Why doesn't Iron Maiden injure survivors?

I mean since an Iron Maiden is a box with spikes inside it used as a torture and execution device...
Make Iron maiden useful lol
Maybe if the Survivor accrued some sort of Token; they go away at the rate of 1 token a minute. If the Survivor gets 3 Tokens, they progress an Injured State. (Healthy to Injured). It cannot put a Survivor in Dying.
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And if an injured survivor goes into a locker?
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He falls faster than legion then
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It sort of does in the sense that survivors get the exposed status.
It's a fairly short time period so if anything maybe the time they are exposed should be increased a small bit.
I honestly haven't run that perk often so I'm not sure how likely killers are able to capitalize on this effect in its current state.
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Making it injure survivors would completely negate a perk like Inner Strength and greatly reduce the value of others (i.e. Head On). Other survivors would just stop using them entirely once they know the killer's using it.
Exposed has a bit of a risk, but works better with other perks. It could backfire, but you can also outlast the effects. Maybe making the timer a little longer would help, but making it straight up injure you would discourage people from using lockers entirely (at which point, your perk isn't doing anything).
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Because survivors shouldn't get injured unless a killer actually does something to them. I don't think there are any exceptions to this rule. The closest argument you could make is The Plague's infection spreading. But that is the result of the action of the killer indirectly.
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Trappers Bloody Coil. But this should be it.
Lockers are some form of safety. It would not make any sense to give an object, which is for safety, an effect to injure people. I mean, it is a Core Mechanic of this game.
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Head On and Inner Strength are both very often used by Survivors. Why not allow killers to counter those perks with a perk of their own? I don't think it would kill those Survivor perks, but it would create more variety in the meta and allow Iron Maiden to be useful for killers other than Huntress.
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Which sounds like counterplay to me.
In the same way Empathy (I think) counters Knockout.
Also, survivors stop using lockers once they know it's being used right now anyway. There is little incentive within the core game to use lockers over terrain to hide from killers.
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It would definitely kill Inner Strength. The whole point of the perk is to go into a locker injured, heal up, then exit the locker. If you exit and it injures you again, it has done nothing. Head On has ample counterplay already. You can bait out the Head On or check the locker before they have a chance to jump out. You can even lunge towards the locker and hit them as they jump out.
It does also counter these perks as is. If the killer's using Iron Maiden and they miss the Head On (or even if they just heal up with Inner Strength), they're exposed, they'll go down in one hit.
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The Trapper still has to set the trap. I suppose an argument could be made if Trapper runs both Bloody Coil and Iridescent Stone that a survivor can be injured without any actual killer interaction. Then a trap could be armed w/o any direct interaction from the Trapper and a survivor could be injured without stepping into the trap (by disarming it). But since the traps themselves are the killers power it would be a pretty weak argument. I would say that my original argument still stands.
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The second the survivor realises that you have Iron Maiden they're not going to go into the looker more than 3 times
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Iron Maiden also serves as a tracking perk because of the scream effect, but I find it too situational. It's really good on Huntress though, because of the Locker Search speed buff.
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Then just remove the exposed status effect it aint useful anyway if it injured people who go into lockers it be a great perk to go with bbq and chile
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No thanks.
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But doesn't Stridor completely negate Iron Will?
Stake Out negates Ruin
Hangman's negates Breakdown
I'm All Ears negates Quick and Quiet AND Dance With Me.
It's not a rare thing for perks to counter other perks.
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Removing some effectiveness of a perk is quite different from losing a health state 😉.
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Yeah 15 seconds is pathetic, unless they actually jump out of a locker directly in front of you there's 0 threat from Iron Maiden.
It could really do with a buff to the duration at the very least.
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If you get injured in the locker, wouldn't Inner Strength negate that since it would take longer to heal than to be injured?
Also, Exposed status effect is coming for healing's wig
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That all depends on the conditions of the perk as it may stop your healing altogether or it would negate iron maiden.
It still doesn't help with the likes of head on since that perk is designed to use lockers for jukes.
Then there is the BBQ scenario which lockers are designed to block to aura of.
Exposed at least has a timer so many may play safer for a while but being injured puts does put you at greater risk not only as you are a one hit down but because you amake more noise and leave blood trials.
I don't see it being a good mechanic to injure someone for using something which is designed to help lose a killer.
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id love to see a small change to iron maiden. like revealing the survs aura for 3 or 5 second in addition to exposed
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Iron Maiden is literally useless though, that's the issue. Only Huntresses use it.
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There's one exception: Trapper and his pink bar thing.
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ummm what? Huntress is literally the WORST killer to use it on. No one goes into a locker against the huntress because the Huntress is the one character that opens lockers regularly to refill.
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Also, can we stop with the ridiculous suggestions for further nerfing survivors. Iron Maiden is meant for shock value more than anything. I've had it pay off on a few occasions where someone went into a locker to hide, then came out and I happened to be close enough to capitalize. It's not meant to be some OP perk
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Yes, it'd be a great perk. For Killers.
Survivors would never use lockers again. Such an overpowered perk would quickly become meta and BHVR basically just deleted lockers.
Imagine a perk that auto-stuns the killer anytime he vaults a window? That's how crazy stupid a perk that injures you when you enter a locker is.
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*cries in Legion main*
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She reloads much faster when using a locker.
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Wow you are both quick to get up at arms. Yes, this is a silly idea. But no, not every one is out to nerf survivors into the ground. Alright?
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Don't worry, I only arm myself against those that do!
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I mentioned that in one of my posts. You're talking about the Iridescent Stone. Yeah, it is true that the add on will arm his traps. It's worth a good debate. I would argue that the traps are the Trappers power. Whether he physically walks around and sets them are largely irrelevant. If you are a survivor running around against the Trapper then you know to look out for traps. It's not like a survivor just "randomly" gets injured against Trapper.
If you step in one are you concerned with how the trap got set? Not really, you'd be focused on getting out of the trap and smacking your forehead for stepping in it in the first place. Also, the default locations that traps spawn on the map are pretty terrible. If a survivor steps on one of those then the survivor is at fault. If the Trapper picked up and moved the trap then he clearly interacted with the trap. For all those reasons, I would say that the Trapper with Iridescent Stone add on still gets credit for any injuries survivors receive.
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Fair enough. With the pink bar and the pink coil thing trapper can auto injure without doing a thing, but we can say it's at least still the Trapper's power. And since that's two URs it's not really something to complain about since it's very rare to go up against that kind of build.
But anyway I still agree with what Dreamnomad said that Survivors shouldn't get injured without interaction from the killer. Trapper's pink trap build is an exception (or not) but for a perk any killer can just use all the time it would be bad.
People like to tell me you can counter BBQ just by hopping in a locker.
With how omnipresent BBQ is survivor's have already been conditioned to jump in lockers when they don't want to be detected. Now imagine Iron Maiden injuring them for that? It's too much.
When Legion came out BBQ + Iron Maiden was already being run by some nasty killers looking to entrap survivors in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. This combo would become utterly oppressive if allowed to happen.
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Your point you wanted 12 gens to be a thing talk about crazy now
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My favorite is Padded Jaws and Bloody coil. Can you guess why?
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Asking for another ridiculous buff.. that is WAY to strong
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Iron maiden has to be like one of the top 10 useless killer perks. a survivor could care less for 15 seconds expose effect. I've never been downed by iron maiden exposed effect and I've almost seen no killer run that perk. I think expose effect should be like 60 seconds long like most exposed effects. Also in case you guys don't know, Huntress reload animation is bugged with that perk.
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I think the problem people have is that the very short window of exposed is so short that it's effect is useless 95% of the time. The only use I get from Iron maiden is to locate Survivors hiding in lockers or a faster hatchet reload. The effect of exposed doesn't do hardly anything.
I personally would find if it caused blindness for 30 seconds after leaving the locker far better. Blindness in itself is kinda tame.
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I actually run it all the time on my Huntress (and she's my main killer lately). I love it. What do you mean by bugged? I've never noticed anything out of the ordinary. I could get behind the exposed effect being a little longer, although it does make for a nice Head On counter.
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Wouldn't the perk then be some kind of a counter perk to those you mentioned?
Heck, it would even act as a counter to ds.
The killer would be giving up one perk slot in the chances he could into someone using those perks. It sounds like a counter to me.
"Hi, BuT iT wOuLd disCoUrAge PeOple FroM UsIng"
The same way you discourage killers from using RUIN by having survivors spawn on top of it?
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Comparing it to ruin is a real stretch. That's like comparing apples to oranges.
They have ample counterplay already, that's the issue. It's one thing if it's a hard counter to something incredibly powerful, but to render an average perk completely useless would be silly.
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I'm wasn't comparing the effects of the perks, but making an argument to your comment "it would discourage people from using certain perks", seeing that ruin is one of, if not the most used perk in the game (killers) despite lasting roughly 30 sec in the majority of the matches.
About the perk itself, give it a CD, make so killers have to manually activate a locker in order to become an iron maiden, but make some changes.
The sheer amount of useless perks in the game is baffling for both sides.
There are lots of ideas in the forums for many perks improvement. The devs just have to, you know, read the forums.
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That would be great.
Remember to take in the feedback as well.
Otherwise is just a MoM scenario over again.
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I um... I hate to break it to you, but I think they were being very sarcastic, as they are very active here... like one of the most active Devs i've ever seen...
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when you use it on huntress you don't use it because of the exposed effect you use it because it makes you reload faster
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Not true lol. I jumped in a locker once infront a ghost to dodge his hit on me, (full health at this point). Then jumped out of the locker and screamed. And was like o ######### what have I done.
But fortunately I looped for more then 15 secs. So iron Maiden is not allways usefully. Or maybe I just got super lucky.
Best combo BBQ and iron Maiden. Lol always know. Where ppl r :)
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Imo that's a pretty lousy argument considering we already have things like Sloppy Butcher (greatly reducing the value of Self Care and making people not want to heal) or Distortion (nullifying killer aura reading perks).
And current version already discourages any non-troll use of lockers; once people know you have it they only go in lockers to spam the scream notification.
Also, neither side has 30+ perk slots so niche interactions like that are not game breaking.
We also had a situation like that in the past: Enduring and DS; Enduring lessening the stun didn't kill DS.