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  • Q and E or whatever you bind strafe to, use that to flick not mouse
  • I'm mad cause when I use pop goes the weasel, no weasels go pop
  • That's simply not an ample enough bussom!
  • @Mikeasaurus exactly dude. I have always considered there to be two major elements to my escape chance, how well all 4 survivors work together, loop, heal, unhook etc and how well the killer, loops, anti loops, plays efficiently etc. The choice of killer doesn't often come into that, I never start a game see a nurse,…
  • I don't like a part of this game so I want it changed, what's with this dbd player mentality. I mean sure gaming communities sometimes come together to try and get a broken feature of a game changed for the better, but the list of things I see players wanting or demanding changed on this game includes almost every aspect…
  • So many people commenting on things they have no knowledge of, and no experience in. I make no comment as to what and when Devs should do anything because I'm not a Dev, i work in a factory and thats where my knowledge is. I imagine 99% of people commenting here either work in a different industry or are still at school.…
  • I second this post, super excited for the dlc to come, can't wait to play Steve "the hair" Harrington and the demigorgan has potential to be really interesting and unique! Thanks bhvr 😁
  • Maybe your meat shield experience was at a lower rank with worse killers? Any half decent killer will just go around hooked survivor to hit the rescuer in my experience
  • @Sairek Well said, I was beginning to get a migraine trying to decipher that nonsense @ImKateDenson Blaming the killer for your obvious DC's makes you sound even dafter considering Devs have stated tunneling and camping are legitimate tactics in certain situations, we survivors have plenty of tools to deal with that these…
  • Maybe the PS4 survivor population is dropping off. I play on PS4 and a lot of survivor and I have these same issues. Personally I don't understand lobby dodging, like you can tell a survivor is good by looking at them. Each to their own I guess
  • Def doesn't need removing just moving from ranked play, so simple. And I see so many people saying the game would be dead without swf, so just have a bloody swf mode that isn't ranked! Apparently no one cares about rank anymore anyway so if you want to swf there you go, casual lobbies. Ranked lobbies solo only. Problem…
  • I really hope they do not mess up nurse too much, but she does need balancing to a more sensible level, a killer that ignores the games mechanics is just daft. Pallets should stun her when she is blinking allowing for pallet play and I don't think she should be able to blink solid objects, maybe just blink through windows.…
  • @Madjura I know how doctor works and I was suggesting more drastic differences, and I don't get your doctor point. Are you saying because they would operate similarly that its a bad idea? Don't need hag cause we have trapper, remove bubba he is a worse Billy? Yes it would be a similar concept yet what difference does that…
  • Yes a killer that doesn't transform into anything else already exists? If your trying to make the point he has to switch between his power and his weapon then clearly you didn't read the post :) not simply swap to shock swap to weapon but a physical transformation of your character both states have different stats and…
  • I mean a visible change, with far bigger gameplay diiferences.
  • I dont play much killer anymore but I have to agree here, the music is unnecessary. If it's used as a balancing technique, it's a bad one. Killers should be able to hear as much as possible to make accurate decisions in chases, do I turn my Attention to the 90 % gen I know a survivor is working or stay on the chase. Do I…
  • I seriously don't know why they don't just add an unranked lobby where you can swf and the ranked lobby you must solo que, a 15 minute ban if you repeatedly DC in lobbies would solve people dcing to try get friends in a lobby. Could even make casual lobbies same as kyf with full access to perks and add one to it gives…
  • Any form of killer or survivor figurine would absolutely live among my collection!! Especially if you could customize with in game costumes and items, I'm sold!!
  • Consider all the problems spanning the history of humanity, all the death, pain, famine, disease and realise your complaining about someone teabagging you on a video game. What have we come to people
  • @starkiller1286 in hindsight I'm not sure I made it clear this was more of a hypothetical idea. I know they would struggle to make huge changes to the coding like this, more wanted to see what ideas were floating around out there
  • well i figured the entity would be displeased at the end of the game when objectives are complete and survivors have escaped. i dont know what you mean by have it based off the killers previous displeased record, no game would affect the next in my scenario. But thanks for the lore lesson, i didntknow that about the entity…
  • ive always quite liked to idea of a little more info in the starting lobby, allowing for some counter pick potential, but as @Tzeentchling9 points out, last second switches would be all the rage
  • @Masantonio I didn't say I want to kill the killer, would just like to see a bit of creativity and love from the fans to see a cool concept formed by people who think the survivors objectives are stagnant. Way to miss the mark, instead of purely dismissing and criticising it, why not try to expand and develop the idea off…
  • Prove thyself requires 2 people on gen to become active, it's super fast then especially without ruin
  • @Nea_Death_Experience since the endgame need to miss piggy I fire them all off straight away too, miss the days when there was a small element of strategy when if came to who to trap and when, now it's just first 4 downs
  • I'll start by saying I'm a piggy lover but I have to agree that this power would be way too strong, it's effectively an alternative hook that requires way more survivor time to save. I think a much easier fix to piggy is to simply pause the endgame timer if a trap is applied, or for timer start to be delayed in the case…