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  • Amazing suggestion and I feel like this change is pretty fair. Survivors either complete the two remaining gens or wait out the perks duration before escaping. How would you do the tier system on the perk as it levels up? 25/35/45 seconds? It's not a whole lot of time but it might be enough to give the killer a chance to…
  • Thank you so much for your input! I understand where you're coming from but I know the change may sound daunting but in all honesty it really wouldn't be that strong unless you three gen yourselves and managed to complete the three gen. If we stick with my suggestion of the rework what would you change to make it more…
  • Thank you so much for your input! I understand where you're coming from but I know the change may sound daunting but in all honesty it really wouldn't be that strong unless you three gen yourselves and managed to complete the three gen. If we stick with my suggestion of the rework what would you change to make it more…
  • Honestly, not a bad suggestion. Same perk but it doesn't really rely on your teammates dying which I feel like is a poor game mechanic. Not to much power off the bat but as the game progresses it'll get stronger. I think I would change it to 5/6/7 meters perk token though. 63 meters is more than enough. Honestly I think…
  • I really enjoyed your input and think you have something there! I think there was a little misunderstanding though and considering how all over the place my post was I can't blame you. So in the endgame you're saying you'd be concerned because the gen could be easily camped. That would not be the case. Let me explain a…
  • Nemesis was difficult for me in the very beginning because I didn't really understand his mechanics very well. After a bunch of trial and error I've found the best way to apply pressure isn't hitting them with his ability right away but instead M1. I will then use M2 when they're in a locked animation whether they drop a…
  • Not sure why you're getting so heated up over a thought my dude. I was just thinking of a way to reward fast vaulting and punishing a medium or slow vault. It's super simple in my mind. "Dead Hard" lunge should not go through windows. M1 attacks Should. Just like pallet dropping. If a survivor interacts with a pallet they…
  • Not at all. I think if a killer is lunging and the survivor gets through the window the lunge attack should not go through the window at all and bounce off it. Lunges shouldn't go through a window is what I was getting at. A killer should make the decision of chancing a lunge and hit them while vaulting through the window…
  • I feel like a lunge attack should impact the window and nothing past but a basic m1 should pass the window and hit the other side.
  • Alien would be awesome! Especially if their power was like a wall climbing ability that let them "pass through a wall" with a cool scaling animation or ducking into a vent that appears on either side of the wall like object!
  • I would almost rather see him stay the same however I would slow down the sleep timer by another 15 seconds in combination with one change. If you are awake when Freddy hits you it puts you into the dream state but you don't take the health state damage. After, in the dream, you could then be injured. I feel like this is…
  • Honestly I would like to have some sort of option available where I can toggle on or off going against grouped survivors. Turn it on if you really want to test your mettle and heck you'll find a game a little faster. Toggle it off and maybe wait a little longer but play the game and how it was intended to play. Also…