Dedicated Servers Test: Feedback



  • KiolL
    KiolL Member Posts: 46

    Here in Chile, South America Dedicated Servers are 10/10, perfect, improve the gamep´lay and the waiting times.

    Ping are always 80-90ms

    Thanks Developers!

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867
    edited October 2019

    As killer, I notice serious hit box issues. I'll swing with Trapper and hit, but the survivor's body falls 5-10 meters away. Had one where I hit them in the killer shack and was at the center, but their body falls on the outside of the window. My ping was always between 50 and 70. I placed a Trap only to have it trigger immediately with a survivor in it. I thought maybe there was a shadow buff for Trapper where his traps now summon survivors to them and hold them there.

    As survivor I had similar hit box issues. I threw down a pallet, ran three steps and the hit registered from the killer who was in break animation. My ping was 65 at that time. My favorite was Pig's new power of teleporting through pallets to hit in her charge. I was eager to run Pig after that, but no such luck.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399

    The overall experience seems fine, however I noticed some things:

    • When playing as Killer, I always noticed a very slight lag after kicking a generator, like 0,5 seconds longer than usual, which doesn't seem like a lot but it was enough for me to notice it.
    • After some survivor matches, I got kicked of my party because of an "unknown error" so I had to rejoin. I recall this only happened to me once before the dedicated servers, but now it happened more often.
    • Finally, and probably the most annoying one: When playing as a survivor, Dead Hard did not work correctly most of the time. I activated it at the right moment BUT I got hit anyways, and the exhausted meter also showed up as if it had worked. I've been using DH for a long time and I know something's wrong here, cause I get hit in the middle of the animation. This happened me 3 times last night and it was really annoying.

    Except for those things, the rest of the experience was fine.

  • Obliv
    Obliv Member Posts: 1

    I'm having mixed emotions towards the dedicated servers.

    On the one hand, my ping has seemed pretty good and stable whilst playing and I don't lag anywhere near as much as before. On the other hand, I haven't been able to complete a full game and receive all my bp without being disconnected at all today. For the last couple days, it was only the first 2-3 matches where I would be disconnected then afterwards it would be fine. Now, I have been disconnected from every single match I've tried to play today (around 10-15) and I'm too frustrated to try anymore. Hopefully this is fixed soon otherwise I won't want to even try to play dbd anymore.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited October 2019

    My biggest thing with the servers is it feels almost rushed like a lot of these issues in terms of hit detection projectiles vaults and even movement need reworking to help fix dedicated servers basically what im saying is slow down and actually fix these problems currently these are not ready to go live no way.

    Also keep the North Virginia server it is honestly awesome please dont take it away i get really good ping off it 70-100 ping.

  • DuoHawks
    DuoHawks Member Posts: 1

    im in south america the servers are pretty good, when the servers were p2p i usually got a 250<400 ping but in the dedicated i usually got 100<160. The problem is only the random dc sometimes me or my friends just got kicked of the match randomly they remove 1 pip and give no Blood Points

    Keep them please :c

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited October 2019

    I find it good on both sides :)

    Usually 50-100ms.

  • Hydelino
    Hydelino Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2019


    First match as survivor : 50 ping, perfect, no problem.

    All the other matchs, ALL, for me and my friend (fibre connexion) : +140 ping, hitbox INSANE like never. Pallet stun, and the killer can hit me everytime. Like there is no pallet in front of him. Really, the hitbox is INCREDIBLE.

    Not laggy, not really. But why do I have +140 ping ? I have 55 everywhere when I test my own ping ! I just had ONE good match, the first one. All the others were unplayable. The killer is always trying to hit because it will hit even if I am far from him. The last Ghostface was abusing this so hard.

    And search for a lobby is SO LONG. As solo survivor (rank 2) +10 mins. As killer (rank 8), lololol, it's insta lobby or 20+ mins.

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    Only people that complain are people with bad internet, that when they play as hosts (killers) before dedicated servers made other survivors' experience miserable!

  • AnimeChannelDE
    AnimeChannelDE Member Posts: 62

    Can we give feedback for the Switch dedicated Servers here as well?

    It is a very smooth experience. Sometimes there are lags for 2-3 Seconds but then its normal again.

  • 7Write7
    7Write7 Member Posts: 46

    killers still hit through pallets and windows idk why... ping stable 60-80

  • DeathScavenger
    DeathScavenger Member Posts: 20

    There's a noticeable desync with sounds- huntress winding up / throwing hatchets, plague inhaling for puke, breaking pallets, etc. Nearly all sounds were on a delay, makes it harder to anticipate when I should be trying to dodge / run away.

    Freddy, Myers, Legion and Wraith all felt mostly like normal, the only annoying part was stalking with Myers needs a little work- it would sometimes pop to tier 3 when I'm trying to get it to "99%" to set up for an easier kill instead of at the start of a chase. Trapper also triggers traps he just set if you try to walk over them (from when I was watching Otzdarva).

    Hit detection (especially with Dead Hard) is incredibly killer favored. Dead Hard definitely needs a tweak or the killer's attack grace period needs to be lowered; I was taking hits / getting hits I shouldn't have. This was particularly annoying when landing a killer stun with a pallet and still getting a hit (from both survivor and killer side) on instances that I wouldn't have gotten on p2p.

  • Samidarei
    Samidarei Member Posts: 1

    As a game that came out P2P i think it should always be P2P, Dedicated servers makes everything worse. Exemple : On the killer perspective the survivor movements looks really clunky and it's the same thing the other way around. Huntress hitboxes are way worse for survivors and sometimes it just go trought them. When you have a ping highter than 90 as killer Billy's chainsaw charge time is laggy, You rubberband as nurse and sometimes you don't even go trought the objects or walls you would of on the live build, You can't 99% stalk with myers anymore because the lag will make you go tier 3, Hits trought windows and pallets are way worse than live build like you can get a hit even if the survivor is 1 meter away after fast vaulting a window and get a hit trought a pallet after it's fully dropped.

    Even if you get a 40-50 ping lobby as survivor you don't know if the killer you're going against either has a good ping or bad ping to the server and stuff like this can happen.

    For someone that has over 6500 hours in the game i think dedicated servers are a bad introduction for Dbd.

  • luizzhe
    luizzhe Member Posts: 5

    Hit through the window with fast vault and ping 40ms

  • MdeMarta
    MdeMarta Member Posts: 1

    The worst think I experimented playing was a huntress hitting me with a hatchet after I turned around a corner. From my perspective, there was no way the hatchet could hit me cause there was a wall between me and the killer (it was on Lery). On a different game, the killer was able to grab me when I was already running away after vaulting a pallet.

    I also hit a survivor putting her in dying state before she vaulted, and after she was on the ground, she got up, vaulted and then she was down again but on the other side of the window.

    Overall, I feel lobbies are better than before (better ping). I play with friends that live in South América and the ping was always +300, now barely reaches 150. The queue time feels the same for me.

    The servers need improvement for what I saw on different streams and for what I experimented myself (lag, weird hits, frequent disconnects for no reason, etc). Hope you guys can improve them.

  • Jobra
    Jobra Member Posts: 27

    Personally the dedicated servers seems to work very well.

    Great ping guaranteed with quick matching. And don't have any hit box issues at the moment (I played only killer BTW).

    However, I'm located pretty close to the town with the data center so that just might be the reason not causing any problems.

  • ionutcruso
    ionutcruso Member Posts: 7

    For me they are working well

  • Baballerz
    Baballerz Member Posts: 2

    I’m just curious there, Fictionalname. How do you know how well each and every person’s internet connect speeds? And as someone who has great connection speeds, and consistently has great ping, how does your claim apply to me and many others who have great ping?

  • Srhards
    Srhards Member Posts: 4

    I played quite a lot in the servers to test them, I tryed a couple of killers and that's what I saw:

    -Some powers are a little laggy like the shape and hillbily's saw. The shape stalk is weird to handle, if you want to stalk to almost full to pop it at right time you are probably not getting it at first time. There is a tiny lag, almost a input lag, and when you realease the power button it continues to stalk a little.

    -The dream world is super laggy, is seems to be capped at 30 fps somehow

  • Satsui
    Satsui Member Posts: 142

    I really can't relate to most of the people's reactions here. As a survivor it works wonderfully for me, so much better than before. Ping is constant 70-90 (I'm from Israel).

    As a killer, it really barely makes any difference despite not being host. Actually, the game is just so incredibly better as a whole, I'm simply loving it. I can't relate to some people's whines here, and I hadn't experienced those bugs ppl mentioned.

    People need to adapt and realize the experience will be a bit different since they are no longer host. No need to whine about those things. My killer experience was amazing with the servers.

  • tiny
    tiny Member Posts: 1

    Most of my survivor lobbies were fine, consistent yellow ping, and less long wait. However, I encountered lobbies with no killer and waited around 10-15 mins before deciding to search for a new one. Matches were okay too, I get lags on the beginning part but it eventually gets smooth. Hope this helps.

  • crowscythe13
    crowscythe13 Member Posts: 15

    anyone can play killer even if there internet is crap even if they are the host not to mention that everyone gets killer quest so saying not to do it won’t stop anyone from doing it besides I suck as killer, so the survivors normally all get away

  • Zekey
    Zekey Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2019

    I had no problems before this besides the old "Corrupt Cloud Data" problem... Which happened once. I played 5 games and I ALWAYS disconnect in the middle of the match while trying to suffer through huge lag spikes as killer and the same is for survivor as well... Which I'm bad at. The only game I played since the update was a Custom that didn't DC me...

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    The first day dedicated servers went live on pc, I had a consistent 45ms, which I assumed would be the case since one of the server locations is in Oregon and that's where I live.

    However, the very next day, I couldn't get a game any less than 110ms. Do you know what's going wrong? I hope bringing it to attention helps letting the right people know, in order to fix the problem.

  • muka3112
    muka3112 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2019

    Played with billy mostly and some hag/hunt.

    -Impossible to hit melee saw, survivors start flicking/blinking as soon as they make contact with killer body, thats impossible to keep track/body bloack properly;

    -if not enough, almost always it seems like they change direction so fast there's no turning animation plus there's a consistent survivor"phasing";

    -half my saws that should score a hit just end like they hit an obstacle(windows/narrow paths/survs near walls)

    -Turning feels totally Ewww.

    Even basic hits feel completely messy.

    As awful as it can be. Completely unplayable for any killer who heavily rely on power for downs.

    Edit: 15~25 ms every match, South murica.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Is there any date planned to disable them?

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745
    edited October 2019

    Dedicated servers are so bad im refusing to play until they are removed. massive delay on killer power like plague puke, weird and clunky interactions like when vaulting or kicking a generator or breaking a pallet, I saw that now if the killer and the survivor are on the hatch at the same moment it opens the survivor can get out which is stupid. this is just my experience though I didn't test all the killers because I got so fed up with the BS that these servers have caused I got off and refuse to play until the dedicated servers are REMOVED. they need to be DELAYED AGAIN or if they are not SEVERELY IMPROVED UPON they will KILL DBD

    also grabbing survivors is a complete RNG, sometimes you will grab them other times you will start the grab animation only for it to cancel and the survivor keeps going on their merry way

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    if you think the dedicated servers are fine atm then enjoy lobby simulator because most killer mains/players will quite and there will be a problem of to many survivors and not enough killers because atm dedicated servers are a HUGE NERF to killers all around when overall killers are already weak even on P2P. P2P atm is better than these crap dedicated servers

    GODOG Member Posts: 17

    The Shape is basically unplayable now. If you don't stalk to 100% immediately he will lose a quarter of his stalk progress. The Trapper now always steps in his own traps. Ghost Face will also lose stalk progress and his reveal mechanic is even more inconsistent. The fact lobbies fill up first makes dodging or telling what is a SWF group impossible now.

    Why, why god, why is this live instead of being in a PTB.

  • Arik13
    Arik13 Member Posts: 67

    I get around 70-100 ping every game both survivor and killer


    • Love it
    • No more bs hits through windows and pallets (or a lot less)
    • every game has stable green ping
    • queues are not terrrible
    • easier to find games with swf


    • Not as fresh as before
    • a bit jittery
    • still playable and doesnt really make that much difference tbh
  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    Window vaults give killer hits pretty long after survivor vaulted. Experienced pretty annoying lag in 1 of 4 matches. Others were fine, survivor isn't exactly where displayed. Can be off about a meter. Survivor glitched to spot hit registered (huntress hatchet throw)

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    I got completely glitched in a game and wasted half an hour maxing out with BPS and BBQ only to have to disconnect because of this test. There's a reason we have PTB.

  • night_with_you
    night_with_you Member Posts: 21

    Remove the servers immediately, please. It is very disgraceful to force all players to test your uncompleted product without previously informing and asking for their permission.

    If you want to test your servers,

    1. put it on a PTB and let players themselves decide if they want to try it.
    2. If u have a hard time finding enough volunteers, just pay for a group of players testing it 24/7. Stop take advantage of your player base as free labor to finish your unpolished work

    Devs, I am losing respect to you.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194
    edited October 2019

    I am really fed up, I am sorry, we are customers, not laboratory rats, I hope they retire during the weekend, otherwise, I will try to request a refund for a product in poor condition and I already leave this BAD WORD game.

  • Victory
    Victory Member Posts: 166

    Borderline unplayable, please take the test off now, This really shouldnt go into the weekend. On the survivor end you just get smakced while the killer is in stun animation, some powers cannot even be used, and overall its really clunky.

  • nikstorm
    nikstorm Member Posts: 22

    I am tired of testing your incompetence to get this right. Put it on the PTB. Hit boxes are way to big. Delays in dropping pallets. Delay in kicking generators and hooking surviviors. This is the worse it has ever been it almosty UNPLAYABLE on survivor size. Que times are even longer now.

  • IAmGrubbs
    IAmGrubbs Member Posts: 3

    I am of the opinion that the new servers are awful, and I will explain why.

    Ping has been just fine, anywhere from 30-70 ms ping.

    So far playing as survivor: Killers have teleported through objects, landed hits that should be impossible, and items moved from where they were.

    Killers teleporting: On mother's dwelling while running a loop around a pallet, trapper teleported through rocks next to house and was able to make a hit without any reason.

    Hits that should be impossible: Killer reach is extremely messed up, I understand being able to be hit through a window or vault, but if you jump out of the window on haddonfield to the balcony, and get hit from the window while falling off the room, that is an issue. Killer swinging WAY behind you and connecting with hits that should have had no chance. Dropping a pallet on a killer, with no attack animation getting hits. and killers hitting pallets, after they are down, making the sound, and it still hitting the survivor.

    Items moved from where they were: During the hit falling off of the roof, the killer had Franklin's demise. When going back to find the medkit I dropped, which should have been in the bushes. It was found halfway into the room of the window the killer attacked from originally.

    After playing as killer, I have noticed little to no change in how anything looks or feels other than random hits that should/shouldn't have hit and did/didn't.

    Whether or not you find this constructive is entirely up to you. Those are my opinions and experiences in the game so far since this "test" went live on the live server and not the test server. I also feel that the live server is not the place to test things out, since there will be no compensation for items or bloodpoints that are lost due to issues with the servers.

  • Tod_Der_Lüge
    Tod_Der_Lüge Member Posts: 8

    Can't play as The Shape.

    Can't really use his power at all, 90% of the time it won't stalk.

    Laggy as fu

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    The matchmaking is just the worst. My experience so far (on both sides) is just horrible.

    Survivor: I dropped a pallet on a killer, he got pushed back by it, but it didn't stun him. I've been hit straight through windows and pallets, and not like before, I'll be on the complete other side and still take damage, and the weird hiccups make juking so hard.

    Killer: My weapon will go through survivors and miss, or vise versa. You can't grab survivors anymore as killer, the latency between survivor and killer makes it impossible. (Trapper) my traps will move position slightly for no apparent reason. Monto's latest video on Huntress proves how horrible it is for her.

    Please remove the servers until it is actually tested. These are things that should have been caught internally but wasn't. Please fix it then release it live.

  • hemlock
    hemlock Member Posts: 106

    Laggy movement and input as killer.

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    Not been having fun. Hitbox issues are insane sometimes and I've gotten hit over pallet drops and windows far more than I ever have on P2P.

    Queue times aren't really consistent. Sometimes I get a lobby in 30 secs, other times it takes upwards of 10 mins, especially as survivor.

    But my main issue is definitely hitboxes, particularly with Huntress and Demogorgon. A lot of things are hitting when they really look like they shouldn't.

  • JudgeRedds
    JudgeRedds Member Posts: 5

    Where to start ...

    1.Long queue times to end up in a 128 ping dedicated server.

    2.Desync in both 60 ping and 128 ping dedicated servers making the ping feel like 2x-3x the latency. Killer can be in the area of 10 meters behind you and get hit through pallet as his client says he hit you but on survivor client he whiffed.

    3.No option to not play dedicated servers.

    4.Unknown error. Before game . After game.

    5.Cant use dead hard to evade attacks. Dead hard will give you exhaustion but no invincibility frames.

    I cannot wait for dedicated servers to be turned off... they are crushing my soul.

  • McPhisto2051
    McPhisto2051 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2019
    1. I often get hit over 3m away from the windows and fall down faaar away from them (before you got rubberbanded back to the window)
    2. We just a had a lobby without killer
    3. Huntress' axes are really hitting when you're around the corner and can see them disappearing in thin air before hitting you (in a p2p perhaps but on server which should exactly prevent such stuff???)
    4. New Bug:
    5. We experienced a game where I could not rescue another survivor from a hook neither could the hooked one try himself the unhook-action. He was lucky a third survivor could unhook him... #########?!?
    Post edited by McPhisto2051 on
  • pejii
    pejii Member Posts: 79
    edited October 2019

    last night I had long waiting time for lobbies as killer and 4 out of 5 lobbies that I would find would stuck in loading page into the lobby, then after a long loading screen the NAT error and back to searching for another lobby.

    one of my games that finally got started, I wasn't able to do much in the game and after the match ended, I found out that I was paired with red ranks of 3 and 2 while I'm a level 13~11 killer (I was 11 at that match, all 4 survivors were reds in 3s and 2s)

    I did experience locker pulling issues that others have reported before, haven't done a single gen pulling so far to report on that.

    beside all the other issues I had with the dedicated servers that I have listed before, so far I haven't found anything else new.

    will play more and report back, but so far not liking the ptb servers, specially since I can't play hag anymore on them with the current delays on trap spawns that can't hit survivors 99% of the times.

    P.S. still around 100ms ish ping.

  • FichteHiro
    FichteHiro Member Posts: 711

    The servers are not bad, but I’ve been experiencing some weird visual glitches, for instance:

    1. I’m playing Freddy, place a Snare, and his hand glitches out, remaining on the same animation. This won’t stop unless I perform an attack.
    2. The Huntress’ Hatchets...

    The hitboxes also seem inconsistent. I score some weird hits and some other obvious hits aren’t scored.

    The Huntress’ Hatchets and the Plague’s vomit are kinda broken, the hitboxes are just weird and there are a bunch of visual glitches.

    However, hits at Windows and Pallets seem to be more fair now.

  • mila_kunis
    mila_kunis Member Posts: 12

    The simple fact is, with dedicated servers, lag compensation is required to sync everybodys connection smoothly. DBD does not have that. THAT is why the game feels choppy, stuttery, mouse movement for killer feels like you took pills from grandmas medicine cabinet.

    If you aren't going to implement lag compensation, don't even try dedicated servers.

  • ndyingtmlg
    ndyingtmlg Member Posts: 1

    I really dont like these servers. I dont live in EU btw. Survivor when i play as them i dont need low ping to play, literally 270 ping is fine. killer is now impossible to play! I cant blink or lunge as nurse cus of 200 ping, damaging gens and hooking takes longer. Any killer gameplay feels impossible. now even i really needed good ping i could of joined local killers but cant now! Sure servers load faster but i have a very bad experience. all i would like is to use killer as host.

    thank you

  • kermit_snacc_choke
    kermit_snacc_choke Member Posts: 303

    Well the dedicated servers are tbh quite bad. I was up against leatherfaces and their chainsaw hit me from when I was 3-4 metres away, slow vaults in a chase are now a death sentence as you can get hit after a second when u finish vaulting, basically hitboxes are rly bad rn. But that's all I've encountered so far

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    So, I played some more Nurse yesterday. Ping at 60-100ms to the server. I noticed a few things, both positive and negative.

    1. Post blink hits are finally more consistent. With peer to peer, I landed alot of ghost hits. Survivor was at point blank range, and litterally infront of me, yet my attack missed for some reason sometimes. With dedicated servers those ghost hits are nearly eliminated.
    2. Survivors dropping pallets on a Nurse midblink can nullify it completely now. On P2P, survivors had to time it perfectly for that to work, but with dedicated servers it always works now. I blink to the other side of the pallet, and start swinging at the survivor, half a second later, I get teleported back to the other side, and consequently miss my swing. I don't know if its intended or not, but it takes away all skill and precision from pallet stunning a blinking Nurse.
    3. You can now get stuck in dropped pallets in the process described above. Luckily the Nurse can blink out with no problem, but it still looks weird, and should be fixed.
    4. Going out of a blink without swinging does weird movement sometimes. Usually I get teleported back half a metre or so. In rare instances I get catapulted forward for like 5 metres for like a second or 2. I am unable to swing when that happens.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 937

    I'm pretty sure you are still running hit detection on the killer's machine, from their perspective alone, no lag compensation or hit validation. I was playing on ~50ms servers consistently, and killers were landing ridiculous hits through and over pallets and windows consistently, particularly if they had bad connections. Dedicated servers obviously introduce more lag between any two players than peer-to-peer, and so if you still run hit detection on the killer's client, it is only natural that the killer's latency advantage increases. The very thing that I had hoped dedicated servers would finally rid us of.

    If there won't be server-sided hit detection or at least validation, nor lag compensation, why exactly was the switch to dedicated servers made at all? It not only makes things worse, but now you can't even tell what the connection of your opponent to the server is, i. e. you can't dodge opponents with ######### connections.