Is this why the downvote button was removed?
I mainly wanted Tapp's because I use him most but I had some leftover cells and shards so I also bought Ash's and Legion's (Joey).
His outfit with the camera actually kinda makes him look like Adam in Saw 1.
Well I was falling into nothing for about 40 seconds until the killer somehow picked me up.
I had this happen on MacMillan but I was able to see again after being unhooked. I fell through the ground, but I was able to see.
"This is where the fun begins" in the 2017 Star Wars Battlefront 2.
I lost my bbq cosmetics a while ago so it'll be nice to have them back. I understand why some people wouldn't like this though.
The Skilled Huntress achievement.
Nah, I'm on Xbox.
Same. Sometimes one person joins and it looks fine on their screen but to me, it's still just me in the lobby and we need to restart the game for it to work.
A castle sounds cool.
Kinda. But only because it looks fun. I don't know anything about the characters.
There's only 12 movies.
I don't see the problem.
Does that mean Darth Plagueis the Wise can be a killer?
Cool story bro.
Wait, what?
My bookmarks said there were over 1000 new posts here...
What happened around here? Why is it blue?
What did we do to deserve this?
That was supposed to be a gif. I'm not sure what happened.
Joined November 2018 and I don't think I actually had a reason.
Is there a post limit or can this actually last forever?
I think it was removed.
Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be…
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?
It doesn't let you change very much but this is what it looks like:
I'll take some screenshots when I can.
I don't want to do this but I'm going to anyway... I didn't mean to add a second one but I can't remove it.
The remake is the only one I don't like.
I made a DbD board in Monopoly Plus.
Friday the 13th.
Oh good. I thought I was the only one that couldn't access page 23.