I didn’t expect it like you said it’s new i forget it’s even a thing I also don’t pay attention to the obsession most of the time
Well tell killer mains that lol
Xenomorph and yes I finished healing just as it proced like trust me I’m a dead hard user so if I knew I would’ve been exposed I would’ve stayed injured but then I got robbed of a win just because Xeno teleported directly too me and downed me cause I didn’t have anything to work with
It was me actually I was healing somewhere on rotten fields the survivor got hooked I got exposed and revealed to the killer and had nothing around me to loop all the pallets were gone and I died despite looping the killer for 3 gens finishing the last gen all got wiped away because of that perk and I had no time to react…
Hopefully buff the perk back to a 5 second stun and make it activate twice like off the record I’d like end games usage but too many people don’t support the idea I feel like if it deactivated in 16 m of an exit gate or maybe 20 it would work for end game but this perk needs a fat buff to counter this whole tunnel for easy…
well why talk about peoples skill if you’re too afraid to show us yours…
@Crowman it’s always funny the person who acts all high and mighty can’t back it up anyways if you have nothing nice to say don’t say it at all.
No just humble you a lil buddy you’re the one sat talking about peoples skill level because they made a post on a forum about a bad aspect of a perk… but if you wanna prove to me you’re better i am more than welcome to jump in customs with you
It’s more about a survivor is on death hook in the end game and the killer just gets to find where they are for hooking someone and it makes them exposed
i win 90% of my games as killer around the same amount if I’m in a swf on survivor.
Exposed and it’s map wide and on a killer with mobility way too strong for end game especially when that survivor is in a dead area
You do realise I play 50/50 and main phead have over 8k hours around 3-4 of them being in killer what do you have to say to that ? A lot of killer players ask for nerfs to any perk that helps survivors in anyway
My man UW is in terror radius and BBQ doesn’t make you exposed hmmm
No literally just got out of a match did great all game died because of this perk telling the killer exactly where I was death hook and injured like fair enough in game but too powerful for end game
I’ve played the game since 2017 you just need to get over it I want every survivor to run anti tunnel perks because it’s needed in the game I mean decisive is getting buffed dead hard is the healthiest it’s ever been OTR is only useful with decisive like what’s your issue the meta shakeup was a disaster we don’t want one…
Yeah just tell the killer where the death hook injured survivor is that’s balanced
Bro I’ve played since 2017 I have over 7k hours in the game and all the killer has to do is go for the unhooker
Honestly they need to fix hug teching like with wesker it’s impressive but with blight it’s just so cringe like easy to pull off every Blight does it and just gives them cheesy downs that aren’t intended I can’t wait till they absolutely gut his add ons tho
Blight isn’t meant to be able to hug tech neither is wesker oni shouldn’t be able to 180 and abuse a terrible hitbox the devs don’t care about the intended purpose of stuff
Body blocking is an intended part of the game and used it every form of comp
I main Pyramid Head and I think decisive and off the record should be on cages I think it should be end game why because that won’t affect good players
Bro we aren’t gonna agree so don’t try change my mind my opinion is killers don’t deserve a pitty kill or an easier time in end game just because they are bad like if I equip a perk why should it be disabled the killer main feel sorry for me victim mentality has been around for years I know it when I see it :)
Well I mean there is such thing as tunnelling during the end game please don’t start the killer main mental gymnastics with me in my opinion if you haven’t earned the kill during the game you don’t deserve the kill just because it’s end game but that’s just my opinion
I’ve played since 2017 I know about endgame decisive I played just before mikey released lol but I think personally it should work but deactivate within range of an exit gate so you can’t force decisive at the gate for one last HAHA to the killer
That’s strange most killers mains said decisive strike was fine the only time I had a problem with ds was before the conspicuous actions Nerf but after that it was perfectly fine I don’t see them completely working ds it would be a sad day if they do it’s such an iconic perk
What about letting decisive strike Being active end game ? Why should I do well all game and get tunnelled out by a blight end game with no protection I find that stupid in all fairness I’m so happy you guys are buffing this perk but I think all it needs is 5 second stun maybes if no end game it works twice per game ?
THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING like why are we waiting so long for decisive strike to be useful again welp guess the game will be miserable for the next 6 months
The killer main victim mentality has been around since I started when you realise killer isn’t that hard and if you were actually good at the game you can win 90% of your matches by hard tunnelling. i play both sides and killer is the easiest it’s ever been you whack on 4 slowdowns and tunnel and boom easy 4K… I come from…
I think killer players just have a bad taste from all the people weaponising it but also survivor is a lot weaker than it was back then
You do realise that was pre conspicuous actions nerf that wouldn’t have been possible for the past like 2 and a half years lol
Unfortunately for you it’s not YAYYYYYYY
Also usage sky rocketing isn’t a bad thing it’s an anti tunnel perk
Yeah my memory ain’t opinion I have over 7000 hours Have probably been playing longer than you unless you played way before mikeys release I remember old decisive saving me from a tunnel 60-70% of the time and if it didn’t then the gens would be popping like your memory isn’t facts I have loved this game for 6 and a half…
Oh yeah 100% most of them are situational since the dead hard nerf I don’t run adrenaline as I trust my E more lol 5 second stun imo perfect I have made about 30 posts on decisive and glad the devs are finally doing something about it. dead hard decisive OTR in the right situations can be just as good as old decisive but…
I’m an EU player lol I disagree but that’s ok people can have opinions I think without basekit bt sometimes it could be worse but it’s definitely worse now in my experience I’ve chewed through a lot of decisive strikes in my killer time lol and have tunnelled quite abit until I realised how miserable I was making the game…
Decisive is so situational tho you gotta admit it dead hard is the one perk that has never left my build since 2017 I feel like it should deactivate in 20 meters of an exit gate but I know that’s likely not gonna happen I’d be happy with just the five seconds back
I’ve played since 2017 and I started a killer main I don’t want people thinking this is some survivor bias because I play both side but I think a 5 second stun and it deactivating in range of an exit gate is a great idea for the perk I think if you take a protection hit it maybe could deactivate to stop body blocking it’s…
And don’t say someone can force a head on DS you need to be tunnelling them and chase them to a locker but also they could make decisive put head on on a five second cool down
Yeah I honestly think after the buff every survivor should run decisive strike if you don’t tunnel you won’t eat it if you body block they slug you guys have gotten used to easy tunnels and so what if it had synergy with head on don’t tunnel boom you won’t get hit with it
5 second stun active until you reach like a 16-20 meters of an exit gate once the gens are powered boom you got a perfect perk
This game can’t be balanced around swfs any longer while letting solo queue players rot I’ve played this game through every variation of decisive strike I play both killer and survivor 60/40 in favour of survivor. that being said yes I’m a veteran player I have played since 2017 and decisive strike after the conspicuous…
I fear that this game isn’t all about you and just because you want to camp tunnel and 3 Gen make everyone miserable doesn’t mean everyone else wants that
So I waste a perk slot to get hit through basekit bt anyways it’s alright but so situational that it doesn’t even prevent tunnelling
Guys we kinda need the decisive buff sooner than April to June you can’t leave survivor in the sorry state it is Atm it’s not fun getting hard tunnelled out with mediocre anti tunnel perks that are nothing compared to old decisive strike. PLEASE JUST ADD THE FIVE SECONDS BACK IN THE NEXT PATCH it’s literally as simple as…
Honestly I hope we do see decisive in every lobby again then maybe my team mates won’t be dead at 4 because they have been tunnelled out the sad fact is you need decisive even more now a days because no one plays for fun anymore
Upon hitting the skill check the survivor system crashes and they have a 30 minute penalty :(
I think completely changing an iconic perk like decisive strike would be a weird move since it’s been a staple perk for years now everyone knows what DS is all they need to do is change the stun to five seconds and then it would be perfect
I mean what they gonna do nerf it to 1 second and Up on escaping the killers grasp it gives the survivor a 10% hindered status effect for 20 seconds
Nah you’re good lol I can’t tell Sarcasm through messages my bad