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  • A 2v8 Gamemode for DBD would be proven interesting, with some limitations : * Not the same or echo killer for both players (so no LF+HB or Trappeur+Hag) * Not more than 2* the same survivor (timer will be locked down in those two cases) * __NOT RANKED__ * Generator speed reduced by 40% + 10%per person doing the same…
  • I like the idea of each account having the ability of choosing a place for each of the 5 totems on each map before starting any lobby. Would propose though having on the "maps" a phantom of each spawnable item locations in the game so that you don't overlap one totem with one of the other items location.
  • Your demand is just unfair to survivors, in a way. The reason why the devs have made this change to hooks is to give survivors more survival chances, and I still see around hooks that are at miminum possible distance (24m) from one another on most maps, at the cost of some parts of the map having one hook in a radius of…
  • What would be nice is traps depending on the map RNG-placed as passive power and bear traps as active one (like the Hag have) and then rework a bit the bag add-ons. For examples : * Lerry/Game : A trap comming from the roof when you pass under it as a survivor (net trap(reveals the trapped survivor) or stone trap (puts in…
  • One ultra-rare add-on per killer that doesn't have one (ideas I just got) : * Hillbilly : Old plate : "The only plate ever given to Max Jr to put his food in. The memories associated fills the Hillbilly with rage and despair" Grants the ability to freely turn while using the Chainsaw, and speed it up slightly. * Nurse :…
  • Fire Up by itself is... Useless. Don't get me wrong, but it's only when associated with other perks that it can become a good perk. And it's too bad that the potential that perk have can only be discovered when combining it with other perks.
  • Freddy's my favorite, by far even though he's poorly executed, but the others have their own kind of fun to have with. Even if most LF are just insidious face/cave campers, you can still scare the ######### out of some people by falling on them with your chainsaw at minima volume and great speed. Piggy is good for ambushes…
  • Like for the Hag, the Trapper is underrated, even though he's the most basic killer of the lot. Any good player doesn't really need killer powers to get the 4 kills. Just the pressure of your traps laying around in strategic places wards off low to mid rank survivors from using some passages and windows without the buggy…