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General Discussions

Would the GO NEXT function be applicable in my case in the future from BHVR ?

“Go next prevention”, we have all heard about it and it is coming in the future.

I have a question and hope someone can help me. Maybe even a mod or dev who can say something about it.

The following just happened to me. I lost 2 games with the singularity by a large margin. In the third game I ran into survivors who played absolutely subterranean. Normally that shouldn't be the case, right? According to MMR, you should be able to get weak opponents, but not extremely bad ones, right? I don't understand that. Of course, it's possible that the MMR system is not yet fully developed.

But: The survivors deliberately ran to me and got themselves killed. They were just trolling and not playing properly. Sometimes they just stood around and made gestures.

In the endgame chat, they told me that they didn't feel like playing against the Singularity because it's no fun for the survivors to play against killers like that.

I'm sorry, but it's not my fault that the Singularity exists as a killer, is it?

The same also applies to killer players, of course, if they behave in an underground manner

Would “GO NEXT” apply in such a case in the future? and what about consequences? Will there be penalties for such players ? or what penalties await this type of player ?


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  • Member Posts: 683

    Yea I mean this and afkers, emote spammers when I am first on hook, people opening chests, crouch hiding on the edge of the map, deliberate sandbagging (which has so many forms) ….

    I mean the list goes on.

    If you are going to load up and those are your teammates, the match is over.

    If BHVR doesnt want to recognize any of this and start punishing people "going next".

    GL with your game.

  • Member Posts: 967

    ghe MMR is a joke. I'm p92 huntress and I keep getting at most p2 survivors...

  • Member Posts: 198

    I hope the Go Next does not apply for killers.
    There's a lot, I mean A LOT of crappy challenges for both roles, but for the killer ones I prefer to complete it ASAP and then AFK/let the survs escape.
    As surv I prioritize the challenge completion and then do my best to help the others escape.

  • Member Posts: 736

    P2 survivor just means they have p2 on that character. They may have at least 1 or 2 p100 characters.

    On the other hand, p100 doesn't mean anything for skill level as I could potentially p100 trapper and never play as that killer even once... I could play survivor and p100 any killer and never even play as any killer ever.

  • Member Posts: 967

    yes, but it's been only new players for about 2 months now...

  • Member Posts: 13

    I don't really understand how any form of punishment is going to insentivise players to play through a match they find unfun. It's just quicker to go next to find a match that has a more fun factor in it. A lot of people don't have a lot of time,and would not want to waste it going up against a killer that's just going to stomp you, or has annoying mechanics that you have to constantly deal with. What BHVR should do is add some sort of system that if you tough out the match you get more blood points in the next match, or something along those lines. Like if you lost a match you get 10% more blood points going forward. If someone finds a match unfun even if you add punishment there no stopping a player from just standing still. Can't force someone to do what you want.

  • Member Posts: 20
    edited March 17

    I don't understand that mentality. I mean, if you're playing a trapper and your opponent decides to go afk or run into you and says it's no fun to play against the trapper, then I honestly have to wonder why these people are even playing this game. Do you understand what i mean ?

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