Plague needs love and attention.



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    There just needs to be more incentive to cleanse the first time. As it stands, the moment 1 person does it is the moment everyone has to do it because Corrupt is so powerful that you are instantly dead if you are caught in the Broken state.

    If you are fully sick then you should get rapid fire skill checks that are smaller than normal. That would punish survivors majority of the time but not outright lock them from doing gens if they REALLY need to. It would encourage cleansing.

    Alternatively, they could make apple base kit then change apples to auto-corrupt a pool after a certain amount of time based on rarity (non-stackable though).

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    5k views and 80 up votes, do the devs really think Plague is fine?

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited June 2019

    @Blueberry well, that just don't make any sense. Sure there are balanced landing broken maps, but that aint just Plagues problem. You think staying injured is not dangerous so i assume you respect pallets to much. DH is also one time trick, because once you know its there its really hard to fall for it. Just focus area on map with worse loops and make them 4 gen themselves. Eventually there will be no pallets there. If you found weakest link in team exploit it to hell and back.

    It does work on r1, dunno why, but it does.

    @thesuicidefox i would love to see this as ultra rare because her rares are the worst in game so far. Exception beeing puke aura ofc.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    but guys listen. the devs stats say she is OP at rank 1. why should we not believe them? 4Head

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Yeah, but it’s true :( You see enough Nurses to know that not only are they a mixture of pre meds, ritual seekers, and seasoned Nurse players but you see all kinds of Nurses: Victorian, Bridal, Phantom of the Opera, Pumpkin Head, Bloody etc.

    I have only ran into a Plague twice in the last month and both wore the standard outfit. I have only ever come across one other Plague with a unique outfit (not including myself.) I’m sure there’s probably more than me and that other Plague, but when you don’t see a lot of different Plagues like you do with every other unliscenced killer, it might be an indication that Plague is ahem plagued with problems.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Sure there are balanced landing broken maps, but that aint just Plagues problem."

    I'm not referring to those.

    "You think staying injured is not dangerous so i assume you respect pallets to much"

    No, I don't.

    "DH is also one time trick, because once you know its there its really hard to fail for it."

    I haven't said anything about DH. DH is easily predictable and not an issue I am referring to at all.

    "Just focus area on map with worse loops and make them 4 gen themselves."

    I don't think you play killer at rank 1. This is like saying "just apply pressure". I know how easy it is because I play survivor at rank 1 as well and she is very loopable and weak.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    After watching Monto’s Plague video (note: effectiveness add ons are still used. I have yet to come across a Plague video that used neither expensive nor effectiveness add ons) it makes me wish Black Incense was baked into her kit especially now Freddy is vacating aura tracking, and that the ultra rare add on was something else. It would make things smoother and worthwhile for her and raise the stakes for survivors!

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    I was thinking the same with watching Puppers play Plague where Survivors didn't cleanse for a good long while and allowed Puppers to do some real pressure on them.

    Literally all of Plague's add-ons suck that are not the increased Vile Purge effectiveness for faster Broken Status (faster chases) or Black Incense for the map pressure if people decide to stay sick... The rest are garbo imo.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    ######### I made a thread that got over 4000 comments.

    Not even so much as a "we'll consider it" from the devs. If it's something that might inconvenience Survivors, dont hold your breath.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    common devs 30% of your playerbase wants a killer to be buffed and u are still ignoring and then later say we dont ignore feedback like ######### lmao what u guys on?

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited June 2019

    @Blueberry Everything you say are general killer related issues, that Plague suffers from by just not beeing a Nurse.

    Game was, is, and always will be balanced in favour of survivors, that's ok. But perma broken team is huge advantage if you stay unpredictible. No matter the rank, if survivor has only one chance he will drop pallets way, way faster. If not he will get rekt when killer doesn't respect it. She can't apply pressure, that's why you 3-4 gen with her. Infectious intervention compliment her super well. 115ms is 115ms, not to be ######### with as broken survivor.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "Everything you say are general killer related issues, that Plague suffers from by just not beeing a Nurse."

    Yes, but she suffers even more so because of her large TR and size making her one of the most loopable killers in a game where loops are already broken to begin with.

    "But perma broken team is huge advantage if you stay unpredictible."

    It's not if you are playing at red ranks.

    "No matter the rank, if survivor has only one chance he will drop pallets way, way faster."

    This is not accurate.

    Intelligent red ranks do not panic drop pallets like that unless they're potatoes.

    "She can't apply pressure, that's why you 3-4 gen with her"

    It isn't going to work out like that when you are playing in red ranks. Yes this will work at low ranks, but that isn't what we're talking about.

    "Infectious intervention compliment her super well."

    This is a garbage perk bar like Trapper and Hag

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I a green rank survivor rarely panic drop pallets, I’m also not being scared of being injured since I’m typically wounded all my matches.

    I agree about the 3-4 strat not being super effective.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited June 2019

    @Blueberry Well i don't know what you expect from killers tbh. By your logic Billy and Trapper are ######### aswell, yet they do very well against every rank survivors, in the right hands. I think you confuse survivors in general beeing strong with swf comm groups breaking the game even more.

    I was consistently r1 on both sides every month untill may (12h shifts, i just don't play more than 10 hours a month now) and my r1 experience is not what you describe. Sure there are games with really sweaty comm 4man groups, but its minority.

    Edit: I actually noticed that r1 is way more chill than r4-6 because regular r1s are just people who play a lot, mostly memeing, while 4-6 usually tryhard to get r1 achievement.

    Edit2: Panic pallets, that's why i mentioned abusing weakest link.

    Edit3: One of most loopable killers? Bunny momma blushes ;).

    We don't have to agree about Plague really. For me she is quite strong, if you do well against her good for you. Only buff for her i really look forward too is infectious fright fix as it works like 70% of the time, with no calm spirit in game :/.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 2019

    "Well i don't know what you expect from killers tbh."

    Me, as well as many others have answered this many times throughout this thread.

    "By your logic Billy and Trapper are ######### aswell, yet they do very well against every rank survivors, in the right hands."

    Trapper is not viable at rank 1 against good survivors and Billy is still in the top tier. Billy is the only exception to this rule because he has everything else in spades to make up for looping. That isn't something 3/4 of the killers can say.

    "I think you confuse survivors in general beeing strong with swf comm groups breaking the game even more."

    No. While SWF are an issue I am referring to even a full competent red rank solo group.

    "I was consistently r1 on both sides every month untill may (12h shifts, i just don't play more than 10 hours a month now) and my r1 experience is not what you describe."

    I'm not sure what to tell you then. Most the red rank community agrees with what I've been saying here, so it's odd that you would be the one exception to everyone.

    "Sure there are games with really sweaty comm 4man groups, but its minority."

    There are, but that's not what I'm referring to here.

    "I actually noticed that r1 is way more chill than r4-6 because regular r1s are just people who play a lot, mostly memeing, while 4-6 usually tryhard to get r1 achievement."

    You are the only person I've met in red ranks that would agree with that statement.

    You can see why I have my reservations about what you are saying.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    @Blueberry Trapper not viable at r1. I'm going to stop you right there.


    Go, praise and then come back.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    You can stop me if you'd like but I disagree with you and so does most of the red rank community.

    I play plenty of rank 1 games with unviable killers and 4k. That doesn't mean they are viable, it means you still run into bad survivors even at rank 1. That is a very big difference.

    I can show you plenty of games 4king at rank 1 with Freddy. Does that make Freddy strong? No. It just means I found bad survivors.

    Viable means strong at high ranks against good survivors. Emphasis on the good.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    No killer is viable at except Nurse then. But its thread about Plague, not killers beeing to weak in general. Right?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "No killer is viable at except Nurse then"

    Nurse has the best chance, but there are still a couple others that at least have a chance.

    "But its thread about Plague, not killers beeing to weak in general. Right?"


  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    If any buff for her, there needs to be a reason to cleanse, suirvivors just won't, yes they are broken but it's not as big of a downfall as you'd think with their arsenal

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    just give survivor -rep speed or something. just something so they have to clean. i really dont understand why bhvr cant figure that out themselfs its so easy

  • Blizer
    Blizer Member Posts: 43

    She Def needs changes, cause the only way she can force people to cleanse is using Thantophobia, even then, i still dont see them cleansing it.

    They could add a Thantophobia effect onto her puke (Idk if it should stack with Thantophobia itself, depends on how busted it could be).

    Or, they could remove the movement speed penalty on her puke channel.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    How about when all survivors will be broken from vile purge, plague will receive a one corrupt fountain.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I like both of these ideas. I really do think her puke needs effects and/or perks baked into it. Removing the multiple movement speed penalties would be really nice, but another nice change would be removing the hitch she has sometimes when puking. That really doesn’t feel good.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    That little delay she has after is quite annoying, but I assume it was intentional for counter play.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Yeah even with full effect Thanata running most of them still don't cleanse and the gens still get destroyed. So i'm not sure if a base Thanata effect that doesn't stack would even help as they'd still just ignore and it you just get an extra perk slot available. That extra perk slot no matter what you pick wouldn't make her any more viable.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    she has no counter play, everything she does it too slow for the race car survivor claudette alpha squads

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2019

    Feels bad, ran into another Plague, the no purify strat, worked, 4 gens before first hook and 5th while one was in a chase after the save. No kills, feelsbadman. (post rank reset, we were all green rank at the time)

    Given the stats were pulled at her release when everyone was playing her, I would love to see the current play ratio (how many are playing her)(because I get a game with her 1 time every 2-3 weeks) and then see her kill ratio at all levels now that we all know her hard counter.