Now killers force and abuse EGC for their own amusement

Not all the killers do this, ofc, but I've seen it a few times already since yesterday, and I only played like 7 matches since.
I was the last player alive. The killer run-past me a lot of times making it look like he wanted me to scape, so I ran to the hatch and he closed it in front of me. Then I went to throw a few pallets to give him points and went to a gate to open it. He bodyblocked it so I went to the other, but he was faster than me (much faster) maybe because he had NOED (though it looked more than a 4% bonus speed) and he blocked the other gate too, so I finally managed to trick him making it look like I was going to the other gate but I went back to the same one and almost opened it, he was staring at me while I was doing it, then when I was about to open it, he grabbed me and left me on the floor. Then picked me up from the floor and let me scape from his grab but I didn't have time to open the gate anymore, so I got killed by EGC anyways.
Yeah, I could have died anyways if he just hit me and put me on a hook, then just [BAD WORD] do that instead of letting me die for 5 minutes (yeah, it was MUCH longer because when you're downed the timer slows down A LOT). Don't make me waste my time for your amusement. Not everyone has 24 hours a day to spend playing. If I die, I die and move on to another match, but this will make me waste time I could spend playing and enjoying a new game instead of agonizing and wishing to disconnect just to deny him the points for being an ass.
One Doctor tried to do that to me.
I just DCd, I won't give him the pleasure of seeing me die by the Entity's hands
23 -
The timer can last from 2 to 4 minutes, and not a second longer.
With that out of the way, it was known that this would happen. The EGC has a cool kill animation that many people - on both sides - want to see.
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This is basically the killer version of tea bagging.
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Yeah, I really wanted to do it, but then I'd lose my 15k I earnt decently doing useful stuff just to make him lose... 500 points? I should just have gone afk if I had known he was gonna do this, but I realized too late that he was just messing with me.
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Then go watch a video in Youtube?
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Until everyone gets tired of it, I'm afraid you're going to see survivors staying when the timer starts and killers slugging. Shouldn't be long, give it a few days.
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*survivors tea-bag 30 min in the exit gates*
Survivors: "Thats fine"
*killer want a killer with the EGC*
Survivors: "The holding the game hostage for 4 min.
He abused the Endgame, because he find the hatch first."
27 -
Watching is not the same as doing.
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Had some loser survivor do this to me on my first game. He kept going for the same gate then running when I came over to it. Eventually he didn't have enough time to open either gate and just dced like a loser.
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This will happen during the next days. Give it two weeks (or even one) and this will be a rare occasion. People just want to see the new EGC, once they saw it, they will probably not do that anymore.
Just chill a little bit, really, it is not that big of a deal.
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He wanted to see the animation, anyways the entity kill gives you a small amount of points
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Welcome to the Game!
Seriously though, you're gonna see that happen till the majority of people have seen the kill. It just came out to live and most players do not play the ptb where survivors were just killing themselves on the entity on purpose. Also, now you know what it feels like when killers were just stuck in games with survivors refusing to leave. At least you hardcapped at a 4min wait tops. You don't know the pain of being stuck in a game for 45+ extra mins because survivors just wouldn't leave.
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I can sense some irony here. *thinks back to Survivors staying in Exit Gates*
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"Don't make me waste my time for your amusement. Not everyone has 24 hours a day to spend playing."
That part in particular brought a smile to my face. It's an ######### thing to do and I agree that Killer was taking it a bit too far, but it still feels good to hear that Killers finally can not become powerless for doing their jobs too well.
Killed 3 people? ######### you, the 4th can jump the hatch without anything you can do. That simply ruined the game if that Survivor chose to be an ass about it. Not everyone did, but enough did to make it horribly unfun for Killer to feel 100% powerless.
Those that seek revenge should dig two graves. But that can be worth it at times.
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I NEVER teabagged or hold the game hostage just to mess with the killer. I always got out asap, don't want to waste my time or anyone else's. Even if I did see a lot of survivors staying while I was getting out. You can't blame me for this, so I don't deserve this. Other survivors deserve this? Sure, but not me.
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Tell me, why do I deserve to experience this first hand? I never teabagged, as killer or as survivor. Never hold the game hostage, never made people waste time for my own amusement. Do I have to pay for others' sins? Is this justice?
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No, this is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, couldn't help myself
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well, we get rewarded with more BP for it, so why not?
Also, considering all the troll stuff I deal with now from survivors, if I can trap that last one with me for 4 mins, till they die by the entity, i'm all in.
This will pay back all those other survivors using tank builds vs me in other games. <++(Joke)
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Then blame the survivors and not the killers.
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A Myer’s forced a Meg to die and I walked to them since I wanted to see it. :)
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For real? Well, I didn't try myself but, how many points are we talking about here? I thought sacrifices gave more points. If EGC gives more points, this is completely wrong because killers will force the situation even more and not just to see the animation.
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Hmmm i'd disagree.
I find it more satisfying to know i was the one to get them in the situation, rather than seeing a random YouTuber set it up in Kill Your Friends.
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tea bagging dont make you lose the match.
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I blame whoever is doing something wrong. I played with a teabagger once in a premade and told him if he was gonna teabag I wasn't going to play anymore with him, so he stopped doing it (at least when we played as a premade). Now this person is doing something wrong, so I do blame on him.
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And by going on YouTube, you'll be watching someone else watching the Entity kill a survivor. At least this will have been your own accomplishment.
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Killers get more BP with full sacrifices. EGC only gives a small amount of BP by comparison.
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This is so dishonest. The only people who thought teabagging at the exit gate for 30 minutes was fine were the people that did it.
It's funny watching biased people come out to defend their chosen side's toxicity. It's also very telling
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this will happen teabagging exists mori canceling exists ofc this will happen just move on.
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You get 500BP for an Entity Kill. It's called "Time's Up" 🤣
The Devs have a sense of humor, now do they 😉
And yes, Killers not killing you right away is payback for all crap Killers had to endure at Exit Gates. But I think it's not for long. It's just for lols now and then we move on and hook you. so don't take it personal
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To the OP, if you get into this situation and don't want to DC then simply stop moving. Maybe do something on your phone or go get a drink. If they see you moving around and making attempts to escape they'll only get more satisfaction out of it.
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Tell me where exactly I said that was okay. I said several times I don't support that behaviour, not even from friends playing in premade with me, so why should I be punished in the first place?
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All that killers know is that for 3 years, most survivors have forced hatch standoffs and refused to leave through the open exit gates, to humiliate killers. If this becomes a regular thing, which I doubt, it's just the inevitable result of all that toxicity.
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Yeah, I already said I'd have gone afk if I knew from the begining this was going to happen. Thanks for reading all I said and giving the advice I already gave to myself.
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My bad for missing that but there's no need to be rude to one of the few people in this thread trying to be helpful.
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@Alithra Yeah, and KYF exists as well.
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Survivors do have the option for the hatch every game no matter how bad the team is.
Surely if the killer finds the hatch they deserve the kill.
Just like if a survivor is able to open a door in this they deserve a win.
You get what you deserve. Play poorly lose. Fight for it and get yourself in as good of a position you can. Play smart and the killer won't be able to getcha.
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Do you enjoy a simulated victory?
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No idea what "KYF" is so... Yeah, thanks I guess. PSKDU exists as well, and AJSH, and VSNEJ, and QTF.
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Yes. We've all had to pay for the sins of others in this game at one time or another. That is the sort of community atmosphere that the game has cultivated.
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Kill Your Friends.
0 -
Oh, thanks! Though it doesn't necessarily have to be a simulated victory. i've played a lot of matches with friends with everyone getting fair perks and addons and just playign a serious average game and rotating the killer just because we were 5 and wanted to play together without leaving anyone out. We also did some trolling games by breaking a lot of hooks, sure, for the lols, but that doesn't make it much less fun :P
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But it's never the same as a real round.
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Oh lord, you got toyed with for 2 minutes in one game out of how many. 3 years, killers got it nearly every bloody game. The novelty will wear off, esp ppl realize you do not get that great of points for entity sacrifces
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No, it wasn't just 2 minutes. The timer slows down a lot when you're downed. Did you read the patchnotes about the EGC?
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Slows down by 50%, bringing it to a grand total of 4 minutes. It happens to be the exact same length of time it takes for a survivor in the dying state to bleed out.
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Still agonizing, boring and annoying, and you can't confort yourself thinking that by bleeding out you denied points to the killer. Do you know of anyone letting a survivor bleed out on the floor? Because I do not. killers would always try and find you to get the points. But now it's worth it because there's a cool animation. Delete the animation and the problem is gone.
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Shows where your priorities are if your only incentive to let someone enjoy something is if it hurts them in some way.
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Do you know of anyone letting a survivor bleed out on the floor? Because I do not. killers would always try and find you to get the points. But now it's worth it because there's a cool animation. Delete the animation and the problem is gone.
I never said that was my priority, btw, i'm just saying it was worth it for many because of this. What else should I do? go and find the killer while rolling on the floor?
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Yes, actually. When it happens, I just go make myself a sandwich or go pee. Hell, I do it sometimes as a killer because many survivors, such as yourself, would rather bleed out than let me hook them, since they think the decreased BP gain actually affects me.
Why don't you just deal with the fact that you lost and go make yourself a sandwich? Let killers have something they can actually enjoy for once. The end-game was survivor-sided for three years. I think it's time killers get their due.