Omg why is this stuff still here??

Watch from 18:08
This shouldn't be allowed.
I mean , the exit are:
-On the SAME wall
-You can see both staying in the middle
-The distance between them is <60 meters for sure.
#########?! There is no way out unless you find a key. In this situation there is no stealth mindgame for the sole survivor.
@Peanits do you have any plan for this?
Thanks, Leonardo
Just hide in a locker....
What's the problem!
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Yeah, and die for the end game collapse
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Bad luck. The survivor had a chance to get hatch they failed. Now they sadly have to die. Just the way it goes. It's just rng it works both ways the gates can be across the map from eachother.
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Sometimes the exits appear far from each other, sometimes they appear close to each other.
Sometimes the killer will just kill you, it should not be easy to escape.
Play again, do better next time.
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I keep seeing " If you didn't get the 5 gens finished and gates opened, you don't deserve your escape" but how come if a killer doesn't get a 4k they still earn the kill automatically? Killers move faster than survivors and don't need to avoid anyone while looking for the hatch... Still seems very unfair
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Its a last chance to escape. The survivors failed to do gens, and the final survivor failed again to find the hatch first. You now have one final incredibly risky chance, that some argue you shouldnt even have.
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Because no one wants 20 minutes games...
The alternative was the old system, where the survivor would crouch around slowly looking for the hatch while the killer had no clue where they were without whispers.
If you want that i suggest putting a needle in a haystack and going at it.
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Well said @RoKrueger. A rather large part of Dead by Daylight is simply random number generation. There are times when you can do everything correctly as your role in the trial only to lose to chance. It sucks, but it happens to everyone.
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I think the current system is too unforgiving. Most killers seem to camp the hatch until they see the last survivor before closing it and going after the last survivor.
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Can you put a timestamp?
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Ok but all survivors could just be randoms, then if they didn't do any gen and the killer found the hatch right when it spawned, it wouldn't be your fault. You would just die as the last survivor, even if you did well and rushed all the gens you could
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That's called RNG, Sometimes there too close and go in the killers favor and sometimes they're too far and go in the survivors favor.
If gates were always on opposite sides of the match it'd be a 50/50 on escaping since most killers cant make it across the map in the time it takes to open a gate, that's a pretty high percentage for your third chance at escaping. Leaving it to RNG is fine.
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Doesnt matter if its your fault or not? the old hatch standoffs were completely absurd and needed to go, this is actually a really succesful solution.
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Alright then, if you say this so have I the right to say this: "Where the tiles spown only jungle gyms have just spowned? You can't counter the infinite in ironworks of misery and survivors make you lose the match just for it?
You know, sometimes in dbd you just lose, you find map biased for the survivors and you just lose... It's rng based. Unlucky,Maybe next time for your Hillbilly it will be rotten Field instead of Lery's.
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That's different, the rng of the gates is fair because you already have had ample chance to escape. You already failed. The rng of infinites is not fair because they spawn no matter what it doesn't matter if you failed.
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Ok but this solution doesn't bring any mindgame in the game sometimes. Except some maps like the game, the chances that the exit gates will spown in a way that you can see both are really f. high
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not even remotely the same issue lol. That is THE ENTIRE GAME the end game collapse after a hatch closure, is a last minute last chance, you already had TWO objectives to complete, you failed at both. Is the EGC perfect? no, but its a hell of a lot better than the old days of the survivor hiding in a corner for 10-30 minutes until the killer gets bored and dcs or afks.
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It was bad luck in this case for the survivor. Other games the Survivor is lucky... as others mentioned RNG.
There is a trick for situations like this, where you open the game for max. 3 Seconds, then the lights will not show that you are at that exit. When the killer checks the other gate you already did 3 Secs and maybe survive. Could have helped here or not, who knows.
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There are no plans for this at the moment. While we can add new rules to gate spawning, we cannot fully prevent that from happening. You would need to make sure that no point on the map has line of sight on both gates, and even then, you could move slightly to watch one or the other. You'd also have things like the ski lodge on Ormond that would allow you to see right over and obstacles and easily watch both gates.
Regardless, it's going to be tough to escape sometimes. At that point, the survivor has failed to power the generators and failed to find the hatch first. The collapse is meant to end the game at that point, not necessarily to give them a third chance to escape.
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Death is not an escape
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Well if it got to the COLLAPSE and the doors are shut, you've already failed. It means EGC was started because you were last alive and killer found hatch.
You dont DESERVE a free escape.
I dont see the problem here.
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Yeah the hatch is a 50/50 gamble, so if the survivor doesn't find it , it will have an hard time to escape. The fact is that sometimes the killer just slugs, and sees the hatch closed, so it punishes you for doing gens. And if the killer sees the hatch closed it's already won for him.
So the fact is that I really don't know what to say, because it's a tricky situation.
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All that could be avoided by not failing and relying on a hatch escape.
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The end game collapse isn't concerned with helping one side or the other. Sometimes it screws the survivor(s), sometimes it screws the killer.
Its only purpose is to add a system that can put a hard time limit on a match, to avoid "the only winning move is not to play" situations like hatch standoffs and survivors crouching around the map for a century.
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What about adding some sort of LoS breaker on the sides of the gate/switch? It could help to avoid the killer having clear sight of both exit gates and giving the survivor a chance to do something.
Post edited by White_Owl on2 -
Try that with other random survivors in a game which can easily snowball when one of them plays dumb.
People seem to see too many 4-man-swf that they fail to see, that DbD is a teamplay optional game and as long a survivor is alive they haven't completely failed and many things are outside of their control. Of course the last survivor shouldn't be given a 100% free escape.But EGC shouldn't be a 100% survivor loss, because of bad gate spawns either.
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In this event you just do gens again. You can have a game where not a single gens is done and yet the last survivor could still escape via hatch. Trust me there are things on both sides that may seem "unfair" but its here now so just accept you win/loss and push onward.
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Agree. These people are at the exact opposite of the thought of many streamers like truetalent or ohtofu. They just want the game to be a gamble, without any kind of mindgame. So they don't bother about things like the spirit fury combo, as they didn't for the machine gun
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Yeah, same thing for red instaheals. You know, next time instead of downing your survivor, just look around for those with the medikit and you'll be fine
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Same things for keys. You know, some times gens just go fast because you don't make any pressure on the map, so the hatch spawns and the ones with a key survive with it and escape. Next time just don't get rushed
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then play killer?
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Isnt that already why killer queues have become so long? A multitude of survivor nerfs ontop of the already less than 50% survival rate (as per the most recent dev statistics from before healing nerf and EGC)? If the devs have stated they desire a 2 escape rate as a draw and we are currently below that, shouldnt that mean that survivors should be buffed?
*insert Patrick Star wallet meme here*
Any killer mains complaining in the current state need to "git gud" and realise that red rank games should be difficult for both sides...
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Simple fix
Ser a standard for the doors and how far apart they should be. If the distance is shorter, shave off x seconds to open gates for every so many meters. If the distance is longer add x seconds to open gates for every so many meters. Keeps the field balanced and nobody has a legit complaint at that point.
I'd also recommend there being a LoS blocker so the killer has to at least move 10 to 16 meters in any direction to see the gates. I've had matches where I trap both hates and can see them from a well placed hill in the middle. That is a boring wait for EGC to end. (Forgot to add that the hatch was on the same hill.)
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@Peanits based on your post, and taking into consideration my above post, why not alter a useless perk?
If killers fail to kill survivors before the gens are done there are two perks to help, NOED and Remember Me. If they fail to stop the gates from opening there is Blood Warden. 3 chances to help a failing killer. So why not alter the now pointless Lone Survivor to allow the survivor to either open gates faster when alone and EGC is active, or reopen hatch for 15 seconds after it is closed? Neither is game breaking and forces the killer to monitor hatch and doors for a few seconds. If the survivor still fails, that is on them.
I don't blame the solo survivors for having crap team members, so running SS might be a way to mitigate the solo survivor stuck with a bad SWF.
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this is a survival game where you are a mortal going up against monsters, you have no weapons they do, Escaping is suppose to be a hard fought thing and shouldn't happen all the time. Quit assuming you should be able to escape every single match and that if you don't escape then it is everything else's fault and not your own. This game just like others like it are suppose to be killer sided.
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I love how its "you failed twice to escape" when its usually a crummy team made powering generators impossible and the hatch appears in front of a gate that also happens to be near the other gate. "Difficult" isnt the same as a screw job.
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@Peanits I have to say, I played with my brother to test it and the killer hear the hatch farest than the survivor. I mean let's suppose a killer is chasing you, I am not saying you deserve a "free escape" but is easier for the killer to track the hatch and close it as he/she is faster and hear it farest.
Also, about the infinites matches. Do you know that sometimes a killer finds the hatch and waits 20 mins or longer for the survivor so they can close it in their own faces? I mean before EGC happended exactly the same.
Don't missunderstand me, I know there are a lot of things that you can't avoid, and you're trying your best to avoid those bad behaviours. I appreciate it, but I guess fixing the gates spawn will be a fairest solution and maybe if the hatch can't spawn closer X meters to the gates (let's say 32 meters from the exit gates). For example one time I was playing as hag in Lery's map and when I killed the 3rd survivor with Devour Hope (hatch as his side) I closed it, and the gate was outside the room where I was. The survivor escaped in the end due to having a key but that's not the point.
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Yo you are such a crybaby, its not like this happens all the time, damn dawg if I complained because the trapper placed a trap on his ruin, oh now we cant get his ruin were ######### behavior!!!! Fix this!!!! Take the loss and learn to grow instead of complaining, you complain to ur girl dawg too? Sheesh 2019 babies
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Yeah, also 4 instaheals don't happen all times. As well as survivors spowning right in front of totems. You know, sometimes as killer you just lose, it's the game
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Yeah but there is a difference when you don't even really have a chance to escape, and no one said it should be easy. It shouldn't be easy for killers to get a kill either.
There is a lot in DBD that is really out of your control as a survivor these days. You can't even stop someone from unhooking you while the killer is right behind them. You can't control what your teammates do when it comes to actions, you also can't control how badly the game decides to screw you sometimes and that's the point here.
In this game that guy didn't really have a chance. I think that's what op wants is to make sure the game is balanced enough that you actually do have a chance to do something endgame, I would say thats pretty fair. As a guy that plays both sides it's games like this that I don't feel right killing the last person. I just straight up let them escape because it's bs for me as a killer to have someone in a box not because of something they did, but because how the game decided to roll the exits. As a killer I'm strong enough as is without further help.
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By that same logic doing generators allows the Survivor to pinpoint the location of the hatch as well? So it doesn't give either side a clear advantage at that point, it comes down to a game of who found it first, which is what it is normally anyway. I'd say it's actually in favor of survivors sometimes because even if they get the hatch closed on them, they still have 2 options to escape (opening the exit gates or reopening the hatch with a spare key they found or brought with them) while the killer still only has 1 method to prevent escape (camping exit gates)
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3 survivors alive ,hatch spowns at 1 gen left
2 survivors alive and the hatch spowns at 2 gens left
The killer sees it , maybe slugging, so 55/60% of the times you don't even have a luck gamble
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So what about when the gates spawn far away from each other on a large map against a killer with no mobility ? Thats a very easy escape for a survivor who's team failed at everything else before.
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Well said.
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Can't quote the OP without approval? Wth is that?
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This is true too
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Because it spawns randomly man, u complaining makes me believe ur just salty that Monto won he has skills far beyond me and u, same with ohm.
They had a chance, they failed, the killer win cuz he was good at it, if u also watch the vid then u will know he only used his sneak attack which gave the survs a small advantage. Also since he never did it before so that boosted the survs chance up, if u watch the vid u would also notice the survs unhooked each other when he wasn't to far away so that's on them they messed up.
Monto won cuz he was too good, he didn't use perks, he only used his sneak attack on the pig which we all know has a charge up time. So don't get mad cuz u saw ur fellow survs die cuz they sucked. I also am a killer main BUT I also play survs to so wat I noticed is ur decision u make at the moments that require quick thinking is wat determine wat happens later on
So git gud
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Survivor didn't deserve the escape just because they are the last one. Monto found hatch first and RNG was on his side. That isn't always the case. Have you ever made a post about the gates being too far apart and as a result the killer can't patrol both? That is also unfair but it's the RNG of the game. Your argument just seems a bit like a knee jerk reaction more than anything.
No disrespect intended, clarify for me if I'm missing something.