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  • TWiXT! What is best in life? On topic, for me, it's just the BP grind and having fun in this very obviously casual game. So long as I get BBQ/WGLF stacks (if I'm running them) and have a good time in the trial, I'm cool. It's hard to say what a win condition is when the game doesn't have a loss condition. No matter what,…
  • 100% my bad. I looked into it more, and apparently, the Nurse and Huntress DLCs were free, though I swear I remember paying for them when they were released. So, there's some Mandela effect or something going on with my brain. Those were the only two free chapters. Technically, though, Mikaela is free. The only thing you…
  • What free killers and survivors? The only "free" killers and survivors were the ones that came with the base game: Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Dwight, Meg, Claudette, and Jake. Every other one dropped as DLC, originally.
  • That's unfortunate...they should probably clarify that.
  • You're making sure to bless Hex totems, right? Dull totems don't count.
  • This may be a silly question, but did you try restarting the Steam client? That's what I did earlier this evening to get the update to show.
  • Way to be entirely wrong, and you are overreacting. An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a token on a blockchain that can have a file attached to it. This file gains a unique hash that makes it one-of-a-kind and provides a very thorough integrity check, due to the ledgers kept on every node of the blockchain keeping records…
  • Exactly. That's why I mentioned conspiracy theories. There are a lot of knee-jerk reactions right now, and because of that many people in the community are grabbing for torches and pitchforks without thinking.
  • Who said anything about them moving to Epic? There are some conspiracy theories going on here. There is nothing wrong with BHVR looking to add Dead by Daylight to the Epic Games Store (which is the only thing we can guess based on the tweets between them), and it doesn't mean they are moving from Steam. A third-party…
  • I play on PC, but because of some temporary neurological issues, it is hard for me to play M&K, so I currently use a controller. You're 100% correct. Even 360s are simple with analog sticks. There's really nothing that a survivor can do on M&K that can't be done on a controller (moonwalking is a little tricky, but…
  • I said no such thing. Go back and re-read everything I said. Not once did I make any mention that "people can't hurt you over the internet". It doesn't matter whether it's a video game community or politics. Removal of people's right to expression is wrong and is a slippery slope. Learn to use the privacy and security…
  • Who is trying to get anyone killed? I don't remember that being part of the conversation. It's not "inane philosophical debate". The idea that anyone has to censor themselves to protect other people's feelings is a bad direction to take things. There are controls in place to mute anything directed towards a person both in…
  • But who defines what is an insult? Anybody could become insulted by anything. So, who becomes the judge and jury there? That thought process is a very slippery slope into totalitarianism. I could say something that I find to be perfectly innocent, but if you take offense to it, then did I do something "illegal" (for lack…
  • This I 100% agree with. We all should, as a community, push the notion of just saying GG and moving on. I make it a point to practice just that. I also call out people in chat who start acting ridiculous. I'll quickly defend a killer or survivor who is getting insulted in post-game, and I would love to see that become more…
  • That's not at all what I said. I said that though we should be more empathetic towards each other as a society, it should not be done through some ridiculous notion of authoritarian censorship. People need to learn to handle insults, rejections, failures. These things happen to us throughout our lives. Properly processing…
  • Players still tap gens to avoid skill checks? Why?? :)))) The last time I remember seeing someone do that was new players with old Ruin. Also, body blocking isn't a toxic behavior. It's a scored event for survivors. It's called a protection hit, and there are even two achievements for taking them. They are: Taking One For…
  • I'm sorry, but this is the most ridiculous comment I have read in this thread. Words in a post-game chat do not equal "literal bullying". This is another case of a word being watered down to having zero meaning. Yes, we have phrases for occasions such as this in real life. "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words…
  • One, you made a public statement on a forum. I responded. I don't really care if you want to interact or not. You can just not respond instead of replying to tell me you don't want to respond. Two, everything I said 100% backs the OPs original statement. It is completely relevant. Three, I am using the correct definition…
  • It is directed at your statement that the game is competitive. I explained how it isn't. "The overall goal is a competing one- they want to escape and you want to stop them- and the minute-to-minute goal is a competing one, because you want to win the looping session and so do they." This statement doesn't work. There is…
  • How, exactly, is this game competitive? Who does the killer compete against? Who do the survivors compete against? The killer competes against themselves. They do not compete against the survivors, as they do not even play the same game as the survivors. The survivors technically compete against each other, in a…
  • There's a private mode that can be used to play custom matches with whatever house rules you want to use. Join a comp DIscord or group, find some like-minded players, and start playing scrims. The devs have already given you the tools to make it happen.
  • As someone who is also learning Demo more, as of late, it seems like the add-on was quite specifically designed to monitor points of interest...and generators are pretty dang interesting :) And honestly, even coming from a Survivor perspective, I would assume that to be the main use case. Don't let Survivor salt (or Killer…
  • Yep, exactly. :)
  • Yeah, it does seem to have gotten better recently. Maybe they did add a check around the Pinhead release. But, yes, truly random generation will make things seem less random.
  • I just play the match. You win no matter what because there is no win condition. I say my ggs, take my BPs, and go spend them. This game is a casual game. Getting upset about a "win" or "loss" that you created in your own head seems counter-productive. I just want to play and have fun. If I do those two things, and get…
  • Don't forget: Survivors being able to 99% every gen on the map because the Killer had no ability to kick gens. Survivors being able to permanently break every hook on the map outside of the basement, along with permanently breaking all of the Trapper's traps. Practically every match ending in a 4-man slug bleedout because…
  • Agreed, though I think they need to actually reduce the true randomness of the map selection. The problem is that a truly random choice will inevitably create lots of duplicate results. In my experience, most nights of playing it almost feels like there's a theme (e.g. keep getting farm maps, Lery's / The Game on repeat,…
  • No, you weren't. One, I'm not "they". I don't play one side, and I'm not arguing about any toxicity on either side. So, check yourself with the whole "THEIR SIDE / OUR SIDE" shenanigans. You tried to make a bad faith argument that because you get points for downing a survivor, then slugging is a scored event. This is…
  • No, that's not my logic. It's an objective fact based on a scored event that pops up on screen. I'm not making an argument that anything is toxic. I am making the argument that you cannot call a scored event toxic. Just like if you could show me a pop-up that says "Camper +500" I would defend camping as a scored event.…
  • The level of false equivalence here is astounding. I'm not even going to make an argument on whether anything you mentioned is toxic, as none of that matters. Protection hits aren't toxic because they are a scored event labeled a "Protection Hit". It is a score that pops up on screen, adds to the survivor's altruism score,…
  • In solo queue, the killer is the least of your concerns. I almost exclusively play solo, and I die far more often to inept teammates than simply because the killer was "OP". Solo queue is the true 4v1 experience.
  • The notes specifically state that the boon totem creates "a small safe haven". Pair that with survivors being able to move the blessing from one boon totem to another, and it pretty much adds up to it being a small AoE around the totem that gives the benefit. It sounds like it is not some map-wide combo effect of all the…
  • It takes the same amount of time to bless a totem as it does to cleanse it (possibly slightly longer). You would have lost that hex regardless of how it was removed. That's why it reverts to a dull totem, instead of switching back to the hex.
  • Who told you that? The only thing that changes each tier is the number of tokens the killer can get, like WGLF.
  • It's a re-color of the Pro-Pain Hammer from the Scorching Summer BBQ event.