Plague needs love and attention.

pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

She’s been pretty much all but forgotten, hardly used, the only map she actually kind of stands a chance on is Saw and maybe Lery’s, she’s so unthreatening to survivors with even a modicum of experience, her add ons are weak and uninspired, and she’s racing Leatherface for the weakest killer of the bunch.

Nobody plays her, at least not regularly or enough for an aspiring Plague player to learn from with gusto. Most footage of her is from her ptb days where she was different enough that trying to learn from those videos would be misleading. The rest are few and very far between and almost all (if not all) of them use her expensive effectiveness add ons.

Plague needs more than looking into. She needs love and she needs buffs. She has such a cool design and concept and it’s a shame she got thrown overboard for Jane’s bodacious booty, Ash and his mettle of man, old and new Legion, and now Ghostface.

Give this Queen what she deserves! Power and presence!



  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Just curious: Why do you open multiple Threads about the same topic? You are doing that a lot.

    And well, Plague could get some insight, yes. But I actually see quite a lot of Plagues in purple Ranks, and they are perfoming not too bad, but this most likely because people cleanse vs her...

    Personally I think that she should get some Buffs regarding her Vile Purge. A Debuff or maybe a second timer which puts the Survivor into Dying State, if he does not cleanse. But then her Corrupt Purge would need some small Nerfs, because it is REALLY strong.

    For Iridescent Seal, removing one of the Debuffs would be great (probably the Movement Speed Debuff) and for me it would be good if she does not get the Corrupt Purge directly, but rather a Pool of Devotion gets corrupted so that Plague does not get Corrupt Purge when she is not near any Survivor and cannot use it (obviously this can be the other way around as well, but for me it would be better to control it rather than to just get it "randomly")

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited May 2019

    I'm mainly play plague and to be honest i feel trapper and clown do more better than her

    At least, trapper can hurt and stun you with bear trap while chasing and clown's bottle sometime help for chasing

    Plague is ONLY strong when not-so-smart survivors cleanse fountain without thinking while other survivors still enduring maxium sickness. I'll give her points for that.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Her add ons are boring to me. They never really help me at all.

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    Plague has been my main since she came out and I agree with you; she really does need some help.

    Almost all of her add on's except for rubbing oil and anything to increase effectiveness are absolutely useless and don't really help you. They revolve around increasing duration of corrupt when I would much rather have add on's to increase charge speed.

    Generators should go slower while survivors are fully sick, and it should pause the generator repair while they are vomiting.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I agree. I feel weird that I prefer her vile state and wish it was better than essentially being green special effects. I really don’t like how Corrupt eliminates infection on objects.

    Yeah, it would be one thing if Corrupt was actually as fearsome as Evil Within at tier 3, but it’s not. I personally think a longer duration hinders her because it really hurts what little gen pressure she has. I want her add ons to evolve and diversify her gameplay, make for devious set ups.

    without add ons, Plague vomit needs to have a drastic effect on the game so that survivors can’t afford to ignore the fountains. I think even simply being infected should be cause for concern, and that way Plague actually gets something out of her power before they become broken.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited May 2019

    The reason you see no other builds is because the addons don't do much else. You have addons to have corrupted fountains at the start of the game, addons to make infections on interactables last longer, addons for making infection more effective, cooldown addons, 1 aura reading addon that is ultra rare, addons for corrupt purge.

    Now the counterplay to the Plague's power is not to cleanse. This makes corrupt purge addons a moot point. No corruption, no corrupted purge builds works. Cooldown and charge time reduction aren't really necessary. Having corrupted fountains at the start is ok, but unless you snowball hard and down all 4 the its a waste of time. Infecting interactables sounded like a cool mechanic, but in reality it is just not good. Survivors can clearly see something is infected and just not use. They usually are just already sick and don't care if others get sick as well. Again, counterplay to sickness is actually not cleansing.

    Getting people broken really fast is the most viable and consistent thing she can do. It makes looping less of a drain on her when she can one shot survivors. Outside of that she has plenty of perk builds worth doing and plenty of people produce footage for her. Just not on a constant basis as she hasn't had any significant changes to make that necessary.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    I think the only issue with Plague currently is that her infection doesn't last very long on interactables. If it was more feasible to infect survivors via proxies like windows, pallets, totems, etc by way of a longer duration of the infection on those items, it'd help tremendously.

  • Banshee
    Banshee Member Posts: 31

    The most underrated killer of them all. I think one of the problems are that getting rid of infection is too easy. Like compare it to the pig - you literally have to stand like 5 seconds without any skillchecks.

  • Bug_Reporter
    Bug_Reporter Member Posts: 673

    Idk what you are talking about, i use her everyday without addons at Rank 1, cant see any problems with her.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    This is first and only killer I Prestiged to 3 but I never use her.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Would Plague lose much if the Corrupted Purge (damaging puke) was removed in favor of more potent infections overall? Like, more negative effects and gimmicks.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I really hope so. I just can’t see how you can look at the Plague and how LITTLE she is played, how Legion is treated more like the latest killer and Ghostface the newest one after Legion, and go “yup, everything is fine and dandy.” So I really hope that the devs see sense and give her some love next ptb and patch.

    Tbh her purges need debuff effects as part of the base kit because right now the green puke in particular is just fancy sfx giving MINIMAL blood points and losing Plague necessary time she needs to capitalize on quickly.

    A nice qol change could be throwing up on gens automatically breaks it. Add ons that give her sickness more play style variety would be great though.

    I think it depends honestly. The vile purge would need to be buffed drastically to make up for it - I personally also think it would help Plague to have an interactive terror radius like Doctor. I remember @Peanits saying something about how Plague and Doc might end up being too similar that way but if you ask me, it makes thematical and logical sense that the two would share common ground. If you play one or the other, the other should come naturally enough. I think it makes more sense than her having similarities with Huntress.

    Also too, removing corrupt definitely means the fountains would need changing. They still need changing because the instant heals are way too strong, but when Plague will get nothing from them at all then the fountains need to have a drawback that works in her favor. Like a built in Bitter Murmur or something.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Even if they would just make it so that if a survivor is fully sick and broken for 1 minute without healing, a fountain corrupts anyway. Wouldnt be a huge buff because of how fast gens go, but anything would help at this point.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I think the Plague's problems are a microcosm of the balance process. It seems like the devs really rely too much on low and mid level play regarding balance. Rank 12-15 survivors cleanse right away, full stop. Rank 8-10...maybe one or two might. Beyond that, forget about it. I'm not saying I'm an amazing player, but those of us at purple and red ranks every reset would really like more killer viability and variety.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Plague is fine.

    Her power basically reads "All Survivors play the game Broken."

    I mean lol, NOED is a meta perk because it makes all Survivors broken during the endgame.

    Her power actually reads, "All Survivors Suffer the Effects of NoEd throughout the entire game."

    Everyone says No Mither is a trash perk because you are always Broken.

    Yet somehow Plague forcing everyone to be Broken is the worst Killer ever?

    And all the dumb survivors falling for the killer propaganda and not Cleansing.... you're all playing right into her hands and letting her one shot you throughout the game.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    you're fully correct on this.

    On Rank Resets, survivor's dont even wait until they're broken to cleanse, the moment i mark them with Vile and leave to find other survivor's, theyve already corrupted a fountain.

    Meanwhile in higher ranks, they're using walls to maximum efficiency to dodge Vile Purge, and they never cleanse whilst also having multiple perks to keep them alive (aka they didn't take self-care)

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Yeah this basically.

    The issue is them balancing around low ranks and expecting the survivors to play stupid which just doesn't happen at high ranks.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I would give her some love alright <3 I guess "it" would fell off but Im sure it would be worth it :-P

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Exactly. Her height and TR are what make it way less powerful than say on Myers and even Myers is not rank 1 viable, so a weaker Myers isn't going to be great.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    Sure, the Plague could use some work, but there are killers who need it far more and have been waiting for it for longer (IE Nightmare and Cannibal).

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That is a fair point. I'd say it's people being more upset that they keep releasing killers in a gimped state to where they'll be needing reworks down the road. We'd like them to start releasing killers in a stronger state to begin with so we can be done having to continuously go back and fix them later.

    I know having to keep going back with reworks is taxing on their available resources, but if they released killers in better states they wouldn't have to. They are so terrified of making another nurse that they swing really low just to be safe.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Freddy and Leatherface do need work imo but I think the fact that they both have cult followings with loads of material to learn from, and the fact that they both each have something in their kit that actually makes them threatening to survivors, makes them both a step up from Plague (who has nothing. It’s also a bit ironic the high priestess has no following.)

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    I'm likely in the minority, but I don't want to see any new killers or survivors at all until we've had some balance and bugfixing patches. The game is in a really rough state currently.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    While I would like this as well, in reality they need to keep pumping them out for the revenue stream. It would be nice though I agree.