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  • It looks so silly lol, I made a PDF originally as I was going to put it in as a ticket to make a complaint as I feel spending money on this half arsed work was a little outrageous, but yes I see what you mean about downloading things you can never be too careful. But I really want them to fix this :(
  • Better?
  • Literally lol.
  • I do understand what you are saying, but people really need to stop making excuses for them, I would much rather them put new content on hold until they fix the very basic broken mechanics that are literally driving their community to despair. Is the money train really that more important than the longevity of their game?…
  • With everything else that is going on, as I mentioned in the post, the UI is literally the least of the issues in this game, I wish people would stop harping on about the UI. That fix can literally wait, it is not as game breaking as what I mentioned previously.
  • Literally ridiculous. I'm not sure what was going through the designers head when creating the set-up tbh. I'm thinking someone doesn't play killer at all!!!
  • Only just lol.
  • It is literally the only thing to grind for in this game, it exists so I strive for it, its quite simple.
  • I'm not sure if you're being facetious or not, but if this has never happened to you then brilliant, but if you want to force a de-pip then just DC in game like all of the other triggered fools who don't get their own way, you will lose a pip and cuck your team at the same time, sure you will find that most satisfying.
  • I'm not really sure how complex it could be on a game this simple, unless you are referring to the sheer amount of data that was collected, but again, we can all assume anything, but knowing how it is collected, analysed and reviewed are way more relevant. Those three steps then determine the actual validity of the…
  • So the data pool is already bias and narrowed, hmmm, interesting.