Keep Crying Survivor Mains...



  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    edited April 2019

    Cool. Now compare that to every time killers were forced to adapt after one of the several changes made because of survivors' complaints that completely robbed us of advantages that we previously had, such as

    *the inexplicable pallet uberbuffs in patch 1.1.1

    *the Nurse's ubernerf (which spectacularly backfired on both the devs and the survivors)

    *Myers' ubernerfed into no loger being able to counter survivors cluttering together and BMing him (which was the devs' own stated design intent for him)

    *Myers' perks trashed into uselessness

    *NOED turned into a Hex perk

    *The Trapper being repeatedly nerfed and then robbed of the only effective defensive tool he had (traps under hooks)

    *Freddy trashed in spite of being the worst killer on release at that point

    and the list goes on.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    Survivor need buff of rewards for a single survivor in team escaping.

    Killer need buff to feeling deadly that its hard to escape there wrath.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited April 2019


    You realize that literally 70% of the Survivors playerbase plays in SWF? Probably even more by now.

    That makes it 70+% of the Survivors that are actually stronger than the Killer.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Half of the suggestions made by "Killer-Mains" are biased changes that don't delve into the consequences or repercussions of the suggestion. For that reason a lot of feedback on here isn't as helpful as it should be.

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    People tend to whine instead of just trying to enjoy the game.

    People tend to be toxic instead of just enjoying the game.

    You see survivors doing the same thing.

    There is a sense of entitlement for each side. Its not going to be a perfect scenario. Granted I think that Devs could be doing more in terms of balance, policing streams of the people who contribute to the general air of toxicity and dropping some bans (Other games do it take note BHVR).

    But I feel for them. I've worked for a company that has to serve its own interests as well as the interests of its customer base. Its a ######### deal.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    You speak for literally no one but yourself. Just an FYI.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    I liked this comment because it is also speaking for me. Same goes for the other 20 some odd people that liked it lol

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Acromio both sides get nerfed. I guess you just can’t see that and both sides adapt to change. Look at it from both sides and then we’ll talk. Anyway I’ll end the discussion here.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Than you guys should remove some from the list these unnecessary features and buff overall his Frenzy and add some useful benefits for the killer to deep wound. I didn't buy this killer for being frustrated. And it's over and over about survivors having fun...What about my fun either?

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532

    If there’s anyone on this forum I trust, it’s you. So I’ll keep an open mind.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @ReikoMori Some of the changes I'm kind of iffy on, but I'm waiting until the PTB so that I can give proper feedback regarding all the changes. I'm not sure if some of the things were changed for balanced or an overstepping and it's easier to tell when physically trying it out. As I said before, PTB is generally meant for feedback and testing. I've seen Queen around the forums, too, so I'm sure they're paying attention to what the community is saying. If something is found to be too weak after testing, I'm sure they'll fix it.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906
    edited April 2019

    No, its a well known fact Legion is very much hated by the Dbd community. Next to DS, Legion is the one element of this game I saw most complaints about.

  • The_Bogeyman
    The_Bogeyman Member Posts: 269

    Sweet. So you got no reason to be here now you ain't playing anymore.

    Bye bye.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    This post comes off severely whiny. If you are a killer only main, try playing both sides before jumping to conclusions about balance. Sure this is a horror game, but it's also a pvp game where both sides need to feel that the game is somewhat fair and winnable.

    Legion has been severely unfun to play against for survivors since their release. There is a reason for the mass amounts of D/Cs against them. The Nurse at least requires skill and prediction to reach her full potential. Legion is a cool concept, but their current kit lacks counterplay and that is the problem the devs are hoping to solve with these changes.

    If abusing a broken killer is the only way this game feels like a horror game to you, you're playing the wrong game. Spoiler alert: you never actually scare anyone playing Legion as they are on live. You just annoy them enough to d/c.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited April 2019


    Except a lot of people (both Survivor and Killer mains) still weren't happy. People still asked for a nerf or rework because it was still a free escape. It took over a year (February 2017's patch 1.4.0 all the way to a stream about perk changes in late June/July 2018) for you guys to finally start looking into some serious changes for the perk.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Let cite a post I made a while back

    '"Survivors and the word nerf don't go well together."

    Bro are you kidding me?

    for christ sake you guys need to just GIT GUD.

    If the devs don't like nerfing survivors then ZERO of the changes that have made this game harder on survivors would have happened

    Infinites would never have been removed.

    Sabo would've never been touched.

    Cow Tree would never have been nerfed.

    Pallets would never have been reduced.

    The exhaustion changes would never have been done.

    The healing changes would never have come.

    Windows would never have been nerfed.

    Shrimp Boat would never have been moved.

    Crow Bombs would never have been implemented.

    Minimum hooks and minimum distances between hooks would never have happened.

    Moon offerings would still be in the game.

    Backwater swamp would still have lots of tall grass.

    Jungle gyms would still be more plentiful.

    Thompson house would never have gotten a hook upstairs.

    Macmillan Estates Groaning Warehouse would still be an infinite looping spot.

    Maps would never have been made brighter to make it easier on killers.

    The following killer reworks would never have happened - Trapper, Hag, Wraith, and soon to be Freddy.

    If you can't learn how to adapt and outplay survivors then the only problem is YOU


    But survivors have had it hard too.'

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @bubbascal LULS

    Remember to use that another year from now. I don't think that one has enough dust on it yet.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited April 2019


    Exactly the same reason as those who class themselves survivor mains ask for most changes, easier games, most of course try and justify it using the "balance" reason when in reality most of it is all just crying.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507

    I quoted someone else not u. Not having a discussion with you and the fact that u recall my name is kinda concerning cuz I surely forgot who u are lel.

  • Chrysaoraachlyos
    Chrysaoraachlyos Member Posts: 9

    I really don't know why they decided to butcher the Legion, because I honestly found they were one of the more balanced killers. At least for rank 15ish players like me. As a survivor he is already someone I actually have a chance against, and as a killer he is so much fun to play and I can usually win. He really didn't need to be nerfed. Maybe some small tweaks,but this is unnecessary and it's going to completely destroy any desire to play the Legion. He was the only FUN killer...

    Aren't games supposed to be fun?

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Oh I didn't even look at your name lol

    How's it going?

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited April 2019
  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Everyone complain about legion and DS change when there is worse thing like crotus prenn. The game is survivors sided all maps shouldn't give an advantage to any sides. All loops should be counterable , all perks should be viable , all killers should be viable , ranks should have rewards , maps should be changed to give advantage to no one.

    Then they are people crying about legion change when they don't know how to play it yet. Legion is not meant to kill people with his power but put pressure and slow the game just a lil bit. plus there is a add-on that will allow to down players with his power like actual legion.

    Myself i've never played legion since launch due to him be weak and cancer to play against. the new legion seems more skill-based , more fun and .... (balanced). If the update make him viable and fun then legion is great. no more exploiting legion (moonwalk , frank's mix tape).

    @Peanits will legion keep the same add-ons i suppose the new frank mix tape is the one allowing to down survivors.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    You are the one crying right now though

  • Remisee
    Remisee Member Posts: 133
    edited April 2019


    Post edited by Remisee on
  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Just another rage thread and proof that people like OP lost reality about obvious problems in the game.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    But like you said: not all

    There are those 30% screwed up survivors. Before we can buff or nerf anything: survivor needs to be ONE thing and not swf AND solo q. When it's literally the same thing you can change things basically.

    Start solo q, like me, and it's more like unfair to balance a game around swf players but not around YOU as solo survivor. Give them a left totems HUID, an icon who gets chased and a built in kindred and swf + solo survivor are nearly the same. This is very very important.

  • Toxiccc2019
    Toxiccc2019 Member Posts: 2

    Legion was a great idea that was poorly executed. He needed a rework but this much was a lot. Survivors have received enough nerfs over the past year or so. It's time killers realize what its like to have everything "fun" taken away i.e. pallet vacuum, getting exhaustion perks back mid chase, # of pallets, certain perks. They were broken, some nerfed unnecessarily but it was done. So don't complain about your 1 killer getting a hard nerf. If you want to play some no skill killer then obviously you are mad about these changes and to be honest, "git gud" and play someone that takes skill. Looping is a problem? Play nurse. Don't like being slow? Play hillbilly. Love watching survivors get trapped and die? Play trapper or pig. Want to slow them down? Play clown. There are specific killers that do extremely well against some things but not so well in other situations. If every killer did very well in all situations I can guarantee no survivor would want to play. This is not even close to a horror game. It's not scary, I mean look they just made maps brighter not toooo long ago. Why? I don't know. Survivors should always have a chance to escape. When you go into a game its a 50/50 depending on 1. The killer. 2. Their skill 3. Their perks. 4. Their add ons. Survivors have to rely on knowing when to and when not to vault certain windows, loop a pallet, throw it down, how to use certain T walls and when to leave unsafe areas and not waste pallets. If all 4 survivors can do that, then I think they deserve to escape. If you took the best killer in dbd, playing nurse, with the best perks, and took the best 4 survivors with meta perks, I can confirm that the killer will win. Killers are not underpowered.

  • Hag_Main_Big_Brain
    Hag_Main_Big_Brain Member Posts: 81


    "What are some examples of a "toxic Killer"? And I would like some solid, specific ones please."

    Pig can teabag, and a killer hitting you on the hook is also pretty toxic. Let's not forget the Killer letting you bleed out when a hook is no less than two meters away. Is that Toxic enough for you?

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    "Pallet vaccum" Ah yes, what allowed Survivors to land easy pallet slams? Nah, that was removed for a reason.

    Exhaustion perks are what kept the chase going for unfair amounts of time. Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, it was insane. If you looped a Survivor long enough, they could regain their Dead Hard, allowing for a eternal chase.

    Legion is getting destroyed, THAT is the issue. Some of these nerfs are too far and destroy the original purpose.

    "No skill killer"

    Ah yes, another Survivor main confirmed who doesn't want to use basic counterplay against Legion.

    Run in a straight line. Scatter. Run loops, Frenzy can be very easy to outlast if a Legion decides to switch targets.

    Legion is designed to spread damage across Survivors extremely quickly. It's why they run so fast, it's why they have Killer Instinct, it's why their power refreshes upon a successful Deep Wound. These nerfs WILL destroy that purpose even further. It was already weak enough as it is, Legion could never get to other targets in time. They are also designed to struggle to secure downs as well, their slow movement speed proves this.

    Each and every single Killer in the game can be looped easily, minus Nurse or Hunty. Spirit can be looped as well, if you use counterplay. Legion is the weakest Killer in the game who has a power that has one sole purpose, while other Killers have multiple purposes or sole purposes that are more effective, and Legion's power is not even that CONSISTENT. People also refuse to adapt too. Moonwalking, blade exploit and Frank's are the only valid complaints concerning Legion.

    "Survivors have to rely on knowing when to and when not to vault certain windows, loop a pallet, throw it down, how to use certain T walls and when to leave unsafe areas and not waste pallets."

    So... what every Survivor should do, then? Killers have to decide exactly that during a chase. As well as keep track of gens and other Survivors. Don't forget hexes!

    This was a stupid argument that shouldn't have been posted.

    " If you took the best killer in dbd, playing nurse, with the best perks, and took the best 4 survivors with meta perks, I can confirm that the killer will win. Killers are not underpowered."

    Mmm... you sure about that with your extremely specific cherrypicked example? Meta perks are things like Self-Care, Mettle of Man, Dead Hard... best Survivors would also know how to loop effectively; and counter the Nurse. DS could also be used to stop tunneling.

    BBQC also has been nerfed by lockers, NOED can be destroyed, the "best Survivors" would know how to predict and destroy all dull totems. Ruin? The best Survivors would either find it very quickly or know how to genrush THROUGH it. Because they could land Great Skill Checks consistently. Nurse's Calling? Possibly effective with Nurse, yes... but it has a limited meter range. Stand outside it and you're okay.

    The good Survivors would have a high chance of winning for sure. Nurse can stop looping, sure, but the "best Survivors" would always know how to vault safely or predict the Nurse's movements. As well as how to drop chase versus the Nurse.

    They WOULD win.

    And a single, highly unlikely scenario does not mean Killers are a whole are underpowered. In fact, you've proven the opposite. Good job, toxic Survivor main! 🤣


  • Toxiccc2019
    Toxiccc2019 Member Posts: 2


    SWF is something in the game for people that want to enjoy Dead by Daylight with their friends. If a killer makes wrong moves or doesn't play right then he will be ran for 5 gens. If every survivor knows how to properly loop and use windows, T walls etc. Then they should be rewarded by being able to escape. If a killer is good enough and plays right then he can secure at least 2 kills or more if skilled enough. Killers can be toxic, facecamping is a toxic thing to do and so is tunneling. A killer shaking his head at you and nodding is being toxic, if its not, then teabagging isn't toxic. Survivors have received countless nerfs to looping and perks and killers have received crutches to help them catch survivors. Back before 1.5, if you could get a 4k, you were a god tier killer. Now if you get a 4k I personally don't think its that hard since most "toxic" AKA good survivors left the game. Killers complained about being run around constantly and blinded and destroyed but now that survivors play more stealth and gen rush killers still complain. Nurse, Billy, Huntress, and Spirit are all S tier killers and if your goal is to win every game and get a 4k then play those. If you want to play a killer you love but can't get a 4k all the time, too bad. There are meta perks and there are meta killers. This game as I have said before, gives no element of horror and therefore, should not be treated like it does. This game will never be scary and it never has. This is a game of each role outplaying each other, if you get outplayed by the killer, you lose. If you get outplayed by a survivor, you lose. Its a simple concept. Stop asking for killers to get more crutches and nerfing SWF. The only thing that Marth88 proved was that 4 skilled survivors can do gens and all survive by playing to their full potential. Nothing more.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    So... 3 examples. One that is Killer specific.

    And how many Pigs teabag instead of placing a trap?

    A Killer hitting you on the hook actually conveys salt and hatred towards the hooked Survivor. SPECIFICALLY the hooked Survivor.

    The bleed out till death is a good example though. But I've already brought that one up as part of a toxic Knock Out build.

  • Hag_Main_Big_Brain
    Hag_Main_Big_Brain Member Posts: 81

    @bubbascal tbh not many pig teabags. But then again most people will decide that something is toxic if they don't like it, or can't go against it. But that's just how the video game world is sadly. :(