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General Discussions

Nerf SWF completely.

Member Posts: 265
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Why not just nerf SWF completely? That's where most the toxicity comes from anyways. The game is supposed to be hard. Why let people communicate with each other, team up, bully and torment the killer, and have an upper hand the entire match? One step away from turning into Friday the 13th...

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  • Member Posts: 700
    edited June 2019

    Yes there are some people that want to play casually with their friends but isn't that what kill your friends is for? My personal experience has been that 90% of SWF have been on toxicity overload when they realise how much of an advantage they have in the game. Could the devs not lock SWF behind a higher rank so there isn't 1 low rank player hosting for 3 high rank players.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Queuing solo at the same time is kinda just an unfortunate limitation that I don't think really has an answer. As for the rest of it, I think the answer starts with the devs figuring out whether they want to balance the game around SWF or around solo Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 239

    The easiest way to solve all of this is to balance around SWF and make it so solo queue players have options such as voice chat to perform nearly as well as SWF. That is the best suggestion I can give for the problem that is in the realm of possibility for your balance team. To do this, you need to also hire some experienced players to help give thoughts on how new content will affect the game. I hope that feedback is helpful @Peanits . Much love for you team for trying to balance even though I may disagree with how you all go about it.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited June 2019

    Maybe thats down to the mentality of a portion of the players that see DBD as a highly competative game.

    It does seem the devs see it more of a casual fun experience instead, this tends to be true giving the way they are trying to force people to play which is far from competative along with the endless blood point grind.

    In reality if they wanted to make it a highly competative game they should reward killing faster and doing gens/getting out a lot more.

    Right now the game rewards playing around in terms of pips and bloodpoints where killing or dying isn't necessary for the latter.

  • Member Posts: 192

    If you want anything else than either the often mentioned buff solos -> buff killers that need it approach or bonuses to the killer (like extra bloodpoints and such) please just do yourself a favor and find another game to play. You're just gonna keep getting frustrated at something that won't change the way you want it to, punishing people for playing with friends is an awful idea.

    DBD isn't an esports title pursuing "perfect" balance, and it shouldn't be. Some games there's SWF, some games there's instaheals or whatever. Some games it's a perkless Freddy, some games it's a 4000 hour nurse with omegablink + ebony mori. It's just how the game is.

  • Member Posts: 700

    My biggest problem with this game has always been the toxicity in it. It could be coming from both killers and survivors. But over the last year the toxicity seems to be coming more and more from SWF who can stack top tier items, perks and the ability to coordinate. They are not just using it to win but to bully and a spread toxicity both in game and out. My time spent playing the game is getting less and less and my breaks are getting longer just to get away from it. Like i said not limited to SWF but they seem to be the main source in my opinion

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Most people that do SWF are not kill team squads that just want to bully you into oblivion most just want to have fun. As for the game turning into Friday The 13th the game died and if you had trouble as Jason then it was a skill problem.

  • Member Posts: 700

    I get the idea that not everyone is like that but again not what i have seen. One of the last games i played everyone dropped an offering with mine being BPS and every survivor i tried to chase ran to the infinite looping area of the map.Then proceeded to follow me around the map to taunt me and running back to the loop point if i gave chase. When i was lucky enough to down someone i was met by 3 body blockers with pre-nerfed MoM. I think i barely got 5000 bloodpoints with BPS and the taunted in the messages. I had so many similar situations like that already in 2 days i gave up playing.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Exactly. Put it this way, the 4 man SWF I play with has never been accused of being SWF. We're mostly not even paying attention to what's going on in the game. It doesn't matter if survivors are all solo or SWF, 4x Adrenaline and multiple instaheals breaks the game either way.

  • Member Posts: 700

    So it's a larger problem at whole that needs to be sorted out. I don't think SWF should be removed or nerf but you go from 1 person being toxic to 4 people being toxic since the rest tend to join in, and i wish they could fix that.

  • Member Posts: 170

    You wish they could fix that most people suck and and are mostly just followers that will join in on something even if it's dumb or wrong just because the friends are doing it?

    Me too yo, me too! :)

  • Member Posts: 946


    Change it so, that vs swf is fun for killers, so they seek them out.

    Raise MS 3-5% for killers as example, so they get a better map pressure so they battle the coordinations or trigger Bloodlust faster and lasting longer.

    Free Corrupt Intervention to buy the killer some time?

    Or let them flash all survivors aura by standing still for 3-6s but your aura gets revealed too.

    Faster window blocks?

    Free Mori on the last hook for the fun and looks cool for both parties.

    If it gets too tunnels just give them BT.

    There are plenty of ways with the existing mechanics that can make facing a SWF exciting.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Ea, Bethesda and several others would like to tell you about how they are big titles and skill<paytowin they are big titles and if microtransactions balance around the pros then that's a new one. Not saying it's right but most big titles do it.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    As long as we have this level of randomness and poor map design, DBD cannot be considered a competitive game, period.

  • Member Posts: 265

    It just seems that there's a lot of people de-pipping on purpose to stay at low ranks because they suck at high rank and most of them have the best perks, loadouts, and run in SWF groups. If your new to the game as a killer, what chance do you have against players like that or how can it possibly be fun to play? I also play on PS4, dunno if it's just worse there or what. I've tried to get a few of my friends into it but all they say is its way to hard playing as killer and isn't fun. They just get bullied, generators are done in 5mins tops, and they tease and taunt them at the exit gates. I also hate how hex ruin is a MUST with any killer. It's hard to get that perk for everyone on level 3. New killers have zero chance and that's a BIG problem for newer players, especially with these toxic SWF groups. They literally make people not want to play.

  • Member Posts: 24

    What an idiotic post for a discussion.

  • Member Posts: 406

    You remove SWF a lot of people will stop playing. Then people will lobby dodge to match with friends and a few will probably just play killer. If you think the wait times were bad in the double BP just wait till that starts.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Since when have devs showed they even care about the imbalance swf brings?

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    This is a fallacy a lot of people like to spread.

    People like to pretend that games like DOTA are only balanced around the pros. This is hogwash. There are heroes that are balanced for pro level -- they reward skilled play with a very high skill ceiling. Then there are heroes that are balanced around casual play. They have low skill floors but they also have low skill ceilings. So there are heroes that casuals can play and heroes that pros can play.

    And it's all balanced out by a proper ranking system that lets newbs and bad players stay at the bottom, and good players and pros rise to the top.

    Moreover, since it's a symmetrical game, the balance is different from an asymmetrical game like DBD. You simply cannot compare apples to orange.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    How about we separate swf survivor into a separate lobby. But lobbies will take longer and no killer will actually choose to face an swf team.

    How about we nerf survivors. But lower ranks will get completely destroyed which makes up most of your fan base.

    How about we have the option to dodge certain players who we know are in a swf. But then lobbies will take too long, which people will also complain about.

    How about we remove the hud for the swf team since they are on comms. But not all survivor teams use comms therefore they would be better punished while gaining no new information.

    How about we give the killers more Bloodpoints depending on the amount of players in a swf. Probably the best solution to the problem.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    This is one area where I do not expect much action from the devs.

    SWFs are a large part of the community, and I don't see them penalizing such groups (even tho they absolutely need it).

  • Member Posts: 73

    Aehm and u can see many issues in overwatch. There is a very strict meta.

    I bought the game and played quiet a lot. Then i realised that the meta includes 3 tanks and 2 heals...

    So basicly this is the ways you, if you decide to balance around mediocre players...

    Dunno if this is the current state, but my entire freindlist quitted overwatch so far. Every high ranked player I asked why he quitted told me that high rank sux and meta destroys this game.

    So basicly I really don't think that balancing on mediocre player is the way to go. When you play the game often and have fun with it, you will reach the unbalanced area pretty fast and this is no fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    @Dehitay I would suggest knowing your genre before suggesting their balance philosophy is off. This is a casual party game. It is not a hardcore competitive game. This game is meant to be played by friends and people who love the horror genre. You don't balance such a game around the small group of hardcore competitive players.

  • Member Posts: 17

    Without SWF a good bunch of players would have already left the game and the killer queues would be even longer

  • Member Posts: 636

    Really? I keep waiting 10+ minutes to even get a lobby-match and then another 10+ minutes can pass before the lobby is full, almost as if there being a surplus of killers and drought of survivors is not really what is happening.

    If not for SWF, a lot more killers would have stayed and DbD needs them more, especially as playing the role is always asking to be kicked in the groin.

  • Member Posts: 406

    This game is just only for casuals.

    The games is PERFECT BALANCED on low ranks.

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