Where did all The Nurse hate come from?

For the longest time The Nurse has been the same. But lately I've seen several posts wanting Nurse nerfed, reworked, stripped of her add-ons etc... And personally I love The Nurse she is one of the most unique killers in the game and Im curious where all the hate for her is coming from suddenly. Balance wise she has always been the strongest because she is able to disable mechanics given to the surviors. Should this change? Im not sure personally I don't like her add ons, and Im not too opposed to her getting reworked curious as what they'd do. But keep this in mind if she isn't nearly as good anymore there will be much backlash and not only that high ranks will have just one killer you see over and over and over until they are able to balance it and its....Spirit and people already complain about her because they don't like mindgames.
Nurse hate is from noob/new players who don't know how to play the game. normal behaviour if we don't like it it MUST BE DESTROYED
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She disrupts survivors ability to survive every trial they enter. She's strong so Survivor mains feel she's unfair and want her nerfed.
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She is strong but only in the hands of the right person, If I play nurse i'll be lucky to get one kill - she has a very high ceiling of play I think and kudos to ppl who want to practice and get good with her.
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Survivors kept disconnecting against Nurse so they never learned how to play against her
Those who did not disconnect learned how to counter her, so eventually Nurse players could only play against survivors who knew how to play against her, which in turn let the Nurse players become even better, while the trash survivors kept disconnecting still
Now we are at a point where the survivors who never learned to counter her have exactly zero chance of winning and they also realize that disconnecting to get her nerfed isn't working. So they start crying; however those tears are what made Nurse players strong to begin with
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This isn't a new thing.
She ignores all of the survivor's escape mechanics, whilst having unrivalled mobility. That's about it.
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I think how strong she is Is wholly dependant on the player controlling her.
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Survivors don't want to learn to play against her so they are complaining. But a Nurse rework is most likely to happen to be completely honest because if a killer is unfun for some to play against= "rework"
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Other survivor mains don’t like challenge.
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add-ons do need a rework but she is fine base @Thaznar
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They want to press space to drop the pallet/vault window and teabag in gate, nothing new since 3 years
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She has a high ceiling but you don't need to be that good with her to do well.
Even less so when you use any combination of her decent add-ons. Anyone that plays Killer regularly can get good at her in a week's time because she's mostly mechanical skill.
IMO, the only Killer that has a truly high skill ceiling is the Huntress barring her wind-up add ons. Survivors can counter her as much as she can counter survivors.
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Because she happens to be diametrically opposed to their toxic and abusive playstyle.
Post edited by Acromio on3 -
It came from Miaasma
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Because some Nurse mains act snobbish and superior for no apparent reason. Look at the previous comments for examples.
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Most Rank 1-4 players would agree Nurse is fundamentally balanced without the use of Add-ons & specific offerings.
Her OMEGAblink add on(s) IS overpowered, and that is commonly agreed upon most top ranked players.
The Nurse still having access to more than 2 blinks is absurd, atleast with 2 blinks there's room for chances and mindgames, but anything more is infact overwhelming.
Anyone who complains about anything Nurse related but these two things are not experienced with her at all; Survivor or Killer standpoint. But it's commonly agreed upon she has some broken add-on/add-on combos. That's where most the hate comes from.
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But to be honest, the developers just want her to be as strong as she is now, if they were not, she would get a nerf after 2 weeks like old freddy, just deal with it, even devs want to have op killer
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No they don't. I don't know what narrative you're trying to spin, but that ain't it chief.
They don't want to make any more "Nurses" they've said it multiple times, the only reason she's not touched yet is because of how tightly the primary killer playerbase clings to her.
It's not that they want an OP killer(btw thank you for admitting she's OP), it's just they don't wanna do more harm than good when trying to adjust her.
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They tried to nerf her significantly multiple times in the past. In a recent dev stream, the devs also said they were looking to adjust her (obviously not to make her more OP).
Granted, many of their attempts were glitchy, but people freaked out over it. She's a staple pick for many Purple to Red Rank Killers. It's not because she's fair and balanced, but because she's easier to see success with in high ranks over trash M1 Killers like Legion.
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miasma isn't the first and hopefully not the last to realize nurse is game-breaking
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Where did all The Nurse hate come from?
She's an actual killer at rank 1, and not a toy for SWF to poke fun of or push around.
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Because survivors just want to loop and reject anything which breaks their looping toy
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The hate has always been there. It just gets more or less attention depending on whatever fire is burning hottest right now - usually the newest killer.
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An interesting thing to me (this is kinda off topic) is that I see no one complain about clown and his gas. Personally I can't counter him and I die every time I go against him, unless they literally don't know how to use their gas. Imo I've found playing against clown harder than nurse in some cases, unless the nurse has a lot of skill, then I'm dead.
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Except the main escape mechanic, HIDE MAN, HIIIDEEE
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Since they figured out that the devs would cave in to all the crying (see: the Nightmare, the Legion).
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Since Legion got nerfed, survivors moved onto the next thing they could whine about.
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It's probably coming from all the "new killer mains" who use 3+ blinks or omegablink to compensate their lack of skill. And this is pissing of survivors. Cuz real killer mains who mastered Nurse usually don't use those addons. At least not additional blink addons.
This my theory.
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Some survivors are "pissed" from everything a killer can do. If a killer is not loobable, they cry without end.
They startet with the Legion and who knows where this will end, besides a game that is then for survivors and killers boring.
Luckily not every survivor is like this.
PS: #makethelegiongreatagain please :P
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So many unhelpful responses in here. Guess that's to be expected, though. Can't have a nuanced opinion on Nurse, you either HATE her because you're a survivor main and she's not a free escape or she's perfectly balanced.
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I got tired of trying to be helpful.
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@TeambossFloze I really think the arguement that nurse has a "High Skill Cap" is a bunch of bogus tbh. It is simply muscle memory. How do you skill a straight line?
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I'm going to give you a clear, unbiased answer, she flat out ignores all defences that survivors have other than lockers. She has good map pressure and is practically immune to looping.
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Because she is the only killer that can consistently put up a fight to coordinated SWF-squads.
Survivors dont want to put effort into their escape, but prefer to ######### around during matches.
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Basically admitting she's broken when people's only response is 'don't be found' lol, realising you can do nothing when she finds you.
Hiding is the dullest part of this game, and good Nurses run 4 tracking perks. So uhhh gl with that.
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The community is incredibly divided over Nurse.
You have one group that argues Nurse is unbeatable once mastered.
The other group argues base kit Nurse can be countered with skillful play.
As for me? I haven't seen any strong evidence that shows Nurse is unbeatable.
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Nothing changed about Nurse as you said (well, apart from being able to blink up/down), but what did change was the game around her.
Nurse is crazy in the sense that she is very strong in chases and in pressuring the map due to her high mobility which used to be fine considering how different the game was if we compared 2016 or 2017 to where we are now. So what changed in that time?
Well, since the earlier days of the game we've seen that a lot of the maps have been improved with the main problems just primarily being problematic main structures and the lack of ability for basic M1 killers to apply pressure. Since that time has passed, Hag received some solid buffs that made her completely viable, we got Spirit and we've always had Billy (although the map changes did help him perform better than he used to IMO).
On the same note, the same thing can be noticed with Huntress where she didn't change much but the game around her did and made her worse as a result when each of the newer maps don't really allow her to do well and the maps that used to be good for her now have way more objects and LoS breakers on them.
Basically, the state of the game is what changed and as a result more people don't think the current Nurse is justified.
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I love that people bring up Legion as an example as if only survivors complained about Legion.
PSA: EVERYONE complained about Legion. Many of the most prominent Killer content creators made videos on why old Legion is completely uncounterable. People who played both sides hated Legion. Even Legion mains knew how unfair it was. There were hundreds of memes and thousands of posts made about Legion being the most unfun Killer in DBD.
You'd have to be delusional to think that moon-walking Blood Hound / three-stab down Legion was fair, fun, and balanced and that SuRvIvOR MAiNs were the ones who ruined it.
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1-If that is so, why I have read to that time many Legion mains, killers in general and also survivors who have defend the Legion?
2-I don't give a damn what a content creator aka. streamer says to nerfs and the reason is simpel: Those guys are forced to do what their audience like to hear. If their audience is crying about the Legion, or also like in this thread about the Nurse, they also start crying killer X.
Also it had come to my ears, that some of them have encourage their audiences to dc against the Legion and I have zero tolerance... really ZERO tolerance, for every toxic behavior on level what dcing is.
In my opinion, they should have been banned. But the devs haven't done this, and so today dbd suffers under a dc plague. That happens when you support toxic people... Always! And that is also why, you should never support them. Instead you should ban them to hell.
3-Nobody had ever say that moonwalking was fair, or the overpowered addons, or also the other exploit. But to nerf a killer because of those problems, like they have did it with the Legion was wrong. Also it is was wrong to punish the honest playing Legion's (like me) for something that had a few exploiters do.
4-It is easy to think that survivors have ruined the Legion because a small but very vocal hater minority of the survivors have lead the nerf discussions and push that topic until the devs have give up (I assume). Also, at the moment at it was clear that the Legion patch would coming, the same haters have celebrate their "victory", also very vocal, in at least the steam forums.
Then they have shift over to nerf threads for the Nurse and the Spirit in the most cases.
Those guys have their agenda and she implied, that every killer that could possible a threat to their tbaging behavior in the matches, must be nerfed.
I also think that the nurse is pretty strong. Maybe with some addons op... But!... I think also that she is very important for dbd. She is one of the last killers, that make the survivors doing objectives and playing the game as it is thought.
With possible nerfs of other killers on the horizon, a killer like the Nurse gets more and more important for the game.
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I love how many ignorant people are here saying that "hur dur just adapt lmao git gud" "they never learned to play against her because they dcd, hur dur" For one, I never dc against anyone, I've got 1,5k hours so I have had tons of games to practice, but she is just absurdly powerful. Secondly, if you think a kill rate of 77% is fine for a killer at the highest ranks and that dozens of players with thousands of hours out of laziness "never bothered" to try to adapt or change tactics against her you are just incredibly ignorant.
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Peanits even said not to take the stats fully to heart. By your logic Trapper is absurdly powerful due to his 60% kill rate at R1.
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Well, I've experienced the power of nurse first hand on high ranks on both sides so I do know for a fact that she is too powerful. Don't even get me started on the bugged add ons.
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Nobody with a brain hate nurse.
Nurse is perfect: impossible for baby killers and lethal for experienced one.
As a surv i punish baby nurses and respect the (very few these days) nurse masters.
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The Nurse has been hated since the beginning, it's just that most of the time the community is distracted by something else but every once in a while the focus returns on her.
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Bc survivor don't want to git gud
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excuse me
anyway, nurse hate is nothing new
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if the nurse is balanced, you do not have to worry, the developers will not do anything to her then, have a good day.
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The usual noobs who doesn't know how to break los lmao
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She doesn't ignore 'all survivor escape mechanics' as others say: she ignores just the mechanics which survivors have developed tunnel-vision over. These are mechanics which she was explicitly designed to counter, because the devs wanted to discourage survivors from over-reliance on them but to diversify their playstyles.
Only later did the devs then start treating the exploits survivors were using as core game mechanics. They could not get away with touching the Nurse again though because they had already given her the single largest set of nerfs to any character, just shortly after release, without listening to killer feedback or explaining their reasoning; something they would go on to do repeatedly with new killers and features before peaking with Freddy's knee-jerk nerfing.
After her initial nerfing, the Nurse was the weakest killer in the game. Since then, only two things have changed that are relevent: Nurse-mains developed the way of playing her which we know of now and survivors forgot how to play against her, which would still work because whilst the newer-style capitalises on her strengths(requiring a higher skill-ceiling to be reached), her weaknesses remain the same.
In fact, the graphics engine overhaul that happened in early 2017 borked the PoV camera for all killers and would have made Nurse even harder to play. The devs have no intention of ever fixing it BTW and said so.
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Tbh, it's fine to disagree and say nurse isn't OP, but to say she doesn't ignore mechanics is a bit delusional in my opinion, which is part of the reason I feel most people who play nurse are biased as hell
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she had 3 blinks at launch and for a long time, i don'T complain on 3 blinks, since that's how she was before