Updated: Important Update Regarding BOTS in 2v8 📅

Too little too late, if you ask me.
None of this addresses WHY people don't want to play Survivor. Getting rid of bots, at least a bit, helps a tiny bit.
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Sounds like a good thing to me. It may be that none of these things make a difference, but it's worth trying them all and comparing each approach. I applaud them for at least experimenting with different combinations and solutions.
And if none of them are working, then BHVR will have to do further investigations into why players don't want to play Survivor (if that is actually the case). I think it's partly beacause the Survivor side is under developed and not novel enough when compared to what Killer offers to players, but there might be other reasons too.
Personally, I did notice a small improvement in Killer queue times but obviously they say they have data that shows it's not been impactful enough. I've heard arguments that Killer queues would naturally get better if the mode became permanent and players didn't feel like they all had to rush to play Killer. That may be true, but I'm not sure that's an experiment they could realistically carry out.
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Could this be pinned?
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Seems like a good approach to me.
Personally I never much cared that the bots were in 2v8, but I definitely noticed it didn't really do much to help killer queue times, they're still excessively long. Can't say for sure if any of this will help, but we won't know until they try, so good call to do it.
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This seems like the right approach. The only thing that seems odd is giving 1v4 Surv a 400% bonus when the queue times for surv right now (NA) are instant and the killer queues are a few minutes. Don’t think that 1v4 survs need any incentive…
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I don’t understand the rationale behind continuing to test with bots. There has been overwhelming feedback that people do not want to play with bots, period. They said that bots didn’t help enough to shorten killer queue times, and one bot is going to help even less, so why even have that one bot? Just get rid of them altogether, which is what most players have been asking for. It’s very unfortunate that it took a huge amount of community outcry to make this happen. The mess could have been prevented from the start if BHVR would have listened to everyone who was telling them what a terrible idea it was.
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I suspect that's what theyre trying to figure out with the two bot-free days next week - whether the bots themselves are keeping people from queuing up for survivor.
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Hopefully their data just straight up tells BHVR they're wrong and that incentives outweigh ruining match quality.
I pretty much exclusively play survivor and dumped a massive amount of time into the game during 2v8's. I tried a few matches then didn't even bother past that due to them. >_>
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I was happy to see this announcement. I really wish I could play both sides of the event, but it takes so long to queue for killer that I end up playing mostly survivor games. Getting bonus XP makes that feel more worthwhile to me.
I'm also glad they're testing stuff to see what works.
I still wish they had done the solution where you get queue priority for playing both sides.
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I couldn't agree more.
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There is currently no evidence people don't want to play survivor other than people who don't like survivor in 2v8 telling us that nobody likes playing survivor as if it is a fact. I enjoy survivor in 2v8 and the fact you can instantly getting 5 other people (7 before the bots messed with the matchmaking/lobbies) at any time of day or night, often even faster than you could find 3 in 1v4 strongly implies otherwise. There's just significantly more killers proportionally, which is all we do know.
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Cool, 1 less bot, when are they addressing the actual issues with 2v8 for survivor to make them want to play? That's not to say bots in 2v8 aren't problematic, but there were issues prior to them that the devs still aren't addressing.
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When queues take 15 minutes for Killer and .00001 seconds for Survivor, there's something wrong with the role.
If Survivor in 2v8 is not appealing, no amount of BP is going to change it.
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I am genuinely impressed that they're acting so fast. I was fully expecting them to keep the bots regardless of the overwhelming amount of negative feedback. I hope that the bots will be removed permanently after the test period on Monday.
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Well I'll play if I can get enough friends on to get a full 8 swf. Still won't solo queue as long as bots are involved
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Reducing it to 1 bot per match is a welcome change.
And, the triple XP is huge, since it's basically giving iri shards as incentive.
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Incidentally I also really enjoy survivor in the 8 player mode.
It honestly feels there are just a ton of killer players wanting to see what happens when they gain a friend.
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I mean I hate to say it, but we told you (BHVR) so 🤷♂️
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Giving survivors in 1v4 +400%BP is in fact a really awkward decision since BP wise this mode is much better as you can drop cakes and BPS on top of it.
If you look for the grind aspect, 1v4 is now much better and provides more variety than 2v8.
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For the bot-free days, I wonder if we'll still get bots when someone DC's…
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Thing is, during the first version of 2v8 they only had the 400% Bonus on the 2v8 queue, which was not enough to bring enough Survivors to play 2v8 to make Killer queues bearable, but was enough to pull them from 1v4 so that Killer queues there were also unbearable.
Going for a different approach now is better. You will also get information if Survivors play 2v8 for the mode or the BP-Bonus. So if the queue times get even worse then during the first version, it would show that a) back then the BP-Bonus was a big reason to play and b) 2v8 most likely got worse for Survivor. (Both things I would agree with)
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Sweet for once I may spend my entire weekend on dbd and play some 1 v 4 to try get my trevor to 100( currently 56 so i can get back on my main since my wish of his re 6 skin is here woohoo) am personally sad ada re 6 skin was not pick over her re 4 remake one, since she already has og 4 skin…oh well least her face finally fits with now with it.
I barely been playing lol the highest i hit was gold rank 3 as survivor before this month reset which usually I always hit iri but stop caring do to how unfun survivor became.
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Give some iridescent shards (few if u will) during the event to see if it gets better. No amount of BP will fix it, many players have no use for BP once they have unlocked every perk, since prestige means nothing and gives no rewards, plus they are extremely easy to get with all the events, offerings and free codes.
I'm glad they're addressing bots.
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Zero survivor buffs btw. Zero new stuff to play with. Giving only blood points is not suddenly going to make survivor so fun people want to play it. This should be figured out by now.
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Sounds like a plan.
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The issue is with bots. Survivor is fine. Just because people would rather play killer, because it's a rare chance at co-op, doesn't prove that there's something wrong with survivor.
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So I guess iri shards aren't enough (More XP = Faster Leveling = More iri shards)?
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Phew, I mean, yes in principle a good approach - but how likely is it really that those who're fed up by the bots will actually return?
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It won't affect DC bots, this is only about the bots in the lobbies.
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”Triple XP Bonus”
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Survivor doesn't need a buff, they need to fix the bots coding in order to make having two ai players acceptable compensation for queue times
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My feelings exactly.
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Bots and huge incentives wouldn't be needed if the survivors role was fun and skill based.
Saying they don't need buffed is wild.
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May I ask you why pipping in the 2v8 mode is disabled? You give us +400% BP as well as tripple XP (= more iri shards) but no pips for the 2v8 mode. Is there a special reason since in the game modifier we can rank-up - it is just this gamemode
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Buff Nemesis and Trapper in 2v8 first. <3
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They don't, the mode is survivor sided. Period
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If that was true, every one would be wanting to play it.
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This. ^
One of the biggest core issues of 2v8 Survivor is that it lacks the appeal that 2v8 Killer has.Killer has unique synergies between different Killers and Classes that make it incredibly diverse and interesting. We've seen Killers interact in ways with one another that was not previously possible, and as a result, it has created a lot of situations that not only help advertise the gamemode (clips, videos, etc.) but serve as the focal point of attention.
The only way to make Survivor keep up with this is provide more Classes and Interactions between Survivors.
It needs to be as, if not more, interesting than Killer. Introducing Classes that are not as boring as "heal faster" or "do Generators faster" can significantly help, since the Medic, Guide, Scout, and Escapist classes are decent but only serve to cover the "fundamentals" while lacking the appeal of being interesting or catering to niche playstyles. Furthermore, introducing more ways of interacting with Survivors in the gamemode would also serve as a good way of providing further incentive to play Survivor.
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Bot lobbies deactivated on Monday? Looks like I'll be playing DBD then.
Not sure how triple XP bonus to "ALL players" helps to encourage people to play the role that needs more players. It should apply only to the side that needs players if it's to help queue times.
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It gets a bad wrap because of bots, which are not the problem with the gamemode. The problem is the lack of mmr and the fact that you can get paired with random people across the world rather than your own region. Because of this, no one has any hope of escaping, even though its really not that hard at all to beat two low mmr/high ping killers that likely play Wesker and Nemesis Free To Play (trial machanic) which itself is another problem.
Letting people play a killer they have no idea how to play, in a gamemode where your power is heavily relied on, was a terrible idea. Most RE killer teammates i get barely get infections or can't hit tier 3 within the first few minutes, which shouldn't be happening since its a target rich environment
The gamemode is obviously survivor sided. A single gen at the start can be popped within 15 seconds, due to gens taking only 80 seconds in this gamemode and the fact that guide is overpowered if you can hit greats with multiple people stacking, which happens to two gens every game
You can also now heal yourself and lose cage stages completely for free, with the very common herbs found in the trial
Healing is already super quick, which makes some of the current roster, completely useless, since they can't make back their progress as fast after losing a survivor briefly. This includes; Legion and trapper, the two worst killers in 2v8 right now.
The only killer that makes the gamemode somewhat more balanced, is wesker, since he forces a secondary objective onto survivors. Unless they want to risk going down way faster to either killers. Also running both RE killers is a huge nerf since you can relieve yourself of both infections with one of 3 charges out of the 8 sprays. the secondary objective that should be there for both killers, is gone
The bots do as they're intended, but play lore accurately to how dbd was intended to be played. They do gens, help teammates, and thats it. They're not supposed to be good in chase, even though they're great at robbing LOS and spam vaulting out of chase due to their wall hacks on all interactables and players. They also don't stealth as often as people think, they don't run right when the terror radius is hit, they run at abt 12 meters and crouch beside the objective or interaction they were doing, which is completely, mid experienced player behavior
People need to stop complaining abt survivor, when in the second variation of 2v8, it was perfect. It only got better, so stop begging on your knees for buffs when your lack of enjoyment is likely a skill issue. Not ruling out anyone, there are alot of factors, but likely its a skill issue
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2v8 is so very different than regular DbD that the pipping system that we have in game, does not carry over onto the game mode. There's no plans for this to change in the present time on this mode, given that the perametres as so different.
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Can it be made a thing? Or can rank reset be pushed when events like this arise? Ik ending the monthly grade on the 13th is more of a theme sorta thing, but people want their bloodpoints, and because of this gamemode no one in normal queues can find a match to increase their grades
One of the best parts abt grade reset is you get a high bp count instantly, rather than spending your bp for long periods of time when close to max or hitting max. This is also why the bp cap should be removed, so people don't have to take time away from the game to spend bp. If you made bp so that it was like a bank of sorts, that increased with everygame and your grade, we could get all of it at the beginning of a new month with no cap, and spend it accordingly. I feel like most people would prefer a larger amount at once than smaller amounts they have to spend ti get more
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The gamemode is obviously survivor sided. A single gen at the start can be popped within 15 seconds, due to gens taking only 80 seconds in this gamemode and the fact that guide is overpowered if you can hit greats with multiple people stacking, which happens to two gens every game
gens take 70 seconds to be completed, not even 80
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Do they? I swear they just said the base speed is just 80 like before 6.1.0
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i thought they were 90 like normal???
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Since the first variation, gens were said to have been reduced to 80 seconds base speed. Feels like even less though since doubling and machanic skill checks reduce the time you spend on gens considerably
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let nessmiss start off in tier 2 and give his zombie all the speed addons (including the irl that activates after a gen completed).
I think trapper not that bad in this mode honestly. he's solid support
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Let him start with all traps? :P