What WOULD make you be ok with the ruin rework?



  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Remove the devs who thought it was a good idea to rework Ruin without at least reworking California sized maps first, or at the same time.

    Seriously, you have these massive maps, and depending on spawn, you can spend a gens time worth just getting from one end to the other. If maps were smaller, more well designed, I could see where Ruin wouldn't be as necessary. But no, that's not how things are right now.

    I'd also remove the current Hex form, just make it a perk. Maybe tone it down to 1.5 instead of 2 at max, but still. Hex totems don't last into late game. Whoever thought of making Ruin into a LATE game hex perk is delusional, or doesn't actually play higher tiered matches.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    My only honest suggestions would be to reign in map sizes and maybe add a new objective for survivors to do. It's pretty boring with holding down a button being the only objective. Having to search out parts or flip a couple of switches to activate the exit gates once gens are done could be helpful on both sides.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2020

    I think most of the frustration people are feeling isn't actually about Ruin at all. Many of the posts are symptomatic of mechanics and design choices. I don't run Ruin anymore, so that isn't as big of a deal to me. Ruin was a bandaid over a problem. Reworking it doesn't change the problem: if survivors spread out and actually do gens, they should win almost every time. It's just my opinion of course, but the game seems balanced around suboptimal survivor play, and it's jarring when you run into optimal survivors on comms. You just feel helpless. You can end chases quickly and it just won't matter. And due to the asymmetry, it won't feel like you got outplayed, because the two roles aren't really doing the same thing. One side is holding M1. Not trying to minimize the survivor role, I'm just trying to explain how it feels at times.

  • MasterTater
    MasterTater Member Posts: 46

    I Feel like they should add a switch or something that is across the map that you have to interact with to be able to work on the gens. The issue is that Survivors have immediate access to there objective whereas killers have to go across the maps to get at theirs and with big maps like Mother's Dwelling and Temple of Purgation it takes like half a gen to cross the map. Things like Ruin and Corrupt achieve that but now that Ruin is gone there is only Corrupt but it should be a game mechanic.. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    This is why I suggest they all be unlit. They were supposed to be another Survivor objective, but as they stand now, it's too easy to just cleanse the one that's bothering you and call it a day. Good Survivors will cleanse them all throughout the match, just to prevent NOED, but if you don't know which one is the Hex, this slows the game down a bit without changing anything else.

    I don't want to see gens take more time to complete, that gets boring AF. But giving a Killer more time in the early game, Survivors looking for totems to cleanse instead of just searching for that one that shines like a neon billboard, will make the game more balanced than any tweaking of a single Perk.

    The reason so many use Ruin, at high ranks at least, is to get the little extra pressure it affords them. No great skillcheck bonuses, potential regression for failed greats, and it's also a bit of a placebo. I know I have issues if I'm tag-teaming a gen and Ruin is up, I will fail skillchecks looking to hit that great. But put me solo on a gen, and I can power through it without an issue, maybe adding 10-15 seconds or so to it from goods.

    I'd even go so far as to add another 1 or 2 totems to the match itself. 5 is pretty shallow for a totem pool on some of the larger maps. Make it 6 or 7, make them unlit, and then you might have a good balance with the new Ruin.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    You'd have to have multiple switches, because the killer could just camp, I like the out of the box idea but it would certainly need certain changs, I think.

  • MasterTater
    MasterTater Member Posts: 46

    Yeah sorry i mean like a switch for each gen sorry i didnt explain it so it would be hard to camp them

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I honestly don't think killers want to go into the route of adding more totems, it just increases the need exponentially for team play without calling it something negative.

    Expecting a team of 4 people who "shouldn't" talk to each other coordinate 7-8 totems to prevent a perk that may or may not be there would be a huge feat, on top of combating gens slow down perks & killer pressure, it would have to be accompanied by a totem counter, and I can bet the last gen never gets popped if there's one still up.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Well, when you're a green-ranked Killer getting constantly matched up against whole teams of red-ranked Survivors, you need to leverage every advantage you can get.

    I'd love to use a build that's less obnoxious and less annoying to play against, but I don't want every single match to end in a humiliating defeat because all of the survivors are 6 ranks higher than me. It's way more fun for me to play against survivors that are actually at my skill level.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    Maybe make it activate after 2 or 3 gens are completed?

  • OutbreakJack
    OutbreakJack Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2020

    They definitely need to rework a lot of the maps in the game, make them smaller and filled with less dead areas. It shouldn't take any killer in the game half or more of a generators repair time to walk from one end of the map to the other. Many of the maps need better balancing and well known windows where you can loop the killer for a few minutes have to go away. Ruin helped balance it out, with that gone, well it'll certainly be interesting to see how things change in the coming weeks.

    If I recall correctly the Map design team was only a few people. With ruin gone fixing a couple of maps a year went from being annoyingly slow to borderline intolerable. I really do hope they relocate or hire new people into the map team to start fixing glaring map design issues at a far faster pace.

    Also Make skill checks actually somewhat difficult at least, they are far to large and pathetically easy to do. Not so much a "Skill check" as a "Are you still awake?" check.

    Good luck with the Pandora's box you opened.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    Move it to you have to kick it instead of just ALL gens not being worked on, turn it into a perk at that point. That would give it better Synergy with things like pop and Overcharge.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Making corrupt default and changing the corrupt perk to something else could actually be a good idea (and way more sensible than making old ruin base)

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    We don't need MORE gen regress/slowdown perks stacking than we already have. The games get pretty boring as is.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I'm under the impression that new Ruin can be good

    But my only complaint would be the regression bonus is based off of killers base kick regression... I think Ruin need to be the middle ground between survivor repair times and base killer kick regression

    P.S. it takes 320 seconds to regress a 99ed Gen that needs to be looked at in conjunction with overall Gen times (repairing with toolboxes and perks)

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Here is my idea how it could work:

    Working alone on a Gen: 2 Skill Checks appear in one circle. (No Great Skillchecks involved)

    2 or more Survivors: 3 Skillchecks in one circle.

    (If someone remembers the Game Shadow Hearts, the Combat System works with multiple Skillchecks in one circle, this is where i got the idea from)

    Hitting just one Skillcheck will give the Regress from Ruin, like it is now.

    This forces Survivor to split up, if they are not confident with the Skill Checks.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Something similar to identity V. Gens progress slower until the killer gets their first hook (it returns to normal after 2 minutes if the killer fails to hook anyone), along with nerfs to toolboxes.

    Making some of the maps smaller and removing the god loops would also help a lot.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Honestly,I would remove the hex and make it like this;

    The first 8/9/10 skillchecks survivors get are altered and become hex skillchecks. Would be fair imo

  • Springey
    Springey Member Posts: 286

    I'd say make it a dull totem if every other totem is cleansed so noed activates or change it to 100%/200%/300% regression or let it be as is and remove the hex from it.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Smaller maps.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited January 2020

    Remove the hex/totem part of new Ruin.

    Maybe limit gen speed stacking with perks/toolboxes.

    For example no Prove Thyself and Resilience combined with a Commodious that has instructions and socket swivels.

    A second survivor objective with a cool reward like the Hallowed Blight flowers. Spread something across the map like that.

    What if you had could run across the map and drink water to cure exhaustion? What if you had to take a long way around a map due to an environmental hazard like a poison gas? What if you could interact with the map say find/hack a computer to make passing through safer?

    There are so many ways to make things take longer without them feeling tacked on. It would just require going outside of DbDs current simplicity. @SenzuDuck

    These kind of changes would make ruin being different not a big deal to anyone because less focus is on gens.

  • JakConstantine
    JakConstantine Member Posts: 118

    Simply it depends what going to happen with ruin when it comes to the live version. If they are going to fully change it like it is in the PTB then I would say remove it as a hex totem. It really depends on what's happening with ruin at this time and what the devs have decided to do with it. (If it's going to get a buff then hits live, not touched at all, etc). As for totem placement and maps, that's another topic which can be sorted out in the future since this effects all totems and not just ruin.

    Loving this topic so far and enjoying reading the suggestions on here.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    Everyone here pretty much commented my thoughts :) I would say the power toolboxes have or maybe reduce some map sizes.

  • Nubgutter
    Nubgutter Member Posts: 86

    Just get rid of the hex in it and it will be decent.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I apologize, my annoyance at this whole cluster duck has me on edge.

    There are issues that needed to be looked at and resolved, before or at the same time, as the Ruin change. Changing it now, and leaving the previous issues unresolved, is just going to promote even more toxicity.

    New Ruin shouldn't be a Hex. It's strong when used right, yes, but considering map size, and how quick it's destroyed most of the time, it'll rarely make it into the late game, as the patch notes imply. And even if it does, what's the point? Survivors bring their toolboxes and perks, combined with the map size, one decent chase and two gens pop. Unless you manage a three gen, New Ruin won't do its job.

    Then comes Surveillance. A good combo, but you need a second perk to make the first worthwhile? A perk should stand on its own, not have to rely on a synergy with another to make it worth its time.

    My point is, either decrease map size in order to justify New Ruin as a Hex, or keep map size and remove the Hex. With smaller maps, low tiered killers could patrol more effectively, and New Ruin's mojo could be more beneficial. With the current map size, there will be cases where New Ruin will be destroyed before a killer can even walk across the map. No point. Remove the Hex, decrease the effect from 200% to, say, 175/150%, just so it's not stronger than other perks.

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Let it have regular skill checks, but all gens have a speed Debuff of 25%

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    @Riveate I appreciate your answer and again, your feedback makes sense. It just needed a little improvement on the delivery. 😊

  • OhSkipper
    OhSkipper Member Posts: 17

    what if ruin just removes great skill checks altogether ala demogorgon portal style. this with making skill check zones smaller and more frequent. also keeping the regression penalty when not getting worked on. i think that would make ruin good enough to use but not a top tier noob stomper.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2020

    I've always said the simplest change to the core gameplay of DbD is all that would be necessary to help killers of all types gain/maintain gen pressure:

    Kicking/starting gen regression automatically takes 10% off of a gens progress before regular regression begins.

    This would apply to all killers by default, and for obvious reasons it would call for a few small adjustments to existing perks, like Pop goes the Weasel only applying a 15% reduction to gen progress that gets added onto the new default 10% loss, but overall what does this change do?

    1. Lower mobility killers can now hold off a gens completion better, and thus have more stalling power and pressure.
    2. No more Tap and Run tactics from survivors attempting to stop a gens regression because that only gives the killers a free pass to knock off another 10%.
    3. Encourages survivors to employ more distraction tactics to draw the killer away, instead of looping around a regressing gen.
    4. Puts kicking gens on par with failing a skill check.
    5. Makes perks like Surge, Dying Light, and Thanatophobia more valuable as tools for stalling gen completion for all killers.
    6. New Ruin actually earns its Hex Status as an OP but destroyable perk by hitting it with that 10% to kick off the 200% regression speed every time a survivor leaves a gen.

    A killer attempting to defend a single generator can see it completed in front of them by a team of 2 survivors because no matter how many times they kick it, or how effective they are at pushing survivors off of it, unless survivors don't touch it for 32 seconds, it's not going to lose even 10% of its progress. That's how much time it represents to a killer, 10% = 32 seconds at normal regression speed, whereas a lone survivor without tools to increase their repair rate can fix that 10% loss in only 10 seconds. Ruin brings killers closer to that by dropping 10% every 16 seconds instead of 32, but its a Hex and won't last to the late game its been redesigned for.

    Therein lies the primary flaw in the logic behind Ruin's rework: Its designed to be better in the late game! No killer players ever take a Hex Perk into a trial expecting it to last more than 2 minutes at best. The moment survivors are notified of any Hex perk working against them, they find and destroy it before it can do any major damage. The new Ruin will be treated no differently because not only are they notified of its existence, its also a glowing 1500 BP totem that have a poor history of being hidden well enough to last. I've had games where I've brought in Thrill of the Hunt alone just to see how fast it dies, and like all Hex perks, it hardly ever lasts more than 2 minutes. Survivors are never going to see a Hex totem and then Choose to let it stay active until they feel they need to cleanse it... if its lit, it dies.

    In Ruins new state, the 200% regression speed is still nowhere near to being on par with how fast survivors can repair generators, much less when they have Cooperative actions, Toolboxes, Add-ons and Perks that increase their repair rates dramatically. Keeping pressure on generators is always a losing battle for the killer because unless they are downing/hooking every survivor they encounter and getting back to the generators to keep them regressing, every 20-25 seconds, there's no way the average killer can compete against the survivors repair speed, even with all the right tools.

    By having generators begin regression with an immediate 10% loss, all killers get a better chance at applying adequate pressure in early, mid, and late game. Sure it only buys them 10 seconds or less on a generator that's near completion, but the killers experience is always a struggle against time, and that 10 seconds may be all the leniency a killer needs to turn a game around.

    If this proposed change were implemented, I feel that everyone would've been just fine with the upcoming change to Ruin.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    What I've seen so far that I like:

    • Great skill checks give 0% progression bonus, like the perk already does
    • Hex increases gen repair time to 90 seconds and decreases by 3 seconds each time a gen is completed.
    • Slightly/moderately/considerably decreases the size of good skill checks.
    • Increases explosion regression penalty by 3/4/5%

    Basekit changes for gens:

    • Nerf the progression bonus from great skill checks to 1%. or 1.5%.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Honestly just work on the early game.

    I think map size would be the best way to look at it.

    Once you start getting downs the game slows down. That`s pressure 101, and that's why early game slowdown perks are the most used. Because perks like Pop and Thanatophobia only start working when you're already applying pressure.

    If the killers' earlygame were better no one would even need Ruin. I feel like either making some maps smaller or fixing spawns so that survivors don't spawn on the edge of maps often would make it ok.

    I know the importance of the early game can be overrated sometimes (it's entirely possible to stomp a game after a horrible early game) but it feels awful to have to concede gens or just have them pop before you can phisically get there.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    One thing that's also VERY important: DS needs to stop working in locker grabs.

    DS can be annoying overall but the biggest offender is the locker invulnerability it provides. It's not fun nor interactive nor skillful to just jump in a locker and stare at the killer while they can do nothing, especially if it's paired with Head On or Inner Strength. I feel like it's the only survivor perk that's imbalanced right now.

  • Hellbughunter
    Hellbughunter Member Posts: 83

    The one thing that needs to happen is that the devs need to get out there and make it clear that they understand the problems of the killers.

    The optics aren't great, strong killers like spirit and nurse got nerved and now they nerv a perk used by 80% off red ranks, without showing an understanding why it was used so commonly. The anouncement of the doc rework only talks about how it is to play against, not as him.

    Behaviar has two options they can ether try to regain the trust of killer players or hope that the changes work as they belive they will do.

    I don't think this game will survive if don't act to regain the trust of the killer part of the comunity

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    I disagree with people that think it should no longer be a Hex.

    Personally the perk is fine, they just need to fix map rng and tweak some of the larger maps so it isn't a hindrance to play on

  • Leyoyo
    Leyoyo Member Posts: 105

    Well all we need is to slow the gens during the 2 first min maybe ? To give a chance for ALL killer in this game to apply pressure

    Also this game have too much snowball on the two side

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    Ugh same difference.

    End of the day a tweak can be big or small.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Hmm, actually making killers the way they should be? Scary and dangerous? I mean, right now - put great survivors vs great killer and survivors will always (at least over 90%) win. Game is only being balanced around baby survivors crying about this, crying about that. And just to be clear - I am survivor main, I'm not really good and I hate ruin change.

    Especially reasoning the nerf is... silly. 'New survivors can't hit skillchecks' tell me something devs (if any devs will actually read this), and don't take it as an 'attack' or something, it's just food for thought. Lets say you're balancing a shooter, would you give new players aim bot, because they have hard time hitting head shots? Or in Mortal Kombat full combos on one button, because it's hard for new players to sequence a full combo? No, as a new player you have to learn mechanics, hitting skill checks IS a mechanic, basically only thing a survivor has to know. Each game has something you have to LEARN and in DBD we have those skill checks. What are you going to do next? Remove killes' weapons, because new survivors have hard time looping? Just think about it, you're going in wrong direction.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    I don't even want anything now, its a change that needs to happen, if BHVR just said they were also looking at balancing killers at higher ranks, and/or considering buffs/reworks to the killers hurt most by the Ruin change (Trapper, Clown, Hag, LF etc)

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    The changes are fine. The only thing that needs to be done along with it in the near future is map reworks. That's the only glaring issue the game has. Sure, other perks should get looked at and nerfed, but it's nothing too insane. People are just exploding about the ruin changes because they don't understand logic.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I think simply allowing me to place it on any dull totem I want, whenever I’m ready to surprise them with the effect, would make it usable for me.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    @Elegant I agree with you... and do want to say that we as a community should wait for the opportunity to play the new patch before making out minds up on "if x change is good or bad"

    I do want to see maps get looked at more throughly in the future

  • Simply_Ghostface
    Simply_Ghostface Member Posts: 22

    Making gens more challenging is literally old ruin lol.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Really unless they do something about the inconsistency in time management and map sizes. Then killer will always be weaker. While they want to balance around a 2k that's a gold idea, but very limiting in theory. What they need is to balance killers around a 2.7-3.5 kill ratio. They need to make it so while the killer can possibly obtain a 4k they need to work for it while the regular average would mostly be 2k and 3k. It also makes it so limiting killers wont be nearly as bad.

    Map sizes, inf loops are another huge issue as well. Anything a killer has to directly deal with to stop a survivor from doing Objectives like the damaging of gens should not take a bit for the killer, but mere taps from a survivor to counter. That's a huge loss in time for a killer lver the course of a game.

  • Simply_Ghostface
    Simply_Ghostface Member Posts: 22

    Make ruin a regular perk. That's all I ask

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    secondary objectives that slow down the early game for survivors.

    like finding parts for gens.

    its just dumb that they took away something essential to many killers without addressing the obvious design flaw these tried to "fix" using ruin.

    80+% of red rank games had ruin. that shows something - and its not that the perk is overused and therefore too strong.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Make Brutal Strength cause regression on Gen kicks... not to PGTW but a regression bonus none the less

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    Even when the patch comes out people will still complain. People who play this game are pretty awful at it tbh. They will not alter how they play at all and then say "not having ruin broke the game. Killer is unplayable!" This is all because they were already bad at the game and used ruin as a crutch. Will have to see how actual good killer mains do with it to see if it is better or worse

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    Return it back and make all totems invincible for 2 mins (can be perk, something like Corrupt intervention). Other option is to make all totems burning so survivors will not know which one is enchanted (can be perk as well). Best and last option is rework gen speeds, toolboxes and connected perks so survivors will not repair gen in 30s. Killer cannot even apply pressure before find first survivor. Problem is not within Ruin but in need of using Ruin to prevent crazy gen speeds. Here is my idea to add secondary objective: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/116859/refueling-generators-objective