Fix the game, its been out entirely too long for these issues

can someone please explain the point of windows and pallets? I jump through the window (finish the animation) and the killer hits me through it, I jump over a pallet (finish the animation) and the killer hits me over it. It actually makes no sense. Im using the only two things you have in the game to get away from the killer and it doesnt matter. You already made the killer way faster than the survivors so if I cant outrun them and I cant escape them because they hit me over and through the two obstacles youve placed in the game, can you explain what im supposed to do? Genuine question, I used to he Iridescent as a survivor, but youve made this game worse for survivors, not harder, worse. At no point during the game should I be wondering how I got hit when im on the other side of a wall, rock, pallet, window or anything. Please for the love of God fix the game. I have countless video evidence of this happening but your website design does not allow me to post these videos because they arent a certain type of file. More than happy to send you an email with all the broken functions and features of this game. I mean, its been out for what, 8 years, and we are still having these types of issues, lets work on fixing the game before adding 37 different characters and outfits.
It works as intended. Yours and the killer ping are also a factor when it comes to this.
5 -
It definitely doesn’t work as intended, so I’m not sure why we’re pretending otherwise. Killers can land hits from what feels like Jupiter, even at 60ms. That’s just not how it should be, and it’s frustrating
1 -
Yup I too have countless videos and it's piss annoying and giving us that bandaid finesse ain't nothing. I remember for a short while they did fix fast vaults then broke it again after like 2 weeks. Also remove damn medium vaults it's so pointless and makes no sense 😒
-3 -
Did you just suggest removing medium vaults?
I encourage you to look up some footage to when there actually where no medium vaults and how horrible that made the game.
6 -
Am not about to waste time looking up some video about something that is pointless. Only one niche thing medium vault does it that it also procs lithe, else what is it's purpose?
-7 -
When you're replying back to me with exaggeration saying it feels like they can land hits from Jupiter than it's quite difficult to believe a thing you even say. So yes, it works as intended. I have no issues, so it's something on your side.
-2 -
Ping issues are always killer sided, that's the problem. If the killer has bad ping, they feel virtually no issues with connecting hits on their end, but survivors see themselves hit around corners, after vaults, the works. All players are actively punished for having good ping, while only killers are rewarded for having bad ping.
8 -
Best to ignore them, they appear to be absolutely clueless regarding to game balance if they seriously think removing medium vaults are a good idea.
Medium vaults serve the purpose of ensuring survivors cannot fast vault whenever they feel like it, it needs to be timed and their routes need to be planned. Before medium vaults were a thing killers had a particularly harder time, and it was unfair especially against 110% movement speed killers.
4 -
For you getting hit when on the other side of window depends on how close you are to it I'm a Killer main and I hit Survivors who vault the window but I have a VERY small opening to still hit them the second after the finish vaulting before they run away. As to the pallet thing all I can say is that it might be because one of you have a high ping but it could be like I said earlier with the window issue where Survivors could still get hit as or directly after they vault I think it's fair because even though the Killer can run faster than the Survivors there are four of them witch a good player could distract the Killer while the rest of them group up and repair generators fairly quickly and Survivors have all of these perks that can help them drastically. Do you play as a Survivor a lot? If so you should try playing as a Killer and you'd probably realize it is fair. I'm not saying that there aren't bugs like just just today I was chasing a Survivor and suddenly I glitched back so it took me even longer to down them. If you are getting hit from behind rocks and wall maybe the Killer swung quickly and hit you or maybe it is a glitch.
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It's a balancing decision to not make looping too oppressive.
If you don't want to inform yourself about why the things you propose might not be good, you should expect to receive criticism for that proposal.
@xCakeStick said it really well here.
3 -
Yeah that's exactly it give a mechanic to award bad killers like yourselves to get free hand holding hits clearly shown the game favors killers ping and that's skill?
-8 -
Acting like it's not facts killers do no score undeserved hits via their Wal-Mart net or VPN makes me just know the type you are lol. Who is the clueless one now?
-6 -
Well then intend something different!
1 -
This. Hear ye, hear ye. @buggybug and @radiantHero23
Apologies for interrupting the Textual Fight Night®, but I feel the quote above is whats happening. Meaning, Survivors are getting hit from Jupiter, but its nothing malicious on the killers side, its just ping. Its been said servers will toss ya into a different region now and then, and you'll have ping warriors hitting you far away as if Dhalsim has made it into DBD. This is soooooooo rare though, like bigfoot or getting an amazing SWF back to back.
Thoughts? Should ping be something BHVR tries to handle? Can't fully deal with it because.. well, ping. How to make ping work for the entity… Hmm.
0 -
You entirely missed the point. Good job.
4 -
@buggybug was for removing medium vaults. That's what our discussion was about.
In regard to the ping issue. It's not entirely true, that only survivors are effected by bad ping. Every form of grab is dependent on survivor ping. As a Pig main myself, you can imagine how frustrating this can be. Do I complain about it? No. Why should I.
Is it as big of a problem as killer ping making hits feel like gunshots? Absolutely not.
Sorry, forum shenanigans have put your post this low in here...
Anyway. Ping cannot entirely be solved I think. Bhvr tried and failed in the past with hit validation.
The only solution to make the problem less noticeable is to add servers, so that fewer extremes can happen. Then again, what do I know. Netcoding is not my specialty.
1 -
Oh I know the point but it's still my opinion. If they fix fast vaults then I wouldn't say remove medium vaults. Killers hitting you through things 95% of time is unjustified when your fast vaulting. The short time they had fix them even the notes claim the fast vaults was being treated as medium vault speed hence why we always get hit.
-4 -
Not entirely true. All killer grabs are dependent on survivor ping.
I acknowledge, that this is by far the lesser evil than the impact a bad killer ping can have, however, it is an aspect to take into account.
2 -
I got hit thru a pallet from a killer with ping 24. My ping is 30 - 40. How small has the ping have to be to visually fit whats happening?
3 -
What about killers that have good ping? Out of my experience (I have pretty decent internet on myself) most matches I play, the killer has a ping in the range of 30-60. If you remove medium vaults, you make their experience awful for absolutely not reason. It would turn absolutely valid hits into misses.
2 -
sorry for the horrendous quality but had to covert it to a gif so that it would upload…. But IDGAF what kind of ping you have this is unacceptable
2 -
Umm hate to break it to ya, but that's within lunge range since he both swung straight out the window and you flinching your head back in range
0 -
No. Im far enough away from the window that the trapper cannot hit me, hence why he swings and hits nothing but air.
2 -
So the solution to that is to remove medium vaults?
-1 -
From what we see on that (tiny) show you jump, trapper is hugging the window, you flinch back in range as he swings and he gets a hit. We've gotten hits and hit at that range and whether or not you think that should be the range, it is.
0 -
8/10 Bait. If we could lock-in for a couple seconds, we'd realize that this has been an issue for years that Bhvr has actively ignored and refused to solve when you are NOWHERE in range of the vault, window or lunge and yet somehow; it hits.
It doesn't and should never come down to a "Lol, I've never experienced this so it must be a you thing." When people have been saying this for YEARS. There's countless clips of evidence that prove that it's an issue that needs to be resolved. So, please, let's not act like it does.0 -
Ping problems are inevitable. We already had the opposite solution where you could clearly hear a hit and see the blood splatter but it was not registered. Or when you see a survivor getting downed but suddenly you realize that he is still running.
2 -
Couldn't have said it any better encore maestro say it again.
-1 -
So getting hit egregiously over pallets is a purely a product of the killers ping. You aren't meant to "out run" the killer you're meant to buy time for your team to the point its the killers decision to stop chasing you or keep chasing you.
-1 -
Angered a lot of people here, as I experience no issues. So I don't have a clue what the minority are on about, so yes, it works as Intended.
-5 -
Of course its a problem. It has always been a problem. Bad ping can be a problem for both sides.
However, to solve this, it needs more than a band aid like deleting medium vaults. Not only would this probably not "fix" the issue, as most band aids never do, but also create a whole bunch of new problems.
1 -
Yes, 2016 DBD comes to mind when you mention this.
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0 -
This is likely true. It's almost a facepalm moment when a survivor's feet are down on the other side of a pallet and then, afterwards, the survivor sees the hit connect. But on the killer's computer, they just see a normal hit.
If the inverse were happening more often, where a hit seems like it should be landing from the killer's screen and then misses, I think we'd see the opposite discussion. I don't see a lot of those instances as killer though. I wonder if other people see much of the opposite issue? I've seen only a small number of hit animations connect and not give an injury.
1 -
Unless you got some kind of video, i'm going to call doubt on this, that its not as bad as you are saying it is, because its not. And sure, you can show me some videos of games where everyone has 200 ping and yeah, its gonna look bad. But in normal ping situations? I call doubt.
-1 -
There are no clips of normal ping where hits are obviously bad.
-4 -
You have no issues because your a killer main or part of a swf that has no idea how bad the game has gotten for solo
0 -
What does being SWF vs SoloQ have to do with hit validation?
0 -
I play both sides, and experience no issues.
-3 -
I'm gonna preface you with the fact that you sound very ignorant when you say this, because it would take a quick search on IG, YT or TT to find some pretty crazy hits from killers, by streamers who play this game. But, i'll humor this and give you some direction.
So, there's this guy called skillcheckk, he's a streamer, right? On his tiktoks, which is specifically cut to show outrageous moments in DBD, like when he's looping or when he has these very same moments we're talking about (He calls them snipers.) there are these clips (The same ones you're looking for, BTW, Stay with me.) where he's fully through the window ON THE OTHER SIDE and he still gets hit.
Or perhaps Mish? I'm sure some people have heard of her. Watching her streams, i've seen some killers get some wild hits from quite a distance.
I could sit here and list all the DBD players I've seen get clips of Killers getting hits that they shouldnt, but, my point stands is that instead of actively sitting here Proving my point by saying "I haven't seen it" or "It hasn't happened to me, so it's just you." We could all open our eyes to smell the roses and realize, this is infact, an actual thing happening.1 -
Slight correction. Hits are killer sided. Interrupts are survivor sided. Each side has their own favor towards a ping situation.
1 -
Or or , Fix the issue when you do get a hit but the survivor dont take any damage although the animation and sound clearly show a hit.
0 -
True but this happens even with good ping. At 30ms I still get grabs canceled as killer with no hit to compensate. I dont even go for them anymore. And if the killer has bad ping, the unfair hits far outweigh this loss
3 -
As I said, yes.
Just wanted to point out that both sides are effected by bad ping and that's its not just a one sided problem, despite survivors definitely getting screwed over harder.
0 -
Explain to me this nonsense at 7 30 seconds as you clearly see that was not be a hit by that pinhead a second time
Or this at 4 35 when I faked the window and still got tentacle hit
Post edited by buggybug on1 -
What is normal ping for you?
0 -
They tried to fix this kind of thing with that awful "hit validation" update a few years ago and was proven that the cure was worse than the disease. Then they disabled it (or made it less strict, idk).
It feels really bad when playing survivor and you get a pokos after a vault, but it is a necessary evil.
- Making a strict hit validation would result in even weaker M1 killers, which are already the weakest type of killer.
- It would shake up the balance a lot and would need further changes in a lot of other aspects of the game, because the killrate would decrease, a lot of the M1 hits are through windows.
When I play survivor I almost always use resilience for addresing it a bit.
-1 -
I said "Normal ping"
1 -
Anything under 80. When you get higher than that, issues are going to seem more noticeable and the delay is going to be come more of a factor. The delay is of course always a factor, but at these levels you are talking only a few frames difference, something that would likely not be perceptible most of the time.