The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Here's our Daily Reminder that playing Nurse still feels miserable.



  • GothamUpsideDown
    GothamUpsideDown Member Posts: 20

    I played as The Nurse for the first time last night. Terrible experience! I was able to hook only one Survivor, and I think it's because the player felt sorry for me.

    The Nurse is too slow to even patrol Generators and Blink is so hit or miss, and that cooldown period makes it even worse. Very bad experience!

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    I've seen one comment and that was to use the add on that makes her unable to blink to mind-game survivors... that was like a month ago though... I'm really hoping they jump in on one of these several threads soon

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489

    I was all for nurse getting nerfed, but man they killed her entirely, same will happen with spirit.

    Lately i've seen some major queue times in playing survivor, and the main problem is that they make killers unfun to play, if they keep going this direction i guess survivors will have fun staying in lobbies.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,847

    I'm fine with them capping Nurse's potential, but I think it is time to lower the skill floor. I want to see 3 changes for nurse.

    1. Allow nurse to cancel blinks (like how virtually every other killer can cancel their power with the basic attack action)
    2. Show an indicator where she is blinking to.
    3. Automatically face a survivor if you blink within 2 meters (especially for console)
  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    It's not like some of them aren't constructive and contain good feebdack either. I've seen great ideas and real feedback in threads like these. But nothing. Not even a "well, we think this' or "we did this because"

    Just one post that said something about her base kit not working in a way they liked.

  • madds
    madds Member Posts: 70

    Yes, I DO enjoy Nurse right now. She actually feels challenging to play now when she felt like a free win before even with basekit. I used to not enjoy playing her because I felt bad for survivors, but now I don't feel as bad. Nowadays she's far from my least played killer. That title will forever go to Plague because I disagree with how she's designed. After that is Clown.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    She's fine with me. I'm a pretty casual Nurse player and still managed to whip out a 4k on blood lodge with brown add ons, including her flannel just to see how it worked.

    It was good fun.

    At this point it's just people protesting that they DARED touch their overpowered win-stick.

  • ygnea
    ygnea Member Posts: 116
  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
    edited November 2019
  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    If you read the thread you'd know that's not what we're talking about... we're talking about how the base kit nurse has become unfun to play at red ranks etc. no matter the amount of kills...

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    So i guess wraith is fine and leatherface to? i get a random 4k on them as well.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Yes, I have read the countless threads complaining that she's not just a win button any more.

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    Once again, feel like you're missing the point but ok, you do you

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Can't wait to play you in swf, same with anarchy. Hope we can show you how fun this killer is. 0 kills, promise.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Their issue is "whaa, she's not fun because she got a tiny nerf."

    I still find her fun, she's still strong.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    To say this is a tiny nerf is simply not true, they made her mobility nonexistent. Nurse has a little less map pressure than a 115% ms killer to say this is a tiny nerf is ignorant.

  • madds
    madds Member Posts: 70

    I mean, a sweaty SWF can make the game unfun for any killer, 4k or no k. But whatever fuels your ego ig.

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    Agreed, the three times I went up against her in red ranks I just ran away and she never caught up...

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    Hey, @Peanits hope all is well!

    With the data released showing how nurse has become one of the least picked killers added with multiple threads explaining how her base kit is unfun, are there any upcoming changes?

    Performance and fun are not the same thing in my head, I know that I can still get 4 kills but that doesn't make her fun

    @coppersly @OmegaXII

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Anyone who thinks she was just an instant win before the changes regardless of the addons you used are just spouting off incoherent garbage because they can't think of anything better. The entire argument is stupid because the second you have to explain how you're getting hits and downs you literally explain the skills needed to not just mindless win. Such a stupid and pointless comment when they say that stupid #########.

    This is the core problem now. Quite succinct.

    Yeah when I lost chase after going into fatigue after almost every hit... I thought it was a joke. No way that it was intended to be so easy to break chase and run from Nurse.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    She went from being a 'fun killer' to 'not fun' because of the blink recharge..?

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    Thanks for getting back @Peanits ! Gotcha so upcoming change for console players, that's nice for them! Does this mean no upcoming changes for PC?

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522

    Not in the near future, at least. We want to see what kind of effect this has first and people are still adjusting.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Yes. It breaks her flow. You use blinks for everything, and having the so limited when you need them the most (finding a survivor after traveling the map) it forces you to hold 1 blink at all times otherwise risk making the next chase extremely long. Because that's the next big unfun part, it went from skillful map interaction and reading of survivor and killer to juke Nurse, but now all you need to do is run forward and occasionally break LOS so you can get out of double blink range before in essence resetting that chase completely. It went from skillful to -> anyone can do it.

    Lastly, you know this was a band-aid fix when something like 99% on blinks can happen. It was clearly never intended to have such restrictions on it and they certainly have done nothing to ease it such as a slower recharge rate while using blinks or even just another blink in the vault so you have options.

    The changes removed her mind-games, her map-travel, her fluidity, and diverse ways to play her and is now forcing you to play a very specific way or get punished extremely hard. I have had zero fun with her changes, the addons would've been enough on their own but we didn't even get a good addon pass either.

    You say it yourself, stats aren't everything. You take fun into consideration certainly, we can see that by the recent Spirit changes. So why then, when there are so many good suggestions, fixes, and altogether better changes on the forums that have gone ignored?

    You know she is drastically less fun and certainly less flexible than before, can we please do something to address this?

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    @Peanits thank you for answering, really appreciate it. DBD is my go to game nowadays and I really love it and invest a lot of time in it and I get that time needs to pass for your data and feedback as well. Hopefully these threads will affect the future of base kit nurse then! :)

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    I think a nerf to her flexibility was needed, regardless of her add-ons. She does feel very punishing to make mistakes with though, so I could see them reducing the base blink recharge time in the future. Without any recharge at all though, you just feel like you can't escape her no matter how many jukes or mistakes the Nurse makes. I think that was an issue that needed to be addressed because that just isn't fun to play against. More time will tell, though.

  • Honest information, that's all I could ever really ask for. I'm content with that.

    My biggest issue though isn't really balance with her, it's that her addons are just lame now. Not in terms of performance just in terms of them not being that fun.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Could this affect Huntress as well?

    Haven't got around to play nurse, but I love the Bunny. It will be nice to have more precision.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Nurse's kill rate was low before her changes, its dragged down by people new to her and just bad at her because she is the hardest killer to play. She was still considered the strongest killer before and she is still strong now. Kill rate =/= how strong Nurse is. All the baby nurses getting 0k are bringing her stats down.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Power wise, I feel like Nurse is in a good place. And I agree with the change to the blink recharge. It makes her a lot more fun to play against as survivor. But she needs some quality of life changes to her for the killer playing her.

    What about reducing the post-teleport cool down. If you look at the most common feedback when it comes to the nurse and why people avoid her is that it's not fun to stare at the ground for half the game. This was true even before her nerf. Reducing that would make her easier for a new Nurse to play her and isn't to crazy of a buff to seasoned players whose accuracy generally means that less of a cool down isn't going to make that much of a difference to them.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    But just because she has high pick rate and kill rate doesn't mean shes fun. She still feels clunky and a complete mess personally, and the changes too her addons made most of them useless. There's no need too have 4.6 ms when you use your ability, then not have your ability for 60 seconds. Why would I not simply be any other 4.6 killer and not use their ability? Because at least then I'm always at 4.6 ms. Giving her a ton of bloodpoint addons means they will have 0 impact ingame besides farming. Honestly, how many times has the scream from blinking through people actually netted you a kill?

    Please listen too the community and make her have something when the blinks are recharging, or simply remove the recharge feature and increase the fatigue time like everyone wanted. There really was need too change her basekit so heavily, because the blink charges are not a "small change."

  • Soultiller
    Soultiller Member Posts: 40

    I just stopped playing her, I can still 4k with her no problem its just unfun to play her basekit without addons. I dislike that she has been reduced to walking around until you get close enough to blink to a gen and start a chase only to have to wait until you get that blink charge back to go after said survivor. I really hope you keep an eye on her and maybe keep it in mind to just revert the basekit change back.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    No. Simply put I won't adapt because I find her entire gameplay more unfun and infuriating then fighting Live Spirit. Any time I try and play her it's just a chore and more too play her, she feels awful with the blink recharge, and too not even give her more MS base too compensate for how long you have too wait too blink was such an oversight.

    Her old addons needed changes but Old Nurse base was incredibly balanced, and Optimal survivors did just fine against her and could still beat her, even with the fact pallets were useless. It was all about out mindgaming and juking her, instead of pallets. Even if she was strong before, there was still fair counterplay on both sides, now survivors just run foward and you have too follow like a slug and then try and get a lucky hit after the blinks recharge.

    Her addons were completely broken with 5 blink and omega blink, the community pretty much agrees on that fact, but most of her addons are useless now. Most of them are farming perks, and the rest are either gimmicky, useless, or needed too try and recreate Old Nurse. her pink Addons are worthless, there's really no need for them besides gimmick builds. The addon that lets her have 4.6 ms after a lethal blink, but completely loose your power is a joke and not worth 5k. I may as well play Trapper but not place traps. The only 2 really good addons are blink recharge speed, and fatigue duration reducers.

    Until she gets some sort of change too make her feel less clunky, I won't be playing her any more. I understand some people do enjoy the new Nurse, but I simply don't and I'm gonna keep voicing my opinion on why I feel she sucks and is unplayable. Telling people too "stop complaining and adapt" is like telling someone "get good" when it's simply not that simple. most people who tried PTB Nurse said she was clunky, unfun, and needed the base changes removed, the devs ignored all the feedback and pushed it live anyway, and as such here we are. The 2 things I want is too either A: Remove the recharge speed of her blinks and increase her Fatigue time for survivors too have more chances too escape, or B: give her increase movement speed so Nurse has a chance too catch up too survivors who escape the 2 blink, but won't punish the Nurse so heavily because of the recharge speed.

  • madds
    madds Member Posts: 70

    Yeah, you'll have to find a new killer. You can keep complaining, but it's not gonna change much. The devs gutted Legion and have barely done anything good for the killer since, and despite the overwhelming negative feedback, that's likely not gonna change. Nurse is still getting consistent results at her best, so they're not gonna touch her. I will agree they need to try again with a lot of her addons, they played it too safe and went with things that wouldn't lead to another 5 blink or omega blink situation.

    Increasing the fatigue of blinks would feel way more artificial. No one wants to be forced to stare at a 75% black screen for 4 seconds because they whiffed a hit. At least the current recharge penalty allows players to get a good eye on where the survivors went to make a second attempt at their strike. Increasing the fatigue would also make chases end even more often than they already do, minimizing point value for both survivor and killer.


    most people who tried PTB Nurse said she was clunky, unfun, and needed the base changes removed, the devs ignored all the feedback and pushed it live anyway, and as such here we are.

    Look, man, I understand the frustration, but I personally can't believe that those of you screaming to the sky about it are the majority. I only see people complaining about it here on the forums, and the people on these forums have some pretty wild opinions that circulate among each other and don't really change for any reason.

    At the end of the day, things are only gonna change if Nurse starts severely underperforming at her highest level of play, or if her play rate drops to a ridiculously low number. It may suck for you and other Nurse players, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

    I don't really see the people in this thread changing the way they are all looking at the situation, so I'm probably gonna stop paying attention to this thread from here on. I hope you can continue to enjoy the game with another killer, or the devs can reach some kind of middleground that makes everybody happy. Cheers.

  • Uxoricide
    Uxoricide Member Posts: 219

    @edgarpoop you had some good input on your thread edgar so looping you in here as well

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408

    Shes still the strongest killer in the game, I dont know why you're complaining. Only thing that should be changed is some of her addons, that are ridiculous and useless

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535


  • Chicagopimp2019
    Chicagopimp2019 Member Posts: 458

    I was just telling a buddy that I haven't played against a nurse in at least 3 weeks now. I'm actually starting to miss the old girl....

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    I'm with it. I'll back you up if you make ur own post pressing the devs for a change.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    I broke down and tried playing her over the weekend. Every blink I land where I wanted then get server tugged back 4 meters while trying to swing or blink again. Hopefully the PTB changes come tomorow with a fix to the missing blink animation. Until then I don't feel like playing anymore.

  • Stornt
    Stornt Member Posts: 145

    I actually enjoy playing nurse now more than ever. Her power takes much more consideration than just spamming blinks left and right. Running her without add-ons is more of a challenge now than it used to be, but I'm open to it and still consistently 4k at rank 3 every time I play her, even without ruin. But I can see how it can be frustrating to play, you just gotta adapt to the changes and make the best of them!

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I almost caved yesterday and came close to launching the game.

    But I won't put myself through that just to try and see my girl again. It's not worth the pain :(

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Ok hold up.

    "You can keep complaining, but it's not gonna change much."

    Actually it probably will. Devs have said they don't balance on stats alone (but they did justify saying Spirit is getting nerfed by saying she's doing too well statistically even tho she wasn't but whatever). And Almo has said complaints draw attention. Complaining is how you get the devs to focus on something. That's how they got their attention on Spirit, that's how Plague got nerfed coming off the PTB and how Demo got buffed coming off the PTB. So this statement is just wrong.

    "The devs gutted Legion and have barely done anything good for the killer since, and despite the overwhelming negative feedback, that's likely not gonna change. Nurse is still getting consistent results at her best, so they're not gonna touch her. I will agree they need to try again with a lot of her addons, they played it too safe and went with things that wouldn't lead to another 5 blink or omega blink situation."

    Yes the devs ate Legion alive, and even I have been pissed with BHVR for it. The Legion changes were the same thing that they did with Nurse. it was a lazy amalgamation of nerfs and addon changes aimed at appeasement. I have been in favor of fixing Legion since the rework. The devs took another swing at him with this patch (which arguably is another nerf so yeah definitely stay pissed at them for it). But the whole point of mistakes like the ones they made with Freddy and Legion was supposed to be so they don't do it again. Not so they can repeat it ad infintum and never learn. They were supposed to learn to not do something like this with Nurse. They even said "we will not be blindly swinging the nerf hammer at Nurse. We will be taking very measured steps on how to change her."

    As for her addons, you mention that you think they played it too safe with some. I think you are right in the sense of her red addons especially feel so safe that they border on lazy design. (Matchbox should make her a 110 killer and Bookmark should not have the LOS penalty. Waiting 6 seconds after a 3 second fatigue [9 seconds total] for 3 blinks is fine). But I'd be fine with ignoring her addons. Many of them would be so much better if they reverted the basekit nerf. And that is the focal point of Nurse mains' frustrations with the changes. We don't care about the addons. None of us are on Reddit, these forums, the Steam forums, Facebook, Twitter, or any social media platform you can think of saying "woe is me my omegablink is gone" or "whatever will I do without 5 blinks". Nurse mains, ever since the rework, have been complaining "this basekit nerf is unfun. We don't care if she's still strong we care that she's fun". And now the stats even show that she isn't even fkn strong anymore. She's unfun. She's weak. And BHVR insists on wanting to wait and see if she's still good.

    "Increasing the fatigue of blinks would feel way more artificial. No one wants to be forced to stare at a 75% black screen for 4 seconds because they whiffed a hit."

    You don't even need to increase the duration. You can make the screen darker. You can remove the head wobble (the argument that her fatigue causes motion sickness is a giant truckload of equivocating bullshit by the way. I can't even stare at a book without wanting to vomit if I'm in a car or on a plane, and I have never gotten motion sickness playing Nurse but gotta appease everyone). You can completely freeze her during her fatigue. You can make sounds even harder to hear. You don't need to increase base fatigue time or even the scaling. You can do a lot of stuff to give survivors a more tangible window to escape Nurse without screwing with Muscle memory or making Nurse players feel more helpless.

    "At least the current recharge penalty allows players to get a good eye on where the survivors went to make a second attempt at their strike."

    Except it doesn't do that. All it does is create this awkward moment where Nurse just stares at a survivor and they have way too much time to escape her. Currently survivors can make way too many mistakes against Nurse and walk away with no penalty. That's not indicative of a strong killer.

    "Look, man, I understand the frustration, but I personally can't believe that those of you screaming to the sky about it are the majority. I only see people complaining about it here on the forums, and the people on these forums have some pretty wild opinions that circulate among each other and don't really change for any reason."

    If we're getting into that, then it isn't just here. On reddit you have some people finally coming to their survivor main senses. IIRC the Steam forums were pretty steamed with the rework. There was a lot of negative feedback about this rework. Over 3 pages of nothing but "I don't like the Nurse changes" pertaining to the basekit nerf.

    "At the end of the day, things are only gonna change if Nurse starts severely underperforming at her highest level of play, or if her play rate drops to a ridiculously low number. It may suck for you and other Nurse players, but that's the way the cookie crumbles."

    Except that's the problem. What you are describing that would entice BHVR to change Nurse is EXACTLY what's happening. Her red rank pickrate is nowhere near top 5. Her killrate is the 3rd WORST. NURSE IS UNDERPERFORMING AND BHVR SAID THEY WONT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

    "I don't really see the people in this thread changing the way they are all looking at the situation, so I'm probably gonna stop paying attention to this thread from here on. I hope you can continue to enjoy the game with another killer, or the devs can reach some kind of middleground that makes everybody happy. Cheers."

    It's not on this community to adapt to an unfun mechanic, killer, or survivor ability in the game. It's on the devs to make it fun.