Please give up on dedicated servers

The experience on dedicated servers has been abysmal and I believe this is the time to call the dedicated servers off once and for all.
It doesn't work for both roles:
- dead hard doesn't work as intended, sometimes the latency is too large (even when in ping should have been around 60 ms) sometimes you get the exhaustion but no dash
- hits through pallets, they are becoming more and more of a reality
- hitboxes on huntress, they got worse than before (would you believe that?) I cannot count the amount of times when I got hit despite being already out of sight
- I get a delay on hook saves (luckily the killer also gets a delay in grabbing so I only get hit rather than grabbed
- sometimes stalking with Myers is delayed and I cannot stalk people out in the open
- when Legion vaults pallets I get delayed like I was stuck before I can start the vault movement
- kicking gens gets you stuck
- trappers wastes more time picking up traps
- phantom hits, perfect hits don't hit and stupid hits do hit
All in all the experience is so brutal that I hope the servers will be removed and the resources of the team moved towards balancing the game.
Dedicated servers are a downgrade and a big one
They were activated for testing.
And doing a ptb only for dedicated would be a waste of time tbh.
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Yes and they are terrible, they are making the experience worse
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But, you sure you want to give up on dedicated entirelly?
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Was really hoping theyd be back to normal by now. Just got home from work and my
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if these are the results yes, I am having a terrible time with the game right now
@LordGlint let's hope they will be disabled... fingers crossed
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Lets be honest here - would yyou play PTB if it was ONLY dedicated servers?
*testing intenfifies*, they will be disabled that's for sure. My guess its either end of this week or the day they activated them (Wednesday)
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Sorry maybe I didn't explain my line of thinking properly, I shall try again.
I played the servers three times, during two ptb and now live.
In every instance they were bad, much worse than ptp.
So I'm really wondering if they are worth the effort and my answer seems to be no.
I don't see the point in investing time and monet in a project that will possibly be a downgrade, nor I believe too much in bhvr coding capacity to improve the service.
I think this game needs complete focus on bugs and balance and the fabled ds are not bringing this to the table.
At this point, unless they will improve drastically they should be scrapped and the resources moved to actual game balance
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Honestly they should have put their work on dedicated servers to just improving the P2P networking to the best of their abilities, and implementing lockouts and punishments for DC's.
I'm sure with time they will get the servers to a decent place, but you're still going to experience things that feel terrible on both sides no matter what they try to do to fix it as long as the servers get the final say in what is taking place. I don't really understand why everyone wanted dedicated servers so badly to begin with to be honest. They were never going to "fix" the game, really the only thing that it fixes are the outlier cases of lagswitching while at the same time introducing more noticeable problems in every other department. I understand how important it is that they get tested, but leaving them implemented over the weekend was a really bad decision.
After dealing with the frustration on both sides of the game for the majority of my matches, I've just decided to take a break from playing until they are turned off.
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eh you have a point, I agree with your ideas. Hopefully this misery will end soon
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Which Is EXACTLY why they do testing. So that if (as we see here) issues occur they can fix them and give us decent dedicated servers. Or would you really rather the rampant dcs, killer side hosting and plethora of other things dedicated servers can help alleviate, continue to happen?
Jesus christ this community survives on salt and instant gratification.
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I have zero trust that dedicated servers will solve dbd problems, they have been sold as a panacea but I absolutely don't believe they will improve my gaming experience. Scrapping them is the right call
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Scrapping them is not the right call. Further testing is.
If instant gratification is what you want, and lack ANY patience for better things to come, maybe go try minecraft out.
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I do not think they should give up on dedicated servers, yes there is issues and I have experienced most of what you have listed. Especially Dead Hard not working but still being exhausted and being hit when I shouldn't of been hit. However the whole reason they are testing them is so we can provide feedback, with that feedback the devs will know what they need to work on.
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Don't give up on them, just make them stop sucking.
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I am really zero confident on bhvr's capacity to improve them, this sounds to me the equivalent of the infamous "Legion buff" that was actually a nerf
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Tell them here:
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The one benefit on console >:3
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I'm still looking forward to dedicated servers. If other games can perfect it (to some extent) then why not DbD?
I just hope they wait for the right time. I don't want BHVR to rush them and if need be they can push it over to 2020 if you ask me.
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This. Honestly even with their flaws I prefer them to the other servers because there were FAR more unintentional disconnections happening that would sandbag teams. Almost all the DCs I see happen in my games all seem intentional. Conveniently DCing after a down or on the hook. I have yet to have a DC on these servers aside from during loading or from killer DCing cause of gen rush. Compared to getting d/c'd like half the time as a survivor before with 150 mbps internet, all required ports open and firewall exemptions... Highly prefer this.
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They have put far too much work into this to just scrap it. Lots of us still really want dedicated servers and are more than happy to wait even longer if need be. We all knew that there would be issues. Saying to just give up because they aren’t prefect yet is not constructive.