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  • I feel this! I've had such kind killers lately! Honestly, it's been awhile since I'd come across any, but I've had so many people allow me the exit or hatch and even someone who wanted to hook me, but opened the exit gate before they did because they knew I had an invitation. Genuinely very very grateful. I always try to…
  • I try to save up my BP offerings like those, but there's almost never a point in bringing them. I do well as survivor the majority of the time, but anytime I bring an offering like that, I get facecamped/immediately tunneled off of the hook. It's been happening more and more lately to the point where it feels like it's a…
  • I'm literally deceased. They were like, "Heya, kids, you like what we did on Haddonfield? Well, you're gonna love this!"
  • Alright, I feel like people are completely like bypassing the point. It's about BM and toxicity on either end for relying on perks that make the game a lot easier for you. No one is superior just because they won with certain perks. It doesn't mean you can treat other people like trash. To be fair, running those perks…
  • Hmmm. If I go with killers that give me anxiety going against because of their power, definitely Oni or Meyers, occasionally Bubba. Though, too many times have I legitimately yelled out of fear due to jumpscares from Ghostface and especially Hag.
  • Used to get them much more often before crossplay. I have a decent collection of hateful messages from other, toxic Survivors. I rarely get hateful messages from killers, mostly some ggs or messages about farming. Lots of people just trash talking me for a small mistake or for not being on their skill level or just simply…
  • It doesn't matter to me too much that they do this, but I do think it would've meant a lot more if there was a fresh new character that they put time and effort in that was part of the LGBTQ+ community instead of just saying a long-time pre-existing character is now just confirmed as gay.
  • Might not be the best take, but those people are just kind of trash. Not for wanting to play the game, as many people have said, but for acting disrespectful and rude to someone who tried to be kind and thought it would be okay to bad-mouth them when they decided they were done being mistreated. No one should let…
  • I can agree with this to an extent. Solo queue as Survivor is one of the most miserable experiences in this game, but this post does feel very exaggerated. Both sides have a lot of issues, as I've found from playing only a few times as a killer. I found myself genuinely getting angrier playing as killer against toxic…
  • These colors are so cute! I would love to get a black one myself. (: