks to counterDeadLock is an engine that the killer doesn't zone 99% of the time
Fire Up can be done by 2-3 gens in almost the same timeFire Up needs to start with 1 token, this is really urgent and nobody is talking about it