Dedicated Servers Test: Feedback



  • everlasting
    everlasting Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2019

    My biggest issues so far:

    1. Time to actually get into a match--where previously I could get in a match in 1-5 minutes, now I've sat for upwards of 20 minutes waiting for a match
    2. More pre-match disconnects than I experienced pre-dedicated servers. They just seem more abundant now, leading to a worse game experience
    3. Played a match against a Huntress that was apparently able to curve her throws around it was probably due to some lag/hitbox issue of some sort (or hacking)

    I believe long term this will work out, but there are certainly plenty of kinks in the system still to iron out. Good luck!

    Reference: USA-West, PC, Survivor main

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    It's downright awful, now keep in mind everything I'm about to say happened in 50-70 ping (green ping) games. Killers hitting through windows and pallets (and sometimes even through WALLS) worse than they used to before, laggy inputs that shouldn't be lagging at low ping (such as healing and gen repair), Dead Hard somehow being even more inconsistent than normal (pressing it a FULL SECOND before the killer swings and the perk doesn't come out, but I'm still EXHAUSTED), fully dropping a pallet to be hit through it, killer hitboxes not even being close to hitting where they should... The list just goes on and on...

    That's just for survivor, killer has issues too. Several delayed sounds (such as chainsaw revving and pallet breaking), actions being delayed (such as vaulting and gen breaking), survivors jittering everywhere (I asked and they said their ping was fine), things hitting when they shouldn't (huntress hatchets) and things not hitting when they should (demo charge and billy chainsaw; and no, the survivors did NOT have Sprint Burst or BL). It just feels super janky and bad.

    Look I know these are just tests, but they need MASSIVE improvements before these can be considered playable. I can easily say the game was far more frustrating playing on these servers.

  • VelvetWalrus
    VelvetWalrus Member Posts: 5

    Survivor felt fine, killer had a few issues, over all it was playable unless i got on an EU server which i have 130 ping to. on killer side breaking pallets would desync with the animation frequently and i would get a micro stutter every 4-5 seconds. the only occurred while playing killer however it happened on every killer i tried (huntress, demogorgan, wraith, pig, and trapper) the only killer specific issue ive seen was huntress hatchets sometimes appearing to clip through survivors.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    Latency issues are noticeable at times, after getting used to when to hit the space bar on skill checks in P2P I know have to adapt to the new server latency, I am in AR and have a stable internet connection thru Xfinity, ping was green in lobby sometimes yellow.

  • Cloudydreaming
    Cloudydreaming Member Posts: 9

    Thus far I have only played survivor, and I only noticed a few differences. My game usually runs pretty well and I haven't noticed a ton of change there, the small things I did notice were not being able to break Ghostface out of his stealth mode even when I was looking directly at him with him in the middle of my screen, and a few hits that shouldn't have hit due to the fact that the killer was not in a close enough range, and yet I still get injured/downed depending on my state before that. It didn't happen a ton while I was playing, but I noticed it particularly in the aforementioned GF match. Not sure if it is a consistent issue with GF, as I only faced one.

  • The wait timers for playing survivor has gone up which is to be expected and the killer wait timer seems a little shorter but not by a super noticeable amount. The game feels so much better however getting hit in unfair ways like while vaulting windows or pallets seems to have gone up. The matchmaking seems a lot worse however. I'm a purple rank and I've been consistently playing with rank 20s. And I remember seeing an example of a killer and survivor waiting at the hatch for it to open and even though the killer closed it the survivor still escaped. Not sure if it was a one time thing but if its not that should definitely be looked at. But overall the servers seem like a big improvement over the ones in the PTB. I haven't had any crashes, lag spikes or connection issues.

  • dasdasik
    dasdasik Member Posts: 3

    Need server in CIS. For example in Russia to have a good ping. Will be? Because now I have around 120 ms and very hard to play for killer. For survivors as always. Also must ban players on dedicated servers who still leave from games. Is it in plans? Clear community from toxic guys ;)

  • Gonzalo
    Gonzalo Member Posts: 48

    Yeah Frankfurt probably,i wasn't connecting to any Singapore servers.

    If i did i would have 100-110ms ping

  • princam
    princam Member Posts: 2

    Overall I have enjoyed the servers. Stable, consistent ping, less queue time, less albeit still remaining hitbox issues. The only problems I still encounter have been there since before the servers. 100% enjoy these more and I would not listen to any of the people using fringe cases to say they are bad overall.

  • AntiFlowX
    AntiFlowX Member Posts: 13

    For me overall i like the Server. I played only Killer the Hag and the Demogorgon. Im a Hag Main and my Teleports where all on Point. No Lag Issues after a Port nothing and felt like before. I realy enjoyed the fast Match Starts and quick Lobbys.

    Im in Europe and my Average Ping the whole Time was 50ms. Everything felt pretty stable.

    But there is a Bug on the Hag. Cracked Turtle Egg and the green Cicarda Together lets you not place any Traps. Without the Egg everything is fine. So the Bug comes from the Cracked Turtle Egg.

    So keep up the good Work and bring the Server back pls as soon as possible :)

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Just give us a freaking ping filter instead of those crap servers...

    I rather filter out all the 100+ ping lobbies that I keep getting over and over and wait slightly longer for a below 100 ping instead of having a permanent 95 ping on your servers and have to play killer with a permanent delay of a .5-1.0 seconds on their power which just makes me not want to play at all. I really love the game but if that's what we get in the end then I'll have to quit and play something that I will enjoy and not get frustrated over.

    And to point out - I'm mostly playing survivor but do play killer as well and I am far from being a tryhard and let survivors live pretty often but I didn't enjoy playing killer on the servers with that delay on power usage (ghostface). This delay just messed up the whole game.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @Gonzalo Hmmmm. I don't know where the main cables from the servers are going but sometimes you get weird connections across the world which are quite fast because it's direct. And other times you connect to the geographical nearest server with a bad connection because your signal has to go through X points before.

  • Biggles1
    Biggles1 Member Posts: 36

    When playing as killer, I would get a “disconnected from host” error at the end game screen after the game ended. I would not get any of my Bloodpoints and would loose my addons/offering.

    Also, not sure if it is related to the servers or some other patch changes, but queue time were horrible and 1 out of every 3 games seemed to have crashed after the offering screen.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Also survivors get through hatch when killer closes it. Makes me question what intentions are with the design

  • Asikr
    Asikr Member Posts: 2

    I am playing a game in Asia.

    From a survivor's standpoint, the server was pretty good.

    It was good not to catch the red-ping and we had to wait a long time, but we got a maximum of 50 to 60 when we went in.

    But it wasn't the killer.

    Murder was quite a difficult sensation to use at 50 to 60 pings.

    The killer could only play his usual game after 20 to 30 pings.

    Still, it was the most useful server ever patched.

    Sometimes Lang was matched with a low-key killer.

  • MrMadMask
    MrMadMask Member Posts: 28

    Very good, very good. Except for some shoddy grabs that were randomly turned to nothing, overall great experience.

    But I had a stable 80 ping, and other people that live farther away from the servers seem to have a lot more problems, so... Yeah, you should check that.

  • DrJones
    DrJones Member Posts: 3

    I find it run pretty smooth, other than small lag spike, character moves positions randomly when standing, but i find whenever the huntress hits me while im running, it always hit about 3 meters back from my actual character, makes it impossible to run them around if i can predict if im getting hit or not

  • BlueBoy
    BlueBoy Member Posts: 2

    I've played a few games with different killers, and a few games as Survivors.

    First i'll say a bit about Survivor, as it's the role i got the least issues with. I had problems when vaulting and dropping pallets. It would lag when i started the animation, and stutter halfway through. When vaulting this sometimes caused me to get hit when i really shouldn't have been hit. Another note; The Vaults sometimes did not happen. I would do the animation for vaulting, but not go through, and have to vault again in order to go through.

    Now, onto Killers, where i experienced alot of issues especially with their powers.

    Nurse stutters and rubberbands when blinking. Once a blink ends, my nurse would randomly stutter and seem to teleport slightly further back before im able to lunge or blink again, which made me miss quite often.

    As Myers and Ghostface, the stalking was off. Sometimes a survivor would be standing clearly visible, and i would not be able to stalk them. And a few times i was able to stalk survivors through small objects without seeing them (Like rocks and trees)

    Billy and Bubba's chainsaws were delayed on startup animation, and especially with Billy the chainsaw would miss despite doing the 'hit' animation. Along with minor stuttering in the first second of the chainsaw sprint. Bubba's chainsaw would stutter and lag whenever i rounded a corner. Sometime making me hit nothing and go into a frenzy which cost me the chase.

    Demogorgon; The Shred attack hitbox was wildly inconsistent and stuttered mid-pounce.

    Huntress; Hatchet went through survivors.

    Plague; Vomit was very inconsistent. Going through survivors, walls, objects. Even hitting them when it clearly didnt hit.

    Generally all killers had problems with kicking Gens and Pallets. The animation would stutter, lag and get delayed. To a point where i'd do the animation. Then stand still for a second before the action is actually done and the gen or pallet is damaged/broken.

    The experience has been a massive downgrade from the normal p2p it previously was. And i do not want to see these dedicated servers go up to live permanently if these issues are not fixed.

  • Pleb47
    Pleb47 Member Posts: 5

    The servers are awful because the ping Is absolutely unstable

  • RedBigEvilDevil
    RedBigEvilDevil Member Posts: 10

    I played for killers, and in 90% case i can't grab survivors, when they unhooking or do the generator.

    Also nurse blinks have obvious server synchronization, after few games, you will get brain lag.

    As Mayers you need always look at power, when stalking coz server synchronization is bad.

    Broke pallets\gens also have bad synchronization with in-game progress.

    GODOG Member Posts: 17

    I'm glad it's over.

    I had 50ms ping and still encountered game breaking glitches.

  • dreamsy10
    dreamsy10 Member Posts: 142

    For me ping was very nice... 50 ms, better than killer's lobby which i have always +120... i just saw a bug with myers when you tier up.. or when you tier to 3, its like doubled or something... i hope dedicated servers will be back official.

  • pejii
    pejii Member Posts: 79

    lets sum it up (my experience):

    as a survivor, it was meh.

    as killer the dedicated servers were terrible.

  • akasilverado
    akasilverado Member Posts: 8

    I'm pretty sure its your internet. On dedicated servers everyone relays on your own WIFI. Since this new change makes killers lag. You are lagging while blinking because of your WIFI. It seems like a bad thing but in my mind its a good thing... This means its fair. Not only do survivor's suffer from lag switching killer but killers suffer from their internet now.

  • casedistorted
    casedistorted Member Posts: 58

    I think you guys should copy Overwatch when it comes to disconnection mechanics.

    If a person disconnects whether on purpose or on accident, make it so the next 1-2 matches they play have -50% or -75% bloodpoint XP until they finish their next match.

    This would deter people from disconnecting but also not ban people for disconnecting on accident (due to this d/c bug I've been experiencing where I have disconnected more randomly in the past couple weeks than I have in the last couple years of playing).

    So if you d/c once, you will get -50% bp for one match, if you d/c more than once in a certain time period you will get -75% bp for a couple matches, or as much as you wanted to put it.

    I saw Overwatch do it after I d/c'd from a match and realized, this would be a great mechanic for DBD if they ever listened to their community, lol.

  • Slaymore
    Slaymore Member Posts: 499

    No change in hitbox garbage, no change in pallet mechanics, no change in unknown errors, lobbies on killer side still took nearly 15 mins and then you have to cross your fingers that no one dc'd during load.

    No ability to see the killers name... so I saw MANY dc's during load when the killer offering didn't flip since they couldn't tell who the killer was and didn't trust them to be a dick.

  • slimeslime
    slimeslime Member Posts: 41

    I get fast queue times as red rank survivor (never the case before) so that's a big plus to me. playing on Asia btw

  • CreampuffPup
    CreampuffPup Member Posts: 1

    At first the servers were fine, minimal lag but a hiccup hear and there (i.e. getting hit through a window despite being far on the other side) but as time went on the issues became more and more prevalent, (i.e. lagging into walls or corners, healed survivors going back to inured with just needing a tap to heal, and straight up rubberbanding back to the killer or behind a window, and the worst; some actions taking a full second to start) while the servers have come a long way, they still have a ways to go. Here's to hoping for Fall dedicated servers.

  • Sn0wJob
    Sn0wJob Member Posts: 247

    It's the same desync you guys havent fixed, it's been 5 months c'mon.

    Set aside project time for servers, like real project time. You guys are better than this, stop slacking.

  • Shisemi
    Shisemi Member Posts: 2

    Just as a side note to my previous post: queues were fast on both sides, ping was always green (between 40 and 60 ms) and quite stable, but desynch is a bigger issue than consistant 200 ms of P2P games. Imagine downing a survivor and then looking for him for 30 seconds because his body ended up few meters away from you...

  • debdee
    debdee Member Posts: 15

    Had some issues with breaking pallets / generators, sometimes you would kick them in an angle and there was some delay to the action every time. Killer powers took some time to update, like the bottle count as Clown. Problems with grabbing survivors, it would show the animation, freeze for a second and not grab them. Lockers were buggy, you could get stuck IN them, not inside of them, both as a killer and a survivor. Huntress hatchets were OP.

    Ping was really good and stable. My survivor experience was a little better than before.

    Most were probably mentioned already but eh? Overall a good experience for me, mainly because of my bad connection.

  • ForgiveMyEngrish
    ForgiveMyEngrish Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2019

    The amount of disconnects during loading games, on the start of game and random people being disconnected in situations where they definitely didn't disconnect purposely is going up. I've also gotten disconnects later in game myself a few times.

  • AnGuSxD
    AnGuSxD Member Posts: 2

    Give me back my dedicated Servers <3 never had so much fun in this game. They were great!

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Can you disable those crap at once?.

    It is still horrible, perhaps they fail to understand that the problem is the connection? If they try the servers in the same city where they are located, they obviously work great.

    pretty bad job so far

  • crowscythe13
    crowscythe13 Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2019

    First time dedicated servers went live as a survivor it was fine for as killer it became impossible to play. If someone has better ping than you you are ######### and it becomes unfair. I was glad to see it going and one week later here we are again with the same flawed system. Here’s my problem with it I get a killer quest no matter what when I get a survivor quest it gets changed without me using a reroll despite me wanting the survivor quest. And it rare for me to get survivor quest so I’m forced to play killer on my ######### internet and computer. At least with the killer as host it was a fair playing field because I was at a disability with my frame but now despite the smoother walking and hitting it’s unfair and here’s the reasons. 1) I get lagged back into a wall when I’m about to find and stop a survivor doing a gen ever 2 minutes. 2) for some reason it seems that the survivors are faster than me a killer and can out run me despite me chasing them and me having blood lust. 3) I have had someone be on my screen walking then as I go for the hit they are no where in sight and aren’t injured. 4) if someone is on good ping and your not they already won because they get priority on there thing so I can hit them but they some how dodge it dispite me honestly not being able to miss. Aka trapping someone in a corner and missing them. 5) I open a locker and there a pause like a survivor is in it but there wasn’t. This has happen to me at least 3 times now since dedicated servers came out. In story stop putting the flawed dedicated server system on live for people who are trying to play getting ######### because of it. Either put it on the ptb until it’s fixed or keep working on it and not put it out again after one week after the last test

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Okay, I just say that the servers are still bad, but I have noticed an improvement these days (100 ms), I still have delays with the nurse (annoying, but it is already playable) and as a survivor I only have complaints with the Huntress, the Hitboxs are absurd.