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SWF is cheating



  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2019

    Honestly it outlines more about how little solo survivors get rather than how much SWF gets, and how utterly redundant and unimaginative most of the survivor perks are.

    The fact that people are so obsessed with punishing players for playing with their friends rather than improving gameplay for those who enjoy playing alone will drive the game to the ground.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2019

    You're hilarious bud, like imagine pretending all SWFs are 4-Man, and imagine pretending survivors have 44 perks per game.

    It's not an assumption, I'm taking an educated guess that you don't believe SWF gets free perks with voice communication, or else you would've agreed with @SovererignKing.

    My previous comments prove to you that SWF does get free perks. Also, to be clear, I'm not against SWF in anyway, but I do want the truth to be known about SWF.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    It is of my opinion that survivors on comms do not get an additional 7 perks as it would require constant communication.

    An opinion is not a lie, the whole "44+" perk is a push to try and discredit and push how "op" SWF is, I've never dodged a lobby on DBD and I'm in top 300 tracked for kills out of 46,000+ players. It's weird how actual, good killers don't have an issue with SWF but people on the forum do.

    An opinion can't be a lie no matter how bad you want it to be, I've never felt like I've been facing 44 perks in my life, that's utterly ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 126

    Well in all honesty....most SWF are really not that organized. I am a main survivor, play solo and SWF. But I also play killer and in my experience, yeah they do share certain info, but really not that tryhard as is suggested here.

    Totem info? Dont use totem perks?

    Instaheals and toolboxes? You can see the survivors in lobby, press on their names to check for a 4 man squad. You can see the items they will bring. If their knowledge is cheating, so is the before game starts knowledge of the killer. It tells you a lot about what you gonna face, while survivors dont know anything at that point yet. Not using this information as a killer to see if you need to dodge, just stupid. If i think its a tryhard team, its a dodge from me. Also, ever heard of franklins as a perk?

    MOM got nerfed really hard, and every hit as protection means you need to heal up before you can use it again. 3 times to be precize. And healing is just so slow, not worth it.

    Oh and the fun thing about SWF is, is that they will always safe. So its actually quite easy to just stay at the hook. I start the game fair. But if a SWF is tryharding, I am too and i will camp, slug and tunnel. Even facecamp the worst one..:) And i take the salt with grace afterwards....means i did well then...:) I got to them..:P

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    An opinion can be debated, and proven wrong, just like how theories can be tested and proven wrong. Vice versa, when an opinion is proven correct, it becomes a fact and facts are always true.

    I'm debating that your opinion is incorrect, through I do respect each and everyone's opinion. :)

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    You're just flat out wrong, lmao.

    Survivors are not getting constant on the point information about killer/survivor location due to being in coms together.

  • Member Posts: 36

    bad killers?yea with current matchmaking and party group exploit is so easy get a rank 20 killer also if you are rank 1 survivor :) rank killers get low lvl survivors cause all other red survivors use the group exploit for get bad killers low rank :).Best part is the dev update freddy and dont fix the matchmaking allowing the room creator in a premade to get a killer of hsi same rank.....Rank 20 smurf create room and invite 3 rank 1,start the game and the killer is rank 20...yea....very balanced and fun the whole game is a joke right players that would bring money for the company quit due to this issue.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited July 2019

    ahhh yes all these rank abusing SWFs

    this game is so hard against organised swfs btw.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Here's an example of what voice communication does:

    Tapp: Ah, he's camping me, so just do gens. (Kindred)

    Claudette: Alright, where's everyone at?

    David: I'm at the Shack doing a generator for Tapp, and can someone heal me? (Bond, Aftercare, Empathy)

    Feng: I'm outside the Shack right now, hold on. (Bond, Aftercare)

    Tapp: Y'all, he just now left me for the Shack, but I'm about to go to struggle. (Object of Obsession)

    Claudette: Don't worry I got you!

    Tapp: Thanks, I'm going to start getting totems since campers tend to run NOED.

    Claudette: I seen a totem at The Suffocation Pit, it's right at the entrance. (Small Game)

    Feng: The killer is coming y'all! (Premonition, Spine Chill)

    David: Don't worry, I have Dead Hard!

    Feng: You should be okay because there's a ton of pallets around here, just run him to any jungle gym you see! (Windows of Opportunity)

    I can go on and on, but again, to be clear, I don't mind SWF. The odds of you getting a 4-man SWF, especially a depip squad, is rare and even if I do, I'll just go tryhard with Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Kindred gives information all the time, on the location of all surivors and the killer if he camps, it's simply not the same at all, just trying so hard, killer is easy, it's nothing like 44 perks.

    I legit wish the devs would let us use 44 perks and you'll see how stomped killers get every match.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    When Tapp said, "The killer is camping me" everyone knew until he said otherwise, he was camping him. Through, I will agree with you, to a certain extent, that perks are sometimes better than voice communication. However, this isn't always the case, and when you get information that you're not supposed to have, it breaks the game down. Dead by Daylight is an anti-social asymmetrical horror game, information is power in this game.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    "I will agree with you, to a certain extent, that perks are sometimes better than voice communication. "

    Perks are ALWAYS better for giving information because that information when active is being given ALL the time, not one comment of "he's camping me".

    I've come to the conclusion that you guys just refuse to get better at the game and instead would like everything handed to you.

    Survival rate between 1st April & 7th of April at rank 1 was 43%.

    Good killers are already killing 57% of the time.

  • Member Posts: 21,212

    As much as I despise SWF, it isn't cheating. I hate getting stomped by a 4 man as much as anyone else, but, we can't stop people from playing with their friends.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    SWF teams are usually chill (though cocky). What I hate and fear the most? Full. Team. Claudettes.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Before we move on, there's a common misconception about the "Rank 1 43% survival rate"

    The reasoning behind the 43% is because of the most common killer played at rank 1 through 4.

    You guessed it, the Nurse, and we all know how God-like a Nurse can be if used correctly.

    Now, back to the topic, yes perks are better, but you don't need to use certain perks because voice communications gives you almost the exact power of those perks. Therefore, this frees up room for SWF players to use more perk combos, and ultimately, give them more overall strength.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    most common can be as little as 10% lmao, it means nothing.

    Nothing you say is going to convince me that survivors are running anything close to 44 perks lmao, move on, you're flat out wrong.

    Just get better at the game and you wont have these issues.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    The real misconception is that the 43% survival rate only occurred after they relaxed the pip requirements and flooded high ranks with bad survivors. The real survival rate of genuinely top-tier survivors is between 60% and 80%.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Peanits literally told you it's nowhere near 80% lmao.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    That's why I said "between 60% and 80%". As in "neither 60% nor 80%, but a number that is larger than 60% and smaller than 80%". Why are you pretending I said 80%?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    From the data that the devs themselves posted.

    The survival rate at rank 2 was 60%, but at rank 1 it was 80%. However, this discrepancy is due to the way the data was gathered. They got the rank data after the trials ended, and as you can probably guess, it's extremely difficult to pip as a survivor while dying at higher ranks. Thus, the survival rate of survivors who were rank 1 after a trial was inflated, while the survival rate of survivors who were rank 2 dropped slightly, since they were rank 2 when the data was gathered.

    That's why I said between 60% and 80%, because the way the data was gathered and the way ranking works lowered the survival rate at rank 2 and inflated the survival rate at rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I'm more curious as to where the 60% has come from. I didn't pretend anything, you literally say "60% and 80%", and when someone tells me "it's nowhere near 80%" I certainly wouldn't be using that as my end point.

    Seems pretty disingenuous to have someone tell you it's nowhere near a certain number and then still using that number.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Between 60% and 80%.

    Between 60% and 80%.

    Between 60% and 80%.

    Between 60% and 80%.

    Between 60% and 80%.

    Between 60% and 80%.

    Not 60% and 80%. Not 60%. Not 80%. Between 60% and 80%. Let me know when you've understood this sentence.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Doesn't matter, someone told you it's "Nowhere near 80%" and you're still using it as a reference point like it's a relevant number.






    still uses 80% as a reference point.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Does anyone else have any problem understanding what "between" means?

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Does anyone else get told that a stat is nowhere near a certain number like "nowhere near" and then still use that number anyway?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Do you have another number I could use as an upper limit so that you can address the actual issue instead of being pedantic about my usage of a number that I explicitly said was just part of a wide range of numbers?

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited July 2019

    "The survival rate at rank one is 60%ish"

    I say 60ish percent because we don't know if it's higher or lower because we just don't have the stats for it.

    Wow, that was so hard and not disingenuous, instead of trying to make it look like survivors are winning maybe 80% of their matches by giving huge ranges.

    It's like the stat for 4Mans being 5% and saying 4man matches are between 5% & 25% lmao.

  • Member Posts: 451
  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Ready to address the actual issue? I honestly don't care about literally anything else you have to say.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    So you're ok to argue as long as it makes you look like you're in the right? lmao.

    SWF is fine, I love playing against them.


  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I'll take that as a "No". Next time, don't waste my time with your pedantry.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Maybe don't try and make Rank 1 look more survivable than it is by misrepresenting numbers that you've been told aren't relevant by the person collecting the stats, then.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited July 2019

    "Just get better at the game and you wont have these issues."

    Yeah, it's all my fault, I'm just so terrible at this game! ☹

    Jokes aside, I'm actually a great killer, and I also play survivor on a daily basis as well! 😉

    Most common can be as little as 10% lmao, it means nothing.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Peanits said somewhere around ~20%. Furthermore, Spirit and Billy are also strong killers, but I don't know how often they are used (Maybe ~10%).

    Since strong killers can actually kill, you'll get a 43% survival rate, but the opposite is also true, weak killers won't be able to do much against high ranked survivors. Sure, sometimes they might get a lucky streak of events, but as long as survivors know what they are doing, it's pretty harsh on weak killers.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    All killers can actually kill, lmao.

    these matches are all back to back by the way organised swf is so hard to beat man.

  • Member Posts: 21

    So you’re basically saying no teamwork/literally telling teammates key information should be bannable.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Nope. I already explained where the 80% stat came from, as well as the 43% stat. Read my reply to you.

  • Member Posts: 391

    What have I done? I hope the devs are still reading all of this. Lol.

  • Member Posts: 814
    edited August 2019

    I posted this multiple times already:

    Killers should see who is in swf and should see difference between 4man and 2 2man squads.

    This way killer can take strong perks and addons vs swf and usual chill stuff vs randos. Right now it looks like this: Someone plays killer 4fun and after some time stumbles on tryhards. Communication, only second chances + balanced, instaheals, Haddonfield offering. First time, second time, third time and has enough. Takes iridescent Cuntress just to stomp team of randos after a minute. Fun gameplay...

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    no, because killers wont take "just strong perks" they'll dodge and make match making worse than it already is.

  • Member Posts: 814

    @SenzuDuck game which is still survivor sided lel. "Killers gotta stop being bad at the game and suck it up" apparently that's all killer can hear on this forum.

    And that's why i wrote what i wrote before.

  • Member Posts: 241

    The thread was responded to by people from the bHVR team and the original point has been debunked and shot down completely. Could someone come in and lock this hot mess down so it stops jumping to the top of the forum feed? @Peanits

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited August 2019

    Survival Rate at rank 1 is 43% but yes, the game is obviously VERY survivor sided. /s

    43% while old MoM was still able to be used, hmmmmm.

  • Member Posts: 814

    @SenzuDuck 43 with all the iridescents used at that time (there was rumor about removal so ppl used them like crazy, to counter mom too) and with all the dcing to not loose rank? Death roulletes, ppl who kill themselves bcoz got found first or bcoz its nurse/black ward (easy snowball).

    Thats actually very high number bro.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited August 2019

    Lmao there was not an increase of iri heads at all.

    If you think 43% is a high number then you clearly are biased. This isn't solely a killer simulator, it's a survivor simulator also, if the survival rate was 20% the game would be awful for one side to play.

    Stop making excuses because I present you with facts that you don't like. I bet if the survival rate was 63% you'd be going mad saying it should be way below 50%

    and if someone kills themselves on the hook they still died, if you're going to use things like "but what about people who killed themselves" no stat the Devs put out will ever please you unless it pushes your narrative that killers are hard done by

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    How is this argumental thread still going?!

  • Member Posts: 34

    Not every SWF is a group of toxic people who want to ruin the killer's day. There are groups like that, sure, but it's a very small percentage of all the SWF groups. Most of the time it's just friends who want to have fun together and play games.

    Voice chat doesn't really do much to be honest. If the killer isn't chasing you, it's obvious that he's somewhere else in the map looking for someone else. You don't need the voice chat hacks to know that.

    You can have a lot of awareness of where the killer is or where other stuff is located thanks to items and perks already in the game. So the whole game is a cheat because there are perks and items that do the same thing as voice chat.

    Someone is telling their teammates which killer it is? You could see it thanks to items on the map, looking at the icons on the bottom left or simply by looking around.

    A survivor is teabagging? Laugh at them because they think they're hot stuff and they're wasting time doing that instead of trying to run away from you.

    They're clicking their flashlight? Good, they're wasting batteries that they could've used to save their teammates or themselves.

    They're acting toxic to make you mad. Show them that you're better than them and that their actions don't influence you.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    I haven't read through the rest of the thread yet but I gotta call BS on this. (Call me nitpicky if you will)

    Voice comms is NOT the same thing as Small Game because small game located totems for you. Without small game, you still have to FIND the totems first which is becoming harder with the new updates and preschool variations

    It's definitely not equivalent to OoO. At best, once I've been hooked, I can say "he's head in that general direction" That's not the same as constant view of a killer and their motions outside a certain terror radius.

    It's not the same as premonition or spine chill because i can't tell you that you're looking at the killer and i can't tell if the killer is looking at you, unless I'm in the same area as you and can also see them.

  • Member Posts: 391

    It's evolved into something beautiful. If you don't like it, don't click on it. nobody is forcing you to read this thread.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Cool story, bro. No ez clap for you.

  • Member Posts: 146

    I remember back on Xbox 360 there was a mode in COD multiplayer that wouldn't allow you to play the game if in party chat, I'm not sure if something like that could ever be added on PC, but that's my only solution I could think of for the party chat.

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