Hello Mandy, I'm not sure if the stats have been bugged a little, but I got sent stats from like 2020 haha, with my most player Killer being The Blight (which I haven't touched in years) and Nancy, which used to be my main in around that time.
They send me stats like from 3-4 years ago lmao
Yea, I think you're right
I mean, you would just be wasting time at that point if you spent the previous chase gaining bloodlust just to drop the chase and try finding someone else…
Nah, I assume it's once per chase, pretty much when you trigger bloodlust this Perk activates, still awful effect tho
I wish Victor was an actuall proper killer and not just a remote Demo shred (code-wise), so you could use perks with him, obviously he would need to be adjusted if this was the case haha
Nah, not nerfs, a proper well thought out rework that adresses the skill floor of the twins and the slugging issue, they tried the latter and it failed quite a lot, bcs they obviously didn't consult the change with anyone.
That's a really good cosmetic tbh, really want that headpiece myself. :)
Oh, not in the sence of playing against them, that would be a cake walk if Victor could only injure. I meant in the sense of their power, Legion would do everything better than the Twins if Victor could only injure (Legion has better tracking to injure more survivors, can vault pallets and windows faster, pretty much a…
They would become just a worse Legion if that was the case tho
Not at all, not sure what could be causing it really, but thanks for the tip :)
It's so backwards that Chests have higher priorities than Killer powers, especially since most Survivors don't even care about Chests in the first place lmao.
The whole event is trash, the main gimmick of moving snowman doesn't even work due to how laggy they are, otherwise just reused event from last year, pocket snowman sounded fun but you don't get much use of them at all due to how people play. Literally the only good part are the snowskulls. The new map is cool but you have…
By rework they're most likely reworking his power completely again, so his add-ons aren't gonna be the same.
I don't think increasing the gen repair time is the way to go, gens are already the worst part about this game for the Survivor gameplay, being just a glorified loading screen. What I see as a problem is toolboxes, they can consistently make the gens very fast, reworking them into providing different effects onto gens…
I agree that making the game fun for everyone is a great idea (even tho that's almost impossible to achieve), but with your suggesstions you would make Twins so weak to the point that playing them would make them misserable, so kinda going against your point of making the game fun for everyone.
Instead of nerfing the Blindness Status Effect, they should rework it, it's not really that good against SWF, but very strong against SoloQ which is just bad design. What they could do is: Blindness no longer affects the default Auras By that I mean a Survivor on a hook, a downed Survivor, basically all the Auras that you…
If the Twins players want to win, they have to heavily slug sadly, that's just how much BHVR screwed up their design. They once tried to fix them, which took them 2 years and resulted in the most broken Killer in the history of Dead By Daylight, so they had to revert it. You cannot really do anything about them without…
I think he doesn't need anything extra, he is in a good spot, I agree that the hit and run playstyles can be a bit annoying, but not worth changing a whole killer imo.
I do agree that this aspect of him is a bit unfair, but if you removed this, he would be one of the worst Killers in the game, he already performs quite badly, so nerfing him isn't ideal without some big compensations.
Yea I guess that's fair. I think the Homemade Mask should just get reworked completely, Blindness as a Very Rare add-on is just funny haha. Imo Very Rares should change the gameplay of the Killer a bit or add onto it. Status Effects are for Rare and Uncommon add-ons!
But The Unknown is on the nice list wdym??!!? :(
Great to hear!
If Killers can get basically killed in hotfixes I'm quite scared about what they can do to other Killers pretty much at anytime… Chucky is actually quite a slog now, wish they revert it sooner than later.
I disagree, he was in a pretty good spot in 8.4.0, pretty strong chase, speedy, fun Killer, but 8.4.1 just gutted him, I hope we're not stuck with this version of him for long
This isn't really relevant to the Houndmaster, but will Chucky's changes be at least partially reverted? Nobody is happy about his changes (mostly the lowered movement speed), any info or will Chucky be left in this state for a long time?
Nah, he is so slow that you can easily reach windows now without Chucky being able to do anything about it, if he Scampers all you have to do is to just sit right next to the Window and you're fine, he also feels like ######### to play.
I'm talking about his 250% movement speed being reduced to 200% movement speed, should have clarified that
Yea he kinda sucks now, he feels really bad
He feels really bad, removing 50% from his speed is just overkill.
It would be cool if something like this was made: Dropped pallets are automatically destroyed by the entity in 90/75/60 seconds. If the pallet is interacted with in any way, the timer refreshes. I think that would be funny and useful for all Killers, Survivors can just vault the pallet every now and then to prevent it from…
Yea I was also positive it was today, but I guess not
Yea good luck doing 2 full devotions just to get the cosmetic, you're not getting it for free if you need to spend several weeks of your free time grinding for shards.
Yeah it wasn't the smartest move, but really helped me in the end haha
I don't think it really needs a buff, but I must agree that 10% looks better haha
I think the Perk doesn't need any penalties, the effects it provides are nice, but not penalty worthy!
I really like the first idea!
Yea it was bugged like this on the PTB, it seems like they partially fixed it, sometimes this doesn't happen, but sometimes it does, it's quite inconsistent.
Yea you're right, you cannot even mix it with different cosmetics, how cool would it be if there was a dedicated power cosmetic slot?!
Yea that's also really annoying, Snug tried to get the shortest path to you, if that means going through a window he will lock into it, which prevents you from using chase… Another thing, during chase, if Snug vaults and Survivor vaults aswell, they pretty much cannot be hit by him…
Yea that would be amazing! Also a running animation needs to be added, running at 6.0m/s base-kit and power-walking is funny but looks unfinished.
I do not understand why Chests have higher priorities than Killer power related objects, I assume it's because those objects spawn right after Chests in the code, so right as the game starts → Chests spawn → The Killer objects spawn, which is unfortunate if true, they should fix that.
I meant shared mories in the sence of both Killers being involved in the mori animation (so a completely new one), not only one playing their original animation, of course right now you can have one Killer perform the mori whilst the other just spins there waiting for you to finish haha
Looks like I didn't forgot about it haha, I have only forgot to mention it in the description (and in the math, but the final result is still the same, so good thing nobody proof-checked it 💀)
Damn I knew I forgot about something! Will add it tomorrow and let you know!
Not in the slightest, just thought it was a nice piece of Trivia haha
Nah, there is no way they're gonna nerf it again, they buffed it for a reason, 3 seconds is only in the most ideal of situations, you wouldn't get this speed constantly in every match lol, maybe not even in one haha, since you need teammates with those Perks for a very niche effect
Idk, would be cool tho!