Hehe, the game is not good at all in my opinion. both sides still complain about the same ######### every single day. BuT iF yOu LoOk At ThE nUmBeRs It Is BaLaNcEd🤓
Tell me how please😊
Sometimes I make bad plays of course but of those 15 matches it's been my teammates which have either been new to the game or people who hides and never does the objective. TL:DR I have teammates that are clearly not at my skill level edit: The killers are fine, they are around my level.
same brotha same
PLEASE tell me why you think so. I want to know your secrets 🤗
It was meant for all the people who cry about teabagging not you🤭
I didn’t say anything about tunneling or camping. I just don’t get why people get offended over something so little + tunneling and camping will ruin the match for a survivor not because the said survivor that are experiencing tunneling and camping will start crying but because they literally can’t do anything about it. I…
people get offended about everything now days😓 nothing you can do about it. I never understood why you should mald over someone pressing a button fast many times in a game
So you want to remove a genuine game mechanic (flashlight saves at the gate) and remove a way to geet bloodpoints (flashlighting the killer) because you get mad over getting blinded? Just look down, up or away=) Also crouching can not be removed either since it’s used against some killers for example huntress. Imagine you…
I've tried verifying integrity but it didn't work
what are you talking about????!?!?! I love going into a soloq game against killers that run 4 slowdownperks (eruption) and getting absolutely blasted by their amazing 3 gen strat which makes the game last for 40 minutes. Oh and how could I forget that tunneling and camping is 7/10 games =DD now I know this goes both ways…
I've seen this where que times is more important, thats why I got confused when I had/have up to 10 minutes and always more than 4 minutes for my last 15 games. I've never experienced that much que time before
ah okay thank you! =)
Exactly! It's not scary during daytime =D
I'm on my 4th now with a disconnect in a row, gonna try for the 5th - wish me luck! =)