Why punishing DC's is not the solution



  • Cassandra_Alexandra
    Cassandra_Alexandra Member Posts: 254

    I've had lots of instances where I'm spamming the X button to struggle and my finger slips and I die on the hook. Then, there have been instances where a killer is camping/tunneling and I'm not going to struggle so I can feed him/her. I don't think there should be a punishment for not struggling on the 2nd hook. Of course, I also don't think there should be a penalty for dying on the 1st hook either. I've died on the 1st hook plenty of time because people either don't bother to come save me or they get there too late especially when I'm on the opposite side of the map as all the others. I understand that the other survivors may all have the same mentality of well I'm busy with this this gen, let someone else get him and by the time they figure out no one is coming to help it's too late. Sometimes I wish they had matches with specifications such as a match where it's a requirement for all to equip Kindred.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    edited May 2019

    It's because it'll actually punish the DC'ers Lol

    Dota2 player here I can assure you the people who were banned for trash talking, Smurfs, and Dc's definitely improved the games health.

    Imagine the people who DC on certain killers will now get stuck with other shittier players who DC and are now forced to play with others (just as negative as they are) until they "win" their way out of (DC player group matching.)

    In DOTA2 depending on what you did like trash talk, DC, flame, afk the penalties could be just 3 games in low priority or even 7 -10 games just to make sure you learn your lesson. So just picture a DC'er who is now stuck with other DC'ers lol Have fun getting your matches completed!(Matches needed to be won btw, cant have people just disconnect or throw)

    Can guarantee they'll stop DCing after being forced to play with other people just like them

    Post edited by ItsYourBoyGuzma on
  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    I will go ahead and bump this one cuz the cuz a lot of discussions about DCing are starting.

  • mike4707
    mike4707 Member Posts: 24

    Now i don't kill my self on the hook, but everybody say it's wrong to #########, but what about you have 1 solo survivor and 3 swf. And you are the hook for the first time and they never come and get you. I have had that happen to me a lot. In my opinion that's wrong. I just wanted to get the one of my chest .

  • Tydie
    Tydie Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2019

    i feel like the only way to stop DCing is to punish it, a lot of people don't care if they lose their points or rank. what would a new reward do? nothing. there should be some kind of 10 minute penalty before you can requeue or something, that increases with each disconnect. i think that would help.

  • Tydie
    Tydie Member Posts: 126

    survivor is weak to killers? lmao you must be new to the game.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    I mean, if someone DC’s, you can’t really do much. It’s a handicap— and it ruins the other people’s experience. I don’t see why DC’s shouldn’t be handled first- since in other games there’s some sort of punishment. I’d say a tempban would work.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited April 2019

    I already commented this in another post that argued punishing DC'ers is not the answer, because the players were DC'ing out of frustrations created by the games mechanics, and bugs which need to be fixed first. Here's my thoughts on that mentality:

    While some bugs are causing DC's, in comparison to the amount of toxic players DC'ing at their whim, the bug related DC's are in the minority. We're not just talking about people who give it their best, get frustrated after trying enough times against opponents that are broken or op, or game mechanics that allow play-styles like camping, tunneling or gen rushing, and then DC. We're talking about players DC'ing for the most inane reasons like: the choice of map, who the killer is, what items are brought in, getting spotted/attacked first, losing Hex: Ruin in the first 20 seconds, missing a skill-check, getting out-played on the first loop, wanting to save an item, realizing its an SWF group, etc. They quit literally for any reason they want because they know they aren't going to get punished for doing so, and this toxic behavior is not just ruining the game for everyone else playing in a match, it's killing the game experience as a whole for everyone.

    These players aren't even trying to play the game as its intended as the moment it goes even slightly bad for them, or they perceive it as unfavorable even in the smallest way, they DC. What's worse, is because there are no penalties, and they don't lose anything for DC'ing, they have developed a careless mentality about it as if it's not doing any harm, but really, if you play 10 matches, and disconnect for 9 of them, how many other peoples experiences did you just ruin? Are you even playing the game at that point? Some of them even have the gall to get offended at the mention of penalizing their behavior, and defend their "Right to DC" whenever they want despite how much harm it's causing. They're not ignorant of their behavior and the damage being done either, they're just infuriatingly convinced of their entitlement to win every match, despite the fact that this is a competitive multiplayer game, which doesn't entitle them to anything other than to play with and against other people.

    The very nature of a multiplayer game is that there will be good matches as well as bad, and a good player accepts these possibilities and plays the game for the challenge and excitement of the variation in difficulty, because its fun, more rewarding when they win, and a learning experience when they lose that helps them develop skills to become a better player. Our DC'ers are opting out of every match they find unfavorable, blaming the game for not being "fun", and repeating to DC until they find a match that is "Fun" because their opponent is easy for them to win against. In other words what our DC'ers are doing is none other than setting themselves up for an easy win every match they actually play, while screwing over everyone else in matches they find unfavorable because they don't appreciate a challenge. This behavior goes completely against the spirit of the multiplayer experience, good sportsmanship in general, and is unacceptable. There is NOTHING more toxic than a player rigging the game in their favor, especially when doing so hurts the experience for others, and quite honestly, I see no difference in our DC'ers behavior and that of someone who cheats/hacks the game... except hackers get punished when caught.

    Other competitive multiplayer games don't put up with this toxic and unsportsmanlike behavior, and have systems to penalize players for it, because they know that if you give toxic players an inch... they walk all over you, start making ridiculous demands, and relentlessly harass anyone who raises counter opinions concerning their behavior. These other MP games don't let this level of toxicity rise in their player-base, and some are extremely strict about it, dishing out a 24hr ban for 1 DC that escalates to a week if another happens in 72 hours after their initial offense. I'm not saying that DbD needs to be that strict, but your belief that punishment for this behavior isn't the right way to go is naive at best, and the developers of this game know that, but aren't acting on it until they get the dedicated servers and disciplinary committee established.

    Because of their inaction on the DC'ing problem however, its grown to, well, "Epidemic" levels, and people are so sick of it they are either threatening to uninstall and stop playing on these forums, or have already done so, and who can blame them? It's impossible to have any fun or enjoyment in this multiplayer game, when the majority of games are ruined by toxic brats with delusions of entitlement DC'ing for the most pathetically petty reasons. This crap needs to stop, but while the community can complain all they want about it, the only real thing that will stop it, and has been proven to stop it in other MP games, is action from the devs to penalize the toxic players who are, through their actions, killing the game.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744

    @Giddawid So take this example of what you could offer people for not dcing with a grain of salt because again you guys are a business but my idea is make it a very rare chance but if you dont dc you have the chance to earn a Bloodstone kinda like a alternate currency that you guys could set to like 10 because they are gonna be rare of course but once you get 10 you can purchase a outfit that does not cost shards for free just throwing out an idea of course.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    I will just bump this cuz we are probably at the worst state regarding DCs and everyone is shouting for punishments.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    the point is, when DBD was born up to 2 years none was DCing, but lately ppl doing it like crazy

    the reason is SIMPLE: players are bored of the game, therefore it is needed a very deep improvement with NEW modes, NEW items, NEW features, NEW rewards.... then it wont be that much dead by dc

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    They have a weird way of showing that's what they want.

    If they want chases to be shorter, stop releasing perks that help survivors in chases, nerf looping to the ground, and then BUFF other means of Survivors staying alive like stealth.

    Then nerf killer detection.

    You cannot expect chases to stay short if you don't nerf looping and don't provide other ways for survivors to survive, while giving killers all the tools to find survivors.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Yeah, could be another reason aswell. But I can't imagine how the devs would manage all of that, they are already struggling to balance the current game mode and are doing changes in a really slow rate

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234

    The game is Killer balanced in pub matches/solo queue.

    The game is titled to Survivors in 3+ SWF in only about 60% of the matches.

    Not talking "red ranks" cuz not everyone is red rank.

    So basically, Survivors DC cuz the match is unfun - Killer, Add-Ons, Map, Hex camping, etc.

    Killers get to play the entire round, Survivors don't. They role feels like a chore if their teammates aren't playing well.

    The more Survivors that die off, the easier it should be for Survivors to win.

  • ba_tetsuo
    ba_tetsuo Member Posts: 330

    "The more Survivors that die off, the easier it should be for Survivors to win."

    What kind of bass ackwards logic is this? Sure, lets punish killers for doing well on top of everything else.

    Players are DCing because they can't hold the L, and BHVR isn't punishing them for it. Simple as that

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The more generators that are repaired, the easier it should be for the killer to win.

    Does the above sound reasonable in any way?

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    They punish DCs?

    (yeah I'm joking, except I'm not)

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Other games with ranked mode start progressive punishment from the first dc of the day and have severe penalties for people that dc 5% of total games played.

    DBD is special and rewards you for dc'ing and the threshold for punishment is almost unreachable.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    I've been talking about this for a long time but no one one to listen to it. Purely just punishing disconnects and doing nothing to fix the reasons is just going to hurt, possibly even kill the game. But if the Devs want to focus on band-aid fixes instead of addressing their problems, then let them. Band-aids won't fix hemorrhaging wounds. Eventually the wound will kill them.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    In the games that punish people for disconnecting you have a lot of toxicity and what is usually referred to as "soft inting." Soft inting is when someone gets mad at the game, can't leave, and instead of just afking they just refuse to play the game out by doing anything and everything but helping their team or playing objectives. In games like LoL this is done by just running it down a late and split pushing no matter what is happening. Enemy in your base about to win? Push top. Same applies to any other multiplayer game i've played. Some form of soft inting or trolling is heavily prevalent in games where they punish disconnects. When you force someone to stay in a game they don't want to play, they aren't going to just play it out and be great teammates. They are going to suicide, troll, walk around the map doing nothing, assist the killer, etc. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be punishments for disconnecting. What I'm suggesting is that just punishing disconnects isn't going to fix the game's problems. The devs need to address the reasons why so many people disconnect and try to fix as many of those as they can. When fewer people want to disconnect, you will have far fewer disconnects or toxic games.

  • liviu1911
    liviu1911 Member Posts: 150

    even if you're swf group and your friends don't report you... or they don't care because they know you don't want to pip? :)) just saying.