Personnaly i encountered this issue after faking my chainsaw.
They don't even need 4 of it, only one is enough to totally change the outcome of the game. The only thing we want is downside to the perk so we can counter it, because snuffing the totem is just a waste of time when they can boon it infinitely.
lol i didn't get it sorry english isn't my first tongue...
20IQ comment. you compare the imcomparable.. NOED: one cleanse and it's gone BOONS: no cooldown, infinite use because killer can't break their totems Next time try to use your brain before commenting
LOL DS is fine for me and i don't know why you're talking about it ._. "waste their perk slots" even big LOL that's the total opposite, CoH is the best healing perk and it apply to everyone. I'm just talking about putting a downside to OP perks and you come here to cry about it.
You're totally distorting what i say... First i've never said that i needed to win to have fun and it's quite the contrary. When i play huntress i'm not seeking for 4k but for great shots. When i play killer in general i just like to have a good chase and juke survivors, that's what make me have fun. And yes boons are…
I'm not playing the game to get bloodpoints dude. I'm playing the game to have fun.
Yeah but like 30sec to escape, come back and boon it again
Honestly those other perks don't bother me because i never camp or tunnel. But a perk like shadow step prevents me from enjoying chasing survivors and enjoying the game..
Huntress because i'm huntress main so i know the spots she can or cannot hit me Spirit because baiting her with iron will is so good Bubba because it feels so good when you know the timing to stun him And Oni
why would window of opportunity be less good in swf explain me ??
I actually love when they all bring flashlights. Because you know they will try to save their down friend so you can bait it and kill them easier.
yep same for me
1: doesnt happen with other killers, only with nemesis. 2: never happened to me before the patch...
Yep i play on wifi but first it doesnt happen with other killers, only with nemesis. Second, it didnt happened to me before the patch. So i dont think wifi is the issue
Lol i finally found the problem. I desactivated crossplay and i can play normally again :)
Only playing killer for me. This adds to every other bugs on console make me want to not play this game anymore...
I used to play autodidact and solidarity but autodidact is inefficient most of the time. They need to buff so you like a 20% more chance to get a skillcheck while healing
Hag definitively. She's lethal at lower rank and very easy to play. you basically just set traps at crossroads and wait for someone to step in it.
but bad
Yep same for me. First time i reinstalled the game and it fixed the issue but it came back. I don't want to reinstall the game twice a day so i'm actually stuck at playing survivor...
I'm on ps4 and the crossplay is active. It happened to me but only when i tried to launch as a killer. I tried to restart the game but it didn't work. Then I reinstalled the game and it worked. But it started again when the halloween event started so i'm stuck at playing survivor....
After reinstalling my game, the issue is fixed
Actually reinstalling the game to see if it works. i will let you know...
Yeah and even the sound it makes is annoying