The Halloween event, and why you should be happy it got delayed

Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

As we all know, every update comes with bugs, but according to peanits he stated that they found a very bad bug and they were fixing it

They also mentioned something about the rift not working properly in the update about 3.3.0

This shows that the devs want to make this event as playable and fun as possible

You shouldn't be angry the event got delayed, you should be happy they actually wanted to do this with the event in the first place!



  • Shura37
    Shura37 Member Posts: 59

    Another reason you should he happy is the fact that this event will overlap less with other game's time-limited Halloween events, so you have more time to play those and not worry about missing out on DBD.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    Delay apart, the patch will be out tomorrow right?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Most likely as xbox has the banner for Withering Blight

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Well, no one is happy it got delayed. However, I do think *most* of us are appreciative of the devs trying to get the event out as quickly as they can.

  • Pseudonym
    Pseudonym Member Posts: 7

    We should be happy that a company has quality control? Shouldn't that be the standard. If someone makes a mess you expect them to clean it up, not give them a round of applause for not leaving it. Besides it feels like the devs have been burning through alot of goodwill lately. So I really don't get why people are defending a company from its reasonably upset customers. Why shouldn't Behaviour have to deal with some negativity because of thier shortsighted decisions that have upset people who have both invested thier time and money into them.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    we all know it's gonna launch with bugs but from the reason why it was delayed they didn't wanna release it completely broken

  • doublev1986
    doublev1986 Member Posts: 78

    I think there will still be bugs upon release.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I hope the patch is released late this week, I don't want to miss out on playing.

  • Herman_CMH
    Herman_CMH Member Posts: 181

    Keep up the work dev team and let’s release the patch tomorrow! Support!!!

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Actually I would be fine with it as I am not entitled to Christmas

    Just like how we are not entitled for an halloween event on time :)

  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 552

    @Patricia whats about the Xbox banner?

  • khaotick1own
    khaotick1own Member Posts: 7

    As long as it isnt crazy bugged once it releases then im good. I saw on xbox that the event was advertised in the gamepass section today so im hoping that means its coming tomorrow

  • GraveHunter
    GraveHunter Member Posts: 328

    I agree with this. Of course it sucks that the event is delayed, I was quite sad about it too. But when you delay something and leave us completely in the dark for the next 4 days, you can bet people are getting upset about it.

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    I agree with you in the fact that there was no delay just for the fun of it , that there was reason and cause to delay it . I have seen in the past many times that some heavy bugs make it live with patches and know how that feels .

    At the same time though , when you , how was it put , change the foundation . That you know there will be some major issues arise and to not plan for those things properly is where a lot of the frustration comes from . you don't knock a houses foundation out to replace it without support and a way to be sure it will hold once the new one is in place unless you want it to fall in on you , and this is what it seems has happened .

    you have to find a better balance between ambition and deadlines imo . Ambition is great , it drives and keeps progressing things forward but when combined with deadlines that are not well placed you don't have time to test , to make sure things work and what is the end result , This . If nothing else a plan b for a holiday event should have been in place . Release it like it was intended since the devs have stated that the event was nothing more then a bp event , that the serums were now part of the rift and would run the full time of the rift rather then the event itself . I think that is what has people up in arms , no event at all when the two were not connected other then by story .

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    I can't speak for most people, but most of my frustration is in the planning behind this event/patch that led to this. I know the devs are working hard and are definitely motivated to get this fixed, but this massive patch should have been pushed to November to begin with and let the Halloween event run its course first. Big patches will always have the potential for the biggest problems, so I'm not sure why the team gambled on this large a scale. I don't think anyone reasonable is mad about the existence of bugs or the delay itself, but we sure as hell have an argument about the planning/communication.

  • PatBrutal
    PatBrutal Member Posts: 565

    I totally get the part about the communication on our side but we weren't able to communicate about it sooner because nothing was sure about what we wanted to do. So the community team was on hold until we were sure to have more informations about what we can communicate to the community.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Call of duty Black Ops 4 had the halloween event in February

  • MrsMyers
    MrsMyers Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2019

    Call of is not a horror game. No summer event, ok we don’t care but Halloween, nope.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    You sure?

    You sure that one guy hiding in the corner you cannot see who has a combat knife that is playing Nomad with his numbers skin isn't making this game a horror game?

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    how do you honestly believe that. how are you able to have such a low image and disrespect to a company who would rather have a late event but you still be able to enjoy it than release on time and it be so full of bugs that it crashes the game.

    and if my parents told me that christmas was going to be a week late, i wouldn't have cared because i'd know it was still coming.

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    i fully support the devs

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    they are justified in delaying the event

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    This is actually a valid point. Overwatch has their event on right now, as does Apex Legends. I'll have time to play these now.

  • MrsMyers
    MrsMyers Member Posts: 30

    Lmao, Call of duty is not categorized as a horror game

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    and honestly why is any body making such a fuss about it there is literally nothing we can do about it we aren't one of the devs

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    and somebody please close this thread so we can end the hate

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    i understand but devs get enough of this already

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    as always bhvr doesnt know how to communitcate and that was/is the problem. they still not telling us WHAT excatly the problem is. why? maybe they dont even know what the problem is? or they dont have enough ppl to work on it? they dont tell us and thats really shady.

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    if they dont know what the problem is then its probably a small problem that's causing big issues and since it's small it would harder to find within all the code in the game.

    if they don't have enough ppl then everybody is busy

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    for us to know what's going on is them being nice companies don't have to say anything at all they have the right to say shutup and play the game. if you dont like it dont play the game

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102

    it makes sense to be dissapointed. i think we all are, at least a little bit

  • carters_spark
    carters_spark Member Posts: 102


    nice name

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Posts like these confuse me. Obviously no one wanted the devs to release the update in an unplayable state, but it’s fair to say that they made some mistakes and criticize them for it. As long as you are not attacking individuals personally or just being overly negative, then there is nothing wrong with a little bit of criticism.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    I'd say we shouldn't be happy nor sad. I'm fairly certain BHVR isn't happy it got delayed.