Spine Chill is not that useful, change my mind.

I played 1 month with spine chill, and I realize after 1 month that spine chill is bad.
It doesn't fit with my gameplay, and is a perk for blind people (lol)
Once you have some good hours on the game you can use your ears and eyes to predict where the killer is coming from, is just a waste slot for me.
Still, see some people saying "spine chill is S tier" lmao.
It's an anti-stealth killer perk too, but I personally think if it's "S-Tier", it's not because of the "ahah i know you're right there and im gonna run away/hide", it's because it gives a boost in repair, opening gates, healing, vaulting. Believe me. It's stronger than you think. I dont run it all the time but it's clearly a very strong perk
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I love having the advantage against stealth killers without wasting my exhaustion perk slot. It helps in chase a lot against some mind games but that takes practice to get the hang of. It's not for everybody, but it's potential uses are greater than every other non-meta perk. Is it meta? It is for me :)
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I already used it 1 month and that 9% is nothing to me.
You will most likely not be able to use that 9% cause probably if the killer is looking at you're direction him is going to chase you.
And that's the why, im not a stealth player, and most people that use spine chill, if their perk activates for 1 milisecond they go in a locker and stay there 1 minute.
That's why people say is a noob perk
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Don't judge a perk based on the people that use it. I could say DH is bad because the potatoes I kill DH into walls.
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Most stealth killer make a noise:
Ghostface: When he is moving he make a noise
Pig: You can hear pig breathing
Myers: Has a loud af breathing
Wraith: Needs to uncloack and he isn't 100% invisible
So if you have ears, some good eyes, good prediction and you are experienced you dont need from this perk.
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- Great against stealth killers
- Can be used in loops to tell if the killer is moonwalking/mindgaming
- Speeds up interactions (really helpful with exit gates)
- Makes vaulting a tiny bit faster
Overall just useful in many situations imo, plus I like to use it when I’m lazy and don’t wanna use headphones and just play a quick match.
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Yeah dont worry i hate too when that Claudette starts panicking every ten seconds and go hide in a corner.
But "9% is nothing to me" wow, this is such a wrong statement, 9% is huge, not especially for gens sure, but to vault, it's awesome, it denies a lot of hits. Combine it with Resilience and the killer will never catch you at a window.
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Can you hear them from 30m away?
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Im not judging it at all, I already said it doesn't fit my gameplay and is really usseles for me.
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The only thing that I can consider useful is the increase (that 9%)
And once again if you have experience on this game you dont need from this perk to counter stealth killers.
How do I know if the killer is mindgaming with this perk?
And that vault speed isn't a reason to use it, it is a minimum diference...
Fast vault: 0.075 seconds (With resilience+spine chill) so it is most likely 0.035 only with spine chill.
You will barely notice something and with those broken window hitboxes and dedicated server it is just straight trash.
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So are you saying it's a bad perk or that you don't know how to use it?
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As a stealth player without headphones, I like it.
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Why would I like 2 meters of diference?
1 perk slots for 2 meters of diference?
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You didn't answer my question.
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i always play with spine chill and kindred because it gives you precise information of where the killer is at almost all times. if i see the killer coming to my gen i hide until he leaves, or if i know i cant hide ill get a headstart on the chase and go to a safe area. agaisnt GF (a very popular killer) its literally a direct counter because you wont be surprised when he comes. imo spine chill is super useful
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"Dont know how to use it"
Wrong, used it for 1 month, and you know why I take it off from my build? cause stealth isn't viable (and spine chill is a stealth perk)with a killer that has good eyes, looping will always be better and waste more time.
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but it depends if the players have a brain or not. it has nothing to do with the perk lmao
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you already said it, this is most likely for people without some good headphones.
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I hate stealthy play and yet I can't play without Spine Chill. Like I said, it's about knowing how to use it.
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I don't like it so don't use it. When I tried it I got nothing out of it. Alert is a lot better in my book, but as always it's up to the player if a perk is good or not. We all play differently and some perks suits some and others not so much.
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As a GF main, I HATE spine chills w a passion. I know I'll get screamed at and called whatever, but it shouldn't work on stealth killers. It completely ruins there ability. A lot of bad players get lucky because of this perk. People call ruin and whispers crutch perks, but this is the biggest one I can think of, besides coms...
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I’m not a stealth player, spine chill still helps. I can play without it. Spine Chill is the number one survivor perk, change my mind.
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Just moonwalk
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Honestly as someone who plays on both pc and switch, I see it's uses on both consoles. On switch, the way im set up means I can't use a headset, and all the sounds seem to blend together, so it makes it nice because terror radius, spirits whooshing, its all really hard to hear, but with spine chill then I can actually play around it.
On PC, it's still useful, just less so than I find it on console. It works well with my stealthy play style too.
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Spine chill can be useful with resilience to open a door thats what the same speed as wake up tier 3?
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It's way better than you think it is. At the very least it's A tier.
A highly underrated perk. It's good in general against all killers but just completely hard counters any stealth killers. They rely on getting the jump on you for an initial hit and Spine Chill single handedly makes that never happen.
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Around the whole map? 😂
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Not necessarily, you can moonwalk to gens. I did it when I mained Wraith and piggy.
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I use to do it. 😂
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I play on ps4 and I'm not THAT good.. Lmao. After probly the 3rd tree I smacked, I'd give up...
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I never even once seen that done, ever.
Also quite unreliable to an extent as the killer doing that since it's block your vision.
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Spine Chill is surprisingly good. On paper the perk kind of meh, but in game the perk can be a life saver. Any killer running Monitor loses any kind of ability to sneak up on the survivor using Spine Chill. Not to mention this perk stops all gen grabs. Spirit also cannot pull the "Stand Still" mind game as you can tell if its the husk or the real spirit.
Spine Chill is honestly a great perk and underrated. Being able to have priceless game knowledge about the killer without the killer knowing makes the perk worth its waiting gold.
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Spine Chill the number one?
DS, BT, ADRN and DH wants a word.
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You have to know the layout in order to do it so it of course isn’t for everyone.
I know most map layouts pretty well but it definitely isn’t for everyone lol (PS4 too btw)
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I wouldn't say it's bad, but Spine Chill is definitely overrated. It's an ok perk, but there are much better perks than Spine Chill.
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Sounds are bugged so we can't take that as an argument right now.
It is USEFUL on some special scenarios, but most of the time it isn't.
And the bonus isn't that much for sacrificing 1 perk slot, when you have better perks.
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I still think spine chill is better.
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Yeah, you're right, I will change the title.
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I'm not really referring to it blocking your vision of the layout. I'm more referring to the survivor. You aren't hiding yourself very well from his vision when you're walking up while turned around to see his movement.
If it works for you that's totally cool, but I wouldn't knock that as any sort of a downside to Spine Chill that anyone would realistically need to worry about in using the perk.
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You dont need from a perk if you have good headphones and eyes.
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This sums it up for me. I always play the game with headphones, but even then, once that gen starts going louder, it gets tricky to even hear the terror radious, let alone the breathing/footsteps of a killer coming close. So, Spine Chill is a huge advantage at times to let me sneak away and get a slight headstart on a chase
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Spine Chill isn't worth that perk slots when MOST stealth killers can be countered without this perk, cause they make noise.
Maybe if you are a not experienced player it can be really useful, but once you make it to the 2k hours (like me) you will notice it is a very bad perk, cause you can predict killers.
and btw why would I use spine chill when I have SWF (with comms) but well this is off-topic and is another reason why solos are underpowered.
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A tier?
I would say B tier at best.
It is a good counter to stealth killers, but why would I sacrifice 1 perk slot when most stealth killers make noises/has counters?
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I don’t know my hours since I’m on PS4 but I’ve been playing eight hours most day for about two years.
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*laughs in Prayer Beads*
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From how far away can you hear stealth killers? Hearing them from TR range would negate their power. Against good stealth killers Spine Chill will help a lot.
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Prayer beads got nerfed >:)
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15% speed
Killer need to be looking at you
You need to be injured AND THAT'S HIGLY RISKY, cause if the killer is looking at you he is most likely going for you, and you will go down.
2 PERKS SLOT for a barely noticeable effect?
no thanks.
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