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General Discussions

What is your go to build?

Member Posts: 229
edited February 27 in General Discussions

personally I run I’m all ears, Eruption, surge, and one perk for the killer I’m running. Normally another aura perk for killers like Vecna, Pyramid head, or Freddy. For killers like Myers, Ghostface, and Nemisis I run a chase perk to get the most out of their power.

For survivor I play in a stealth support style cause taking chase would only be a detriment to the entire team cause I suck at it so I run Distortion, Autodidact, Pebble, and the Jeff hook break perk to limit the killer a bit more. However I main Jeff so I don’t have the best stealth anyway but he’s the best survivor so it doesn’t matter.

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  • Member Posts: 2,306

    right now I’m running lightweight, lightfooted, finesse , and lithe. It’s very nice 👍

  • Member Posts: 2,710

    I get cooked so hard by lightweight. That perk is underrated.

  • Member Posts: 2,710

    I've been facing either brand new Survivors or Sabo teams as Freddy so for him I'm using Lightborn, Agitation, Iron Grasp and Mad Grit.

    For Myers, I'm using Lightborn, Brutal Strength, Iron Grasp and Monitor & Abuse.

    I run Medic in 2v8.

    SoloQ is Kindred, Deja Vu, Resilience, We'll Make It.

  • Member Posts: 2,306

    it’s a beautiful perk. It goes so nicely with a lot of things.

  • Member Posts: 261

    Lethal pursuer, Friends till the end, Grim embrace, Pain resonance

    Never disappoints. Basically killer on autopilot…

  • Member Posts: 982

    Corrupt, Gift of Pain, Eruption and Grim (Oni)

    Corrupt basically to prevent survs from easy early gen splitting.

    Gift of Pain to keep em more injured and some small slowdown.

    Eruption and Grim for obvious gen protection.

  • Member Posts: 3,987
    edited February 27

    I change up builds a lot, but I usually have one staple build I always like to keep hold of/go back to.

    For Pig, my go to build has to be my pallet chewer build: -

    • Game Afoot
    • Nemesis
    • Brutal Strength
    • Deadock/Nowhere To Hide/Lethal Pursuer/Surge
    • John's Medical File
    • Workshop Grease

    Covers all your bases in chase, you can just disrespect swing at strong pallets and look like a dumb Piggy, which often lures people into a false sense of security. If you hit, you get your obsession, if you don't cause you got stunned you still get your obsession. Either way you can break pallet and catch up pretty quick.

    Once you establish your pallet disrespect, if people keep pre-throwing, you stick to them constantly while chewing through resources rapidly, whereas if they actually play pallets or keep trying to leave tiles, you now get to make use of the m1 crouch-stand/ambush mindgames of Pig.

    Once your headtraps start rolling, if you've depleted a lot of map resources, you can start to snowball pretty hard.

    On Survivor I have a few staple builds depending on my mood, but to just give one, I really like: -

    • Empathic Connection
    • Botany Knowledge
    • Kindred
    • Open Handed
    • Iridescent Key - Blood Amber, Prayer Beads

    Helps mitigate a lot of soloQ annoyance 😁

  • Member Posts: 135


    Killer - I change it up a lot

    Survivor - Wicked, Kindred, Eyes of Belmont & Inner Focus

  • Member Posts: 10,396

    Right now, Pain Res, No Way Out, Remember Me, and some other perk like Brutal, Agitation, or Deadlock. It's the only slowdown build that still works, as long as you kill the obsession before they can open the gates, and get your stacks on your perks.

    If that's not really your style, I do reminisce about my previous main build. A while back, I focused on pure chase with no slowdown or info, so I had STBFL, Rapid Brutality, Superior Anatomy, and Unbound. It made loops like shack actually playable. It was just intense all the time though, because you have literally no slowdown, and so you had to kill or slug the whole team in like 5 minutes tops. Oftentimes I'd have to settle for the draw. Draw By Default, DBD's true name. But it beats getting losses all the time.

  • Member Posts: 2,386

    i never had a universal build for killer. If i playing to win I'll usually equip corrupt and no where. Most of the time I go for Synergy over just strong perks. For survivor my go to build hyper focus, state out, scavenger, fog wise. Commodious wire/swivel.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    I tend to run:


    Nowhere To Hide



  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Dissolution, Surge,Ensuring, Genetic Limits these days for Legion

  • Member Posts: 3,031

    As someone who plays survivor 24% of the time and always solo q my main build is Lithe, Windows, Deja Vu, Decisive Strike.

    For killer i often develop my build depending on my experience and what i want to try at that time.

    For chucky who i used to main but pretty much done with him atp, the best build i found for him was Pain Res, Jagged Compass, Gift of Pain and Languid Touch. This build is suited for chucky because it rewards chases and hooking, and accounts for his low mobility. Languid Touch counters exhaustion which is very effective against him

  • Member Posts: 354

    I use the same build quite often if I'm not running Blast Mine, Red Herring, Head On and Inner Strength.

  • Member Posts: 354

    As killer I do like it quite simple with Brutal Strength, Nowhere to Hide, Oppression and Overcharge

  • Member Posts: 331

    Enduring, surge, spies from the shadow, and fire up is what I use on sadako

    I'm all for running any chase perks as killer

  • Member Posts: 2,306

    evil twin things I see. Also a solid build, but an evil build for sure. Speaking of head on is that built into 2v8 because I swear i hopped in a locker and quick jumped out and it stunned the killer. It was a huntress, and I was very confused.

  • Member Posts: 796

    I mean, not really one build for killer, I try to make it different if possible…

    Generic build would be something like Surveillance, Surge, Oppression, Nowhere to hide

    Survivors: Lithe, OTR, WGLF, Babysitter

  • Member Posts: 6,158

    Empathy, Lightweight, Resurgence, and the last one I change up

    Bamboozle, Corrupt, Spies, and the last one I change up

  • Member Posts: 732

    Myers... Tombstone piece and j.myers memorial. Lethal, corrupt, tinkerer, play with your food.

    Can be brutal on certain maps like RPD, the game, haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 31

    HHonestly... I've had a TON of fun with my totum build. Inner strength, small game, overzealous, and windows.

    I've gotten a ton of use from inner strength especially. It's an underrated perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Killer: Trail of Torment, Hex: plaything, Coup de grace, [Flex]

    Solo'Q: Kindred, Iron will, Calm Spirit, Dead Hard

  • Member Posts: 354
    edited February 28

    @HeroLives There is just something so satisfying about watching someone getting Blast Mined.

    I haven't seen anyone get a locker stun on 2v8 but I cannot say I've tried myself- I don't think Head On exists in this mode as there is no description of it or perk icon to show It's ready but who knows, with DBD code perhaps you somehow did stun them

  • Member Posts: 2,306

    oh I absolutely stunned them because she did her little whimper and everything, and I felt so bad because I knew that probably wasn’t an intentional mechanic, and idk why it happened, but it happened. I was just trying to dodge a hit and see if I could put the killer into freeze mode( fight, flight, freeze) from surprise.

  • Member Posts: 671
    edited February 28

    Survivor Meta: Adrenalin/DH/DS/We'll Make It. Non Meta: Quick Quiet/Head On/DS/Blastmine

    KIller: Lethal/Franklin's/Genetic Limits/Surge

  • Member Posts: 13

    Survivor loadout 1: Quick Gambit, Finesse, Balanced Landing, Desperate Measures with a strong medkit

    Survivor loadout 2: Dead Hard, WOO, DS, Resilience

    Survivor loadout 3: Stake Out, Hypergenesis, Built to Last, Streetwise with a strong tool box

  • Member Posts: 514

    I always have different builds on killers. But on survivors for rebecca i use her 3 perks + stakeout, with a medkit that has skill check addons, seems to work well all around. Another is dwights 3 perks + claudettes healing. (Good for healing and gen doing) And then for healing build its were gonna live forever, the 100% faster healing when unhooking, claudettes healing, and empathy or sables basement healing (it helps with healing anyone that got out of chase, got unhooked, slugged, and helps against knockout team sluggers, or the self healing works fast and helps in the end of the round if u know the killers is occupied with the doors

  • Member Posts: 5,986

    I have been experimenting lately with slugging as a primary strategy and attempting to evolve it beyond simply "slug everyone" and have come up with this:

    • Lethal Pursuer
    • Nowhere to hide
    • Forced Hesitation
    • Infectious fright

    Basically, i can immediately get into a chase, if i down the survivor and see someone with infectious, i leave them there and don't go after them. If i see nobody, i just hook them if they are not the obsession (if they are, they are more likely to have DS), otherwise i run to where i know they will be due to the LP then i focus on only hooking the same 1 or 2 people while ignoring the others and slugging them until someone is out of the game. Then from there i just goof around.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    I have different builds for most Killers (although Iron Grasp and Lightborn feature in most), so I'll just share the one for my main. On Legion I use Surge, Enduring, Fire Up and either Lightborn or Iron Grasp (or Mad Grit if just playing for fun). I find I'm always playing catch up as Legion, so these perks help me to make a mid/late game comeback by defending a gen cluster or 3 gen. Doesn't always work, but losing 2 gens after the first chase is a typical Legion main experience for me.

    For Survivor I like to run lots of theme / meme builds to keep things interesting. But my main "regular" Solo Q build consists of Self-Care, Botany Knowledge and Sprintburst. The final perk slot is either something to help with a challenge or my favourite perk from that specific Survivor. And sorry to be that guy, but if I'm playing Steve I HAVE to run Scene Partner in this perk slot.

    Resilience and Vigil are common choices as well, but right now I'm really enjoying running Lucky Star in this slot. Just so much value for one perk slot. With it you can see where a chase is happening, if someone is going for a save, what gens are being worked on (handy for breaking a 3 gen), easily find a nearby gen on an indoor map and see which exit gate is being opened. The 30 seconds of Iron Will and no blood pools allows you to find somewhere safe to get healed up with self-care / botany (or you can just stay in the locker if the Killer is still nearby). Lucky Star has saved my bacon so many times and is the best Solo Q aura perk, imho.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,515

    Right now for killers I'm running Lightborn, Deadlock, Iron Grasp, and Whispers. I used to run Beast of Prey and Distressing instead of Iron Grasp and Whispers, and even further back BBQ instead of Deadlock. The current build is more useful but I don't really care that much about useful, I preferred my previous build, it was more fun/rewarding.

    As survivor, right now I run Bardic Inspiration (Lute), Diversion (Pebble), Mirrored Illusion, and Plot Twist. My friend runs Bardic Inspiration, Empathy, Self Care, and Botany (that used to be my build, but I've been trying something different the last month+).

  • Member Posts: 135

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